Why %f is used in python?

In Python 3.6, the f-string, formatted string literal, was introduced(PEP 498). In short, it is a way to format your string that is more readable and fast.


agent_name = 'James Bond'
kill_count = 9

# old ways
print("%s has killed %d enemies" % (agent_name,kill_count))

print('{} has killed {} enemies'.format(agent_name,kill_count))
print('{name} has killed {kill} enemies'.format(name=agent_name,kill=kill_count))

# f-strings way
print(f'{agent_name} has killed {kill_count} enemies')

The f or F in front of strings tell Python to look at the values inside {} and substitute them with the variables values if exists. The best thing about f-formatting is that you can do cool stuff in {}, e.g. {kill_count * 100}.

You can use it to debug using print e.g.

print(f'the {agent_name=}.')
# the agent_name='James Bond'

Formatting, such as zero-padding, float and percentage rounding is made easier:

print(f'{agent_name} shoot with {9/11 : .2f} or {9/11: .1%} accuracy')
# James Bond shoot with  0.82 or  81.8% accuracy 

Even cooler is the ability to nest and format. Example date

from datetime import datetime

lookup = {
    '01': 'st',
    '21': 'st',
    '31': 'st',
    '02': 'nd',
    '22': 'nd',
    '03': 'rd',
    '23': 'rd'

print(f"{datetime.now(): %B %d{lookup.get('%B', 'th')} %Y}")

# April 14th 2022

Pretty formatting is also easier

tax = 1234

print(f'{tax:,}') # separate 1k \w comma
# 1,234

print(f'{tax:,.2f}') # all two decimals 
# 1,234.00

print(f'{tax:~>8}') # pad left with ~ to fill eight characters or < other direction
# ~~~~1234

print(f'{tax:~^20}') # centre and pad
# ~~~~~~~~1234~~~~~~~~

The __format__ allows you to funk with this feature. Example

class Money:
    def __init__(self, currency='€'):
        self.currency = currency
    def __format__(self, value):
        return f"{self.currency} {float(value):.2f}"
tax = 12.34
money = Money(currency='$')
print(f'{money: {tax}}')
# $ 12.34

There is much more. Readings:

  • PEP 498 Literal String Interpolation
  • Python String Formatting

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    PEP 498 introduced a new string formatting mechanism known as Literal String Interpolation or more commonly as F-strings (because of the leading f character preceding the string literal). The idea behind f-strings is to make string interpolation simpler. 
    To create an f-string, prefix the string with the letter “ f ”. The string itself can be formatted in much the same way that you would with str.format(). F-strings provide a concise and convenient way to embed python expressions inside string literals for formatting. 
    Code #1 : 


    val = 'Geeks'

    print(f"{val}for{val} is a portal for {val}.")

    name = 'Tushar'

    age = 23

    print(f"Hello, My name is {name} and I'm {age} years old.")

    Output : 

    GeeksforGeeks is a portal for Geeks.
    Hello, My name is Tushar and I'm 23 years old.

    Code #2 : 


    import datetime

    today = datetime.datetime.today()

    print(f"{today:%B %d, %Y}")

    Output : 

    April 04, 2018

    Note : F-strings are faster than the two most commonly used string formatting mechanisms, which are % formatting and str.format(). 
    Let’s see few error examples, which might occur while using f-string :
    Code #3 : Demonstrating Syntax error. 


    answer = 456

    f"Your answer is "{answer}""

    Code #4 : Backslash Cannot be used in format string directly.


    Output : 

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      Python Shell, prompt 29, line 1
    Syntax Error: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash: , line 1, pos 0

    But the documentation points out that we can put the backslash into a variable as a workaround though :


    newline = ord('\n')

    print(f"newline: {newline}")

    Output : 

    newline: 10

    Reference : PEP 498, Literal String Interpolation

    What %F means in Python?

    The %f formatter is used to input float values, or numbers with values after the decimal place. This formatter allows us to specify a number of decimal places to round the values by.

    Why do we print f in Python?

    In short, it is a way to format your string that is more readable and fast. Example: The f or F in front of strings tells Python to look at the values inside {} and substitute them with the values of the variables if exist.

    Why do we use %d in Python?

    The %d operator is used as a placeholder to specify integer values, decimals, or numbers. It allows us to print numbers within strings or other values. The %d operator is put where the integer is to be specified. Floating-point numbers are converted automatically to decimal values.

    Why is %s used in Python?

    %s specifically is used to perform concatenation of strings together. It allows us to format a value inside a string. It is used to incorporate another string within a string. It automatically provides type conversion from value to string.