Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 2: Making Arrangements

Chuyên mục: :

1. Write sentences about what these people are going to be. Use the words in the box.

teacher interpreter pilot actor athlete
chef driver singer lawyer dancer


Hai is learning to drive.

He is going to be a driver.

a] Lan is learning to dance.


b] Hoa loves children.


c] Tom and John are learning to fly


d] Nam is studying law.


e] Bob's at drama school.


f] Peter cooks very well.


g] Loan's good at languages.


h] LInda can run very fast.


i] Thu is very good at singing.


2. Make up questions for the following statements. Use the words in brackets.


I'm very thirsty. [What/you/drink?]

What are you going to drink?

a] I'm very hungry.



b] We're going to the movies.



c] My brother's going to university in September.



d] My grandparents are coming for dinner tonight.



e] Mr. and Mrs. Smith are going shopping.



f] Ba is working hard for his exams.

[When/he/have exams?]


g] It's my brithday next week.

[you/have a birthday party?]


h] Hoa's not going by bicycle.



i] We aren't going to have a meeting on Friday.

[you/have a meeting/Saturday?]


3. Look at all the things Ba has prepared for his summer activities and complete the sentences about his plan.

This summer Nam's going to listen to music.

a] He's going ______________________________________.

b] He ____________________________________________.

c] He ____________________________________________.

d]  He ____________________________________________.

e] He ____________________________________________.

f] He ____________________________________________.

g] He ____________________________________________.

4. Match the sentence in [I] with the appropriate response in [II].

[Mr. Richard is calling the receptionist from his room at Ha Noi Hotel.]

[I] Receptionist:

a] May I help you?


b] What time would you like to leave?

c] Would you like me to book you a ticket?  
d] May I have your name, please?  
e] Let me check the train timetable... Will 6.45 be all right?  
f] You can collect your ticket at the reception, just before you leave.  
g] Goodbye, sir.  

[II] Mr. Richard Klein:

A. Early in the morning, if possible.

B. Yes, please.

C. At the reception? OK. I'll see you before breakfast. Thank you very much.

D. Yes, I'm going to travel to Ho Chi Minh City by train on Saturday.

E. Yes, that'll be fine.

F. Richard Klein. K-L-E-I-N.

5. Read each ò the following sentences and put I for Intention, P for Prediction.


...I...  I bought a pair of boots because I'm going [to go] skiing this Sunday.

...P...  Look at the blind man walking over there. There's a hole in front of him. He's going to fall into the hole.

a] .....  We are going to see "Romeo and Juliet" at the theater tonight. The tickets were very expensive.

b] .....  - What are you going to buy Loan for her birthday?

- A handbag.

c] .....  The wind is very strong. The door is going to slam.

d] .....  Mr. and Mrs. Smith are working hard these days to save money as much as they can because they're going to buy a new house.

e] .....  There was very liitle blossom this spring. Apples are going to be scarce.

f] .....  Mr. Hai has just got up. It's a quarter to eight now, and he's going to be late for work.

g] .....  We're going to stop here for a moment to get some petrol.

h] .....  Look! The cat is running very slowly and she seems tired. She's going to have kittens.

i] .....  I'm not going to stay here another minute.

j] .....  We're going to take the children to the seaside this summer.

6. Complete the sentences, using the appropriate adverbs in the box.

inside downstairs there outside upstairs here

a] Last night someone broke into the kitchen and stole the microwave oven while we were _________.

b] He fell  _________ and broke his wrist.

c] We like that city so much that we're going _________ again this year.

d] The visitors had to move _________ when it started to rain.

e] - Where do you live?

- I live _________, in this town.

f] Don't go _________, it's too cold.

7. Write sentences about your plan for this summer. You may use the following ideas.

Are you going to

  • visit your relatives or friends?
  • attend a summer course of English?
  • help your parents with some work?
  • go for a picnic with your friends?
  • play some sports?
  • read your favorite books/novels?
  • go to the movies or watch TV?
  • listen to music? etc.

8. Put the following words into 3 groups of arts, crafts, and outdoor activities.

ballet camping canoeing carpentry concert
embroidery exhibition fishing jogging knitting
painting photography pottery sewing soccer
















9. Read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word. Circle A, B, C or D.

Tim Berners-Lee [1]_______ the World Wide Web. His first version of the Web was a program named Enquire. At the time, Berners-Lee was  [2]_______ at a laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. He created the system as a way  [3]_______ sharing scientific information [4]_______ the world, which uses the Internet, a [5]_______ network of computers, and hypertext documents. He wrote the [6]_______  HTML [Hypertext Mark-up Language], the basic language for the Web, [7]_______ created URL's [Universal Resource Locators] to designate the location of [8]_______ web page. HTTP [Hypertext Transfer Protocol] was his set of rules for [9]_______ to pages on the Web. After he wrote the first browser in 1990, the World Wide Web was up and going. Its  [10]_______ was phenomenal, and has [11]_______ the world. It has made information [12]_______ accessible than ever before in history.

1. A. invented B. did C. produced D. worked
2. A. worked B. working C. did D. doing
3. A. to B. that C. which D. of
4. A. over B. around C. through D. all
5. A. world-wide B. wide world C. world-over D. over world
6. A. document B. language C. tongue D. text
7. A. but B. and C. for D. after
8. A. each B. all C. some D. everything
9. A. link B. to link C. linking D. the linking
10. A. grow B. growth C. increase D. develop
11. A. change B. changing C. to change D. changed
12. A. much B. more C. now D. nowadays

10. Read the passage and answer the multiple-choice questions.

In 1863, the French writer Ponton D'Amecourt was the first person to create the word "helicopter" from the two words "helico" for spriral and "pter" for wings. The very first helicopter was invented by Paul Cornu in 1907, but it was not successful. French inventor, Etienne Oehmichen built and flew a helicopter one kilometer in 1924.

However, Igor Sikorsky is considered to be the father of helicopters not because he invented the first. He is called that because he invented the first successful helicopter, upon which further designs were based. One of aviation's greatest designers, Russian born Igor Sikorsky began work on helicopters as early as 1910. By 1940, Igor Sikorsky's successful VS-300 had become the model for all modern helicopters of today. He also designed and built the first military helicopter.

Igor Sikorsky's helicopters had the control to fly safely forwards and backwards, up and down, and sideways. In 1958, Igor Sikorsky's company made the world's first helicopter that could land and take off from water. It could also float on the water.

a] Igor Sikorsky invented the first helicopter in the world.

A. True                        B. False                     C. Not mentioned

b] Who created the word "helicopter"?

A. Igor Sikorsky

B. Paul Cornu

C. Ponton D'Amecourt

D. Etienne Oehmichen

c] Why was Igor Sikorsky called the father of helicopter?

A. He invented the first helicopter.

B. He began his work earlier than other inventors.

C. He designed the first successful helicopter.

D. He built the first military helicopter.

d] Igor Sikorsky designed VS-300 helicopter model _____________.

A. before 1910                         B. befor 1940

C. after 1940                            D. after 1958

e] What made Igor Sikorsky's helicopter successful?

A. His helicopters can fly more than one kilometers

B. His helicopters can fly in all directions

C. His helicopters are cheaper to produce

D. His helicopters can be used as military helicopters

f] On the whole, the passage is about _____________.

A. Igor Sikorsky's military helicopters

B. Igor Sikorsky's successful invention of helicopters

C. a brief history of helicopters

D. the first helicopter in the world

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