End of a gun movie review

A mall security guard—and former federal agent—crosses paths with a drug kingpin's enforcer after the guard saves a woman from danger.

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Assistant Director






Camera Operators


Art Direction

Set Decoration

Visual Effects



Costume Design






Alternative Titles

End of the Gun, Na dostřel, На прицел, Na špatné straně hlavně, Muy duro de matar, Force armée, A fegyver rossz végén, 엔드 오브 어 건, Triumf Sprawiedliwości, Fim da Linha, Под прицелом, Na dostrel, Prevlada pravice, Silahın Sonu, 终结武器, 終結武器




  • End of a gun movie review
    Of all the Seagal films I've watched from the last 15 years or so this was the one he was in the most, with the most dialogue and the one were he looked like he was genuinely thrilled to be there. Rather than just roly polying his way through for the paycheck. I was looked at funny when someones throat was slit and I shouted out "Juicy" :P
  • End of a gun movie review
    wish the end of a gun was in my mouth after seeing this
  • End of a gun movie review
    No one: Steven Seagal: fgmfmfdmfddmfdsryh,rtypogfdbkuymotherfuckerhnmhgvmtmgg
  • End of a gun movie review
    Фильм, в котором Стивен Сигал, прогуливаясь по Парижу (снятому в Бухаресте), видит ругающуюся пару, и, решив помочь, сразу начинает убивать, что приводит его к ограблению и разборкам с криминалом. Внезапная попытка снять нуар как у взрослых, с закадровым текстом, который бубнит сам Сигал, и роковухой с перебором пластик лица. К сожалению реализована задумка на ожидаемом уровне, так что живет герой в квартире со стеклянной дверью и кнопкой пожарной сигнализации, противостоят ему лучшие силы французской наркомафии в лице звезды "Комрада Детектива", румынского Дона Джонсона и китайца в ковбойской шляпе, а "эпическая" сцена ограбления снята с делением экранов и шаловливой музыкой "под Оушена", при том, что главный челлендж для кумира - просто подняться по лестнице. И всё равно это одна из лучших работ позднего Сигала потому что, во-первых, он не исчезает с экранов и прикладывает хоть какие-то усилия, а, во-вторых, я всё время понимал, что происходит. Такими козырями большинство его фильмов похвастаться не может.
  • End of a gun movie review
    Ne Waxman und Seagal das war bei Weitem nicht eure Sternstunde. Decker ist ehemaliger Bundesagent und arbeitet jetzt in einem Kaufhaus als Sicherheitsbeamter. Als er auf dem Parkplatz einer Dame hilft, die extrem belästigt wird, landet er direkt im Fadenkreuz eines Drogenbarons. Denn der Typ war einer seiner besten Vollstrecker. Harkt quasi alles ab, was in eine Produktion gehört, die kostengünstig in Rumänien runtergedreht wurde. Typisch dafür hat Seagal mal wieder gar kein Bock und schleicht sich hier von Szene zu Szene. Das er angeblich alle Stunts und Kämpfe selber gemacht hat man ihm in dem Fall schon glauben, denn Action gibt es hier wirklich kaum. Lediglich in der Mitte und am Ende wird etwas geballert und zu Beginn halt…
  • End of a gun movie review
    I wished I was at the end of a gun whilst watching the movie.
  • End of a gun movie review
    "I love the fuck outta cookies" - Steven Seagal
  • End of a gun movie review
    "The only thing a stripper wants to see coming out of your pants is money." Dialogue was pretty good in parts, and made up somewhat for the lack of action. I could listen to Seagal's effortless line deliveries all day. New Year's resolution: see more Seagal. 5.3/10
  • End of a gun movie review
    If I had a nickel for every time Florin Piersic Jr. (INNOCENT) stars in a terrible Seagal/Waxman movie, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. End of a Gun spends a good minute or so, over Seagal obsessing over cookies. Yeah, I'm sure you love them, you wheezy prick. In the name of body doubles, Seagal stupidity with its plot and ADR (the big bad is literally a walking ADR time bomb), you're just relieved for anytime his movies end. Once again for the millionth time, seeing Seagal hook up with a woman MUCH younger than him will always be cringey as fuck (him bragging about his balls, and how the main girl knows this, GROSS, is worse). Speaking of which, how did Jade Ewen go from FUCKING PERFORMING AT EUROVISION WITH THE ANDREW LLOYD WEBSTER, to being Seagal's squeeze in a shitty Seagal DTV movie?! She's way better than this bullshit!
  • End of a gun movie review
    I only have three points to make about End of a Gun. Why do these cheap straight to DvD Steven Seagal films always feel like they have been on for forever, End of a Gun is only on for around a hour and twenty five minutes but feels like a Life time. The dialogue and delivery surely shouldn't be this funny at least I can have a good laugh. I know attraction isn't about looks only but the idea of craggly faced Steven Seagal and the actress Jade Ewen who plays Lisa Durant getting together with Seagal's character is beyond laughable, I have to completely suspend my belief and that's face it for the most part Seagal has as much on screen personality as a plank of wood. That's all.
  • End of a gun movie review
    It’s funny how I need a gun to blow my Seagal ridden braincells.
    End of a gun movie review

A huge upside here is Seagal is in top form with amazing lines. Sadly, that is not what I came here for. I came for badass action and this lacked in most action. Still it is worth it for Seagal’s delivery of amazing lines.

What is the movie end of a gun about?

A former DEA agent living in France steps in to help a woman being beaten up by a man. He strikes a deal to help the mysterious and seductive woman steal $2 million from the car of her assailant, a sadistic drug lord.End of a Gun / Film synopsisnull

How to watch Steven Seagal movies in order?

Steven Seagal Movies in Order.

Out for Justice (1991) R | 91 min | Action, Crime, Drama. ... .

Above the Law (1988) R | 99 min | Action, Crime, Drama. ... .

Marked for Death (1990) ... .

Under Siege (1992) ... .

Hard to Kill (1990) ... .

Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995) ... .

Belly of the Beast (2003 Video) ... .

Into the Sun (2005).