How do i change my php version?

Your Hosting Account's PHP version can be changed at any time, in order to do that simply open your Hosting → ManagePHP Configuration section:

On the newly opened page, you can select the PHP version you wish to use and click on Save:

How do i change my php version?

How to select an older PHP version?

In case your desired PHP version is not displayed, you can click on the Show no longer supported PHP versions button and the full list of all available PHP versions will be shown:

How do i change my php version?

That’s it! Now you know how to change your PHP version 😊


  • How do I turn on PHP error messages?

  • How to change the PHP version for subfolders or subdomains?

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How do i change my php version?

The latest versions of cPanel make it easy to choose what PHP version your site is using. With just a few clicks, you can switch between different versions and even use different versions across sites in the same cPanel. This is especially helpful when upgrading older sites, troubleshooting, or dealing with third-party applications. Let’s take a look at how to make the most of PHP on all types of servers!

  • PHP Versions and Server Types
  • cPanel’s MultiPHP Manager
  • Change the PHP Version on Your Sites

Don’t have time to read the article on how to change PHP Version? Watch our walk-through video.

PHP Versions and Server Types

Our SysAdmins install the latest versions of PHP on our Shared, Reseller, and cPanel-based WordPress servers after testing and troubleshooting. The ‘default’ version of PHP for newly created sites is often one or two versions behind for the sake of stability— but feel free to update to the latest version as soon as it is available!

With VPS and Dedicated Servers, we trust you and your SysAdmins to manage PHP installation and updates. If you need help, though, our 24/7 Technical Support team is happy to install newer versions of PHP at your request!

If you have a VPS or Dedicated Server, newer versions of PHP may need to be installed manually.

cPanel’s MultiPHP Manager

Just a few years ago, managing different cPanel PHP versions was an all-or-nothing ordeal. Older tools would change the PHP version for every site on a cPanel at once. Configuring different individual sites required awkward workarounds using .htaccess files. The latest versions of cPanel introduced a new tool, MultiPHP Manager, which simplifies the process. Click on the MultiPHP Manager icon in the Software section of cPanel to get started!

How do i change my php version?

Please Note: be sure to click on MultiPHP Manager and not MultiPHP INI Editor. The INI Editor is a different piece of software that helps you fine tune your PHP settings on individual sites.

Change the PHP Version on Your Sites

Now that you know what the MultiPHP Manager is, we’ll show you how to use it to change the PHP version for your sites.

  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Click the MultiPHP Manager link in the Software section of cPanel.
  3. Check the box for the site or sites you wish to update.
    How do i change my php version?
  4. Select the desired PHP Version from the drop-down menu.
    How do i change my php version?
  5. Click the Apply button.
    How do i change my php version?

That’s all it takes to change the PHP version used on any site you choose. If you are having issues with a site and want to double-check the version of PHP in use, remember that you can always set up a PHPinfo page for the site as well. Learn more about cPanel from our Managed VPS Hosting Product Guide.

Make sure your business, agency, or reseller clients are always connected and powered on with our optimized Managed VPS Hosting.

Should I update my PHP version?

One of the most important reasons to update PHP is to ensure you are running on a version that is fully supported and patched regularly for security vulnerabilities. PHP 5.4 has not been patched since 2015. And PHP 5.5 has not been patched since 2016.

What version of PHP should I use?

The Result of Benchmarking According to this result, PHP 8.0 is the clear winner and the fastest loading time is 164 ms. PHP 5.6 is the slowest one which is almost 3 times slower compared to PHP 8.0 (the latest PHP version). Site Performance Hierarchy (Fastest PHP Version): 8.0 > 7.4 > 7.3 >7.2 > 7.1 > 7.0 > 5.6.

How do I update PHP in Windows?

1 Answer.
Click php manager to register new php version..
Choose the php-cgi.exe of php 7.3. 31 and OK..
Click Change php version to check which version of php is using now..
Then click Check php info and OK, it will output the version of php..

How do I switch to PHP 8?

How to Upgrade from PHP 7..
PHP Packages. Upgrading from PHP 7. ... .
Uninstall/Remove PHP 7. x and Extensions. ... .
Autoclean and Autoremove. ... .
Add Ondřej Surý's PPA repository. ... .
Install PHP 8. ... .
Install PHP 8 Extensions. ... .
Check PHP version. ... .
14 replies..