How do i open a javascript file in notepad?

A JavaScript file is a regular computer file that ends with the .js extension.

Windows operating system usually runs the file instead of opening it because the .js extension is shared with the JScript language, which is an implementation of ECMAScript developed by Microsoft.

When you double click on a .js file, the following error usually occurs:

To open a JavaScript file without executing it on Windows, you need to right-click on the .js file and open the context menu:

JavaScript code is written in plain text, so you can use any popular file readers (Notepad and TextPad) or word processors (Microsoft Word or Apple Pages) to open JavaScript files.

You only need to right-click on the JavaScript file and select the Open With.. option from the context menu to open the file with an editor that you prefer.

But since Notepad and Microsoft Word are not dedicated source code editors, the code inside your JavaScript file will appear just like a regular text without any highlights:

Generally, a dedicated source code editor is used by programmers when editing source code because the software provides many feature that makes coding easier.

One of them is called syntax highlighting, where your JavaScript code will appear in different colors and fonts according to the use of the keywords

An example of syntax highlighting is as follows:

let name = "Nathan" + "Sebhastian";

let age = 10 + 6;

function myFunction(a, b) {
  if (a == "Johnny" && b == "English") {
    console.log("Welcome, Britain's greatest agent!");
  } else {
    console.log("Identification failed.");
myFunction("Johnny", "English");

As you can see from the example above, a dedicated source code editor will help you to spot specific parts of your code easier by using different colors and (sometimes) fonts than using a regular text editor.

If you want to use a source code editor to open JavaScript files, then I’d recommend you to download Visual Studio Code (VSCode for short)

VSCode is a dedicated source code editor developed by Microsoft and used by professional software developers across the globe. It’s available for popular operating systems like Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

VSCode can also run your JavaScript code locally without using the browser or NodeJS server, so you can test your JavaScript file execution and see if it’s working as you intended.

Other popular source code editor include Sublime Text and Atom, but personally I just use VSCode for developing JavaScript application.

Feel free to use any source code editor that you like.

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to save a JavaScript file in Notepad. Saving your files correctly is an important part of programming, and it can be tricky to get the hang of it at first. Don’t worry, though – we’re here to help!

Nội dung chính

  • Run javascript by command prompt
  • Run javascript by linking in HTML file
  • Can you run JavaScript in Notepad?
  • How do I open a JavaScript file in Notepad?
  • How do I run a JavaScript file?
  • How do I save a JavaScript file in Notepad?

To save a JavaScript file in Notepad, the first thing you need to do is launch the program. You can find it in your list of applications, or by searching for it in the Start menu. Once you have launched Notepad, go to the File menu and select Save As. In the Save As dialog box, select All Files from the drop-down menu next to the File name field. This will ensure that your file is saved with the correct extension. Enter a name for your file, making sure to end it with .js, and click Save.

Run javascript by command prompt

Step 1: Open the command prompt.

Step 2: Locate the location where the JavaScript file is saved.

Step 3: In command prompt, type node hello.js and hit the Enter key.

Run javascript by linking in HTML file

Step 1: The redirect .htaccess file must be placed in the root of your domain, which is required by the server configuration and can also prevent malicious code from being downloaded. Place a JavaScript file with one or more links in the head section of your HTML File using the following script tag:.

Step 2: View the HTML file in a browser for troubleshooting.

Now that you know how to save your JavaScript files, you’re ready to start coding! We hope this article has been helpful – happy coding! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you!

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Save javascript file in notepad:

Introduction: I am going to explain, "how to save javascript file in notepad" and what will be the extension of javascript file Extension. Here is the step by step process to save js file in notepad.


1.Open Notepad by pressing Window+R from your PC

2. Write a program of javaScript.

3. Press ctrl+S to save the file in your system.

4. After pressing ctrl+S it will ask for the name of your file.

5. Give a name of the file with .JS extension i.e.  "hello.js".



Q.1  What is an extension of the javascript file?
Ans  .js

Q2.  How to run the javascript file?
Ans: There is several methods to run javascript file

  •         By the command prompt.
  •         By linking in HTML file.

Run javascript by command prompt

Step 1: Open command prompt
Step 2: Find the path where the javascript file is saved
Step 3: To run javascript type node hello.js  in command prompt.
Run javascript by linking in HTML file

Step 1: Link javascript file in tag of HTML File by the following script tag.

Step 2: Save HTML file and view in browser

Thanks for reading the post, If you have any question feel free to comment below.  

Can you run JavaScript in Notepad?

If you are a beginner and want to go for a simple approach for writing JavaScript programs, use a simple text editor like Notepad++. It is free, open-source, and will work fine for JavaScript development. Notepad++ is a general-purpose editor that supports highlights the syntax of JavaScript and HTML code.

How do I open a JavaScript file in Notepad?

Right-click the file and select "Open With" and "Notepad." This will open Notepad with your JS file loaded. Since JS files are always written in plain text, Notepad is a suitable editor for the file. When you're finished editing, go to "File" and "Save" to save the file.

How do I run a JavaScript file?

You can run your JavaScript file from your terminal only if you have installed Node. Js in your system..

Open Terminal or Command Prompt..

Set Path to where New. js is located (using cd)..

Type “node New. js” and press ENTER..

How do I save a JavaScript file in Notepad?

To save a JavaScript file in Notepad, the first thing you need to do is launch the program. You can find it in your list of applications, or by searching for it in the Start menu. Once you have launched Notepad, go to the File menu and select Save As.

How do I open JavaScript in Notepad?

To run JavaScript with Notepad++,.
Type your JavaScript code in Notepad++. For instance, type the code. ... .
Now, enclose your code with tags. ... .
Save the file with a . ... .
Now, click on Run -> Launch in Chrome . ... .
If you modify the code, simply save the changes ( Ctrl + s ) in Notepad++..

How do you open a JavaScript file?

Right-click the file and select "Open With" and "Notepad." This will open Notepad with your JS file loaded. Since JS files are always written in plain text, Notepad is a suitable editor for the file. When you're finished editing, go to "File" and "Save" to save the file.

Can I run JavaScript in Notepad?

If you are a beginner and want to go for a simple approach for writing JavaScript programs, use a simple text editor like Notepad++. It is free, open-source, and will work fine for JavaScript development. Notepad++ is a general-purpose editor that supports highlights the syntax of JavaScript and HTML code.