Hướng dẫn how do you update a value in excel using python? - làm cách nào để bạn cập nhật một giá trị trong excel bằng python?

Learn the basics of openpyxl package and create scripts to improve your daily job.

  • Introduction
  • How To Read &

    in this tutorial, I will create a python script that will read excel file data and modified them, and update the excel file. I am using python 3.7 and some colors libs to display logs colorful.

    I have created a python script that updates the excel sheet based on some input parameters, I just need to read all rows and column values and update accordingly.

    You can also checkout other python excel tutorials:

    There are the following functionality will achieve in this tutorial –

    • Read excel file using an absolute path.
    • File the column index based on excel column heading
    • Iterate on all rows
    • Get and Update column field value
    • Save the excel file

    Read and Update Microsoft Excel File In Python

    Hướng dẫn how do you update a value in excel using python? - làm cách nào để bạn cập nhật một giá trị trong excel bằng python?

    How To Read &

    in this tutorial, I will create a python script that will read excel file data and modified them, and update the excel file. I am using python 3.7 and some colors libs to display logs colorful.

    I have created a python script that updates the excel sheet based on some input parameters, I just need to read all rows and column values and update accordingly.

    You can also checkout other python excel tutorials:

    There are the following functionality will achieve in this tutorial –

    • Read excel file using an absolute path.
    • File the column index based on excel column heading
    • Iterate on all rows
    • Get and Update column field value
    • Save the excel file

    Read and Update Microsoft Excel File In Python

    sys from colorama import Fore, init, Back, Style import openpyxl import re 

    How To Read excel file Using openpyxl

    The openpyxl package has load_workbook() method that will use to open xlsx file. There is a number of helper methods that help to read and write excel file.

    = "C:\\employee.xlsx" wb_obj = openpyxl.load_workbook(path.strip()) # from the active attribute sheet_obj = wb_obj.active

    We have also set the active sheet to read the data of the excel file.

Cách nhận và đặt dữ liệu tệp Excel

Chúng tôi sẽ nhận được đối tượng ô Row và sau đó nhận giá trị ô bằng thuộc tính .value.

//get col object 
//get value 
salary = salary_cell.value: 
//set value 
salary_cell.value = 2000; 

Mã nguồn đầy đủ:

Tôi đã hợp nhất tất cả các phần của mã và thêm chúng vào tệp emp.py.

import sys
from colorama import Fore, init, Back, Style
import openpyxl
import re

path = input("Enter xls file path, ex- C:\\employee.xlsx : ")
input_col_name = input("Enter colname, ex- Endpoint : ")
    #path = "C:\\employee.xlsx"
    wb_obj = openpyxl.load_workbook(path.strip())
    # from the active attribute 
    sheet_obj = wb_obj.active

    # get max column count
    for j in range(2, 5):
        if salary_cell.value > 1500:
            salary_cell.value =  salary_cell.value+500

except Exception as e:
    print (Fore.RED + "Error : The file does not found")
print(Fore.GREEN + "###################### Successfully! Excel file has been read/write. ##############################")