Php ignore errors and continue

You can, but I will warn: many consider this method quite evil.

function is_same(&$a, &$b): bool {
    $_ = [ &$a, &$b ];
        \ReflectionReference::fromArrayElement($_, 0)->getId() ===
        \ReflectionReference::fromArrayElement($_, 1)->getId();

function attempt_risky_action($collection){
    $resuming = false;
        foreach($collection as $item){
            if($resuming && !is_same($cursor,$item) ){
                continue;                   // some things have better ways to skip ahead, especially an array index
            else {
                $resuming = false;
                $cursor=&$item;             // main concept is to remember where you are in the iteration
            }                               // in some situation you may have to use references,  &item

            // your normal loop here
    }   catch( Exception $e){
        $resuming = repair_something($e, $collection);      // returns false if your repair ran out of ideas
            goto resume;

Ideally it would be best to wrap the unset($cursor); call in a finally{} block, but frankly I'm not sure how that plays with goto off hand.

If it executes because goto broke the flow then you will need some conditional logic, so the cursor still exists. If you have a return statement inside the loop you must use a finally block for call to unset($cursor) -- or cause a memory leak.

Then again, while less exciting, you can do this same trick by just nesting your whole loop in do{ try/catch } while($resuming). While that is not LITERALLY reversing your execution, it does exactly the same effect without risking a goto.

is_same() from

function attempt_risky_action($collection){
    $resuming = false;
            foreach($collection as $item){
                if($resuming && !is_same($cursor,$item) ){
                else {
                    $resuming = false;

                // your loop here
        }   catch( Exception $e){
            $resuming = repair_something($e, $collection);      // returns false if your repair ran out of ideas
    } while($resuming);

A last method, not pictured; you can use PHP's reset(), prev(), current(), next(), end() faculties

These will allow you instead to simply have your try/catch block inside a code block that iterates as a loop would -- then use prev() in the catch to try again.

How do I ignore PHP errors?

Ignoring Errors PHP allows you to selectively suppress error reporting when you think it might occur with the @ syntax. Thus, if you want to open a file that may not exist and suppress any errors that arise, you can use this: $fp = @fopen($file, $mode);

Does code continue after catch PHP?

Code within the finally block will always be executed after the try and catch blocks, regardless of whether an exception has been thrown, and before normal execution resumes.

How can I catch exception in PHP?

Because exceptions are objects, they all extend a built-in Exception class (see Throwing Exceptions in PHP), which means that catching every PHP exception thrown is as simple as type-hinting the global exception object, which is indicated by adding a backslash in front: try { // ... } catch ( \Exception $e ) { // ... }

What is throwable PHP?

Throwable ¶ Throwable is the base interface for any object that can be thrown via a throw statement, including Error and Exception. Note: PHP classes cannot implement the Throwable interface directly, and must instead extend Exception.