sasukes là gì - Nghĩa của từ sasukes

sasukes có nghĩa là

A big vagina that can't attain power on his own so he takes short cuts.


Uchiha "Little Bitch" Sasuke


Wow, that dropout is getting better than me. I better go suck Orochimaru's cock for super saiyan powers.

sasukes có nghĩa là

Uchiha Sasuke.

Sole survivor of the tragic Uchiha clan.
Younger brother of Uchiha Itachi.

One of only three ninjas that possess the Sharingan.

Part of team 7 (Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto)

Target of Orochimaru.

Received Orochimaru's cursed seal.

Uses chidori.


Sakura: "SASUKE-KUN!!!!!"
Naruto: "..."

sasukes có nghĩa là

Uchiha Sasuke is /one/ of the main characters in the popular anime show Naruto. In the beginning of the show he is placed on a team with Uzumaki Naruto the nine tailed demons fox, Kyuubi No Yoko's, Jinchuuriki and Haruno Sakura who "loves" him, the team led by "The Copy Ninja" Hatake Kakashi (Who also happens to be slightly perverted and always late for any meeting). He is one of the two living members of the "famous" Uchiha clan. The Uchiha clan was slayn by Sasuke's older brother Itachi Uchiha, in shich Sasuke now wishes for revenge on Itachi for killing the clan to "test his power."
Uchiha Sasuke was sought out by the powerful senin named Orochimaru (Who wished to know the answer to everything, including immortality). Orochimaru "cursed" Sasuke by biting him on the neck. Sasuke now lives with the curse unallowed to use too much power or else it will "control" him. The first stage of this said curse shows black markings all over the left side of Sasuke's body. The second stage happes to turn Sasuke into a winged blue-skinned "vampire-looking" version of himself, with a cross like mark on the center of his face.
Uchiha Sasuke's alleged hatred for the main character Uzumaki Naruto is shown very well in the anime. Though, when fighting Naruto as Sasuke is departing to join Orochimaru did not have the heart to kill him. /If/ Uchiha Sasuke had killed Uzumaki Naruto he would have gained the powerful Mangekyou Sharingan in which you must kill your closest and best friend (As Itachi did weeks before killing the entire clan).
As Uchiha Sasuke serves under Orochimaru he is thought new abilities and how to strengthen old ones. Including a technique (or jutsu) he was tought by his former sensei (teacher) Hatake Kakashi called the Chidori (Lightning Blade) in which the user can manipulate lightning into a blade-like form. He then realizes that there is no more that Orochimaru can teach him and tries to defeat him. In the process Orochimaru (Who is in need of getting a new "host") starts a "ritual" in which Orochimaru tries to take over Sasuke's body. Though, Orochimaru is unable to finish the ritual due to fatality when Sasuke kills him.


Sasuke is often called a transvestite, emo, goth, cutter, homosexual, crossdresser, pretty boy, uke, molestation victim, and a prick.

<dubb you all idiots doomed to loom in stupidity for your lives.>>

sasukes có nghĩa là

1) (Noun) A weak loser who tries to get ahead by being a bitch to more accomplished people.

2) (Verb) To get one's ass raped and handed back to him by his brother.

3) (Adjective) See: annoying, emo, clueless, and stupid.


1) Sasuke loves to suck Orochimaru's cock to learn all the 1337 Jutsus he would've never discovered on his own. (Unlike Sasuke's pro brother who mastered everything by himself)

2) Even while facing against a severely weakened and diseased Itachi who was going easy on Sasuke, Sasuke STILL couldn't beat him.

3) "My life's sole mission is to kill my evil brother. Nothing will pierce the frigid Siberia of my lonely and locked soul. I have grown to hate Itachi. BECAUSE HATE MAKES ME STRONG!"
Many years later...
"WTF, you mean Itachi was a good guy and he actually loved me? Man am I an idiot."

sasukes có nghĩa là

A type of fruit cake which grows on the emo tree.


The Sasuke sure are fruity this year.

sasukes có nghĩa là

i'll translate it as "boy-with-small-organ-and-large-ego" (this is not a real japanese translation)


Male character from Uchiha Clan in manga series Naruto.Possible By product of some overly angsty person influencing Kishimoto-sama.
The only other things worthy of note of this angst ridden disturbed kid is the immense size of his ego and an overwhelming inferiority complex. Not a good combination.

Apparently has a kunai shoved up his rectum. Probably was self inflicted, showing he derives pleasure from weird sources.

Famous for runing off with a unwholesomely pale homosexual paedophile, nearly killing Naruto with Chidori, and his immensly miniscule genatalia, which he constantly compares to his brother's, thus explaining is inferiority complex.

Also well know for the copious amounts of hair gel and wax needed to keep his hair in its exceedingly unatural shape.

Student under Kakashi along with Sakura and Naruto. I suspect Kakashi was under influence of alcohol when he decided to teach the Sasuke-brat the chidori. I personally would'nt teach him how to wash the dishes.

sasukes có nghĩa là

A emo duck butt haired teen who wants to kill his Bro.


Omg It´s Sasuke Uchina

sasukes có nghĩa là

Emo,gay and fictional character from Naruto.


Naruto:Hey Sasuke how come you have so many fangirls yet your still single?

Sasuke:Isn't it obvious dobe?I'm gay.

sasukes có nghĩa là

A fan-ligion (basically a fan religion) where one worships the "god-like" body of Uchiha Sasuke from the fandom Naruto. The people who are apart of this cult are some of the most obsessed people I have ever met. Now, I'm not saying these people are all bad, violent people.....normally... but once they feel their God has been threatened (by a character in the series, person or in some other way) these fans are likely to attack said blasphemer at full power (for you see, these beings are closely related to the Haruno Sakura and Karin from the series). Their victim unknowingly just dug their own grave. Yes, most of these people who cross the paths of these fangirls (and boys) do not always live to tell the tale for their strength in numbers is ever increasing and even as we speak, there will be some portion of their army going after another poor soul who spoke badly of Sasuke to destroy such evil and allow their king's reign to continue as most sexy awesome ninja with the bad-ass moves, no matter how emo or mentally unstable he is.


Sasuke-lova123: Omg, Sasuke is sooo hawt. I love you gorgeous.
Naru-fan92: Pfft, Sasuke's not all that great. I mean, he couldn't even kill his brother and now Pain destroys Konoha instead? Please, he's just a stupid emo kid with mental problems.
Sasuke-lova123: What. The. Hell. Did. You. Just. Say. About. SASUKE?????????!!!!!!!!!
Naru-fan92: Uh....
Sasuke-lova123: SASUKE FANS, UNITE!
Naru-fan92: *gets pwnd by the fans*
Sasuke-lova123: Aha! See! Sasukeism RULES YOUR ASS! CHA! *highfives other Sasuke fans*

sasukes có nghĩa là

the illogical leaping from one topic to another like a ninja, particularly in the context of playing a game. often having so many steps between the initial topic and the final destination that it it miles apart. Example: "The clue is train right? well Thomas was a train, and and he was blue right? well bare will me on this, on blues clues they had salt and pepper as characters right? so i think the answer is Salt Lake Utah"


"I can't believe they won the game with such a massive Sasukism"