schlieffens là gì - Nghĩa của từ schlieffens

schlieffens có nghĩa là

The Schlieffen Plan, the German General Staff's overall strategic blueprint for victory on the western front against France in the years up to 1914, takes its name from its author, Alfred Graf von Schlieffen. In essence it envisaged a rapid German mobilisation, disregard of Luxembourg, Belgian and Dutch neutrality, and the overwhelming sweep of German armies through Belgium southwards in the back of the French defences pivoting on weakly-held left-wing positions in the province ofAlsace-Lorraine. Paris was not to be taken but to be by-passed in the east. The plans intention was not to conquer cities or industry in order to weaken the French war efforts - the plan was to capture most of the French army and to force France to surrender. Following the speedy defeat of France, von Schlieffen envisaged switching German concentrations to the Eastern Front.

Schlieffen regularly updated details of his master plan as a labour of love even after his retirement from the General Staff in 1905, but his successor, Helmuth von Moltke (the younger) weakened the plan's execution in 1914 at the beginning of World War I, avoiding invading the Netherlands, weakening the German right wing and maintaining forces in the threatened East Prussia. Stubborn French resistance also contributed to the plan's failure in 1914. However, a modified form of Schlieffen's concept proved effective over the same terrain in the defeat of France in 1940 (Manstein's Sichelschnitt).


If at first you don't succeed, try tray again!

schlieffens có nghĩa là

Kissing a girl on the lips and slowly kissing lower and lower until you get to the pussy. For all you World War I buffs, if you get stopped outside the border its the First Battle of the Marne. If she quoefes, it is the Battle of the Ypres.


I was goin down on my gal usin the Schlieffen Plan.

schlieffens có nghĩa là

The act of convincing a female that you are going to make sweet love in her vagina, and then right before penetration, unbeknownst to her, you spin said female around and penetrate her anal cavity until fatal and or serious internal bleeding commences. The result of aforementioned interior bleeding is an easily identifiable ring of blood around the base of the shaft... of the penis.


Last night at band practice we had the best schlieffen plan ever, it took an entire roll of bounty to remove the rings of blood from the participants dongs.

schlieffens có nghĩa là

This word can be used as a substitution of "stuff" or a less vulgar term for "shit". It is scientifically proven that 87% of Americans find schlieffen to be more "fun" to say". Also, "Schlieffentag".


Now that's just a load o' schlieffen.


schlieffens có nghĩa là

To double team someone penetrating the anus, and the mouth, or on a women, the vagina. The origin is a plan during World War I in which the Germans had to fight war on two fronts, or attack two fronts.


My friend and I are going to Schlieffen you until our penis's meet.

schlieffens có nghĩa là

Derived from World War 1, when Germany tried to attack France from behind but still lost. The modern derivative means 'To go in from behind, and still end up getting fucked'.


"I tried to give her anal, but she pulled a Schlieffen Plan on me. Now I can't walk straight."

schlieffens có nghĩa là

The act of flanking or attacking from behind which often involves in bamboozling the enemy. Based on the Schlieffen plan from WW I, it was conceived by the German strategist Alfred Von Schlieffen.


Fuck They Von Schlieffened us

schlieffens có nghĩa là

The act of avoiding someone and/or thing, by means of causing a disturbance or bringing discomfort to those in your way, to reach a desired goal that may or may not bring satisfaction to the performer. Originally coined by the Germans in WWII to flank France by moving through Belgium (Without Belgium's consent) by force, to create a second point of attack. The "Von Schlieffen Plan".


Following my awkward sexual experience with a dirty slut last night, I saw said slut at McDonald's the next morning. To avoid being seen, I quickly used the Von Schlieffen Plan by strangling a kitten and throwing it at the cashier, giving me the chance to run out the back door.

schlieffens có nghĩa là

The act of being snuck on


What are you schlieffen on me Chad?

schlieffens có nghĩa là

(verb) "to schlieffen" to attempt to enter into someplace or something, such as a room or a bodily orifice, without warning and unnoticed until the last minute
(noun) "a schlieffening" an attempted entrance into a place or thing, such as a room or bodily orifice, without warning and unnoticed until the last minute Etymology: from the German Army's battle plan for World War I, the "Schlieffen Plan," characterized as a "massive, unexpected, and successful surprise attack."


Richard: "Last night I schlieffened my wang into Rachel's ass, and once the initial surprise was over, I think she thoroughly enjoyed it." Hank: "Did you hear how Richard executed a successful anal schlieffen with his girlfriend? It inspires me to try one myself!" Homer: "I was late for class, so I schlieffened into the room while Mr. Jones' back was turned, but alas, I was caught."