Sort the list in ascending order in Java

The Answer by Elliott Frisch is correct. In addition, consider using Comparator rather than Comparable for your situation.

Collections.sort( // Utility method for sorting a `List`. activitiesAscending , // A list copied from your original list of inputs. Comparator.comparingInt( Activity :: finish ) // A predefined implementation of `Comparator` interface, built for comparing `int` values. ); // Results in the passed list being modified, being sorted according to the logic of the passed `Comparator`. Collections.sort( activitiesDescending , Collections.reverseOrder( // Reverses the sorting logic of the passed `Comparator` object. Comparator.comparingInt( Activity :: finish ) // Same `Comparator` as seen above. ) );

An additional problem is that if you read the Javadoc for Comparable, you will see that generally it is best for the logic of compareTo to be be constant with the logic of equals.

But you want your comparing to be done only on the finish member field. So you should write your equals (and hashCode) to also focus solely on finish. But that would mean that your last two objects seen in the Question would be considered equal as they both share the value 9 for their finish. I expect you do not consider those two objects to be equal.


Defining a Comparator outside your class is likely more appropriate than making your Activity class implement Comparable. We do just that in the rest of this Answer.

With Java 16, we can define your Activity class as a record. The compiler implicitly creates the constructor, getters, equals & hashCode, and toString. Using record is not critical to this Answer, but makes the example code brief.

package work.basil.example; public record Activity( int start , int finish ) { }


Rather than define your own implementation of the Comparator interface, we can use the predefined comparator for comparing int values.

We use a method reference using the double COLON characters to name the method that should be used in retrieving an int from our objects being compared. That method reference is Activity :: finish. In records the default getter method is named the same as the property name, without the get prefix commonly seen à la JavaBeans. So simply finish as method name, not getFinish.

Comparator.comparingInt( Activity :: finish ) ) // Method reference from `Activity` being passed to `Comparator` built to compare `int` values.

Let's define your inputs using convenient List.of syntax.

List < Activity > activities = List.of( new Activity( 1 , 2 ) , new Activity( 3 , 4 ) , new Activity( 0 , 10 ) , new Activity( 5 , 7 ) , new Activity( 8 , 9 ) , new Activity( 5 , 9 ) );

The list produced by that code is unmodifiable. We want to sort a list, so we need a modifiable list. Feed that unmodifiable list to the constructor of a modifiable implementation of List such as ArrayList.

List < Activity > activitiesAscending = new ArrayList <>( activities );

Ask the utility method Collections.sort to sort that new list. Pass a Comparator as we showed earlier.

Collections.sort( activitiesAscending , Comparator.comparingInt( Activity :: finish ) );

For the opposite, in descending order with your 9 finishing objects first and your 2 finishing object last, we again call Collections.sort. But we pass a different Comparator. We pass our original comparingInt comparator to the utility method Collections.reverseOrder to produce a new comparator.

List < Activity > activitiesDescending = new ArrayList <>( activities ); Collections.sort( activitiesDescending , Collections.reverseOrder( Comparator.comparingInt( Activity :: finish ) ) );

Entire code example.

List < Activity > activities = List.of( new Activity( 1 , 2 ) , new Activity( 3 , 4 ) , new Activity( 0 , 10 ) , new Activity( 5 , 7 ) , new Activity( 8 , 9 ) , new Activity( 5 , 9 ) ); List < Activity > activitiesAscending = new ArrayList <>( activities ); Collections.sort( activitiesAscending , Comparator.comparingInt( Activity :: finish ) ); List < Activity > activitiesDescending = new ArrayList <>( activities ); Collections.sort( activitiesDescending , Collections.reverseOrder( Comparator.comparingInt( Activity :: finish ) ) ); System.out.println( "activities = " + activities ); System.out.println( "activitiesAscending = " + activitiesAscending ); System.out.println( "activitiesDescending = " + activitiesDescending );

When run.

activities = [Activity[start=1, finish=2], Activity[start=3, finish=4], Activity[start=0, finish=10], Activity[start=5, finish=7], Activity[start=8, finish=9], Activity[start=5, finish=9]] activitiesAscending = [Activity[start=1, finish=2], Activity[start=3, finish=4], Activity[start=5, finish=7], Activity[start=8, finish=9], Activity[start=5, finish=9], Activity[start=0, finish=10]] activitiesDescending = [Activity[start=0, finish=10], Activity[start=8, finish=9], Activity[start=5, finish=9], Activity[start=5, finish=7], Activity[start=3, finish=4], Activity[start=1, finish=2]]