The blueprints for creating a person are stored and communicated in our

QuestionAnswer What is the name of the new cell formed by the process of fertilization? zygote What is the basic unit of genetic information? gene The male reproductive cell is called a(n) sperm The female reproductive cell is called the ovum About an hour or so after the sperm enters the ovum, the two gametes suddenly fuse, becoming one cell called a zygote The potential for vast diversity of human beings primarily resides in the nature of the processes that underlie __________ cell division gamete . The blueprints for creating a person are stored and communicated in our genes Name the substance that genes are composed of that determines the nature of each cell in the body and how it will function DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) What is the name of the rod-shaped portions of DNA that are organized in 23 pairs? chromosomes The ____ chromosomes in the new zygote contain the genetic blueprint that will guide cell activity for the rest of the individual’s life 46 who are genetically identical are called ________ twins monozygotic . Any differences in future development of monozygotic twins can be attributed only to _________ factors environmental Twins who are produced when two separate ova are fertilized by two separate sperm at roughly the same time are called ________ twins dizygotic Which of the following are likely to have multiple births? all The 23rd pair of chromosomes in males contains the ___- shaped chromosome XY The fact that the ______determines the gender of the child is leading to the development of techniques that will allow parents to increase the chances of choosing the child’s gender man’s sperm The one trait that is expressed when two competing traits are present is called dominant An observable trait is labeled a phenotype The underlying combination of genetic material present (but not outwardly visible) in an organism is called genotype What is the term applied to studying the effects of heredity on psychological characteristics and behavior? behavioral genetics What is the profession that focuses on helping people deal with issues relating to inherited disorders? genetic counseling What is the process in which high-frequency sound waves scan the mother’s womb to produce an image of the unborn baby, whose size and shape can then be assessed? ultrasound sonography What is used to find genetic defects and involves taking samples of the hair-like material that surrounds the embryo? chorionic villus sampling (CVS) . What is the more invasive test that can be employed if blood tests and ultrasound have identified a potential problem or if there is a family history of inherited disorders? chorionic villus sampling (CVS) Which test is most often performed at 8-11 weeks & involves inserting a catheter into the substance of the placenta and removing 10-15 mg of tissue, which is cleaned of maternal uterine tissue & then grown n a culture so that a karyotype can be made amniocentesis Which test examines the embryo or fetus during the first 23 weeks of pregnancy by means of a fiber-optic device inserted through the cervix? embryoscopy Which test procedure is recommended if either parent carries Tay-Sachs, spina bifida, sickle-cell, Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, or Rh disease? amniocentesis Which test is used to detect Down syndrome by collecting blood from the umbilical cord after the 18th week of pregnancy? fetal blood sampling (FBS) What procedure is used to detect abnormalities in the first trimester of pregnancy, and involves high-frequency transvaginal probes and digital visual processing? sonoembryology Which procedure produces a visual image of the uterus, fetus, and placenta? sonogram Which procedure uses very high frequency sound waves to detect structural abnormalities or multiple pregnancies, measure fetal growth, judge gestational age, and evaluate uterine abnormalities? ultrasound sonography Which testing procedure uses high frequency sound waves and is used as an adjunct to other procedures such as amniocentesis? ultrasound sonography Huntington’s disease typically does not appear until people reach what age? 40s What is the procedure where cells are taken from an embryo and then replaced after the defective genes they contain have been repaired? germ line therapy Nature has provided the potential to carry out various kinds of “natural experiments” in the form of twins The closer the genetic link between two individuals, the greater the correspondence between their IQ scores Which “Big Five” personality trait refers to the degree of emotional stability an individual characteristically displays? neuroticism What trait reflects the tendency to be a masterful, forceful leader who enjoys being the center of attention, and has been found to be strongly associated with genetic factors? social potency What trait reflects the tendency to strictly endorse rules and authority, and has been found to be strongly associated with genetic factors? traditionalism The developmental psychologist ________ speculated that the underlying temperament of a given society, determined genetically, may predispose people in that society toward a particular philosophy. Kagan Along with schizophrenia, all of the psychological disorders below have been shown to be related, at least in part, to genetic factors. Which of the following disorders is least likely to have a genetic factor, according to the text? anxiety What is the process by which a sperm and an ovum join to form a single new cell? fertilization From puberty until menopause, a female will ovulate about every ____ days. 28 An adult male typically produces several _____ sperm a day. hundred million The first, and the shortest, stage of the prenatal period is called the ______ stage. germinal A conduit between the mother and fetus, this organ provides nourishment and oxygen via the umbilical cord placenta What is the stage that begins at about 8 weeks after conception and continues until birth? fetal stage What is the term for a developing child from 8 weeks after conception until birth? fetus The hormone __________ is produced in ________, which some scientists speculate may lead to differences in male and female brain structure, and later variations in gender-related behavior(s). androgen; males What is the term for the procedure in which a woman’s ova are removed from her ovaries, and a man’s sperm are used to fertilize the ova in a laboratory? in vitro fertilization A spontaneous abortion is also known as miscarriage When a pregnancy ends before the developing child is able to survive outside of the mother’s womb, this is called spontaneous abortion What is the term for a mother voluntarily terminating a pregnancy? abortion What is the term for an environmental factor that produces birth defects? teratogen Older mothers are considerably more likely to give birth to children with Down syndrome Women who become pregnant during ________ are more likely to have premature deliveries adolescence The onset of ______ (German measles) in the mother prior to the 11th week of pregnancy is likely to cause serious consequences including blindness, deafness, heart defects, or brain damage in the baby rubella What disease, when contracted by a pregnant woman, increases the possibility that the fetus may develop a birth defect? chicken pox What could be considered the best option for women who experience depression during pregnancy? nondrug-based psychotherapeutic intervention What prescriptions, when taken by women before they were aware they were pregnant, could also cause fetal damage? birth control What illegal drug, when used during pregnancy, can restrict the oxygen that reaches the fetus and lead to infants who are irritable, nervous, and easily disturbed? marijuana What illegal substance, when used by pregnant women, led to an epidemic of thousands of “crack babies”? cocaine What illegal substance, when used by pregnant women, produces an intense restriction of the arteries causing a sig reduction in the flow of blood and oxygen to the fetus, & increases the risks of fetal death & a number of birth defects & disabilities? cocaine Children of mothers who are addicted to _____ may be born addicted to the drug and may suffer through the pain of withdrawal cocaine What is the disorder caused by the pregnant mother consuming substantial quantities of alcohol during pregnancy, potentially resulting in mental retardation and delayed growth in the child? fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) Mothers who use smaller amounts of alcohol during pregnancy place their children at risk of fetal alcohol effects (FAE) A child displays some, although not all, of the problems of fetal alcohol syndrome due to the mother’s consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. The child was born with fetal alcohol effects (FAE) __________ reduces the oxygen content and increases the carbon monoxide of the mother’s blood. This quickly reduces the oxygen available for the fetus. Further, the respiration rate slows and speeds up its heart. Nicotine and toxins appear in the blood. Smoking cigarettes

What contains the blueprints for creating a person?

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the blueprint for the human body that enables a single cell to develop into a much more complex organism. DNA lives in the nucleus of every cell forming long structures called chromosomes . Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.

What is the name of the rod shaped portions of DNA that are organized in 23 pairs?

Chromosomes. Chromosomes are tiny rod shapes inside each cell of the body. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total) in each cell.

What determines the nature and function of every cell in the body?

The structural and functional characteristics of different types of cells are determined by the nature of the proteins present. Cells of various types have different functions because cell structure and function are closely related.

What is the term used for the one trait that is expressed when two competing traits are present?

dominant trait. the one trait that is expressed when two competing traits are present.