What can managers do to improve the effectiveness of external recruitment?

Looking to improve recruitment and selection processes? Find the best talent with these unique tips to help you nail the hiring process with ease.

Whether you're struggling to retain staff or you're looking to improve the way you hire employees, we'll help you find suitable job seekers! They won't only fit in perfectly with the company culture; they'll become just as passionate as you are about working for a great company.

Writing job descriptions and what the job entails is crucial to make sure you are attracting suitable job applicants during the selection process and, of course, the selection interview.

Make sure you've got the following recruitment and selection processes covered. You'll be on the path to seeing your business multiply, especially if you nail the onboarding process too.

Check out our Recruitment Process Template!

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If you'd prefer, why not jump straight into our recruitment process template simply by signing up to our ? During the 7 days, you'll be able to test out our online training platform, and our team will help you build out your recruitment and selection process manual, so you'll have all of your content in one place.

You may need to send the recruitment process over to more hiring managers in the business. In that case, our online training platform is designed so you can keep on top of whom is using it through our excellent easy to use analytics tool so you can gain valuable feedback to improve it as time goes on.

, drop our team a message in the Live Chat with any questions you have and they'll get back to you straight away!

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What you'll find in this guide

Say goodbye to hiring the wrong employees, and feel confident you won't make any poor hiring decisions in the future! When discovering prospective employees, the only decision you will find difficult during your selection process will be choosing from the many potential candidates!

As the hiring manager, you will love our recruitment and selection process guide, so make sure you bookmark this page to come back to it again if needed. Finally, you can say hello to finding the best candidates with these recruitment efforts!

In this recruitment process guide, you'll learn about the following:

  • What is the difference between recruitment and selection?
  • How to nail the perfect job description
  • How to find the right talent
  • How to streamline your background check strategy
  • Start hiring for attitude and training for skills
  • Tools to eliminate bias and boost efficiency
  • How to collect and analyze feedback from candidates
  • Understanding how important the onboarding process truly is

What is the difference between recruitment and selection?

Unsure what is the difference between recruitment and selection? We've got your back. Understanding the differences is a crucial element in the hiring process. It will help you find the right job seekers without jeopardizing any wrong decision makings.

To break it down, when talking about recruitment, this means reaching out to suitable candidates and encouraging them to apply for the position. Post a fantastic job description on relevant websites and reach out to potential job seekers to apply.

The selection process is the actual step for choosing the best candidate to fill the said position in the company. Both hiring processes are critical and need to be refined for every company looking to grow their business in the most effective way possible.

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9 Epic ideas to improve recruitment and selection processes

Let's get stuck in and share the best successful recruitment process and selection processes to help you become the workplace hero!

1. How to nail the perfect job description

If not enough qualified candidates are applying for jobs in your company, the problem may be hidden in plain sight. Researchers from the US and Canada suggested that poor job postings are the number one cause for low application rates.

What qualifies as a good job advertisement?

According to researchers, job postings should be more than a laundry list of requirements. They should also be inspirational. More than anything, a good job listing should answer the question, "why is this company a good career and life choice for me?"

You might like to set your job descriptions template out with the following ideas:

  1. Summarise what the company is about - this could be the company tag line or pitch.
  2. Mention where the job is based. Let the candidate know straight away if you're open to a remote role or let them know where the office is located so you won't waste anyone's time.
  3. Mention the top three highlights of the company. Remember, you have to sell this role to find the best job seekers.
  4. Talk about the role. Who will the candidate report to, and summarise who they will be working with and what the position requires.
  5. Must Haves! This is the section where you want to list the necessary requirements and skills to win this role.
  6. The negotiables and nice to haves! It would help if you had some leeway regarding the recruitment process. List any skills that will be a bonus but not technically necessary to score the role.
  7. In more detail, talk about the responsibilities of the role and what a typical day might look like.
  8. Sell the perks of the role to attract candidates. You want to make sure they know they will be valued before they even speak to you in person.
  9. Put in a quote from the prospective candidate's manager introducing themself and what they love doing in their spare time. It's important to know that the manager and new employee will get on.
  10. Talk about the company culture. Does the company actively supports diversity? What are the current employees like as people?
  11. And lastly, mention who are the directors of the company. What is their background, and where have they previously worked? If you're a start-up, this will help shape what people are leading the company.

2. Make sure you have a fantastic careers page

You'll need to spend a bit of time putting together an epic careers page on your company website as it will be the first place most candidates will look at before applying for the role. You'll want to make sure you nail the brand tone and voice, and mention what makes your company amazing to work for and what sets you apart from others.

Don't just list the roles available! Make sure you add in video content introducing the team and what they love about working there. Check out the Coassemble Careers Page to see our awesome video! It's also a good idea to mention what job perks the candidates can expect to entice them, because competition to hire top-tier talent is difficult right now.

Having a great careers page will only lead more visitors to your company website, because quite frankly, you'll want the candidate clicking through the site to learn more about it. From an SEO perspective, this will contribute to your company ranking better on Google (especially if you're a start-up) and will help in the long run.

3. Discover talent on unique job boards and via social media networks

Think outside of the box and discover new ways to post job listings to enhance the recruitment process to find the best applicants. You might like to stay away from the major job boards and career sites in America and opt to find candidates on smaller sites. If you're looking to employ remote workers, try posting on sites such as Flex Jobs or We Work Remotely for example.

If popular career sites haven't helped you find suitable candidates, then dive deeper into the talent pool. Along with Facebook job advertisements, LinkedIn is one of the best job posting boards to find job seekers that fit your needs. Most industries will have job boards set up; it's just a matter of spending a few minutes searching for them online, something all hiring managers need to take time to do.

Great opportunities can be discovered on networking events, and there's an even better offline approach to talent recruitment—employee referral programs.

Your staff know everything about your company, its goals, culture, team dynamic, and day-to-day operations. Nobody is better equipped for talent recruitment than existing employees, so make sure they know the hiring process and find the perfect internal candidates for the role.

And, since they are expected to vouch for their candidates, they'll think twice before referring a person for the job.

4. Streamline your background check strategy

Screening is expensive and time-consuming, so why conduct background checks on all applicants? Many companies are streamlining this process by making a selection first and then screening only the final candidates.

This emphasizes what's truly important and what's candidates' hard and soft skills. Plus, reversing the order helps you make the final decision faster.

On a related note, some roles don't require specific screening tests. For instance, a candidate's driving history won't help you identify if they're a good software engineer.

To make background checks more efficient, consider tailoring your screening process to the needs of each position.

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5. Start hiring for attitude and training for skills

By prioritizing work ethics, flexibility, and teamwork over expertise and technical skills, this recently popularized approach to hiring helps build dynamic teams.

Candidates who pass the attitude test can make better employees in the long-term. They are in the right mindset to learn, develop new skills, and contribute to your company's future.

Besides, necessary skills change fast in the modern age—the tools your employees will be using in three years will be different from the ones they use today.

6. Use tools to eliminate eliminate bias and boost efficiency

A great part of your recruitment and selection process can be automated.

  • AI for screening can reduce your time per hire and eliminate bias.
  • Candidate rediscovery tools help you re-engage past candidates.
  • Chatbots can boost engagement with new candidates.

You can expect developers and HR specialists to launch a brand new generation of hiring tools that will be AI-based and focused on automating screening, optimizing selection, and eliminating bias from the recruitment process.

These tools will introduce a recruitment marketing practice and allow you to use marketing techniques such as multi-channel approach, targeted ads, and deep analytics to discover, attract, and engage better-qualified candidates, making the recruitment process so much easier.

7. Collect and analyze feedback from candidates

Candidate rediscovery is another practice that helps recruiters save time and money. It's also one of at least two reasons why you should never lose touch with candidates you didn't fire.

The other reason is about improvement.

A candidate who's just been offered a job at your company would hardly go on record with rating your hiring experience. The candidates who you have turned down, on the other hand, would probably have a lot to say about your employer brand.

Use the recruitment process as an opportunity to collect and analyze candidate feedback. This will equip you with valuable insight into how applicants perceive your hiring process and tell you what needs to be changed and why. Automation tools can speed up this process as well.

8. Understand how important the onboarding process truly is

The recruitment process certainly doesn't end once you've found the right candidate. Don't be the hiring manager who loses fantastic staff! Spend time setting up a tremendous onboarding process that will get your new hires up to scratch as quickly as possible. Those first few weeks are crucial for molding your new employees into being highly engaged and passionate staff members. Check out why our Onboarding Process Template is popular with our customers.

You've got a busy schedule as it is and probably don't have a lot of time spare to train employees. If you nail the onboarding process, you'll cut down on training new staff in the long run, which will help you concentrate on growing your business. You might like to check out our 14 New Hire Onboarding Training Mistakes To Avoid before setting up the process.

The best way to set up a captivating onboarding experience is by turning your Google Docs, PDFS, Word documents, and any other pieces of information you have floating around into one concise document.

Check out Coassemble's onboarding courses you can create yourself with the help of slick features such as quizzes you can include, making sure your new staff understand everything they need to know before they get stuck into the role. Best of all, you can track how far they've got in the onboarding course so you can refine it as and when needed, which will ultimately help you improve your hiring process.

9. Don't forget to have the employee handbook ready

Just because you may have nailed the recruitment strategy doesn't mean the whole selection process ends there. You'll need to make sure you have a fantastic employee handbook to give new hires before their first day.

If you're unsure what you need to include in the staff manual, check out our Best Employee Handbook Template & Guide, which has all of the details you need to succeed.

It's an important process all companies need to have in place to ensure the new hire understands the essentials about the company's policies and procedures and answer any questions they might have before they start.

They'll fully understand everything from the company culture, code of conduct and every type of workplace policy required.

Using Coassemble's Recruitment Template

Now you've got a good understanding of how to nail the recruitment and selection process, let's dive straight into compiling your content into one place. We've all had spreadsheets, Word Docs and Google Docs saved in hard to find places on our computers, so take this opportunity to be organized. When you've given the job offer, you want to make sure that you keep up your processes in the best way possible.

Check out our awesome Recruitment Template to get you started. When you jump onto our , and you'll be able to access the template ready for you to use.

Why should you use our template?

Our instructional designers are lending you a hand with their creative skills, so you don't have to spend time trying to build your recruitment process.

When you jump onto the free trial, you'll instantly notice how engaging and interactive your process will look.

This will be a fantastic opportunity to set the standard for your company's procedures from the Human Resource Department.

Send out the template to your hiring managers so they can adjust it to suit the role they will be advertising for.

In the , test our out platform and see if it's the right fit to build your epic recruitment handbook. And, chat to our US-based team on our Live Chat and ask as many questions as you like so we can help you build it.

You'll find the following lesson screens within the template you can easily customize and make your own:

  • Welcome
  • Overview of the process
  • Check your understanding
  • Identifying the hiring need
  • Preparing the job description
  • Advertising the position
  • Recruiting the position
  • Reviewing applications
  • Initial interview
  • Panel interview
  • Applicant task
  • Final checks
  • Offer
  • Onboarding

You can add screens, move screens and customize your content to build the good recruitment process you'll be proud of. Or, if you prefer, start a new course from scratch and add the screens as you go.

30+ lesson screens to choose from

With 30+ lesson screen templates to choose from, you'll be able to bring your content to life by using them to create an interactive presentation. For example, our popular wheel lesson screen helps you distribute your content into bite-sized interactive pieces. You also might like to use our timeline screen to add to your new recruiting software.

Add in a quiz (find out more about our quiz screen here) to break the content up, and make learning fun so that your hiring managers understand all aspects of the manual as soon as the start the selection process.

There are plenty of ways to bring your content to life; you'll love using our lesson screen templates to help you see how easy it is to make it happen.

Gain access to more than a Recruitment Process template

Coassemble offers much more than training templates to help make your life easier!

Our US-based training experts will help you build a training experience that will instantly make sense to everyone who needs to be involved in it. Drop our team a message in our Live Chat feature on this site, and they'll be able to answer any questions you might have about getting started with your training.

  • You'll discover how to build a genuinely awesome training course that will knock the socks off your team and other stakeholders.
  • You'll learn how to send your training program pro-actively so it doesn't get lost in a sea of spam.
  • You'll also gain access to understanding how your team engaged with your training through our excellent analytics tool.
  • You can ask for feedback from your team about how they found your training so you can continually improve and update it when needed.

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You may realize that the hiring process is more important than you think. While the company is working at 100 miles per hour, you need to put the time in to find qualified candidates. Make your recruiting efforts a priority, and you'll see results.

As long as you nail the job description, put it on the relevant careers pages, make sure the interview process is streamlined with the right questions, then you'll be set to finding the right new member of staff.

Don't forget to survey candidates about the entire process so you can learn from their experience and most of all get the onboarding process right. How many people do you know left a job because they weren't trained properly and didn't honestly know their purpose? Here's to growing your business with a team around you who are just as passionate as you are!

What are 3 strategies for external recruiting?

External Recruitment Methods.
External hiring through different job portals. ... .
Social media recruiting. ... .
Recruitment agencies: ... .
Employee referrals for external recruiting. ... .
Company's career website..

Is there something we could have done to improve the recruitment process?

Employee referrals are one of the most powerful ways to improve the recruitment process. Implement an employee referral program to expand your reach and involve employees in the process.

How does an effective recruitment strategy help improve the quality of a selection process?

The most important element of an efficient recruitment strategy is an applicant tracking system. An ATS enables recruiters to track applicants over the course of the entire recruitment process — from application to offer letters — and automate communications so elite candidates don't fall through the cracks.