Which php tag style is deprecated in php version 7?

Deprecated Features

PHP Core

Implementing Serializable without __serialize() and __unserialize()

Either only the new methods should be implemented, if no support for PHP prior to version 7.4 is provided, or both should be implemented.

Passing null to non-nullable parameters of built-in functions

Scalar types for built-in functions are nullable by default, this behaviour is deprecated to align with the behaviour of user-defined functions, where scalar types need to be marked as nullable explicitly.

// Deprecated: Passing null to parameter #2 ($needle) of type string
//             is deprecated

Implicit incompatible float to int conversions

The implicit conversion of float to int which leads to a loss in precision is now deprecated. This affects array keys, int type declarations in coercive mode, and operators working on ints.

$a = [];
$a[15.5]; // deprecated, as key value loses the 0.5 component
$a[15.0]; // ok, as 15.0 == 15

Calling a static element on a trait

Calling a static method, or accessing a static property directly on a trait is deprecated. Static methods and properties should only be accessed on a class using the trait.

Returning a non-array from __sleep()

Returning a value which is not an array from __sleep() now generates a diagnostic.

Returning by reference from a void function

function &test(): void {}

Such a function is contradictory, and already emits the following E_NOTICE when called: Only variable references should be returned by reference.

Autovivification from false

Autovivification is the process of creating a new array when appending to a value. Autovivification is prohibited from scalar values, false however was an exception. This is now deprecated.

$arr false;
$arr[] = 2;   // deprecated


Autovivification from null and undefined values is still allowed:

// From undefined
$arr[] = 'some value';
$arr['doesNotExist'][] = 2;
// From null
$arr null;
$arr[] = 2;


Verifying non-string arguments

Passing a non-string argument is deprecated. In the future, the argument will be interpreted as a string instead of an ASCII codepoint. Depending on the intended behavior, the argument should either be casted to string or an explicit call to chr() should be made. All ctype_*() functions are affected.



The filter.default INI directive is deprecated.


The NIL constant has been deprecated. Use 0 instead.


Calling IntlCalendar::roll() with a bool argument is deprecated. Use 1 and -1 instead of true and false respectively.


The mysqli_driver::$driver_version property has been deprecated. It was meaningless and outdated, use PHP_VERSION_ID instead.

Calling mysqli::get_client_info() or mysqli_get_client_info() with the mysqli argument has been deprecated. Call mysqli_get_client_info() without any arguments to obtain the version information of the client library.

The mysqli::init() method has been deprecated. Replace calls to parent::init() with parent::__construct().


The PDO::FETCH_SERIALIZE fetch mode has been deprecated.


Not passing the connection argument to all pgsql_*() functions has been deprecated.

Deprecated Features

PHP Core

  • If a parameter with a default value is followed by a required parameter, the default value has no effect. This is deprecated as of PHP 8.0.0 and can generally be resolved by dropping the default value, without a change in functionality:

    function test($a = [], $b) {} // Before
    function test($a$b) {}      // After

    One exception to this rule are parameters of the form Type $param = null, where the null default makes the type implicitly nullable. This usage remains allowed, but it is recommended to use an explicit nullable type instead:

    function test(A $a null$b) {} // Still allowed
    function test(?A $a$b) {}       // Recommended

  • Calling get_defined_functions() with exclude_disabled explicitly set to false is deprecated and no longer has an effect. get_defined_functions() will never include disabled functions.


  • enchant_broker_set_dict_path() and enchant_broker_get_dict_path() are deprecated, because that functionality is neither available in libenchant < 1.5 nor in libenchant-2.

  • enchant_dict_add_to_personal() is deprecated; use enchant_dict_add() instead.

  • enchant_dict_is_in_session() is deprecated; use enchant_dict_is_added() instead.

  • enchant_broker_free() and enchant_broker_free_dict() are deprecated; unset the object instead.

  • The ENCHANT_MYSPELL and ENCHANT_ISPELL constants are deprecated.


libxml_disable_entity_loader() has been deprecated. As libxml 2.9.0 is now required, external entity loading is guaranteed to be disabled by default, and this function is no longer needed to protect against XXE attacks, unless the (still vulnerable) LIBXML_NOENT is used. In that case, it is recommended to refactor the code using libxml_set_external_entity_loader() to suppress loading of external entities.


  • The constant PGSQL_LIBPQ_VERSION_STR now has the same value as PGSQL_LIBPQ_VERSION, and thus is deprecated.

  • Function aliases in the pgsql extension have been deprecated. See the following list for which functions should be used instead:

    • pg_errormessage()pg_last_error()
    • pg_numrows()pg_num_rows()
    • pg_numfields()pg_num_fields()
    • pg_cmdtuples()pg_affected_rows()
    • pg_fieldname()pg_field_name()
    • pg_fieldsize()pg_field_size()
    • pg_fieldtype()pg_field_type()
    • pg_fieldnum()pg_field_num()
    • pg_result()pg_fetch_result()
    • pg_fieldprtlen()pg_field_prtlen()
    • pg_fieldisnull()pg_field_is_null()
    • pg_freeresult()pg_free_result()
    • pg_getlastoid()pg_last_oid()
    • pg_locreate()pg_lo_create()
    • pg_lounlink()pg_lo_unlink()
    • pg_loopen()pg_lo_open()
    • pg_loclose()pg_lo_close()
    • pg_loread()pg_lo_read()
    • pg_lowrite()pg_lo_write()
    • pg_loreadall()pg_lo_read_all()
    • pg_loimport()pg_lo_import()
    • pg_loexport()pg_lo_export()
    • pg_setclientencoding()pg_set_client_encoding()
    • pg_clientencoding() -> pg_client_encoding()

Standard Library

  • Sort comparison functions that return true or false will now throw a deprecation warning, and should be replaced with an implementation that returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero.

    // Replace
    usort($arrayfn($a$b) => $a $b);
    // With
    usort($arrayfn($a$b) => $a <=> $b);


  • Using an empty file as ZipArchive is deprecated. Libzip 1.6.0 does not accept empty files as valid zip archives any longer. The existing workaround will be removed in the next version.

  • The procedural API of Zip is deprecated. Use ZipArchive instead. Iteration over all entries can be accomplished using ZipArchive::statIndex() and a for loop:

    // iterate using the procedural API
    while (
    $entry zip_read($zip)) {
    // iterate using the object-oriented API
    assert($zip instanceof ZipArchive);
    for (
    $i 0$entry $zip->statIndex($i); $i++) {


  • ReflectionFunction::isDisabled() is deprecated, as it is no longer possible to create a ReflectionFunction for a disabled function. This method now always returns false.

  • ReflectionParameter::getClass(), ReflectionParameter::isArray(), and ReflectionParameter::isCallable() are deprecated. ReflectionParameter::getType() and the ReflectionType APIs should be used instead.

Deprecated Features

PHP Core

Nested ternary operators without explicit parentheses

Nested ternary operations must explicitly use parentheses to dictate the order of the operations. Previously, when used without parentheses, the left-associativity would not result in the expected behaviour in most cases.

5;   // deprecated
(3) ? 5// ok
: (5); // ok

Parentheses are not required when nesting into the middle operand, as this is always unambiguous and not affected by associativity:

Array and string offset access using curly braces

The array and string offset access syntax using curly braces is deprecated. Use $var[$idx] instead of $var{$idx}.

(real) cast and is_real() function

The (real) cast is deprecated, use (float) instead.

The is_real() function is also deprecated, use is_float() instead.

Unbinding $this when $this is used

Unbinding $this of a non-static closure that uses $this is deprecated.

parent keyword without parent class

Using parent inside a class without a parent is deprecated, and will throw a compile-time error in the future. Currently an error will only be generated if/when the parent is accessed at run-time.

allow_url_include INI option

The allow_url_include ini directive is deprecated. Enabling it will generate a deprecation notice at startup.

Invalid characters in base conversion functions

Passing invalid characters to base_convert(), bindec(), octdec() and hexdec() will now generate a deprecation notice. The result will still be computed as if the invalid characters did not exist. Leading and trailing whitespace, as well as prefixes of type 0x (depending on base) continue to be allowed.

hebrevc() function

The hebrevc() function is deprecated. It can be replaced with nl2br(hebrev($str)) or, preferably, the use of Unicode RTL support.

Implode with historical parameter order

Passing parameters to implode() in reverse order is deprecated, use implode($glue, $parts) instead of implode($parts, $glue).


Importing type libraries with case-insensitive constant registering has been deprecated.



Multibyte String

Passing a non-string pattern to mb_ereg_replace() is deprecated. Currently, non-string patterns are interpreted as ASCII codepoints. In PHP 8, the pattern will be interpreted as a string instead.

Passing the encoding as 3rd parameter to mb_strrpos() is deprecated. Instead pass a 0 offset, and encoding as 4th parameter.


Calls to ReflectionType::__toString() now generate a deprecation notice. This method has been deprecated in favor of ReflectionNamedType::getName() in the documentation since PHP 7.1, but did not throw a deprecation notice for technical reasons.

The export() methods on all Reflection classes are deprecated. Construct a Reflection object and convert it to string instead:

// ReflectionClass::export(Foo::class, false) is:
echo new ReflectionClass(Foo::class), "\n";// $str = ReflectionClass::export(Foo::class, true) is:
$str = (string) new ReflectionClass(Foo::class);


The AI_IDN_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED and AI_IDN_USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES flags for socket_addrinfo_lookup() are deprecated, due to an upstream deprecation in glibc.

Deprecated Features

PHP Core

Case-Insensitive Constants

The declaration of case-insensitive constants has been deprecated. Passing true as the third argument to define() will now generate a deprecation warning. The use of case-insensitive constants with a case that differs from the declaration is also deprecated.

Namespaced assert()

Declaring a function called assert() inside a namespace is deprecated. The assert() function is subject to special handling by the engine, which may lead to inconsistent behavior when defining a namespaced function with the same name.

Searching Strings for non-string Needle

Passing a non-string needle to string search functions is deprecated. In the future the needle will be interpreted as a string instead of an ASCII codepoint. Depending on the intended behavior, you should either explicitly cast the needle to string or perform an explicit call to chr(). The following functions are affected:

  • strpos()
  • strrpos()
  • stripos()
  • strripos()
  • strstr()
  • strchr()
  • strrchr()
  • stristr()

Data Filtering

The explicit usage of the constants FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED and FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIRED is now deprecated; both are implied for FILTER_VALIDATE_URL anyway.

Internationalization Functions

Usage of the Normalizer::NONE form throws a deprecation warning, if PHP is linked with ICU ≥ 56.

Multibyte String

The following undocumented mbereg_*() aliases have been deprecated. Use the corresponding mb_ereg_*() variants instead.

  • mbregex_encoding()
  • mbereg()
  • mberegi()
  • mbereg_replace()
  • mberegi_replace()
  • mbsplit()
  • mbereg_match()
  • mbereg_search()
  • mbereg_search_pos()
  • mbereg_search_regs()
  • mbereg_search_init()
  • mbereg_search_getregs()
  • mbereg_search_getpos()
  • mbereg_search_setpos()

ODBC and DB2 Functions (PDO_ODBC)

The pdo_odbc.db2_instance_name ini setting has been formally deprecated. It is deprecated in the documentation as of PHP 5.1.1.

Deprecated features in PHP 7.2.x

Unquoted strings

Unquoted strings that are non-existent global constants are taken to be strings of themselves. This behaviour used to emit an E_NOTICE, but will now emit an E_WARNING. In the next major version of PHP, an Error exception will be thrown instead.


(NONEXISTENT);/* Output:
Warning: Use of undefined constant NONEXISTENT - assumed 'NONEXISTENT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in %s on line %d
string(11) "NONEXISTENT"

INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 variant

The Intl extension has deprecated the INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 variant, which is currently being used as the default for idn_to_ascii() and idn_to_utf8(). PHP 7.4 will see these defaults changed to INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46, and the next major version of PHP will remove INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 altogether.

track_errors ini setting and $php_errormsg variable

When the track_errors ini setting is enabled, a $php_errormsg variable is created in the local scope when a non-fatal error occurs. Given that the preferred way of retrieving such error information is by using error_get_last(), this feature has been deprecated.

mbstring.func_overload ini setting

Given the interoperability problems of string-based functions being used in environments with this setting enabled, it has now been deprecated.

(unset) cast

Casting any expression to this type will always result in null, and so this superfluous casting type has now been deprecated.

parse_str() without a second argument

Without the second argument to parse_str(), the query string parameters would populate the local symbol table. Given the security implications of this, using parse_str() without a second argument has now been deprecated. The function should always be used with two arguments, as the second argument causes the query string to be parsed into an array.

gmp_random() function

This function generates a random number based upon a range that is calculated by an unexposed, platform-specific limb size. Because of this, the function has now been deprecated. The preferred way of generating a random number using the GMP extension is by gmp_random_bits() and gmp_random_range().

each() function

This function is far slower at iteration than a normal foreach, and causes implementation issues for some language changes. It has therefore been deprecated.

assert() with a string argument

Using assert() with a string argument required the string to be eval()'ed. Given the potential for remote code execution, using assert() with a string argument has now been deprecated in favour of using boolean expressions.

$errcontext argument of error handlers

The $errcontext argument contains all local variables of the error site. Given its rare usage, and the problems it causes with internal optimisations, it has now been deprecated. Instead, a debugger should be used to retrieve information on local variables at the error site.

Deprecated features in PHP 7.1.x


The mcrypt extension has been abandonware for nearly a decade now, and was also fairly complex to use. It has therefore been deprecated in favour of OpenSSL, where it will be removed from the core and into PECL in PHP 7.2.

Deprecated features in PHP 7.0.x

PHP 4 style constructors

PHP 4 style constructors (methods that have the same name as the class they are defined in) are deprecated, and will be removed in the future. PHP 7 will emit E_DEPRECATED if a PHP 4 constructor is the only constructor defined within a class. Classes that implement a __construct() method are unaffected.

class foo {
foo() {
'I am the constructor';

The above example will output:

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; foo has a deprecated constructor in example.php on line 3

Static calls to non-static methods

Static calls to methods that are not declared static are deprecated, and may be removed in the future.

class foo {
bar() {
'I am not static!';

The above example will output:

Deprecated: Non-static method foo::bar() should not be called statically in - on line 8
I am not static!

password_hash() salt option

The salt option for the password_hash() function has been deprecated to prevent developers from generating their own (usually insecure) salts. The function itself generates a cryptographically secure salt when no salt is provided by the developer - therefore custom salt generation should not be needed.

Deprecated features in PHP 5.6.x

Calls from incompatible context

Methods called from an incompatible context are now deprecated, and will generate E_DEPRECATED errors when invoked instead of E_STRICT. Support for these calls will be removed in a future version of PHP.

An example of such a call is:

class {
f() { echo get_class($this); }


f() { A::f(); }



The above example will output:

Deprecated: Non-static method A::f() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in - on line 7

$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA and always_populate_raw_post_data

always_populate_raw_post_data will now generate an E_DEPRECATED error when $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is populated. New code should use php://input instead of $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, which will be removed in a future release. You can opt in for the new behaviour (in which $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is never defined hence no E_DEPRECATED error will be generated) by setting always_populate_raw_post_data to -1.

Deprecated features in PHP 5.5.x

What is deprecated PHP 7?

PHP 7 - Deprecated Features.
PHP 4 style constructors. PHP 4 style Constructors are methods having same name as the class they are defined in, are now deprecated, and will be removed in the future. ... .
Static calls to non-static methods. ... .
Example. ... .
password_hash() salt option. ... .
capture_session_meta SSL context option..

What changed in PHP 7?

PHP 7 adds support for return type declarations. Similarly to argument type declarations, return type declarations specify the type of the value that will be returned from a function. The same types are available for return type declarations as are available for argument type declarations.

What does deprecated mean in PHP?

The deprecation indicates the feature in question may be removed in the future. This warning refers to a line like $obj =& new MyClass(); The ampersand is not required any more since php 5; you can simply write $obj = new MyClass();

Is PHP backwards compatible?

php has no backward compatibility in all version. It often removed some functions when it changed version. The problem occurs when you have to upgrade server and need to change php version but some php scripts no longer work with new php version. You also have to correct php script which is a bigger job.