Youve got me there là gì

you really got me

tell me you got

you got me confused

you got me feeling

you got me four grammys

you got to let me

1. That is a question or problem to which I do not know the answer or solution. A: "The plan sounds good, but what do we do if the boss comes back early?" B: "Hmm, you got me there. Run, I guess." A: "What's the circumference of the earth, Dad?" B: "You've got me there, I have no idea!"

2. You have pointed something out that I am unable to explain, refute, or deny. A: "Yes, but isn't it true that you accepted campaign donations from several corporations that are lobbying against this proposal?" B: "Well, you got me there." A: "Don't you think this approach would be a much better use of our resources?" B: "Hmm, you've got me there. That does make more sense."

1. I do not know. A: "How do we open this panel?" B: "You've got me there. We'll have to consult the manual."

2. You have proven me wrong on this one point. A: "But didn't you just say there were no exceptions?" B: "Well, you've got me there. It does seem like there are some rare cases where the rule doesn't apply."

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

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you've got me there

From here: // Meaning 1: I say: I think it's going to rain tonight. You say: How can it rain? There isn't a cloud in the sky. I say: You've got me there. [=Your argument is better than mine.] Meaning 2: I say: Mr Jones isn't at his desk You ask: Where is he? I say: You've got me there. [=I don't know the answer to that.]

You got me there Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

all there

all there
Having one's wits about one, mentally competent, as in John may seem absentminded, but believe me, he's all there. This phrase is often used negatively, as not all there, for being without one's full faculties. For example, I wonder about Justin; sometimes it seems as if he's not all there. [Mid-1800s]

all there|all|all here|here|there

adj. phr., informal Understanding well; thinking clearly; not crazy.

you['ve] got me there

1. That is a question or problem to which I do not know the answer or solution. A: "The plan sounds good, but what do we do if the boss comes back early?" B: "Hmm, you got me there. Run, I guess." A: "What's the circumference of the earth, Dad?" B: "You've got me there, I have no idea!"2. You have pointed something out that I am unable to explain, refute, or deny. A: "Yes, but isn't it true that you accepted campaign donations from several corporations that are lobbying against this proposal?" B: "Well, you got me there." A: "Don't you think this approach would be a much better use of our resources?" B: "Hmm, you've got me there. That does make more sense."Learn more: there

You got me there.

Inf. I do not know the answer to your question. [Also with subjects other than second person.] You got me there. I don't know. You got me there. I have no idea what the answer is.Learn more: there
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