A door a bowl nghĩa là gì

A door a bowl nghĩa là gì
Photo by Malibi 75 from Pexels

"Bow and scrape" = cúi và cào -> nghĩa là cúi mình phục tùng, thể hiện sự tôn trọng đối với ai hoặc tỏ ra khiêm tốn, cầu thị. Thời xưa có phong tục cúi đầu sâu đến mức chân lùi lại và cào vào đất.

Ví dụ
I can't stand people who bow and scrape.

Aetius, I am only a man, not a god. You need not bow and scrape before me.

Sometimes, during college vacations, he makes the rounds of the stores with his father. The manager and floor chief of our store are these older guys, but you should see how they bow and scrape to the president's son.

After all, there are no men who do not strive (cố gắng) for reputation (danh tiếng) and seek gain. If you're rich, people flock (lũ lượt kéo đến) to you; flocking to you, they bow and scrape; and when they bow and scrape, this shows they honor you.

Thu Phương

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