adolf hitler là gì - Nghĩa của từ adolf hitler

adolf hitler có nghĩa là

First i would like to say that gypsygal has no idea what he/she is talking about. Hitler and his WIFE Eva Braun (thats right they got married a day before they commited suicide) committed suicide by both taking poison. Shortly after consumption, Hitler shot himself to escape the pain of the cyanide. Eva Braun never shot herself. They did not have any childeren. I believe you are confused with Josef and Magda Goebbels, who fed cyanide to their six childeren a day after Hitler committed suicide. One child of Magda's from a previous marriage, Harald Quandt, escaped the FuehrerBunker and made it to the united states front lines. He was 26 years old.

You are also wrong in the fact that you think Hitler tried to gain citizenship to Poland. At the outbreak of World War 1, Hitler applied for the German army, thus granting him automatic citizenship to Germany. He never once went to Poland.

And it is spelt Auschwitz, not Aushwitz. Auschwitz-Birkenau, commanded from 1941-45 by Rudolf Hoess and Otto Moll, allegedly has the highest murder rate of all the concentration camps. I will not argue with this.

The fact that you say Germany never attacked Russia makes my skin crawl with rage. My great granparents lived in Stalingrad, and i have a large part of my family from Leningrad. You do some research, and come back and tell me whether or not Germany attacked Russia. Germany ruthelessly sieged Leningrad for months. Residents of the city were forced into eating rats and other disease-ridden creatures, as well as insects. Stalingrad, the second largest city in Russia at the time, was completely obliterated by German military action and German air raids. Small villages? no, no these were the two largest cities in Soviet Russia besides Moscow at that time.

I would like for you to show me the 'records' that prove that Hitler fled to California. Maybe you are confused with Argentina, where most Nazi leaders escaped to such as Eichmann or Mengele. Even so, there is no documentation proving Hitler ever got out of Germany. In fact, the contreversey regarding Hitler's death is completely unfounded. Soviet troops found his skull when they invaded the FuehrerBunker in Berlin, and it was paired up with dental records to prove it was the skull of Hitler.

The fact that at the end of your definition you wrote 'But please dont post s--t if you dont know what youre talking bout' makes me highly consider that you wrote that entire article as a joke. It would make sense, for all that article did was showcase your complete ineptness on history.

Good Day.


Please, Gypsy Gal, do not post anymore ever. Adolf Hitler deserves a proper article, not your unfounded jibberish.

adolf hitler có nghĩa là

a guy that tried his hand at painting was rejected and then declared war on the world brought down pretty much all of europe under his rule until he got too greedy and tried to fight a war on two fronts killed millions of jews just for the lulz and couldnt face the consequences of being a dick so he shot himself supposedly because there are many claims of him being in chile or argentina!


me:hey how was your vacation in chile?
friend:awesome its such a beautiful country with great mountains,food,women and i met adolf hitler!
me:sounds great....wait what?

adolf hitler có nghĩa là

a nazi who took over germany in the 1930s and kicked the living shit, literally, out of the jewish people. Fuck you hitler


i saw a memorial of adolf hitler the other day and i cummed on it.

adolf hitler có nghĩa là

Fascist scumbag, given birth in a more or less common family in 1889 (born in austria) and finally commited suicide on the 30rd of april in 1945.
Founder of the national-socialism ideology and responsible for the killing of 57 million people;best-known for two issues:
1.)His effort to exterminate the jews, sinti, roma, communists and also the african (which he considered as a half-ape, half-man species), if they would have bothered him.
2.)World War II, mankind's first serious attempt to exterminate itself.


"who was the most vicious person ever, daddy?"
"definitely adolf hitler."

adolf hitler có nghĩa là

A hypocrite for killing jews (he was half jewish) claiming everyone that didnt have fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes was a jew (he had brown hair and brown eyes) and for being possible the most "nationalist" for Germany (even though he was Austrain).


Tommy is so hypocritical he might as well be called Adolf Hitler!

adolf hitler có nghĩa là

adolf hitler served in the First World War, He first tried to get accepted into Austria Army but after a mental Test he was rejected from joining from there he then moved to Germany where he reaplied to join Germany Army... Germany being so needly for men they accepted him. He Fought through out WW1 and made the rank of corporal. After being hit with a gas attack during 1918 I believe he was hospitalied Until he was returned to munich.

Now to Skip ahead a bit. After Proving to the german people that he kept he promise to turning germany depression into something. The German people then believed whatever adolf hilter told them from here on out.. He had a Great Fighting Force with the creation of the Tastic Lighting War.. or Blitzkreig (probably spelt wrong). His Air Combat was unbeatable till the Battle of Britain where Britian beat them with 1:3 of germany fighting aircrafts. After making a pact with Russia to not involve them with the War.. Hilter soon after attacked Russia where he made it to Stalingrad and was halted by Russia Forces.. because of Germany bombing of Stalingrad. it made the perfect battleground to protect. Soon the Harsh winter rolled in and hit the morale of the Germany ill suited men and soon forced them to withdraw... I may be wrong with some of this if I am feel free to add on or change anything I know I missed alot but my fingers are getting tired


Adolf Hitler leader of the Nazi Party maybe one of the smartest man in the world being he confused millions among millons

adolf hitler có nghĩa là

The leader of Germany in 1930s-1945ish. (not sure the exact dates give me a break) either way, he may have done many bad things, but I just have to say that the whole blitzkrieg (lightning war) was a little ironic. In World War one (aka the great war at the time) Germany decided that it wanted to take over France, and from what I understand France secured the border leading into Germany, so the German Army marched right through Belgium (neutral I believe) and came up behind the French army. this happened again in World War Two. They also swiped Paris right behind the French military's back in one of these wars.


Adolf Hitler killed many innocent people, but he was actually a genius. (no, I'm not a Nazi, trying to be UN-biased) and it's been awhile since History class so If I made a mistake feel free to correct me

adolf hitler có nghĩa là

Adolf hitler was a minecraft porn star in the late 1980's.


"Did you see the new adolf hitler's new minecraft porno?"

adolf hitler có nghĩa là

One of the worlds biggest trolls. Probably the most mentioned imfamous person in history. No he did not kill the most people in the world, two other leaders have killed more people. He was the leader of the National socialists. (NAZI) why they have a "Z" i will never know. He burned one of his own government buildings to make his people think the communists did it. See false flag He killed himself in a bunker with his partner I believe he took a poisonous pill and shot himself in the head.
Hitler loved german shepards, wrote a book called Mein Kampf(my struggle). He was a painter, was not good at first but i think he got better over time. Hitler was born in Austria, raised by an abusive single mother. He was raised catholic and was quoted as stating he believed in god and also stated he did not like religion. Some think he was an atheist. We will never fully know.


Adolf Hitler took meth injections to try to help his brain.

adolf hitler có nghĩa là

hitler was the dictator of nazi germany from the 1930's to the mid 1940's after he shot himself. Hitler had a troubled life with his brothers dying or running away. Hitler was also abused by his father as a child. At a young age he showed lots of german nationalizim. His father disapproved and beat him for it. Hitler later tried out for art school but failed. After he failed school he moved on to join the german army in WW1. He said that his timein the army was the best time of his life. He finally felt a sense of belonging and brotherhood. After germany's loss to the allies hitler work as a spy for the government to stop communist from rising in germany. Hitler found the nazi party and joined them. As head of the nazi party he went on to work his way into power. Hitler started WW2 in 1939 after the invation of poland.


adolf hitler was a bad man