cascader là gì - Nghĩa của từ cascader

cascader có nghĩa là

The word cascadence reflects a forceful rush of musical sound and is formed by combining the words "cascade" and "cadence": - cascade meaning something falling or rushing forth in quantity - cadence meaning a musical chord sequence moving to a harmonic point of rest; giving a sense of harmonic completion Also cascadence is the name of a rock/pop band based in Freehold, New Jersey.


"Those songs were so powerful and the production so tight it was like a wall of sound with perfect structure; like a cascadence of music!"

cascader có nghĩa là

Something falling or rushing forth in quantity like a cascade of sound. Cascade can also be combined with "Cadence" to form the word "Cascadence" which implies a forceful rush of musical sound; also the name of a New Jersey based pop/rock band.


"The music was so powerful that it felt like a cascade of sounds."

cascader có nghĩa là

Cascade is an area in south west Atlanta Georgia A.K.A The S.W.A.T.S where part of the movie ATL was filmed.Cascade is home to many great rap artest and groups including Dem Franchise Boys, Ludacris,and T.I. The S.W.A.T.S are composed of four main places which are Cascade, College Park, Adamsville, and Ben Hill. Young Joc is from College Park.


An example is "Or bustin' massive 'round some S.K.
My last trip to A-T-L I fucked yo' cascade"-Ludacris' Go 2 Sleep song
Or,"Hey wanna go to Cascade with me?"

cascader có nghĩa là

A cascader is a male who is not hygiene literate in that he does not know that he needs to clean in between his butt crack. Instead, assuming that soapy water cascading over his ass is enough to do the job. A worse variant of cascader will also neglect to pull back his foreskin to give the knob a clean. Males like this are the most likely reason that women hate giving head or rimjobs (because they can smell old poo poos wofting up from the booty hole and/or smegs). Neither parties of a straight couple has the awareness that men aren't supposed to smell that bad - unlike gay guys who usually learn early in life to clean that shit up. Although much rarer, females can also be cascader.


1: Girl: Hey mum, does dad ever ask you for a BJ? Darren always asks me but it's so gross because his junk smells like shit. Mum: Oh honey that's because Darren's a cascader. I told you not to marry him. He wasn't raised right. 2: Bro 1: Hey bro, you got any tips on getting shit stains out of my underwear and towels? I always get them even right after I shower! Bro 2: Bro, you know that's not normal right? Do you clean in between your ass cheeks when you shower? Bro 1: Lol no way bro that's gay! Bro 2: Lol no it's not bro. You're just a nasty cascader. It's no wonder Sara broke up with you.

cascader có nghĩa là

The unbridled act of shooting one's semen (via ejaculation) onto a woman's breast and letting it trickle down on the lower regions of her anatomy.


Terry let it be known that she preferred that her boyfriend perform a cascade on her instead of risking the chance of accidental pregnancy.

cascader có nghĩa là

The act of forwarding an email to a group of people, which in turn is forwarded to another group of people causing the information in the email to be viewed by a rapidly increasing number of people. Similar to the effects of viral video activity on the internet.


The information in this email is confidential. Please don't cascade it to other member of the club.

cascader có nghĩa là

opposite of a jofa(butterface). a hockey helmet with great protection and looks good, but has little to no equipment. which would be a great face and a terrible bod.


damn that girl is hott
no man shes a cascade.

cascader có nghĩa là

An act of cheating in World of Warcraft. It is used to make subpar guilds appear to be on par with other guilds that are actually guild.


Wow that guild called Deemed Inappropriate sure does cascade a lot. They are a bunch of noobs.

cascader có nghĩa là

To have something fall uncontrollably around you and create a mess.


When I eat a cappuccino muffin at my desk, it never fails that I get cascaded by the crumbs and the powdered sugar!

cascader có nghĩa là

A cascader is someone with a very particular type of poor personal hygiene. There is a population of (mostly) men who aren't aware that they need to actually clean in between their ass cheeks in the shower, thinking that soapy water simply "cascading" over their ass crack is enough to clean the area. Combine this with poor wiping, and you get swamp ass. An even worse breed of cascader exists that neglects to clean their front side as well. It is believed that they are mostly heterosexual men and also the reason why some women hate giving head so much. Because it stank (sic). Women can also be cascaders but it's rare. Clean yo asses people!


1. James: Omg Tony is so hot!
Karl: Yeah but be careful, he's a cascader.
James: How do you know that? Karl: I tried blowin' him the other day and all I could smell was stale ass wofting around to the front, and he'd JUST showered. 2. Carla: Hey mum, does dad shart a lot? Literally every pair of Adrian's underpants has shit stains in them and it's a real hassle to wash.
Susie: No sweety. Adrian's just a cascader. I told you not to marry him, he wasn't raised right.