How to check if string contains forward slash in python

I am a beginner to Python so bear with me. Basically I am searching a particular table cell for the forward slash character. If the cell contains that character, I want to delete the entire row.

counter = 0
for row in table:
    if row[7].find("/") != -1:
        del table[counter]

The code above never detects the forward slash but finds any other character I substitute for forward slash. Any help would be much appreciated.

asked Dec 10, 2010 at 17:03

How to check if string contains forward slash in python


There's so many things wrong with that code it's easier to just re-write it.

table[:] = [row for row in table if '/' not in row[7]]

answered Dec 10, 2010 at 17:05


Could you not just maybe do..

for row in table:
    if '/' in row[7]:

Or if you really need the counter to del the row from the table, then just put the counter back in.

answered Dec 10, 2010 at 17:09


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Python Programming

How to check if string contains forward slash in python

s = 'canada/japan/australia'
l = s.split('/')



['canada', 'japan', 'australia']

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How do I check if a string has a slash?

We have a global variable myString which holds a string as its value. In the event handler function, we have a local variable value which holds a slash ( / ) as its value. We are using the includes() method and ternary operator ( ? ) to check if myString contains value .

How do you use a forward slash in a string in Python?

When specifying a path, a forward slash (/) can be used in place of a backslash. Two backslashes can be used instead of one to avoid a syntax error. A string literal can also be used by placing the letter r before a string containing a backslash so it is interpreted correctly.

How do you print a forward slash in Python?

Backslash characters have a special meaning in Python, so to treat them as literal characters, we have to: escape each backslash with a second backslash. prefix the string with r to mark it as a raw string. use forward slashes in the place of backslashes in a path.

What is forward slash in regex in Python?

The documentation describes the syntax of regular expressions in Python. As you can see, the forward slash has no special function. The reason that [\w\d\s+-/*]* also finds comma's, is because inside square brackets the dash - denotes a range.