Hướng dẫn dùng openssl installer trong PHP

Không giống như Ubuntu, Windows không tích hợp sẵn file thực thi openssl, ta cần phải cài đặt nó bằng tay để có thể generate được file .key, .pem, .crt

Cách 1: Download từ Shining Light Productions

Download từ địa chỉ https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html

(tùy vào phiên bản windows đang sử dụng mà bạn tải bản 32bit hay 64bit nhé)

Sau khi cài đặt ta sẽ tìm thấy file openssl.exe nằm trong folder bin mà mình vừa cài đặt:

Cách 2: Download từ Git For Windows

Download từ địa chỉ https://git-scm.com/download/win

Ở đây mình tải bản Portable (bản không cần cài đặt)

Click đúp vào file .exe nó sẽ giải nén ra folder PortableGit

File openssl.exe sẽ nằm trong folder usr/bin

Sau khi cài đặt, chúng ta có thể chạy lệnh OpenSSL trong commad line của folder chứa file openssl.exe, để có thể chạy lệnh openssl ở bất kỳ đâu, ta cần thêm folder chưa file openssl.exe vào enviroment của windows, ví dụ:

Tiếp theo bạn mở cài đặt Environment của window thêm cài đặt đường dẫn cho OpenSSL như sau:

Search từ khóa Env, sau đó chọn Edit the system environment variables

Chọn Environment Variables

Chỉnh sửa Path trong System variables

Bây giở mở màn hình command line, ta có thể chạy lệnh OpenSSL ở bất kỳ folder nào:

Bảo mật website với SSL Sectigo giá chỉ từ 240k/năm
Nhận ưu đãi ngay


Nội dung chính Show

  • Install PHP on CentOS 7
  • How to Install NextCloud on CentOS 7
  • How to Setup ClipBucket with Nginx on CentOS 7
  • Install PHP and Extensions
  • Installation of BookStack on CentOS 7
  • Install PHP and PHP-FPM
  • Related Market Products
  • PHP infrastructure powered by Websoft9(LNMP | CentOS7.2)
  • PHP infrastructure powered by Websoft9(LAPP | CentOS7.3 )
  • Related Documentation
  • Notes for the PHP and C++ common environment of ApsaraDB for Memcache
  • Related Products
  • ApsaraDB for Memcache
  • Web Application Firewall
  • Related Course
  • Alibaba Cloud Elastic Architecture and Case Study
  • Alibaba Clouder
  • You may also like
  • Alibaba Clouder
  • Related Products
  • ECS(Elastic Compute Service)

I m trying to configure Laravel 5.1, Laravel requirement is

PHP >= 5.5.9 OpenSSL PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension

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Install PHP on CentOS 7

In this article, you will get some information on the installation of some tools with php on centos 7.

PHP is one of the most widely used server-side scripting language. The open source general purpose programming language is powerful for running dynamic and interactive web applications.

How to Install NextCloud on CentOS 7

NextCloud is a free and open source self-hosted alternative to Dropbox or Google Drive. It lets you host your files onto your own private server, providing you full control over your data.

In this article, you will get some information on the installation of NextCloud on CentOS 7 with Alibaba Cloud ECS. And since Nextcloud supports PHP version 7.0 and 7.1. In this tutorial, we will install PHP 7.1. Install EPEL and Remi repository so that we can install the pre-built PHP packages directly.

sudo yum -y install epel-release yum-utils nano unzip
sudo rpm -Uvh http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm
sudo yum-config-manager --enable remi-php71

Install Nginx web server and PHP 7.1 along with the required PHP modules.

sudo yum -y install nginx php php-fpm php-mysqlnd php-ctype php-dom php-gd php-iconv php-json php-libxml php-mbstring php-posix php-xml php-zip php-openssl php-zlib php-curl php-fileinfo php-bz2 php-intl php-mcrypt php-ftp php-exif php-gmp php-memcached php-imagick

Edit the loaded PHP configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/php.ini

How to Setup ClipBucket with Nginx on CentOS 7

ClipBucket does not restrict its installation to any specific operating system (OS). You can use any operating system (OS) of your choice; however, the installation steps would vary according to the choice of operating system.

In this tutorial, we will be installing and configuring ClipBucket and Nginx on an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance with CentOS 7.

Install PHP and Extensions

After you have successfully installled the backedn multimedia software and MariaDB server, you will need to install and configure PHP-FPM daemon to process PHP. For installation of new version of PHP-FPM, REMI repository would be required. Follow the steps below to achieve the required things.

To install REMI repository, execute the following command.

sudo yum install http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm -y

To install the required extensions of PHP, execute the following command.

sudo yum install php70-php-cli php70-php-pecl-imagick php70-php-fpm php70-php-mysql php70-php-opcache -y

Installation of BookStack on CentOS 7

In this article, we will be installing BookStack Documentation Wiki on an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) with CentOS 7. Here we are installing BookStack as a root user. And Nginx is a web server which is required to install BookStack, so first, you'll have to install nginx on your CentOS 7 system.

Install PHP and PHP-FPM

Now nginx web server is installed on your system. Next, you'll have to install PHP and PHP-FPM with some required extensions to install BookStack.

Add new 'webtatic' repository to the CentOS 7 system using rpm command below.

rpm -Uvh https://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el7/webtatic-release.rpm

Now install PHP and PHP-FPM with all the required extensions. Run following command to do so.

yum -y install php70w-fpm php70w-mcrypt php70w-curl php70w-cli php70w-mysql php70w-gd php70w-xsl php70w-json php70w-intl php70w-pear php70w-devel php70w-common php70w-mbstring php70w-tidy php70w-zip php70w-soap curl

Once, the PHP and PHP-FPM are installed on the server. Next, we need to edit the 'php.ini' configuration file.

PHP infrastructure powered by Websoft9(LNMP | CentOS7.2)

Websoft9 LNMP stack is a pre-configured, ready to run image for running PHP application on Alibaba Cloud.it includes new versions of Nginx, MySQL, PHP,phpMyAdmin and other components needed for it. it clould help you simplifies the development and deployment of Web applications.

PHP infrastructure powered by Websoft9(LAPP | CentOS7.3 )

Websoft9 LAPP is a pre-configured, ready to run image for running LAPP on Alibaba Cloud.

The LAPP stack is an open source web platform that can be used to run dynamic web sites and servers. It is considered by many to be a powerful alternative to the more popular LAMP stack and includes Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL (instead of MySQL) and PHP, Python and Perl.

PHP client

This page is for the php client for ApsaraDB for Memcache.

Notes for the PHP and C++ common environment of ApsaraDB for Memcache

You can find some notes for the php and c++ common enviroment for ApsaraDB for Memcache in this page.

ApsaraDB for Memcache

ApsaraDB for Memcache is a managed memory based caching service, which supports high-speed access to queries and data. ApsaraDB for Memcache improves the response of dynamic websites or applications by relieving the load on the backend database as cache data is stored in-memory.

Web Application Firewall

Web Application Firewall (WAF) protects your website servers against intrusions. Our service detects and blocks malicious traffic directed to your websites and applications. WAF secures your core business data and prevents server malfunctions caused by malicious activities and attacks.

Alibaba Cloud Elastic Architecture and Case Study

Through this course, you will learn the core services of Alibaba Cloud Elastic Architecture (Auto Scaling, CDN, VPC, ApsaraDB for Redis and Memcache). By studying some classic use cases, you can understand how to build an elastic architecture in Alibaba Cloud.

Alibaba Clouder

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Alibaba Clouder

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