Hướng dẫn php sprintf array

I have an array witch match string placeholders as follow:

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"some text %s another text %s extra text %s"

and the array:

$array[0] match the first %s 
$array[1] match the second %s 
$array[2] match the third %s 

I thought it could be done using the sprintf function as follow:

$content = sprintf("some text %s another text %s extra text %s", $array);

but this return the too few arguments error, i tried to use implode:

$content = sprintf("some text %s another text %s extra text %s", implode(",",$array));

thanks in advance

asked Nov 10, 2012 at 20:16


Use vsprintf instead of sprintf. It takes an array parameter from which it formats the string.

$content = vsprintf("some text %s another text %s extra text %s", $array);

answered Nov 10, 2012 at 20:17


27.9k11 gold badges55 silver badges91 bronze badges


An alternative to vsprintf in PHP 5.6+

sprintf("some text %s another text %s extra text %s", ...$array);

answered Sep 16, 2016 at 9:30


8,6365 gold badges26 silver badges39 bronze badges


Here you have to use vsprintf() instead of sprintf().

sprintf() accepts only plain variables as argument. But you are trying to pass an array as argument.

For that purpose you need vsprintf() which accepts array as argument.

For example in your case:

"some text %s another text %s extra text %s"

and the array:

$array[0] match the first %s 
$array[1] match the second %s 
$array[2] match the third %s 

To achieve what you want you have to do the following:

$output = vsprintf("some text %s another text %s extra text %s",$array);
echo $output;


some text match the first another text match the second extra text match the third

Hướng dẫn php sprintf array


1,8412 gold badges26 silver badges34 bronze badges

answered Jul 2, 2017 at 23:08

$rv = array(1,2,3,4);
sprintf('[deepak] yay [%s]', print_r($rv, true))

answered Jan 6, 2018 at 1:03


3,8814 gold badges24 silver badges31 bronze badges

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged php arrays printf or ask your own question.

I have an array witch match string placeholders as follow:

"some text %s another text %s extra text %s"

and the array:

$array<0> match the first %s $array<1> match the second %s $array<2> match the third %s

I thought it could be done using the sprintf function as follow:

$content = sprintf("some text %s another text %s extra text %s", $array);

but this return the too few arguments error, i tried to use implode:

$content = sprintf("some text %s another text %s extra text %s", implode(",",$array));

thanks in advance

php arrays printf
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asked Nov 10 "12 at 20:16
641 2 2 gold badges 7 7 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges
seealso:: darkedeneurope.com/questions/5701985/… – dreftymac Feb 9 "18 at 23:20
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4 Answers 4

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Use vsprintf instead of sprintf. It takes an array parameter from which it formats the string.

Bạn đang xem: Sprintf php array

$content = vsprintf("some text %s another text %s extra text %s", $array);
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answered Nov 10 "12 at 20:17
26.9k 11 11 gold badges 52 52 silver badges 87 87 bronze badges
yep that's right, thank you, 7 more minutes to accept the answer :) – tarek Nov 10 "12 at 20:24
in PHP 5.6.33, $content is the length of formatted string; we can try $string = 'Hello %name!'; $data = array( '%name' => 'John' ); $greeting = str_replace(array_keys($data), array_values($data), $string); from first comment of above link of vsprintf – Cheney Mar 8 "18 at 9:32
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An alternative to vsprintf in PHP 5.6+

sprintf("some text %s another text %s extra text %s", ...$array);
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answered Sep 16 "16 at 9:30
7,854 4 4 gold badges 23 23 silver badges 36 36 bronze badges
This answer works very well. I do not understand that php sprintf document said second parameter is mixed type but throwing error if it is an array. php.net/manual/en/function.sprintf.php No where says what this mixed is. – vee Oct 22 "19 at 8:19
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Here you have to use vsprintf() instead of sprintf().

sprintf() accepts only plain variables as argument. But you are trying to pass an array as argument.

For that purpose you need vsprintf() which accepts array as argument.

Xem thêm: How To Install Linux, Apache, Mysql, Php (Lamp) Stack On Centos 6

For example in your case:

"some text %s another text %s extra text %s"

and the array:

$array<0> match the first %s $array<1> match the second %s $array<2> match the third %s

To achieve what you want you have to do the following:

$output = vsprintf("some text %s another text %s extra text %s",$array); echo $output;


some text match the first another text match the second extra text match the third
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edited Jul 4 "17 at 13:42
1,785 2 2 gold badges 23 23 silver badges 34 34 bronze badges
answered Jul 2 "17 at 23:08
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$rv = array(1,2,3,4); sprintf("

yay <%s>", print_r($rv, true))
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answered Jan 6 "18 at 1:03
3,312 4 4 gold badges 20 20 silver badges 28 28 bronze badges
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