Làm cách nào để bạn chuyển đổi tên cột excel thành số?

Chúng tôi đã thảo luận Chuyển đổi từ số cột sang tên cột Excel. Trong bài viết này, đảo ngược được thảo luận


    Đưa ra một tiêu đề cột như xuất hiện trong một trang tính Excel, hãy trả về số cột tương ứng của nó

    column  column number
      A  ->  1
      B  ->  2
      C  ->  3
      Z  ->  26
      AA ->  27
      AB ->  28 

    ví dụ.  

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Đề nghị thực hành

    Bảng tính Excel. Phần 2

    Thử nó

    Cách tiếp cận. Quá trình này tương tự như chuyển đổi nhị phân sang thập phân.
    Ví dụ, để chuyển đổi AB, công thức là 26 * 1 + 2.

    Như một ví dụ khác,

    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Vì vậy, nó rất giống với việc chuyển đổi nhị phân sang thập phân giữ cơ số là 26.
    Lấy đầu vào dưới dạng chuỗi và duyệt chuỗi đầu vào từ trái sang phải và tính toán kết quả như sau.

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Kết quả sẽ là tổng của 

    Làm cách nào để bạn chuyển đổi tên cột excel thành số?

    Thực hiện


    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1


    ________ 218 ________ 219 ________ 10


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1


    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1


    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1


    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    ________ 104 ________ 2164 ________ 106 ________ 107

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.


    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1


    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1


    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1


    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1


    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1


    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1
    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Input: A
    Output: 1
    A is the first column so the output is 1.
    Input: AA
    Output: 27
    The columns are in order A, B, ..., Y, Z, AA ..
    So, there are 26 columns after which AA comes.

    ________ 255 ________ 348 ________ 112


    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1


    To convert CDA,
    3*26*26 + 4*26 + 1
    = 26(3*26 + 4) + 1
    = 26(0*26 + 3*26 + 4) + 1

    Đầu ra

    result = 26*result + s[i] - 'A' + 1

    Phân tích độ phức tạp.  

    • Thời gian phức tạp. O(n), trong đó n là độ dài của chuỗi đầu vào
    • Độ phức tạp của không gian. Ô(1).
      Vì không cần thêm dung lượng.

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