Lập trình game tetris bằng python

Mã nguồn

import cv2
import numpy as np
from random import choice

def getColor():
    lstColor = [[255,64,64],[255,165,0],[255,244,79],[102,255,0],[172,229,238],[148,87,235],[148,87,235],[241,156,187]]
    return choice(lstColor)

def getInfo(piece):
    if piece == "":
        coords = np.array([[0, 0]])
    elif piece == "I":
        coords = np.array([[0, 3], [0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 6]])
    elif piece == "T":
        coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [0, 4]])
    elif piece == "L":
        coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [0, 5]])
    elif piece == "J":
        coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [0, 3]])
    elif piece == "S":
        coords = np.array([[1, 5], [1, 4], [0, 3], [0, 4]])
    elif piece == "Z":
        coords = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [0, 4], [0, 5]])
        coords = np.array([[0, 4], [0, 5], [1, 4], [1, 5]])
    return coords, getColor()

def display(board, coords, color, next_info, held_info, score, SPEED):
    # Generates the display
    border = np.uint8(127 - np.zeros([20, 1, 3]))
    border_ = np.uint8(127 - np.zeros([1, 23, 3]))
    dummy = board.copy()
    dummy[coords[:,0], coords[:,1]] = color
    right = np.uint8(np.zeros([20, 10, 3]))
    right[next_info[0][:,0] + 2, next_info[0][:,1]] = next_info[1]
    dummy = np.concatenate(( border, dummy, border, right, border), 1)
    dummy = np.concatenate((border_, dummy, border_), 0)
    dummy = dummy.repeat(20, 0).repeat(20, 1)
    dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, str(score), (325, 150), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 1, [0, 0, 255], 2)
    # Instructions for the player
    index_pos = 300
    x_index_pos = 300
    dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "A - left", (x_index_pos, index_pos), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 234])
    dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "D - right", (x_index_pos, index_pos+25), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 234])
    dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "S - drain", (x_index_pos, index_pos+50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 234])
    dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "W - rotate", (x_index_pos, index_pos+75), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 234])
    # dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "J - rotate left", (45, 300), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255])
    # dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "L - rotate right", (45, 325), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255])
    # dummy = cv2.putText(dummy, "I - hold", (45, 350), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, [0, 0, 255])
    cv2.imshow("Tetris", dummy)
    key = cv2.waitKey(int(1000/SPEED))
    return key

def getNextPiece():
    next_piece = choice(["O", "I", "S", "Z", "L", "J", "T"])

    return next_piece

SPEED = 1 # Controls the speed of the tetris pieces

# Make a board

board = np.uint8(np.zeros([20, 10, 3]))

# Initialize some variables

quit = False
place = False
drop = False
switch = False
held_piece = ""
flag = 0
score = 0
next_piece =""
current_piece = ""
# All the tetris pieces

if __name__ == "__main__":
    next_piece = getNextPiece()
    while not quit:
        # Check if user wants to swap held and current pieces
        if switch:
           # swap held_piece and current_piece
            held_piece, current_piece = current_piece, held_piece
            switch = False
            # Generates the next piece and updates the current piece
            current_piece = next_piece
            next_piece = getNextPiece()

        if flag > 0:
            flag -= 1

        # Determines the color and position of the current, next, and held pieces
        held_info = getInfo(held_piece)

        next_info = getInfo(next_piece)

        coords, color = getInfo(current_piece)
        if current_piece == "I":
            top_left = [-2, 3]

        if not np.all(board[coords[:,0], coords[:,1]] == 0):

        while True:
            # Shows the board and gets the key press
            key = display(board, coords, color, next_info, held_info, score, SPEED)
            # Create a copy of the position
            dummy = coords.copy()
            print("speed ",SPEED, "key ",key," ", ord("s"))

            if key == ord("s"):
                drop = True

            elif key == ord("a"):
                # Moves the piece left if it isn't against the left wall
                if np.min(coords[:,1]) > 0:
                    coords[:,1] -= 1
                if current_piece == "I":
                    top_left[1] -= 1
            elif key == ord("d"):
                # Moves the piece right if it isn't against the right wall
                if np.max(coords[:,1]) < 9:
                    coords[:,1] += 1
                    if current_piece == "I":
                        top_left[1] += 1
            # elif key == ord("j") or key == ord("l"):
            #         # Rotation mechanism
            #     # arr is the array of nearby points which get rotated and pov is the indexes of the blocks within arr
            #     if current_piece != "I" and current_piece != "O":
            #         if coords[1,1] > 0 and coords[1,1] < 9:
            #             arr = coords[1] - 1 + np.array([[[x, y] for y in range(3)] for x in range(3)])
            #             pov = coords - coords[1] + 1
            #     elif current_piece == "I":
            #         # The straight piece has a 4x4 array, so it needs seperate code
            #         arr = top_left + np.array([[[x, y] for y in range(4)] for x in range(4)])
            #         pov = np.array([np.where(np.logical_and(arr[:,:,0] == pos[0], arr[:,:,1] == pos[1])) for pos in coords])
            #         pov = np.array([k[0] for k in np.swapaxes(pov, 1, 2)])
            #     # Rotates the array and repositions the piece to where it is now
            #     if current_piece != "O":
            #         if key == ord("j"):
            #             arr = np.rot90(arr, -1)
            #         else:
            #             arr = np.rot90(arr)
            #         coords = arr[pov[:,0], pov[:,1]]
            elif key == ord("w"):
                        # Rotation mechanism
                # arr is the array of nearby points which get rotated and pov is the indexes of the blocks within arr
                if current_piece != "I" and current_piece != "O":
                    if coords[1,1] > 0 and coords[1,1] < 9:
                        arr = coords[1] - 1 + np.array([[[x, y] for y in range(3)] for x in range(3)])
                        pov = coords - coords[1] + 1
                elif current_piece == "I":
                    # The straight piece has a 4x4 array, so it needs seperate code
                    arr = top_left + np.array([[[x, y] for y in range(4)] for x in range(4)])
                    pov = np.array([np.where(np.logical_and(arr[:,:,0] == pos[0], arr[:,:,1] == pos[1])) for pos in coords])
                    pov = np.array([k[0] for k in np.swapaxes(pov, 1, 2)])
                # Rotates the array and repositions the piece to where it is now
                if current_piece != "O":
                    if key == ord("j"):
                        arr = np.rot90(arr, -1)
                        arr = np.rot90(arr)
                    coords = arr[pov[:,0], pov[:,1]]
                # Hard drop set to true
                # drop = True
            # elif key == ord("i"):
            #     # Goes out of the loop and tells the program to switch held and current pieces
            #     if flag == 0:
            #         if held_piece == "":
            #             held_piece = current_piece
            #         else:
            #             switch = True
            #         flag = 2
            #         break
            elif key == 8 or key == 27:
                quit = True

            # Checks if the piece is overlapping with other pieces or if it's outside the board, and if so, changes the position to the position before anything happened
            if np.max(coords[:,0]) < 20 and np.min(coords[:,0]) >= 0:
                if not (current_piece == "I" and (np.max(coords[:,1]) >= 10 or np.min(coords[:,1]) < 0)):
                    if not np.all(board[coords[:,0], coords[:,1]] == 0):
                        coords = dummy.copy()
                    coords = dummy.copy()
                coords = dummy.copy()
            if drop:
                    # Every iteration of the loop moves the piece down by 1 and if the piece is resting on the ground or another piece, then it stops and places it
                while not place:
                    if np.max(coords[:,0]) != 19:
                        # Checks if the piece is resting on something
                        for pos in coords:
                            if not np.array_equal(board[pos[0] + 1, pos[1]], [0, 0, 0]):
                                place = True
                        # If the position of the piece is at the ground level, then it places
                        place = True
                    if place:
                    # Keeps going down and checking when the piece needs to be placed
                    coords[:,0] += 1
                    if current_piece == "I":
                        top_left[0] += 1
                drop = False

                    # Checks if the piece needs to be placed
                if np.max(coords[:,0]) != 19:
                    for pos in coords:
                        if not np.array_equal(board[pos[0] + 1, pos[1]], [0, 0, 0]):
                            place = True
                    place = True
            if place:
                # Places the piece where it is on the board
                for pos in coords:
                    board[tuple(pos)] = color
                # Resets place to False
                place = False

            # Moves down by 1

            coords[:,0] += 1
            if current_piece == "I":
                top_left[0] += 1

        # Clears lines and also counts how many lines have been cleared and updates the score
        lines = 0
        for line in range(20):
            if np.all([np.any(pos != 0) for pos in board[line]]):
                lines += 1
                board[1:line+1] = board[:line]
        score += lines*10

Mã nguồn này được kế thừa từ bài viết https://www.learnopencv.com/tetris-with-opencv-python/ và mình có modify lại theo sở thích cá nhân của mình. Còn một số bug mà mình chưa fix hết. Bạn đọc nào ghé ngang có đóng góp gì thì để lại comment giúp mình hen.

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