millis là gì - Nghĩa của từ millis

millis có nghĩa là

1. Extremely sensual; sexually appealing and exciting; can get any guy she wants; flirty; knows how to have fun
2. Fascinating to watch, with an incredible ability to lure people in with her eyes
3. Can get emotionally hurt easily and is sensitive to criticism, but at the same time she is very strong inside
4. One of the beautiful people you will meet; beautiful face and hot body however she is very insecure; beautiful smile; makes a lot of girls jealous
5. The best friend ever; very loyal; once she loves you, she will do anything for you no matter what happens; will stick by you through anything and do whatever it takes to cheer you up or help you out
6. Best girlfriend ever; will do anything, sexually or emotionally, for her boyfriend; would never cheat and is very loyal
7. Complicated and mysterious; nobody will ever quite understand how she thinks but everybody wants to try
8. The strongest, hottest, sweetest, cutest, toughest, most caring, warm, kind and loyal person you will ever meet. Makes everybody around her happy and feel special. Worth holding on to!


Person 1: I can't believe you've managed to get a Millie in your life!
Person 2: I know, I'm so lucky Person 1: Letting go of Millie was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, I just can't find anybody who can replace her
Person 2: You're not the same without her

millis có nghĩa là

An amazing friend who would do anything for you. She is kind, beautiful, and hard for you to hate. Most Millie’s like to draw, and some other dont. Millies are all around extremely loyal friends and enjoy everyone’s company! (unless they dont like the company they’re recieving, or not in the mood for it) -kate 1.0


millie is an amazing friend :)

millis có nghĩa là

Millie is one of the most original people you will ever meet. Her random personality and contagious smile brings joy to everyone around her. She can be crazy at times, but when Millie is around you won’t be able to stifle your laughter! Although she may seem shy at first, once she comes out of her shell there will never be a dull moment! She is a loyal friend, who will do anything for those she cares about. She does her best to do what is right, even if it sometimes backfires. That being said, Millie can be a bit indecisive when it comes to relationships. But don’t let this put you off! Once you have her heart, she will love and care for you dearly. It is hard for Millie to confide in people, so earning her trust will be a slow process. Despite her pretty features, Millie is very insecure about herself, although she tends not to let it show. Millie always tries her best to make the people she loves proud, and can be too critical of herself. It is easy to get lost in Millie’s dazzling eyes, which are by far her best feature. If you have a Millie in your life, make sure you don’t ever let her go. She will bring joy and laughter to your life.


“I love Millie, she’s so funny!” “That girl is wild! She must be a Millie

millis có nghĩa là

Milly’s are usually short but with a great ass, she is funny and loud but can be annoying at times. She is a great friend and is always there for you, she will stand up for you or herself when she needs to. She is genuinely very pretty but thinks she isn’t, she doubts herself way to much. she brings herself down and has a fake smile and says I’m fine when she rlly isn’t. She helps those in need, she won’t say no to anyone bc she feels bad and will most of the time speak the truth. She comes up with creative yet weird ideas, she thinks she is always someone’s second choice and always thinks she is never good enough. She had an amazing style and is good at posing in pics. She laughs at the most stupidest things but laughs at almost everything. She has the most weirdest personality and she has different laughs every time she laughs.


Did you see milly today? Yeh she was laughing at almost everything and that made me laugh, although she was doubting herself quite a bit.

millis có nghĩa là

Millie's are one in a million to come by. Literally. Millie's cannot be tamed, (Didn't your mother teach you to not feed wild animals..) . If you do tame one, DONT let her go. Millie was a popular name back I'm the 1960's & 70's. So, if you ever meet one she's probably a free spirited flower child with an inner wild streak. Millie's have no shame in what they say and do. Millie's have eyes that can lure you in, and make you get lost in the hours. Millie's are one of best friends you'll ever meet. Once you earn their love, their loyalty is forecer. Millie's aren't afraid to cause waves and rock the boat. They will fight for what they believe in. Millie's are hard to come by and are basically goddesses. Millie's are very sexual and social. So be careful it could be like sleeping with a siren, or never coming back from Medusa's gaze gentlemen. You just can't get enough if a Millie. Watch out boys, Millie's can drink. They also have a temper of a an angry irishman. Millie's are amazing friends and when they love, they love hard. You find a Millie in your life, keep her. She's one of a kind.


Millie was a savage when it came to standing up for what she believed in. Describing a Millie is like describing a goddess. Millie's aren't always attractive, but their personality makes up for what they lack.

millis có nghĩa là

Is the most beautiful person u will ever meet she is so sweet and kind


Is that milli she is soooo pretty

millis có nghĩa là

Seems kinda obvious but it means a million dollars or to become a millionaire. Every poor kids dream...

Popularized in the new Lil Wayne song of the same name...


Before my business venture is done, I'm gonna make me a millie. Champagne and lobster for everyone, beeyatches!

millis có nghĩa là

the town with the least scummiest population and very, very small.


person 1: hey man do you live in bellingham?
person 2: f*** no! that town is full of meth heads i live in millis.

millis có nghĩa là

Milly is the hottest girl around and she is a model. She has the best body and everyone loves her, if you know someone named Milly they are the funniest and most entertaining people to have around, we all love Milly but she’s usually the slow one in the group but everyone still loves her, she is really fit even though she does nothing and she will most Likely become rich.


Milly is a hot bitch

millis có nghĩa là

A very generous and outgoing person , though she seems confident and outgoing she is actually very shy and insecure . She only has a couple of friends but it’s all she needs as she is happy with little. Milly is a hardworking person who knows their goals, though they are over thinkers and can be insecure they do not show this to everyone , just their closest friends. Milly is usually blind to her amazing appearance with her body and face and stuns the people around her with natural beauty as well as being an extremely athletic person.


If only I had a friend like Milly who cared for me.
Wow! Look at the beauty on milly!