Mysql connector net 6.8 8 msi

MySQL Product Archives

MySQL Connector/NET (Archived Versions)

Please note that these are old versions. New releases will have recent bug fixes and features!
To download the latest release of MySQL Connector/NET, please visit MySQL Downloads.

Product Version:

Operating System:

MySQL open source software is provided under the GPL License.

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 6.8.8 and 6.9.9 are maintenance releases for the 6.8 and 6.9 series of the .NET driver for MySQL. They can be used for production environments.

It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.5-5.7.

These are now available in source and binary form from our downloads and mirror sites. (note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point-if you can’t find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Added TLS support for TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 when connecting to MySQL Server 5.7.

Bugs Fixed

  • Improvements were made to how the connector handles aborted connections. (Bug #23346197, Bug #80997).
  • With Entity Framework 6, building a table with a primary key would not enclose the key name in quotes, which caused a syntax error. (Bug #22696180, Bug #22696207, Bug #76292).
  • The connector was not disposing the transaction returned by DBContext.Database.BeginTransaction() when exiting a using code block. (Bug #22514355, Bug #22514363).
  • The connector did not attempt to enumerate stored procedures via mysql.proc(). Instead it looked up stored procedures in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES. This could have led to performance degradation in certain scenarios. (Bug #20960373, Bug #23528155, Bug #74116)

For documentation please check at the official site.

Nuget packages are available at:

6.9.9 Packages

MySql.Data 6.9.9

MySql.Data.Entity 6.9.9

MySql.Fabric 6.9.9

MySql.Web 6.9.9

6.8.8 Packages

MySql.Data 6.8.8

MySql.Data.Entity 6.8.8

MySql.Web 6.8.8

We love to hear your thoughts or any comments you have about our product. Please send us your feedback at our forums, fill a bug at our community site, or leave us any comment at the social media channels.

  • MySQL Connector/net Forums
  • MySQL Connector/net Documentation
  • MySQL on Facebook

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On behalf of the MySQL Connector/Net team

MySQL Community Downloads


  • General Availability (GA) Releases
  • Archives
  • Mysql connector net 6.8 8 msi

Connector/NET 8.0.30

Select Operating System:

Connector/NET is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL.

MySQL Connector/NET 8.0 is compatible with all MySQL versions starting with MySQL 5.6. Additionally, MySQL Connector/NET 8.0 supports the new X DevAPI for development with MySQL Server 8.0.

Online Documentation:

  • MySQL Connector/NET Installation Instructions
  • Documentation
  • MySQL Connector/NET API Reference (requires Connector/NET 8.0)
  • Change History

MySQL Connector/NET 8.0 is highly recommended for use with MySQL Server 8.0, 5.7 and 5.6. Please upgrade to MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.

Please report any bugs or inconsistencies you observe to our Bugs Database.
Thank you for your support!


This document contains release notes for the changes in each release of MySQL Connector/NET.

For the changes in each MySQL for Visual Studio release, see the MySQL for Visual Studio Release Notes

For additional Connector/NET documentation, see MySQL Connector/NET Developer Guide. For additional MySQL for Visual Studio documentation, see MySQL for Visual Studio.

Updates to these notes occur as new product features are added, so that everybody can follow the development process. If a recent version is listed here that you cannot find on the download page (, the version has not yet been released.

The documentation included in source and binary distributions may not be fully up to date with respect to release note entries because integration of the documentation occurs at release build time. For the most up-to-date release notes, please refer to the online documentation instead.

For legal information, see the Legal Notices.

For help with using MySQL, please visit the MySQL Forums, where you can discuss your issues with other MySQL users.

Document generated on: 2022-09-22 (revision: 25396)