Remote Desktop orchestration error

The task you are trying to do can’t be completed because Remote Desktop Services is currently busy

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Remote Desktop orchestration error




Remote Desktop orchestration error

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Nov 20, 2016 at 18:15 UTC

My knee jerk reaction is check your firewall rules/port forwarding/authentication groups pointing to any internal authentication servers using something like RADIUS.

Are you using RADIUS for authentication? If so, check your NPS authentication group(s).


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Remote Desktop orchestration error




Remote Desktop orchestration error

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Nov 20, 2016 at 18:19 UTC

Can you manually use the RDG from the outside?
If you sign into RDWeb with chome and download one of the .rdp files, open it up with notepad and make sure it has the correct RDG settings


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Remote Desktop orchestration error

Pure Capsaicin



Remote Desktop orchestration error

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Nov 20, 2016 at 18:23 UTC

My recommendation is pretty much close to the other ones. Check that the RD gateway is accessible through the public IP as well. Trace the configuration same as your working environment and make sure it matches your configuration obviously with different IP addresses but same logic.


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Remote Desktop orchestration error



Stupid Out Nov 20, 2016 at 18:28 UTC

BBigford wrote:

My knee jerk reaction is check your firewall rules/port forwarding/authentication groups pointing to any internal authentication servers using something like RADIUS.

Are you using RADIUS for authentication? If so, check your NPS authentication group(s).

Sorry don't know how to answer this yet. I never had to configure this part manually even on the existing working RDS. I'll get back to you on this. I only setup the RD CAP and RAP and they seem to be correct.


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Remote Desktop orchestration error



Stupid Out Nov 20, 2016 at 18:34 UTC

dbeato wrote:

My recommendation is pretty much close to the other ones. Check that the RD gateway is accessible through the public IP as well. Trace the configuration same as your working environment and make sure it matches your configuration obviously with different IP addresses but same logic.

I can access the FQDN and IP of the Gateway from external and internal (had to add DNS forwarders internally). Right now the setup is single server (public IP > single server). Public IP works and I have tried two different Public IPs just to isolate the forwarding rules as well.


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Remote Desktop orchestration error



Stupid Out Nov 20, 2016 at 18:37 UTC

I'm clueless, even with running BPA doesn't show any errors. Tried different remote locations and computers and they all seem to give the same result.


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Remote Desktop orchestration error



Best Answer

Stupid Out Nov 20, 2016 at 19:13 UTC

Thanks for the input guys. I figured out my issue. Based from the information I provided above and the BPA result, it kinda suggested that there wasn't an issue with my RDS config. I reviewed my network settings and updated it it to a simpler structure. Works well now.


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Remote Desktop orchestration error




Remote Desktop orchestration error

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Nov 20, 2016 at 23:07 UTC

fernanespiritu wrote:

Thanks for the input guys. I figured out my issue. Based from the information I provided above and the BPA result, it kinda suggested that there wasn't an issue with my RDS config. I reviewed my network settings and updated it it to a simpler structure. Works well now.

Can you provide more input about what you changed? Something with your firewall/etc? You mentioned a "simpler network", please elaborate on that.Definitely helpful to people in the community, as well as anyone online that stumbles upon this thread, to give some clarity about what specifically resolved your issue, if no suggestions in here were helpful.


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Remote Desktop orchestration error



Stupid Out Nov 21, 2016 at 08:10 UTC

BBigford wrote:

fernanespiritu wrote:

Thanks for the input guys. I figured out my issue. Based from the information I provided above and the BPA result, it kinda suggested that there wasn't an issue with my RDS config. I reviewed my network settings and updated it it to a simpler structure. Works well now.

Can you provide more input about what you changed? Something with your firewall/etc? You mentioned a "simpler network", please elaborate on that.Definitely helpful to people in the community, as well as anyone online that stumbles upon this thread, to give some clarity about what specifically resolved your issue, if no suggestions in here were helpful.

Well basically my main network is on 10.0.0.xx with and I was trying to build the new RDS environment on 10.0.12.xx. I can ping everything from anywhere internally so I never thought it would be an issue. I would say, I haven't found the real cause of issue or mis-configuration I made. But placing the new RDS environment on the same octet with the prod network made it easier. My network is simple, no vlans or complex routing, but would need to revisit placing the RDS network to a different octet next time.

does that make sense?


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Problem Statement – Not Able to Connect to AVD

  • Logon to Azure AD user name and password.
  • Click theRemote Desktop Session hostavailable.
  • Log in to Remote Desktop with the same Azure user name and password used above.
Remote Desktop orchestration error
Remote Desktop orchestration error
FIX Not Able to Connect to AVD Personal Desktop VM Issue Error 0x3000046

We couldn’t connect because there are currently no available resources. Try again later or contact tech support for help if this keeps happening.

Remote Desktop orchestration error
Remote Desktop orchestration error

Error 0x3000046

Extended Error Code 0x0

Remote Desktop orchestration error
Remote Desktop orchestration error
FIX Not Able to Connect to AVD Personal Desktop VM Issue

How to fix RD Client iOS error code 0x3000015 for Windows Virtual Desktop

  • Cloud, Endpoint Management, Modern Desktop, Modern Workplace, Windows Virtual Desktop
  • 6

Many of you who tried out the new iOS Remote Desktop client app to connect to Windows Virtual Desktop might have encountered an error during subsequent attempts when adding a new workspace to your RD Client app.

0x3000015, a screen smasher for sure!

Remote Desktop orchestration error

To avoid hitting the repair shop for a new screen, let me walk you through a couple of steps to fix this issue.

Setting the stage:

Starting with the screenshots below, I already have a workspace configured which points to 2 of my Windows Virtual Desktop tenants.

Remote Desktop orchestration error

For the purpose of this demo and blog, I would like to setup a new workspace, so I can connect to another series of virtual desktops.

When pressing the “Edit” button, select “delete”

Remote Desktop orchestration error

Press “delete” again in order to confirm and permanently delete that workspace.

Remote Desktop orchestration error

Great so far, no workspaces to show:

Remote Desktop orchestration error

Now let’s hit the “+” sign

Remote Desktop orchestration error

And select “Add Workspace”

Enter the Windows Virtual Desktop webfeed url : “” and enter next

Remote Desktop orchestration error

You’re then prompted to authenticate against your Azure Active Directory Tenant , so use your e-mail address or UPN (User Principal Name) that has access to a Windows Virtual Desktop workspace to login.

Remote Desktop orchestration error

Awesome, here is my new workspace, and as you can see I have a session desktop available to launch.

Remote Desktop orchestration error

Now, you would expect that if you select your session desktop, you’ll end up in your Windows 10 environment..

Guess again! 0x3000015, “we couldn’t connect to the remote desktop gatexway because of an internal error. If this keeps happening contact your network administrator for assistance.”

Now, let me be that network administrator for you today!

Remote Desktop orchestration error

In order to resolve this issue, follow the steps below!

Fixing the issue

To start of with a clean sheet, close all open apps on your iOS device and navigate to the settings pane.

Remote Desktop orchestration error

Scroll down through your apps until you reach the RD Client app.

Select the RD Client app.

Remote Desktop orchestration error

And scroll down to the “WVD Security Tokens” setting. Slide this slider to the right and make sure it’s green and selected.

Remote Desktop orchestration error

Enable “Delete on App Launch” in the “WVD Security Tokens” settings

Remote Desktop orchestration error

Back to our Virtual Desktop

Now let’s navigate back to our Remote Desktop Client app.

Remote Desktop orchestration error

And launch your previously added desktop

Remote Desktop orchestration error

Enter your username and password

Remote Desktop orchestration error

Woohoo! Here we have our rich Windows 10 experience on iOS provided by Windows Virtual Desktop.

Remote Desktop orchestration error

Thank you!

Thank you for reading through this blog post, I hope I have saved you some time on researching the 0x3000015 error message.

If you encounter any new insights, feel free to drop me a comment or contact me via mail or other social media channels

Tags: apple ios rdclient remotedesktop windows10 WindowsVirtualDesktop WVD

Question: Q: Microsoft RDP client for Mac receiving "Unable to connect" error code 0x5000007 from Microsoft RD Gateway

We have an RD Gateway server setup and running well. All of our Windows clients can use MS RDP client from outside of the LAN, but Mac users continue to receive and error; "Unable to connect Your session ended because of a protocol error while communicating with the Remote Desktop Gateway. If this keeps happening, contact your network administrator for assistance."

I can successfully connect a Mac running MS RDP client to computers on the network, but fail when accessing from outside of the firewall, through the gateway server.

i'm so so so stuck. help please.

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Posted on Apr 2, 2020 5:10 PM

Reply I have this question too(54) I have this question too Me too(54) Me too

Apr 3, 2020 4:17 AM in response to RichardVisageMe In response to RichardVisageMe

This forum is for Apple's Remote Desktop and therefore not for you. Microsoft's Remote Desktop forum is here:

You should have a word with your network administrator and ask them the question. FWIW I think there's a certificate or a protocol setting that needs to be configured somewhere that will allow your Mac to 'pass-through'. This could be something built-in on a PC or pre-configured when your IT department roll out the setting to their PC clients. Be patient and persistent and don't let them fob you off simply because you're on a Mac and not a PC. They should be supporting you properly irrespective of platform. It's their job after all

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Apr 3, 2020 4:17 AM

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Apr 3, 2020 1:43 PM in response to RichardVisageMe In response to RichardVisageMe

If you have a good rapport with your IT support team then ask them if you need to install an SSL certificate on your Mac. My understanding is the RD Gateway requires this for RD clients to connect successfully. The other aspect of this is whether you have to establish a VPN first. Now this may or may not be a requirement prior to using MRD but its worth asking.

I've had another look and found this:

Ask if TLS v1.2 is enabled and make sure you're on the latest macOS. Worth a try?

Good luck!

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Apr 3, 2020 1:43 PM

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