Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties

Network Adapter tab error in Terminal Server

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  • Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties

    Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties


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    I configured the terminal services session to listen on only the internal network adapter on a W2k8 server with remote desktop for admin only. Initially, it worked. However, it degraded and stopped working altogether. I attempted to roll back the change but when I open the network adapter tab of the terminal session properties a message pops up stating:

    "Terminal Services Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties for this connection. the connection has either been deleted or the internal state of this connection has been corrupted. Please close all propery pages and select refresh from the menu."

    Of course, selecting refresh doesn't help. Restarting terminal services doesn't help. Disabling and reenabling the Network adapter doesn't help. Rebooting the server doesn't help. Any other suggestions would be helpful.

    The Computer Shogun

    Friday, April 1, 2011 6:08 PM


  • Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties

    Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties


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    Did you added or remove the NIC card from machine after configuring the Terminal server to listen on one nic?

    To get this rectified you may try below steps:

    1. Change the value ofHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\LanAdapter to 0.
    2. Close and restart the server manger mmc.
    3. go to network adapter tab in the RDS config properties and again select the desired adapter you want to listen on.

    • Marked as answer by Alan Zhu Thursday, April 7, 2011 2:52 AM

    Friday, April 1, 2011 8:50 PM

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  • Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties

    Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties


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    Did you added or remove the NIC card from machine after configuring the Terminal server to listen on one nic?

    To get this rectified you may try below steps:

    1. Change the value ofHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\LanAdapter to 0.
    2. Close and restart the server manger mmc.
    3. go to network adapter tab in the RDS config properties and again select the desired adapter you want to listen on.

    • Marked as answer by Alan Zhu Thursday, April 7, 2011 2:52 AM

    Friday, April 1, 2011 8:50 PM

  • Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties

    Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties


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    Thank your guys, this has help me to resolved my issue just now.

    Wednesday, November 11, 2015 6:24 AM

  • Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties

    Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties


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    Thanks guys, this solvemy issue also.

    Thursday, March 24, 2016 11:53 AM

9 Replies

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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties



mtadeacon Jan 11, 2013 at 15:41 UTC

To be honest this has all the earmarks of a networking/routing issue. Ran into something similar at on a global WAN and there were some DNS issues at the remote location. Are the both the license server and the clients on the same subnet? Same VLan? Is the NIC config correct on both ends, including gateways and DNS and/or WINS servers? Many many variables, any specifics you can supply would be helpful.


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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties



kankoon Jan 11, 2013 at 15:55 UTC

Thanks for the reply..

both host and license server are on the same network, on the same switch, on the same subnet with no vlans

both nics are configured w/ the correct dns / gateway / subnet / static ips

also we have another licensing server on the same network, on the same switch as well, and on the same subnet with no vlans

this other licensing server is configured the same as the other and i can disconnect and connect all day long to this one without having to provide credentials on the same host server

its just weird to me how it can work for a few weeks and then all of a sudden go bonkers.. not hard to believe.. haha but just weird..


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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties



mtadeacon Jan 11, 2013 at 16:11 UTC

Next items I can think of:

Have you set a preferred license server since you say you have 2?

Check that Remote Registry service is running and set to Auto on the license server.

Check the value of the RestrictAnonymous registry key at:


2 is bad, try 0 or 1

Make sure that the administrative shares are shared on the license server.

Make sure that File and Printer Sharing is bound to the network adapter, and that it is bound to the correct network adapter if more than one are configured separately.

You can also try removing the MSLicensing registry key on the client and verify the permissions on the rebuilt key.


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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties



strapanese Jan 11, 2013 at 16:13 UTC

Not to sound too elementary, but disable firewall and antivirus and see if that helps. Obviously this would be temporary and just for troubleshooting. We had to disable "network threat protection" on Symantec for our license server to be consistently available. Just a thought.


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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties



kankoon Jan 11, 2013 at 16:44 UTC

Not sure about setting a preferred license server, i only have one specified in the list on host server..

""Make sure that the administrative shares are shared on the license server.""

can you please explain this one to me ?

I checked everything but this one :

"You can also try removing the MSLicensing registry key on the client and verify the permissions on the rebuilt key."

strapanese -

thanks for the suggestions, tried and failed..


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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties



mtadeacon Jan 11, 2013 at 17:02 UTC

open a command prompt and type:

net share

you should see something like this:

Share name Resource Remark

C$ C:\ Default share
IPC$ Remote IPC
ADMIN$ C:\Windows Remote Admin

At least those 3 should be there, if not this link will tell you how to fix that:;en-us;318755

for the second:

from the run line or search box type:


Now go to:


on the registry menu click export registry file, export to the location of your choice and name it something that makes sense, like licensingbackup, and save it. If you need to restore it later you can double click it and add the info back to the registry.

on the Edit menu click delete, then close the registry editor and reboot the client computer. The key should be rebuilt on reboot. Go back to it in the registry editor after reboot and verify that users have at least Read permissions listed.


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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties



kankoon Jan 11, 2013 at 17:21 UTC

ok checked your #1 : all ok

#2 i will have to do after hours.. i probably will not do this for a while or atleast until i have a better reason to restart the server as its serves a very imp. function..

thank you all for your help


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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties



Best Answer

mtadeacon Jan 11, 2013 at 17:31 UTC

Can't guarantee the fix, but they are valid troubleshooting steps. Also see this link if you want to try some of the other things I mentioned or a few others.


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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties



kankoon Jan 11, 2013 at 17:52 UTC

thank you again mtadeacon..


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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties for this connection. The connection has ...

  • Windows 7
Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties for this connection. The connection has either been deleted or the internal state of this connection has been corrupted. Please close all property pages, and select refresh from the menu.

Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) , formerly Terminal Server, enables a server to host Windows-based programs ... Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration cannot retrieve selected license Server List configuration settings because a connection ... Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration cannot retrieve these settings because a connection to the server {0} cannot be ... Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration cannot save these settings because a connection to the server {0} cannot be established. ... Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties for this connection. The connection has ... Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to set the properties for this connection. The connection has ... Remote Desktop Session Host enables a server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop. Users can connect ... Remote Desktop Session Host server %1 is not configured properly for redirection from legacy servers and should report only ... Remote Desktop Session Host Server Configuration tool is running with local account credentials. Licensing Diagnosis will ...

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Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to set the properties for this connection. The connection has ...

  • Windows 7
Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to set the properties for this connection. The connection has either been deleted or the internal state of this connection has been corrupted. Please close all property pages, and select refresh from the menu.

Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration cannot retrieve selected license Server List configuration settings because a connection ... Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration cannot retrieve these settings because a connection to the server {0} cannot be ... Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration cannot save these settings because a connection to the server {0} cannot be established. ... Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to obtain the properties for this connection. The connection has ... Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool is not able to set the properties for this connection. The connection has ... Remote Desktop Session Host enables a server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop. Users can connect ... Remote Desktop Session Host server %1 is not configured properly for redirection from legacy servers and should report only ... Remote Desktop Session Host Server Configuration tool is running with local account credentials. Licensing Diagnosis will ... Remote Desktop Session Host server configured for redirection, which manages the remote connections by users to the virtual ...

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Supporting Your Application

Kelly C. Bourne, in Application Administrators Handbook, 2014 Console mode

When using RDC to connect to a remote Windows server, you are effectively creating a new session and logging into it. A session, called the console session, always exists on the server. This is also referred to as “session 0.” You can connect to this session by adding the parameter / console when making the connection from RDC.

The advantage of opening a session in console mode is that any applications that are currently running on the server will be visible to the console-mode session. This isn’t the case when a session is opened in nonconsole mode.

There is a small degree of risk associated with using console mode when remoting to a server. One application that I administered would crash if anyone logged into the server in console mode. There was a bug in the application that required it be run in the console session. If someone remoted in as console mode, then the application crashed. The odds of your application having a similar bug are pretty small, but if it crashes whenever someone logs into the server as console mode then this might be the problem.

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Troubleshooting ‘remote desktop licensing mode is not configured’ error

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Accessing remote desktops and configuring them is a common administrative task in organizations, and it has taken greater importance in the current work-from-anywhere culture. However, accessing remote desktops is not always a straightforward task as it could require licenses and can throw up many errors in case of misconfigurations. The error message is often not detailed enough to give you the cause of the problem, so fixing it can take up a ton of time and effort, not to mention the frustrations that come with it. One such critical error that’s not self-explanatory is the “remote desktop licensing mode is not configured” error. In this article, let’s learn all about this error, its causes, and how to fix it.

But before that, a touch on the basics.

What is remote desktop licensing?

Every device or user that wants to connect to a remote desktop session host requires a Client Access License (CAL), to help you install and track licenses across different computers. This CAL also helps with streamlining access and ensures that no unauthorized system can connect to a remote host.

When a host or device tries to connect to a remote desktop session (RDS) Host server, it checks the configuration to see if a CAL is required. If yes, the RDS host server requests a CAL from the RD license server. Next, the server checks if the CAL is valid and issues the same to the client.

Using this CAL, the client connects to the RD Session host server and, through it, to the required remote desktop.

Many CAL versions apply to different session host versions. For example, the 2008 and 2008 R2 session hosts are compatible with RDS 2008 R2 CAL, RDS 2012 CAL, RDS 2016 CAL, and RDS 2019 CAL, while the 2012 session host is compatible with RDS 2012 CAL and later versions. So, check the version compatibility for your CAL.

Microsoft offers a 120-day grace period, and no license is required during this time. After this time ends, a client needs a CAL to log into a remote desktop through the RD Session Host server.

Now that you know what remote desktop licensing is, let’s jump into the error.