Remove non alphanumeric characters python regex

Timing with random strings of ASCII printables:

from inspect import getsource
from random import sample
import re
from string import printable
from timeit import timeit

pattern_single = re.compile(r'[\W]')
pattern_repeat = re.compile(r'[\W]+')
translation_tb = str.maketrans('', '', ''.join(c for c in map(chr, range(256)) if not c.isalnum()))

def generate_test_string(length):
    return ''.join(sample(printable, length))

def main():
    for i in range(0, 60, 10):
        for test in [
            lambda: ''.join(c for c in generate_test_string(i) if c.isalnum()),
            lambda: ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, generate_test_string(i))),
            lambda: re.sub(r'[\W]', '', generate_test_string(i)),
            lambda: re.sub(r'[\W]+', '', generate_test_string(i)),
            lambda: pattern_single.sub('', generate_test_string(i)),
            lambda: pattern_repeat.sub('', generate_test_string(i)),
            lambda: generate_test_string(i).translate(translation_tb),

            print(timeit(test), i, getsource(test).lstrip('            lambda: ').rstrip(',\n'), sep='\t')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Result (Python 3.7):

       Time       Length                           Code                           
6.3716264850008880  00  ''.join(c for c in generate_test_string(i) if c.isalnum())
5.7285426190064750  00  ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, generate_test_string(i)))
8.1875841680011940  00  re.sub(r'[\W]', '', generate_test_string(i))
8.0002205439959650  00  re.sub(r'[\W]+', '', generate_test_string(i))
5.5290945199958510  00  pattern_single.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
5.4417179649972240  00  pattern_repeat.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
4.6772285089973590  00  generate_test_string(i).translate(translation_tb)
23.574712151996210  10  ''.join(c for c in generate_test_string(i) if c.isalnum())
22.829975890002970  10  ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, generate_test_string(i)))
27.210196289997840  10  re.sub(r'[\W]', '', generate_test_string(i))
27.203713296003116  10  re.sub(r'[\W]+', '', generate_test_string(i))
24.008979928999906  10  pattern_single.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
23.945240008994006  10  pattern_repeat.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
21.830899796994345  10  generate_test_string(i).translate(translation_tb)
38.731336012999236  20  ''.join(c for c in generate_test_string(i) if c.isalnum())
37.942474347000825  20  ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, generate_test_string(i)))
42.169366310001350  20  re.sub(r'[\W]', '', generate_test_string(i))
41.933375883003464  20  re.sub(r'[\W]+', '', generate_test_string(i))
38.899814646996674  20  pattern_single.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
38.636144253003295  20  pattern_repeat.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
36.201238164998360  20  generate_test_string(i).translate(translation_tb)
49.377356811004574  30  ''.join(c for c in generate_test_string(i) if c.isalnum())
48.408927293996385  30  ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, generate_test_string(i)))
53.901889764994850  30  re.sub(r'[\W]', '', generate_test_string(i))
52.130339455994545  30  re.sub(r'[\W]+', '', generate_test_string(i))
50.061149017004940  30  pattern_single.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
49.366573111998150  30  pattern_repeat.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
46.649754120997386  30  generate_test_string(i).translate(translation_tb)
63.107938601999194  40  ''.join(c for c in generate_test_string(i) if c.isalnum())
65.116287978999030  40  ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, generate_test_string(i)))
71.477421126997800  40  re.sub(r'[\W]', '', generate_test_string(i))
66.027950693998720  40  re.sub(r'[\W]+', '', generate_test_string(i))
63.315361931003280  40  pattern_single.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
62.342320287003530  40  pattern_repeat.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
58.249303059004890  40  generate_test_string(i).translate(translation_tb)
73.810345625002810  50  ''.join(c for c in generate_test_string(i) if c.isalnum())
72.593953348005020  50  ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, generate_test_string(i)))
76.048324580995540  50  re.sub(r'[\W]', '', generate_test_string(i))
75.106637657001560  50  re.sub(r'[\W]+', '', generate_test_string(i))
74.681338128997600  50  pattern_single.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
72.430461594005460  50  pattern_repeat.sub('', generate_test_string(i))
69.394243567003290  50  generate_test_string(i).translate(translation_tb)

str.maketrans & str.translate is fastest, but includes all non-ASCII characters. re.compile & pattern.sub is slower, but is somehow faster than ''.join & filter.

  1. HowTo
  2. Python How-To's
  3. Remove Non-Alphanumeric Characters From Python String

Created: May-28, 2021

  1. Use the isalnum() Method to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String
  2. Use the filter() Function to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String
  3. Use Regular Expressions to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String

Alphanumeric characters contain the blend of the 26 characters of the letter set and the numbers 0 to 9. Non-alphanumeric characters include characters that are not letters or digits, like + and @.

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to remove non-alphanumeric characters from a string in Python.

Use the isalnum() Method to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String

We can use the isalnum() method to check whether a given character or string is alphanumeric or not. We can compare each character individually from a string, and if it is alphanumeric, then we combine it using the join() function.

For example,

string_value = "alphanumeric@123__"
s = ''.join(ch for ch in string_value if ch.isalnum())



Use the filter() Function to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String

The filter() function is used to construct an iterator from components of the iterable object and filters the object’s elements using a function.

For our problem, the string is our object, and we will use the isalnum() function, which checks whether a given string contains alphanumeric characters or not by checking each character. The join() function combines all the characters to return a string.

For example,

string_value = "alphanumeric@123__"
s = ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, string_value))



This method does not work with Python 3.

Use Regular Expressions to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String

A regular expression is an exceptional grouping of characters that helps you match different strings or sets of strings, utilizing a specific syntax in a pattern. To use regular expressions, we import the re module.

We can use the sub() function from this module to replace all the string that matches a non-alphanumeric character by an empty character.

For example,

import re
string_value = "alphanumeric@123__"
s=re.sub(r'[\W_]+', '', string_value)



Alternatively, we can also use the following pattern.

import re
string_value = "alphanumeric@123__"
s = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', string_value)



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  • Remove non alphanumeric characters python regex

    How do I get rid of non

    Use the isalnum() Method to Remove All Non-Alphanumeric Characters in Python String. We can use the isalnum() method to check whether a given character or string is alphanumeric or not. We can compare each character individually from a string, and if it is alphanumeric, then we combine it using the join() function.

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