Research on adolescent sleep patterns found that Quizlet

-The duration of time required to have a good night's rest varies from person to person and is based on a number of factors including age, lifestyle and genetics.

-The amount of time spent in NREM and REM sleep also changes according to different stages of our lives.

-The amount of sleep varies with age.
-Most teenagers need 9-10 hours per night.
- A young child needs more and an adult less to perform at their best.

-For instance, working day or night shifts, sleeping in quiet or noisy places, leading an active versus inactive lifestyle all influence our individual need for sleep.
-Culture - some cultures take afternoon naps.

-Some studies suggest that females tend to need more sleep than males (Wever1984).

-The amount of time we spend sleeping decreases as we get older.
-The proportion of total sleep time spent in REM sleep decreases markedly from infancy to adolescence, and then remains relatively stable into adulthood and old age.
-The amount of NREM sleep time also decreases, but compared with the drop in REM sleep up to adolescence, NREM sleep tends to be relatively stable.

There is a gradual decrease in total time spent sleeping as we age
There is a gradual decrease in REM sleep from birth to adolescence followed by a slight increase in late adulthood.
There is a gradual increase in NREM sleep from birth to adolescence and then a drop in late adulthood.

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Terms in this set (1107)

Rusty wants to know how he can prevent drug abuse by his adolescent son. You can tell Rusty to notice who is son is hanging out with. Increased substance use is linked to all of the following EXCEPT:

having friends with good grades.

A national study of U.S. adolescents revealed all of the following except that:

girls were more likely to report they had 60 minutes of vigorous exercise than boys.

_____ is a brain-neuroendocrine process occurring primarily in early adolescence that provides stimulation for the rapid physical changes that occur in this period of development.


Based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics published in 2014, which student is the MOST likely to drop out of high school?

Angelo, a Latino male

Mary Carskadon and her colleagues concluded from their research of the sleep patterns of U.S. adolescents that:

early school starting times may be linked to negative outcomes for adolescents.

Which of the following is FALSE about individuals diagnosed with bulimia nervosa?

They are usually overweight.

Jordan is very afraid of gaining weight but she cannot control her eating habits. She has been making up for her eating binges by vomiting immediately after a meal or by purging with laxatives. This pattern of behavior has been occurring thrice a week for the past 4 months. Jordan is most likely suffering from:

bulimia nervosa.

Carissa is ready to read the chapter in her textbook for tomorrow. She knows that her smartphone is a distraction for her, so she turns the sound off. A few times while she was reading she wondered if she had any messages, but then thought, "Well, that will be my reward for getting through this. I need to keep reading." Carissa is demonstrating:

cognitive control.

The National Sleep Foundation survey of adolescents found that inadequate sleep on school nights was related to all of the following EXCEPT:

eating more.

Sergei has noticed his daughter is asking questions about religion and a force governing the universe in a sophisticated way. He said, "I remember when you thought there was literally an old man like Santa Claus in the sky, and now your thinking has progressed." Another way of saying this is to say is daughter is now capable of:

abstract thinking.

Which of the following statements about the timing of identity development is TRUE?

College upperclassmen are more likely to be identity achieved than college freshmen or high school students.

By about age 15, adolescent females have a rate of depression that is _____ that of adolescent males.


What is the difference between cliques and crowds?

Cliques are more personal than crowds.

Reggie, age 16, gets into a lot of arguments with his parents. Going by what is generally observed about parent-adolescent conflict, it is likely that most of the arguments center around:

everyday events of family life.

Yvette, a high school junior, is struggling with whether she wants to be an active part of her extended family, going to college and settling down close to home, or if moving to a more exciting area, charting her own path, and settling down near a city is what she wants. In Erikson's terms, she is struggling with:

identity confusion.

Several adolescents may form what researchers would call a _____ because they have spent time with each other, share mutual interests, and enjoy each other's company.


A study of 200 tenth-graders revealed that:

having more romantic experience was linked to a higher level of substance use and delinquency.

The new model of parent-adolescent relationships emphasizes that:

in most families, parent-adolescent conflict is moderate rather than severe.

In 2015, the primary way adolescents communicated with their friends was:

text messaging.

It is Saturday, and Victoria's mother wants to know what her plans are for the day. Her mother is quick to remind Victoria of the rules, such as texting her mother at least once every hour she is away from the house, and her curfew of 9 p.m. The psychological term for Victoria's mother's behavior is:

parental monitoring.

Which of the following is NOT a part of the executive function in typical adolescent information processing?

Imaginary audience

Katie weighs less than 85% of what is considered normal for her age and height. Yet, she sees herself as too fat and starves to become thinner. Katie MOST likely suffers from:

anorexia nervosa.

Which of the following is typically the last male pubertal characteristic to occur?

Growth of facial hair

Ms. Chang is trying to prepare her health class students for the onset of puberty. What should she tell the boys that they are likely to experience first?

Increased penis and testicle size

Gabriel said to his son, "I can tell you are getting smarter because you can talk about things like democracy and freedom in a more philosophical way." Basically, Gabriel is saying his son is capable of:

abstract thinking.

The textbook author would agree with all of the following statements about adolescents except that:

too many adolescents are lacking opportunities to become competent adults.

Which of the following statements about the timing and variations in puberty is FALSE?

Obesity is linked to a later onset of puberty.

While both testosterone and estradiol are present in both boys and girls, _____ dominates female pubertal development and _____ dominates male pubertal development.

testosterone, estradiol

Amanda's mother suffers from anorexia nervosa. Which of the following statements about Amanda is TRUE?

Amanda is at risk of becoming anorexic herself.

According to Erik Erikson, which developmental stage is experienced during adolescence?

Identity versus identity confusion

Which of the following statements about the U.S. trends in juvenile delinquency is FALSE?

About half of the delinquency caseloads in 2005 involved females.

According to Erik Erikson, during the _____ stage, adolescents are faced with deciding who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life.

identity versus identity confusion

Sullivan argued that the need for social _____ intensifies during early adolescence, motivating teenagers to seek out close friends.


Which of the following is NOT associated with a higher risk of suicidal behavior?

Strong school connectedness

Gino is a law enforcement officer in an area where the level of drug abuse and juvenile delinquency is high. He has a group of four male teens that he meets with every day. Often they play basketball or lift weights together. Gino's mentoring fits the common component of _____, found in successful prevention programs.

providing a mentoring adult who is available full time

Benjamin and Isaac, both from Jewish families, are looking forward to being full participants in their religious communities. Their bar mitzvahs are their:

rites of passage.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding data on suicide?

The percentage of adolescents considering suicide has increased over the last 20 years.

According to a recent study of more than 17,000 Chinese 11- to 22-year-olds, why do males in China have a higher rate of depression than females?

They have a less positive coping style.

In which of the following groups is death through homicide especially common in adolescence?

African American males

Fred confronted his son about the possibility he has developed anorexia nervosa. His son laughs and says, "That's a girl thing." Fred replies that

boys can show the same symptoms.

The neurotransmitter associated with risk taking and use of addictive drugs is:


Which of the following monitors eating and sex?


Anorexia nervosa is about _____ likely to occur in females than males.

10 times more

In terms of sex education, most experts agree:

that sex education programs reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections.

Becky's anorexia nervosa started in her _____, right after her family moved across the country and she entered a new school.

early to middle adolescent years

The _____, where fibers connect the brain's left and right hemispheres, thickens in adolescence, and this improves adolescents' ability to process information.

corpus callosum

Rashid decided to fulfill his service learning requirement by working with a local organization that helps people in need find free furniture and appliances. His teacher insisted that he keep a journal during the project and at the end present a summary to the class. She is providing a key component to the service learning experience, which is:

providing students opportunities to reflect about their participation.

Rites of passage:

signal an adolescent is ready for adult knowledge and lifestyles.

Leopold enjoys his life and gets excited about any new opportunity. He really enjoyed biology last year, so he proclaimed he wanted to be a doctor. Over the summer he had an opportunity to fly in a small plane, and promptly announced he wanted to be a pilot and study aerodynamics. Erikson would predict that this trend should continue as long as Leopold is in:

psychosocial moratorium.

Regarding the four problem behaviors common in adolescents (drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, sexual problems, and school-related problems), researchers are finding:

these problems often coexist.

Christopher is trying to figure out what he wants to do after high school by volunteering at a local hospital and tutoring children after school. He keeps changing his mind on what he wants to focus on in college, and every time he settles on something he soon starts to question the decision. Christopher is displaying:

identity moratorium.

Jayden never seems to care about anything. He doesn't have a plan for what to do after high school, saying he'll figure that out after graduation. He tries to take the easiest classes and uses his free time to play video games. Jayden is displaying:

identity diffusion.

A consensus is developing that the key changes in identity and time when many individuals reach identity achievement is:

emerging adulthood.

In terms of juvenile delinquency, which of the following is FALSE?

Siblings are not influential in whether an adolescent becomes a delinquent.

The _____ asserts that youth in immigrant families have higher well-being and fewer problems than native-born youth.

immigrant paradox model

Leslie, now 30 years old, reflects back on her journey as a lesbian, and realizes her story is typical. She:

was bisexual in adolescence before settling into her lifestyle.

Winona purchased a gym membership for herself and her adolescent daughter, vowing that they will exercise every day together. Winona's motivation came from an article she read that detailed research showing that adolescents who exercise improved in all these areas EXCEPT:


Carla and Patricia are both mothers of middle-school girls who are well into puberty. Carla said, "I wish there was something I could do to keep her from becoming sexually active before she's really ready." Patricia said, "I just read an article about a study that showed that _____ acted like a protective factor. That's what we need to focus on."

academic achievement

Research has shown that adolescent mothers are more likely to:

have depression.

In the formal operational stage, adolescents begin to think more as a scientist thinks, devising plans to solve problems and systematically testing solutions. This type of problem solving requires:

hypothetical-deductive reasoning.

Abe is giving his children some brain teaser challenges. He asked, "If a smot is bigger than a hek, a kom is bigger than duj, and a smot is bigger than a kom, then which is bigger: a hek or a duj?" His younger child wants to draw pictures of each item, but his older child can do it mentally. His younger child is _____, while his older child is _____.

concrete operational; formal operational

Brian's mom was watching him play basketball and noticed, for the first time, that he has significant hair in his armpits now. She knows this means Brian is:

is almost finished with puberty.

As part of their effort to retain a sense of _____, adolescents might craft a story about the self that is filled with fantasy, immersing themselves in a world that is far removed from reality.

personal uniqueness

All of these are characteristics of cliques EXCEPT:

the members have always been friends.

_____ is defined as a period of identity development during which the individual is exploring alternatives, whereas _____ is one's personal investment in identity.

Crisis; commitment

Conflicts arise between parents and adolescents because:

few parents anticipate how strongly their adolescent will push for autonomy and responsibility.

Which of the following is TRUE about why males are more likely than females to succeed in committing suicide?

They use more lethal means than do females.

Simone has a difficult home life as her mother moves locations and switches boyfriends almost twice a year. She has always been teased and rejected at school, but now her classmates are bullying her on social media. The school psychologist is worried because her grades are so low she may be held back a year. Simone's risk of suicidal behaviors is:

very high.

At which grade level does conformity to peers, particularly to their antisocial standards, peak?

Eighth and ninth grades

Most researchers agree the percentage of individuals in identity diffusion drops and that of identity achievement increases during:

emerging adulthood.

According to a recent meta-analysis, which of the following program types was linked to a reduction in recidivism for juvenile offenders?

Family treatment

It's Friday night and Phillipe's parents are going out for dinner. "Would you like to come with us?" they ask. Phillipe turns down the invitation, saying, "I can't be seen with my parents on Friday night. That's too embarrassing!" He is displaying the characteristic of:

imaginary audience.

Which of the following is not a criticism of Piaget's work?

He proposed that all adults would reach the highest stage of cognitive development.

Almost half of all deaths from 15 to 24 years of age are due to:

unintentional injuries.

Both individuals with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa:

have a distorted body image.

Stevie is typical of girls who develop anorexia nervosa. She is competitive, stressed about always being the best at everything, and is from an educated:

middle-income family.

A recent study of 8- to 12-year-old girls found that a higher level of media multitasking was linked to:

negative social well-being.

Nadya, 10 years old, is shifting between her homework, her smartphone, and searching YouTube. Recent research would predict she has developed a(n):

negative social well-being.

The old model of parent-adolescent relationships suggested that:

as adolescents mature they detach themselves from parents.

Which is FALSE regarding adolescent friendships?

Boys are more likely to disclose information about problems to a friend than girls.

Lana has five close friends that she spends time with. They didn't know each other at first, but they were on the same neighborhood soccer team. Now they study, shop, and go to parties together. The appropriate term for Lana's friends is a:


Which of the following statements about gender differences around the world is TRUE?

Gender differences in sexual expression and educational opportunities appear to be narrowing over time.

Isabella, a high school student, is talking to her stepsister, Emma, about friends in elementary school. Emma says she wants as many friends as she can get. Typical of her age, Isabella wants to have:

a smaller number of friendships that are more intense and intimate.

Soledad's family came to the United States from Mexico when she was four years old. Her family doesn't have much money or other resources. She needs some dental work and, although she is in pain, her mother doesn't want to take her to a clinic. Her mother's actions suggest that Soledad's family is:


Only about one in three young adolescents reach the level of _____, and many in the United States and other cultures never achieve it.

formal operations

_____ is the illicit drug most widely used in the United States, and its use by adolescents increased from 2008 to 2011.


Which of the following brain linkages would be the last to reach maturity?


Nazeer is very concerned about his son. He just saw some statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics, published in 2014, that show that _____ is the second-leading cause of death, especially among African American males.


The lowest school dropout rate in the United States in 2013 occurred for:

Asian Americans.

Adolescent girls who initiate oral-genital sex first, as opposed to vaginal sex first, are:

less likely to get pregnant.

Beverly is conducting a workshop for young parents from disadvantaged backgrounds. She advises taking a _____ approach, setting high expectations while helping children meet such expectations, and discussing discipline and the reasons for house rules. "For those with alcohol issues in the family, this parenting style is linked to lower alcohol consumption in adolescence."


Which of the following characteristics is the last to develop during puberty for girls?

Hips grow wider than shoulders

Which of the following statements does the new model of parent-adolescent relationships emphasize?

Parents serve as important attachment figures and support systems during adolescence.

Marek finds support from his delinquent friends for his illegal behaviors. Even though he is often reminded of how poorly he is doing in school and how few friends he has at school, his older friends reinforce his behaviors. Erik Erikson would say Marek is developing his _____.


The event that comes closest to being a culture-wide rite of passage in the United States is:

a high school graduation ceremony.

Yolanda is an adolescent in a traditional Latino family. She knows to expect all of the following except that:

she will be given as much freedom as her brothers.

For several months Vivian was torn between choosing a college major in music, business, or journalism. After some thought, she decided to major in journalism and minor in music. She needed to move forward on her goals, and if she doesn't like those classes then she will choose a different path. Vivian is displaying:

identity achievement.

Olivia's mother is a nurse, and believes Olivia should have a career in physical therapy. Olivia is comfortable with that decision, thinking it is a plan anyone should be happy with. Olivia is displaying:

identity foreclosure.

Desiree is meeting her new boyfriend, Claude, at a local miniature golf course for a group date with their friends. Desiree is hoping that this is the event where Bella and Dante find out that each has romantic interest in the other. Desiree is in the _____ stage of developing romantic relationships in adolescence.

exploring romantic relationships

All of the following are associated with adolescent depression EXCEPT:

authoritative parenting.

Peter and Roland are trying to figure out if they can mow the yard before they go to soccer practice. Peter says, "Let's just try it." Roland says, "We can figure this out. Walk with the mower across the yard and I'll time you. Then we'll estimate how may swipes it will take and get a total time." Roland is thinking like someone using _____.

hypothetical-deductive reasoning

In the last half of the twentieth century and the first several years of the twenty-first century, U.S. high school dropout rates:


Her friends have noticed that Dalia tends to go on eating binges and then purges by self-inducing vomiting or using a laxative. It's starting to worry them because she has been consistently doing this for almost a month. Which of the following conditions does Dalia suffer from?

Bulimia nervosa

In the Berkeley Longitudinal Study some years ago, early-maturing boys perceived themselves _____ than did their late-maturing counterparts. When the late-maturing boys were in their thirties, however, they had developed a _____ than the early-maturing boys had.

more positively; stronger sense of identity

Research has shown that infants born to adolescent mothers are more likely to have:

childhood illnesses.

Habib's family is originally from the Middle East, although he was born in the United States. He is considered to be a member of an immigrant family because:

his father was born outside of the United States.

Identity development:

is a mix of negations and affirmations.

Manfred is worried about his 16-year-old son hanging around much older people in the neighborhood. Research suggests that Manfred:

has reason to worry, since his son is more likely to engage in deviant behaviors.

Marco has wanted to be a chemist for as long as he can remember. He is fascinated with how chemicals react and change, particularly chemicals in the human body. Even though some people call him "nerdy" and "boring," Marco dreams of wearing the label "chemist." Erikson would say he is building his sense of:


Esther is a typical adolescent. She and her friends prefer to connect using:

text messaging.

When Daniel Offer and his colleagues studied the self-images of adolescents in a number of countries, at least _____ of the adolescents displayed a healthy self-image.


Which of the following was NOT a criticism made by the Carnegie Foundation in its evaluation of U.S. middle schools?

Students are too trusting of their teachers.

When students make the transition to middle or junior high school, they experience the _____ phenomenon, moving from being the oldest, biggest, and most powerful students in the elementary school to being the youngest, smallest, and least powerful students in the middle or junior high school.


Which statement is TRUE of adolescents, gender differences, and body image?

Both boys and girls become more positive about their bodies as they move through puberty.

Jennifer's children have always been short when compared to their classmates. One day her son blurted out, "I can't wait until I'm in college because I'll be really tall by then!" Her daughter chimed in with, "Me, too!" Jennifer knew she needed to tell them that after puberty:

both of them are likely to be shorter than their peers.

Which of the following statements about the timing and variations in puberty is TRUE?

For girls, menarche is considered within the normal range if it appears between the ages of 9 and 15.

The most effective way to treat adolescent depression is:

a combination of drug therapy and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT).

Irena, age 16, is a first-generation immigrant whose parents came to the United States from Ukraine when she was just a baby. Irena enjoys many of the same things that her American friends do, but respects her culture's traditions and speaks to her parents in their native language. Irena seems to have formed a _____ identity.


_____ generation immigrants are likely to think of themselves as "American," and ethnicity comes through food and social networks.


Most rites of passage focus on:

the transition to adult status.

According to James Marcia, what determines an individual's identity status?

The existence or extent of their sense of crisis and commitment

Which of the following was NOT one of the common components of programs that have been successful in preventing or reducing adolescent problems?

Integrate law enforcement into high-risk schools

Chandra and Roberto are worried about their daughter. She started puberty earlier than most of her friends, and because of her body shape she looks older than she really is. One of their greatest worries is that she will:

drink, smoke, and/or have an eating disorder.

Controlling one's attention, reducing interfering thoughts, avoiding distractions, and being cognitively flexible are elements of:

cognitive control.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding adolescent sexuality?

Less than half of the high school students who are sexually active use condoms.

Since the 1950s, the adolescent suicide rate has _____ to the current level where suicide accounts for _____ of the deaths among adolescents 15 to 19 years old.

tripled; 12%

Dave confronted his daughter about the possibility that she has developed anorexia nervosa. His daughter is upset by the accusation, and states that she does not have the disorder because her weight is more than _____ of what is considered normal for her age and height.


Dante and Franco, both 12 years old, are very interested in girls, romance, and sex. When they are alone, it's all they talk about. They are in the _____ stage of developing romantic relationships in adolescence.

entering into romantic attractions and affiliations

Which of the following is an identity status where crisis and commitment are both present?

Identity achievement

Which of the following is FALSE regarding gender differences among depressed adolescents?

Males face more discrimination.

Katherine is a typical adolescent. She prefers to connect with her parents using:

phone calls.

Too often researchers have given _____ explanations for aspects of adolescent development that were largely attributable to _____.

ethnic; SES

Samantha was born in China and adopted as an infant by an American couple. Now in adolescence, Samantha wants to know all she can about the area of China where she was born. She is also connected with Chinese Americans through social media. Samantha is developing her ______ identity.


The mean age at the beginning of the growth spurt in girls is _____, peaking at age _____.

9; 11.5

A recent national study revealed that _____ of U.S. adolescents follow the federal government's exercise recommendations.


Tea, a Latina female, retains many of her family's customs and attitudes, but also has embraced many of the attitudes expressed by her non-Latino white peers. Tea has developed a:

bicultural identity.

Which of the following statements about autonomy-granting in adolescence is TRUE?

Boys are given more independence than girls.

Tony, from a Catholic family, is looking forward to being a full participant in his religious community. His confirmation ceremony is his:

rite of passage.

Research on early intervention to increase IQ scores in children have found all of the following to be true EXCEPT:

interventions are less successful with children whose parents have little education.

Lillette, age nine, is particularly susceptible to bruising and infections. She has been diagnosed with _____, a cancer in which the bone marrow manufactures an abundance of abnormal white blood cells.


On average, African-American schoolchildren in the United States score _____ IQ points lower on standardized intelligence tests than non-Latino white American schoolchildren do. That gap _____ in college.

10 to 15; narrows

Terrence has always had trouble with basic math skills. He's embarrassed that for his age he still has trouble counting, adding, and subtracting. When his teacher tries to help he usually just guesses at answers. His teacher is concerned that Terrence is dealing with _____.


Mental age (MA) is:

an individual's level of mental development relative to others.

Cassidy is a teacher who loves to try Piagetian questions on her young son. One day in the car she asked him who the fastest runners in his class were. To confirm she asked, "Kevin is faster than Bill, right?" and later she asked, "Nate is faster than Kevin, right?" Waiting a while, she asked, "Is Nate or Bill faster?" She smiled when her son said, "_____," because he was demonstrating _____.

Bill; seriation

A child is presented with two identical balls of clay. The experimenter rolls one ball into a long, thin shape; the other remains in its original ball. The child is then asked if there is more clay in the ball or in the long, thin piece of clay. If the child answers the problem correctly the child most likely is in which stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory?

Concrete operational stage

_____ allows children to think about the definitions of words and components of sentences.

Metalinguistic awareness

Sally's mental age is 12, but her chronological age is nine. Sally's IQ is:


Which was the largest group of students with a disability to be served by federal programs and receive special education in the 2011-2012 school year?

Students with a learning disability

Those who support the Common Core Standards and mandatory standardized testing in each state were worried by data indicating that many states were:

keeping their choice of a passing grade very low.

Which of the following techniques will parents tend NOT to use to discipline elementary school children?

Coercive holding

Which of the following is true regarding ethnicity in U.S. schools and student trends?

Asian American students are more likely to take advanced math and science courses.

Maya is struggling with her history paper. She is getting discouraged and starting to feel like a failure. Her friend Wanda offered to read it and make some suggestions. Wanda said she would work on her homework while Maya worked on the paper so they could talk about it. Wanda made sure to say several times, "Maya, I know you can do this!" Wanda is providing the _____ part of friendship.

ego support

References to self-worth or self-image are global evaluations categorized as _____, whereas domain-specific evaluations are categorized as _____.

self-esteem; self-concept

Which of the following statements about gender stereotyping is FALSE?

Girls' gender stereotypes are more rigid than boys' gender stereotypes.

Which of the following is the MOST frequent type of bullying among girls?

Subject of sexual comments or gestures

_____ is the belief that "I can"; _____ is the belief that "I cannot."

Self-efficacy; helplessness

Of the adolescents in long-established simple stepfamilies, _____ described their relationships with their stepparents as "close" or "very close."

more than 75%

According to Kohlberg, when we stop making decisions based on "I'll do something for you if you'll do something for me" and progress to the next stage, we are moving into the _____ stage.

mutual interpersonal expectations, relationships, and interpersonal conformity

Which of the following improves considerably during the elementary school years, allowing for advances in vocabulary and grammar?

Metalinguistic awareness

According to Howard Gardner, successful theologians and psychologists are most likely to have high levels of which type of intelligence?


Which of the following statements about the effect of genetics on intelligence is TRUE?

Studies of fraternal and identical twins suggest a low correlation between genetics and intelligence.

Robert J. Sternberg's triarchic theory and Howard Gardner's theory of intelligence are examples of the idea that:

intelligence consists of a number of specific abilities.

Voletta does more than just memorize and give back information in the way it was given to her. Rather, she thinks productively and reviews, connects, and reflects as a means of evaluating evidence. This means that she is engaging in:

critical thinking.

Children who have reached the concrete operational stage are capable of _____, which is the ability to order stimuli along a quantitative dimension, such as size or length.


The ability to think in new and unusual ways to come up with unique solutions, different from intelligence, is:

creative thinking

During the elementary school years, children grow an average of _____ inches a year until age 11, with the average sized _____ being taller than the average sized _____.

two to three; girl; boy

Because of the difficulties in creating culture-fair tests, Robert Sternberg concludes that there are only _____ tests.


In 2011-2012, the percentage of all children in public schools who received special education services for learning disabilities was _____, as compared to speech or hearing impairments at _____.

4.7%; 2.8%

When Mason's father was pulled over by law enforcement for not stopping at a red light, the officer said, "We cannot have people ignoring the traffic signs and signals. Our community couldn't function or protect its citizens if that happened." Kohlberg would say the officer is thinking in the _____ stage.

social systems morality

Which of the following is usually not true for students who live in poverty and their schools?

They receive a high percentage of government money for teaching materials.

Mr. Trahan teaches English from a constructivist approach to learning. In his classroom, it is LEAST likely that the students will be:

memorizing important Shakespearean quotes.

Liam, a middle-school boy, is well liked by his peers. He has a wide circle of friends and continues to develop mature social skills. His parents are thrilled to learn that research has linked peer competence at his age to:

better relationships with coworkers in early adulthood.

The _____ will fully replace the No Child Left Behind law by the 2017-2018 school year.

Every Student Succeeds Act

Angie's mother allows her to schedule her own study and relaxation times, with the expectation that Angie must continue doing well in school and must discuss her activities with her mother ahead of time. Her mother checks on Angie's school progress frequently and also talks to her about her social life and problems. This approach is called:


_____ are more likely to be the ones who organize the family environment and monitor a child's behavior.


Kohlberg believed that development from one moral stage to the next was prompted by opportunities for perspective taking and:

the conflict between an individual's current stage and the challenge posed by reasoning from someone at a higher level.

A _____ perspective toward morality views people in terms of their connectedness with others and emphasizes interpersonal communication, relationships with others, and concern for others.


A whole-language approach:

emphasizes listening to stories, and writing, as the way to build to reading.

Early in life Thomas was diagnosed with _____ intellectual disability. He lives with his parents, spending his days at a local adult day-care facility. Through tutoring he has reached an elementary school level of education and is able to do simple tasks to help out around the house.


Who among the following would have good spatial abilities?

An architect

Luke has learned that when he sees one of his friends he says, "Hey dude!" and when he sees the school principal he says, "Hello Mr. Perry, how are you today?" Luke is demonstrating an awareness of:


Organic intellectual disability is caused by:

a genetic disorder or brain damage.

Max, now diagnosed with ADHD, has been seeing a therapist who leads him through ____. Often, he sits with his eyes closed, paying attention only to his breathing.

mindfulness training

Mickey is concerned about correctly pronouncing words when reading, such as knowing the "c" is hard and soft in the word "circus," and knowing the "b" is silent in "lamb." She is developing:

metalinguistic awareness.

On average, children gain _____ pounds per year during middle and late childhood.

5 to 7

Although Tara has been categorized with _____ intellectual disability, she has her own apartment in a specially supervised building. She works for a local grocery story, mostly bagging groceries and collecting the carts from the parking lot.


Which of the following is the LEAST likely reason African American, Latino, and Native American children are underrepresented in gifted programs?

They tend to be gifted in creative or athletic areas and not academic areas.

Gisela's parents routinely give her praise for everything she does, even if it is not very good. No matter how poor her performance, she is always "a winner"! As a result, Gisela tends to avoid attempting tasks that are:


An individual who has both positive feminine and positive masculine characteristics is called:


Carol Dweck concluded that individuals have one of two mindsets, namely fixed mindset and:

growth mindset.

Jack is practicing his soccer moves and looking forward to Connor coming by to play. Connor helps Jack by watching his body movements and giving Jack feedback on how to handle the soccer ball better. Connor is providing _____ for Jack.

physical support

One area of math in which boys were found to be better at is:

visuospatial skills.

Clarissa thinks that people should be nice to others so that others are nice in return. According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, which stage is Clarissa currently in?

Individualism, instrumental purpose, and exchange

Among the types of sociometric statuses, _____ and _____ children are infrequently nominated as someone's best friend.

rejected; neglected

Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is FALSE?

The largest number of stepfamilies is preceded by death of a spouse.

Which of the following is the approach of the bullying intervention program created by Dan Olweus?

Decreasing opportunities and rewards for bullying

In terms of cross-cultural comparisons, Asian parents believe that their children's math achievement was due to _____, and U.S. parents believe their children's math achievement is due to:

effort and training; innate ability.

In terms of brain development in school-age children, synaptic pruning is part of the shift in activation from:

larger diffuse areas to smaller focal areas.

ADHD is a disability in which children consistently, over time, show any or all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

intellectual disabilities.

Maria enjoys cake decorating and making treats for weddings. For her it is great fun to learn about the couple and their interests, and then design a one-of-a-kind cake with decorations. Sometimes Maria has her staff actually put the pieces together—for her the fun is in the design. According to Sternberg, she has high _____ intelligence.


Which type of cancer is most prevalent in children?


Hanna is guiding her daughter through spelling words when she comes to the word . Hanna asks her daughter about a tiger in one of her favorite picture books, and shows her pictures of real tigers. Hanna is using _____ to help her daughter remember the word.


Sandra, age nine, was always behind in class because she could only write very slowly, and even then her painstaking efforts would be virtually illegible and riddled with spelling mistakes. Her teacher referred her to a psychologist who diagnosed her with a learning disability called:


Which of the following is FALSE regarding working memory?

It is less powerful than short-term memory.

Which of the following is true of individuals with organic intellectual disability?

It includes individuals with Down syndrome.

_____ is a severe developmental disorder that has its onset in the first three years of life and includes deficiencies in social relationships; abnormalities in communication; and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior.

Autistic disorder

Which of the following is TRUE of giftedness?

Individuals with world-class status in the arts, mathematics, science, and sports all report strong family support.

Angela is developing the habit of doing her homework as soon as she gets home. Today she was tempted to go outside and play with her dog, and she actually got up from the table for a few seconds, but then thought better of it and sat back down. Angela is displaying her:


Julio wants to build a doghouse. His parents help him pick out materials and go over the plans. They let him build it, and only intervened when he had a question. The result wasn't perfect, but it was functional. Using Erik Erikson's vocabulary, Julio's parents are helping him develop:


Children's sharing comes to reflect a more complex sense of what is just and right during:

middle and late childhood.

Ella looks forward to Sophia coming to visit. Sophia always has interesting stories to tell and often brings a book or a new toy. Ella is looking forward to the _____ part of friendship.


Which of the following stages of Kohlberg's theory of moral development is characterized by moral judgments based on understanding the social order, law, justice, and duty?

Social systems morality

Pham, a fifth grader, just gave a report in front of the class. After his report some of the students made fun of him. Although in the past Pham would have been upset and shown his anger, this time he did not react to his classmates. Pham is exhibiting a(n):

ability to suppress negative emotional reactions.

A recent study found that six- to nine-year-olds were ____ skeptical of others' distorted claims than were younger children.


While researching the reasons for the large cross-cultural differences in math and science scores, Stevenson and his colleagues observed that more than _____ of total classroom time in the first grade was spent on math instruction in Japan, compared with only _____ of the time in the U.S. first-grade classrooms.

one-fourth; one-tenth

When comparing trends in IQ tests from people around the world, it is clear that IQ scores have been:

rapidly increasing.

Improvements in attention, memory, effortful and goal-directed thinking, and behavior have been linked to:

aerobic exercise.

_____ children with a learning disability have a reading problem.


One in every _____ children in the United States develops a disease characterized by the uncontrolled, detrimental increase of abnormal cells before the age of 19.


_____ involves knowing about knowing, whereas _____ involves knowing about memory.

Metacognition; metamemory

Carol Gilligan, known for her perspective of care, has criticized Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development because:

it is based on a male norm that puts abstract principles above relationships.

All of the following are true regarding social conventional and moral reasoning EXCEPT:

violating social conventional rules are usually more serious than violating moral rules.

Vilma's son wants to join in a community effort to create a park out of an abandoned lot. When she points out to him that it will probably involve boring, labor-intensive work, his response is, "I know that, but I have a lot of energy and I'm strong. I know I can make the work go faster." Vilma's son is high in:


Alexander gets very upset when he sees another student stealing books from the bookstore. When confronting the student, Alexander said, "What if everyone started stealing things all over campus? The place would shut down. The campus couldn't function that way." Kohlberg would say Alexander is reasoning at the _____ stage.

social systems morality

Olivia was very upset when she found out her dog had been hit by a car while she was at school. Over the next few days she tried hard to think of something else whenever she remembered her dog, with the goal of not crying. By learning to soothe herself, Olivia is showing emotional growth in the:

use of self-initiated strategies for redirecting feelings.

Brandon has many conflicting emotions about his parents' upcoming divorce. He looks forward to talking with his friend, Caleb, because Caleb is the only one who knows the full story. Brandon relies on Caleb to calm him down and help him figure out how to handle the issues that are coming up with the divorce. Caleb is providing _____.


The term that describes the extent to which children are liked or disliked by their peer group is:

sociometric status.

Which of the following is NOT an outcome associated with children being educated in low-income neighborhoods?

Older, less current teachers

Improvement of fine motor skills during middle and late childhood is a reflection of:

increased myelination of the central nervous system.

Alberta is a school teacher who introduces children to reading by teaching them a rhyme that goes, "A for apple, A says ah; B for ball, B says buh," and so on. This exemplifies the _____ approach to reading instruction.


Jacob is a third-grader and has a disability that has caused him to be separated from his peers during the school day. Recently Jacob has been moved to the regular third-grade classroom. Jacob has just experienced:


Which of the following is FALSE regarding gifted children?

They are usually maladjusted, particularly in terms of socioemotional development.

_____ develop(s) more rapidly during early childhood, and _____ develop(s) more rapidly during middle and late childhood.

Short-term memory; long-term memory

Louise is teaching her son to read by telling him the sound that each letter of the alphabet stands for. As he makes the sounds he begins to form words, and then smiles when he recognizes the written version of a word he uses all the time. What approach is his mother using?


While cancer rates have _____ in recent years, children with cancer are:

slightly increased; surviving longer than in the past.

Kim's mom wants to help her daughter succeed in school. To boost and maintain Kim's intellectual development, her mother should do all of the following EXCEPT:

let Kim exercise alone rather than exercise with her.

Julie has an IQ of 50. She lives in a group home and works at a recycling plant, sorting cans and bottles into bins. Overall, Julie functions at the level of a second-grader. Julie's level of intellectual disability is considered:


Santos is dreading the start of the school year because he is convinced he will never be able to read well. A student who says, "I just don't read well and I never will," is exhibiting:

low self-efficacy.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding developmental changes in parent-child relationships?

Elementary schoolchildren tend to receive more physical discipline than they did as preschoolers.

At the "Meet Your Teacher" day before the school year started, Harish met Ms. Keppel. She asked, "So Harish, tell me something about you." He responded, "I was the best in my class last year, and picked for the All-Star Regional Soccer Team. I can accomplish anything I want to do." Harish is revealing his:


Educational experts agree that students with a disability in reading or writing will do best in a:

direct instruction approach.

Erik Erikson's fourth stage of development, appearing during middle and late childhood, is called:

industry versus inferiority.

Erica, who has two children, marries Wayne, who has a daughter from a previous marriage. They decide that all three children will live primarily with them. After the union, their family will be considered a _____ stepfamily.


Which of the following statements represents a criticism of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

There is too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough emphasis on moral behavior.

Which of the following is TRUE about second-language learning?

For adolescents and adults, new vocabulary is easier to learn than new sounds or new grammar.

Which of the following is an important characteristic of individuals who become experts in a particular domain?

Deliberate practice

Damon's teachers frequently complain that he disrupts his kindergarten class by fidgeting and moving about all the time. He does not appear to pay any attention to what is being taught in class and behaves impulsively. Damon's teacher strongly suspects he may be diagnosed with _____.


In terms of a mathematical relationship, a person's mental age divided by chronological age (CA), multiplied by 100, would indicate that person's:

intelligence quotient.

In 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that one in _____ children had an autism spectrum disorder; and in 2012, they estimated that one in _____ children had such a disorder.

500; 300

Patrick is an experienced farmer who is very good at his job. He seems to have an intuition about the weather, the wind, and the animals' behaviors. According to Howard Gardner, which of the following types of intelligence is Patrick most likely to score highly on?


Eric's parents are both engineers who want him to follow in their profession. They are looking for a school for Eric that will emphasize academic success in the sciences, maximize academic learning time, and set high expectations. They believe a _____ approach will best prepare Eric for the future.

direct instruction

Mark's daughter wants to start taking guitar lessons. He believes her when she says, "I know it will be hard and take a long time, but I know I can learn to play hard songs." Mark's daughter is high in:


In a national survey of more than 15,000 sixth- through tenth-grade students, nearly _____ students had experienced occasional or frequent bullying as either a victim or a perpetrator.

one of every three

Karen believes that her qualities and learning abilities cannot change no matter how much effort she gives, particularly with logical, mathematical, and scientific subjects. She has given up even trying to learn the material, and her grades are dropping. According to Carol Dweck, which of the following BEST describes Karen's mindset?


According to Carol Gilligan, Kohlberg's theory puts _____ at the heart of morality, and she would prefer to have _____ at the heart of morality.

justice; care

According to Erik Erikson, parents who continually see their children's efforts at making things as "mischief" or "making a mess," and communicate this to their children often, will tend to foster a sense of _____ in their children.


Tapi believes that all human beings have certain inalienable rights that need to be protected. She believes that the current law in her country that prohibits interracial marriage is unfair and should be changed. According to Kohlberg, which of the following describes Tapi's level of moral reasoning?


Neurofeedback and mindfulness training have both been used to improve symptoms associated with:


Research indicates that it is likely that all of the following are true of learning disabilities except that they:

reside in a single, specific brain location.

Approximately _____ of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia are cured with chemotherapy.


About _____ as many boys as girls are classified as having a learning disability, a finding partly attributed to _____.

three times; referral bias

If Sergio's mental age is eight, but his chronological age is nine, we would say that Sergio's IQ is:

below average.

About _____ Americans fit the definition of intellectual disability, with about _____ of them falling into the mild category.

5 million; 89%

Johnny says he likes his best friend, Andy, because Andy is fun and talks about interesting things. Johnny also says that Andy encourages him to do his best and comforts him when he fails. Which of the following functions of children's friendships is Johnny describing?

Stimulation and ego support

What is the result of the public and government demand for increased accountability from schools?

The spread of state-mandated tests to assess what students had or had not learned

The correlation between self-esteem and school performance is:


Mariel wants to know how everything works, and if you aren't keeping an eye on her, she will start taking things apart to see what's inside. If there is a knob to turn or door to open, she will do it! Mariel is typical of a child developing what Erik Erikson called:


Vanessa wants to tell her mother about something funny her teacher said, but she can see that her mother is really focused on driving in heavy traffic. Vanessa is showing her ability for _____ by choosing to not interrupt her mother's concentration.

perspective taking

Consistently praising children for mediocre or even poor performance can lead to _____, which may cause children with _____ self-esteem to avoid important learning experiences.

an inflated self-esteem; low

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the differences in helping behavior of males versus females?

Males are more helpful when the context is masculine in nature.

Dual-language instruction, formerly known as bilingual education, involves:

a teacher speaking both English and the native language of the learner during instruction.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding motor development in middle and late childhood?

By eight years, children show manipulative skills similar to that of adults.

In recent decades the number of children diagnosed and treated for ADHD has _____.

increased substantially, with most new cases diagnosed in boys

Piaget's third stage of cognitive development emphasizes a child's ability to reason logically and to mentally reverse actions by using the term _____, while also emphasizing that the child can only apply this reasoning to specific, often physical examples by using the term _____.

operational; concrete

Eight-year-old Ella can use scissors to cut small paper dolls out of construction paper, something she could not do at age three. What BEST accounts for her improving dexterity?

Increased myelination of the central nervous system

Which of the following individuals is likely to fall into the category of profound intellectual disability?

Harry, who needs constant supervision

Brain studies have associated all of the following with ADHD except:

increased myelination.

In terms of self-understanding, children in late childhood are more likely than children in early childhood to:

compare themselves with others.

In one analysis, _____ of children in stepfamilies show adjustment problems, compared with _____ in intact, never-divorced families.

25%; 10%

During the time of _____, children are allowed to engage in moment-to-moment self-regulation while parents continue to exercise general supervision and control.


Kathryn Kerns and her colleagues have found that during the middle and late childhood years, _____ is associated with a lower level of internalized symptoms, anxiety, and depression in children.

secure attachment

Bellah sits in the back of the room, and very few of the children in class ever speak to him. He does not have any best friends or enemies among his classmates. He isn't directly picked on or bullied, but most of the time he feels invisible. Which of the following is Bellah's probable sociometric status?


Dweck has found that giving students information on how their brain is like a muscle that can get stronger, students' _____ will increase.

growth mindset, motivation, and math scores

Fernando is able to process more incoming information than he could when he was younger. He has learned to repeat information to himself, practice writing things down, and create stories about new information. His understanding reflects which dimension of executive function?

Working memory

A learning disability is:

often a problem related to reading.

The Education for All Handicapped Children Act, enacted in 1975, required that:

all students with disabilities be given a free, appropriate public education.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding stepfamilies?

There are more infants and preschool children in stepfamilies than older children.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding bullying?

Having support friends does not lower the level of bullying.

When Joel met his new teacher, he said, "I struggle with everything." When she asked, "What about at school? Is there a subject you like or you are good in?" Joel replied, "No, I'm always behind." Joel's overall self-assessment reflects his:


_____ is knowledge about language, such as knowing what a preposition is or the ability to discuss the sounds of a language.

Metalinguistic awareness

Recent studies have found that for ELLs (English Language Learners), the most effective approach is:

dual-language learning.

Samuel, age eight, has difficulty understanding or memorizing math principles. After a referral and some testing, it is clear he is suffering from a learning disability called _____, or developmental arithmetic disorder.


At some point during the early elementary school years, children begin to use _____ more; and according to the fuzzy trace theory, this contributes to the improved memory and reasoning of older children.


A recent study revealed that peak thickness of the cerebral cortex occurs _____ in children with ADHD than in children without ADHD.

three years later

Which of the following is not true regarding gender differences in the use of aggression?

Girls report experiencing and expressing more anger than boys.

When faced with a conflict between law and conscience, a person who is at the _____ stage in Kohlberg's theory of moral development will follow conscience, even though the decision might involve personal risk.

universal ethical principles

Sarah is listening to her parents debate the morality of stealing items from already destroyed businesses during a natural disaster. They are discussing the importance of maintaining law and order when faced with stealing food or medicines to survive. Kohlberg would say this debate reflects thinking in the _____ stage.

social contract or utility and individual rights

Studies on friendship reveal that sixth-grade students who did not have a friend:

engaged in less prosocial behavior.

In which of Kohlberg's levels do individuals shift from desiring to be admired in the eyes of important people in their lives to focusing on what is good for the most people?

Conventional reasoning

Fiona, age 10, is an outstanding pianist and has an IQ of 140. Fiona is:


A process called _____ involves understanding how to use language in culturally appropriate ways.


The mental area, often compared to a carpenter's workbench, where individuals manipulate and combine information when making decisions or understand something they are reading, is called:

working memory.

Although Casey scores only about average on standardized intelligence tests, he is street smart, and has excellent social skills and good common sense. According to Sternberg, he has high _____ intelligence.


One of the explanations for the gender difference in the identification of learning disabilities is that:

boys have a greater biological vulnerability for learning disabilities.

Marshall writes very slowly and his handwriting is virtually illegible. He also makes numerous spelling errors because of his inability to match up sounds and letters. Which of the following conditions does Marshall suffer from?


Which of the following is NOT a trend in body growth for children in middle and late childhood?

They triple their strength capacity.

Cultural-familial intellectual disability is characterized by:

mild to moderate intellectual disability.

The Common Core Standards:

specify what students should know and the skills they should develop at each grade level.

Ten-year-old Jose finds that he needs his friend, Richard, to talk to in order to know whether Jose's feelings about his own brothers and sisters are normal. Which friendship function does Richard provide in this case?

Social comparison

At the "Meet Your Teacher" day before the school year started, Robert met Ms. Taylor. She asked, "So Robert, tell me something about you." He responded, "I'm good in math but my printing is bad." Robert is revealing his:


Her mother noticed Karlee was giving her full attention to her crayons, placing them on the table from the tallest down to the shortest. Karlee is fascinated with her new skill of _____.


Albert's parents knew he was unusually curious and mature for his age. They decided to have his IQ tested, and his score was higher than _____, indicating he is gifted.


_____ is a relatively mild autism spectrum disorder in which the child has relatively good verbal language, milder nonverbal language problems, and a restricted range of interests and relationships.

Asperger syndrome

When asked why she participated with other students in a protest against treatment of women on her campus, Kai says that all human beings should have equal rights. According to Kai, the university has rules that treat women unfairly and she is morally against such discriminatory practices. What is Kai's likely moral level according to Lawrence Kohlberg?

Postconventional reasoning

After a while, self-talk becomes second nature to children, and they can act without verbalizing, thus creating a form of _____, which becomes their thoughts.

inner speech

Which of the following statements about Vygotsky's theory is TRUE?

Language plays a powerful role in shaping thought.

Jared, a four-year-old, is talking continually as he puts wooden shapes together to make a castle, describing the colors and how the shapes fit together. This form of self-talk is used for self-regulation, keeping himself focused on his task. Developmentalists call this:

private speech.

The second substage of preoperational thought, occurring between approximately four and seven years of age, is characterized by the use of:

primitive reasoning.

The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program provides all of the following EXCEPT:


Jean Berko's experiment involving "wugs" demonstrated that the young children who took part in the experiment understood how to use _____ with new words.

morphological rules

Guidelines established by four countries, including the United States, recommend that preschool-age children engage in _____ of physical activity per day.

3 hours

The finding that elementary school children perform better on memory-span tasks than preschool children is likely due to improvements in all of the following areas EXCEPT:

the susceptibility to suggestion.

Which is not one of the six key principles in young children's vocabulary development?

Children learn words best in passive contexts.

Which is true of studies of height in children from around the world?

Ethnic origin is a stronger predictor than socioeconomic status

A child at age _____ is likely to be fully in heteronomous morality, whereas children at age _____ are likely to be fully in autonomous morality.

5; 12

Shane and Karen have a "hands-off" and "let the kids figure it out" approach to parenting. Both travel as part of their work, seldom interact with their children, and show a _____ parenting style. They believe working as much as they can to provide a comfortable lifestyle is the most important thing they can do for their children.


As a child Jackson was helpful, conforming to the adults around him, and more self-controlled than his siblings. He was outstanding in school, both in terms of grades and taking on ambitious challenges. Jackson fits the classic stereotype of a:

first-born sibling.

Individuals in which of the following countries held the most favorable attitude toward corporal punishment and were most likely to remember it being used by their parents?

United States

When Carson was younger he would get very upset if his school friends didn't follow rules when playing games. Now 11 years old, Carson has learned that it is important to discuss the rules of a game before it gets started, making sure everyone agrees to whatever rules are made. Carson has moved into:

autonomous morality.

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of sibling relationships as described by Judy Dunn?

Generally parents favor one sibling over another.

Which parenting style could lead to social incompetence, truancy, and delinquency in children?


Research conducted by Ruth Chao suggests that the style of parenting used by many Asian American parents is:

best conceptualized as "training" and is distinct from the domineering control characteristic of an authoritarian style of parenting.

According to Freud, at which age does the child renounce the sexual attraction he or she feels toward the parent of the opposite sex because of anxious feelings?

5 or 6 years

Sets of expectations that prescribe how females and males should think, act, and feel are known as gender:


Two current controversies in early childhood education, as given in the textbook, involve:

choice of curricula and the ability to provide universal preschool education in the United States.

Peggy is shown two rows of buttons. Each row has five buttons in it, but one is spread out much longer. Even though Peggy can count five buttons in each row, she insists the row with the buttons spread out "has more." No matter how you ask, she insists that the "longer" row "has more." She is demonstrating:


Vygotsky believed that children construct knowledge through:

social interaction.

While riding in the car Zelda asked her mother, "Where that man going?" and "What that man doing?" Zelda is struggling with a complete understanding of:


Which of the following BEST describes the relation between centration and conservation?

Centration is reflected in lack of conservation.

Vygotsky believed that children build their knowledge base and skills through social interaction, and that the best education creates the social contexts for learning. His theory is called the:

social constructivist approach.

Tracy is writing promotional (marketing) information for a new family-focused recreational facility. One piece of useful information she found was research showing that preschool children's physical activity was enhanced by:

family members engaging in sports together.

A police officer visits Timothy and Evelyn's class to discuss safety rules. To attract the children's attention, the officer brings colorful balloons and lots of jars of bubbles for the children to blow. Later, Timothy tells his parents all about the safety rules the officer discussed. Timothy obviously paid attention to what was:


Educators who are focused on knowledge of the typical progress of children within an age span, as well as the uniqueness of the child, are employing _____.

a developmentally appropriate practice approach

Which of the following is TRUE of Lev Vygotsky's educational applications?

Teaching should begin toward the upper limit of a child's zone of proximal development.

In a study of maltreating mothers and their one-year-olds, all of the following strategies were found to be effective in reducing child maltreatment EXCEPT:

home visitation that emphasized support for the father.

Elise is among the most immature in her class. She has trouble interacting socially, which just compounds her low self-esteem and poor outlook on life. Elise is most likely living with parents who have a _____ parenting style.


_____ development involves the development of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding rules and conventions about what people should do in their interactions with other people.


Higher-SES parents:

create a home atmosphere in which children are more nearly equal participants.

When Brianna is upset her mother facilitates open discussion about why she is upset and helps her figure out how to deal with the negative emotions. Therefore, Brianna's mother takes an _____ approach to parenting.


Barbara saw her son get embarrassed and feel guilty because he dropped a plate of food. She took him in another room and talked about paying attention and asking for help when he needs it. She talked to him about making an apology and helped him decide what he wanted to say. Barbara is an:

emotion-coaching parent.

Which of the following is TRUE of how parents' work affects the development of their children?

The nature of the parents' work is a more important determinant of children's development.

Xavier was riding his bike when he lost his balance and crashed into a neighbor's flower garden, damaging many plants. He looked around and didn't think anyone saw him, so he left quickly. As he's riding he thinks, "Whew that was close. Glad I got away with that." Xavier is showing:

autonomous morality.

Which parenting style is demanding and controlling, while also being rejecting and unresponsive?


Girls are more likely to engage in "_____," in which they talk and act in a more reciprocal manner.

collaborative discourse

Sustained attention or vigilance increases the most during:

the preschool years.

The substage of preoperational thought in which children begin to use primitive reasoning and want to know the answers to all sorts of questions is the _____ substage.

intuitive thought

Research involving Project Head Start:

has had mixed results in evaluating the effectiveness of the program.

By the time they enter first grade, it is estimated that children know about _____ words.


A police officer visits Ben and Heather's class to discuss safety rules. To attract the children's attention, the officer brings colorful balloons and lots of jars of bubbles for the children to blow. Later, Heather tells her parents all about the balloons and bubbles but cannot remember any of the safety rules the officer presented. Heather obviously paid more attention to what was:


Which of the following describes what Lev Vygotsky believed about the development of thought and language?

They develop independently at first and merge later in development.

In Piaget's theory, failing the conservation-of-liquid task demonstrates:


Deaths in young children due to HIV/AIDS especially occur in countries:

with high rates of poverty and low levels of education.

Unintentional beating or shaking a child constitutes:

physical abuse.

In a study of maltreating mothers and their one-year-olds, one treatment that was found to be effective in reducing child maltreatment involved parent-infant psychotherapy that focused on improving:

maternal-infant attachment.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding divorce trends in the United States?

The current divorce rate is lower than in most other countries.

Josh's mother encourages him to eat well, but usually gives in and makes whatever he wants for dinner, which is often burgers and fries. She often asks him if he has homework to do, but she trusts him to give her an honest response. She wants him to happy, and if that means staying up late then that's okay. Josh's mom is most likely a(n):

indulgent parent.

When her mother asks Selena why she feels so sad, Selena says it is because her best friend just lost her puppy. Selena is exhibiting:


Some scholars have proposed that in the "emotional security theory," children appraise marital conflict in terms of:

their sense of security and safety in the family.

Approximately _____ of lesbians and _____ of gay men are parents.

20%; 10%

The emotions of _____ do not appear to develop until self-awareness appears around 18 months of age.

pride and embarrassment

When adults are working with young children, they often provide a lot of hints, assistance, instructions, and other support to help the children succeed. As the children demonstrate they can do more for themselves, the adults begin to withdraw these supports. This technique is called:


While at the playground Troy said, "The sun came out because it likes me!" The belief that the sun could do that is referred to as:


Four-year-old Nathan is good at stacking his playing blocks to make tall structures. However, he still knocks them over occasionally. Which of the following is the most likely reason for this?

He tries to place each block perfectly on top of the other, upsetting those already stacked.

In Central European countries such as Hungary, kindergarten children participate in exercises such as stop-and-go games that require students to listen for a specific signal, such as a specific number of drumbeats designed to improve their _____.


The realization that people can have false beliefs develops in a majority of children by the time they are _____ years old.


Sharon, age three, can solve four-piece jigsaw puzzles on her own, but needs her parents' help to solve 12-piece jigsaw puzzles. Which of the following represents the upper limit of Sharon's zone of proximal development (ZPD) for solving such puzzles?

Sharon solving a 12-piece puzzle on her own

Tabitha is getting ready for a family trip by getting her clothes and toys together. She suddenly gets concerned and tells her mother that she will need a bigger bag. The fact that she can think this through without actually trying to pack the bag shows she is capable of using:


Research has shown that the zone of proximal development is most effective in children's learning and development when:

they have developed emotional regulation and a secure attachment.

Zone of proximal development (ZPD) is Vygotsky's term for:

the range of tasks difficult for a child to master alone but that can be learned with help from more-skilled individuals.

In the context of the size of same-sex groups of children, from about five years of age onward:

boys are more likely to associate together in larger clusters than girls are.

Are children better adjusted in intact, never-divorced families than in divorced families?

Yes, in almost all areas studied

According to Piaget's theory, from _____ years of age, children are in a transition, showing some features of the first stage of moral reasoning and some stages of the second stage, autonomous morality.

7 to 10

A number of researchers have shown that a(n) _____, which includes diminished parenting skills, occurs in the year following the divorce, but by two years after the divorce has stabilized.


Due to its importance in shaping gender-related behaviors, the _____ has been described as "gender school."


_____ play, which can be engaged in throughout life, involves the repetition of behavior when new skills are being learned or when physical or mental mastery and coordination of skills are required for games or sports.


Regardless of the form of screen time, whether television, computer, or other device, it is recommended that children two to four years old spend no more than _____ watching or playing.

1 hour

Liam is an unhappy child with weak communication skills. He gets particularly nervous when he has to do something at school where he is compared to his classmates, such as spelling out loud or making an art project. Liam's parents are most likely to be:


According to Jean Piaget, parent-child relations are less likely to advance moral reasoning than peer relations, because parents are:

in a power position, handing down the rules.

Adjusting speech to communicate with a two-year-old, a same-aged peer, or an adult shows an understanding of _____.


Research with the memory-span task suggests that:

short-term memory increases during early childhood.

Which of the following statements about childhood obesity is TRUE?

Children who are overweight at age five are also at risk of being overweight at age 14.

Which is NOT one of the three principles of child-centered kindergarten?

Preparation for formal education requires practice with sitting still and working alone.

Jaron is an overweight five-year-old. If his experience is typical of children in the United States, we can expect Jaron to be:

obese at age 14 and overweight as an adult.

Which of the following is NOT one of the key principles outlined in your textbook that contributes to optimal word learning?

Children learn words best in contexts that are abstract.

According to Piaget, in the _____ stage, the young child's cognitive world is dominated by egocentrism and magical beliefs.


In terms of co-parenting, _____ couples were most likely to share child-care responsibilities.


Preschool children mainly describe themselves in all of these terms EXCEPT:

psychological traits.

Developmental psychologists would describe Jennifer as an "emotion-dismissing" parent to her son. Which of the following types of behavior is Jennifer MOST likely to engage in?

She ignores her child when he cries.

Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson considered play to be valuable because:

it helps the child release tensions and better cope with anxieties and conflicts.

Young children tend to believe that if a rule is broken, punishment will come immediately, thus they will look around in a concerned way after doing something wrong. This indicates a belief in the concept of:

immanent justice.

The behavioral and social cognitive approach to development supports all of the following EXCEPT:

punishment works better than reinforcement as a parenting technique.

Three-year-old Ashley is putting a jigsaw puzzle together, and, as is typical of her age, she:

places the pieces awkwardly.

During the preschool years:

children get taller while their trunks gets smaller.

Individuals retain information in short-term memory for up to _____ if there is no rehearsal or repetition of the information.

30 seconds

Competent early childhood programs should focus:

on cognitive development and socioemotional development.

Robert's dog, Shaggy, was in great need of a haircut. When his father returned home with the groomed dog, Robert started crying and asking for Shaggy. Robert was showing _____ by refusing to believe that this groomed, short-haired dog was Shaggy.

he lacks conservation

When four- and five-year-olds scramble over jungle gyms and race their friends, they are demonstrating their:

gross motor skills.

At six years old, Gina's body mass index (BMI) is in the 95th percentile. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, she would be classified as:


_____ refers to the meaning of specific words and sentences.


Bernice was raised by two lesbian mothers, whereas Jessica was raised by a heterosexual couple. According to research, it is most likely that:

Bernice and Jessica are the same with regard to popularity and mental health.

As Misty learns what is appropriate for boys and girls, she begins to organize new information according to those divisions. It is her gender _____ that informs her that anything that is pink must be made for girls.


All of the following are associated with improved understanding of emotions EXCEPT:

difficulty in interpreting facial expressions

Harold is focused only on himself, bullies his classmates, and generally ignores whatever the teacher says or asks him to do. These traits, along with his lack of respect and self-control, indicate he is likely living with parents who have a(n) _____ parenting style.


Maribel works as a housekeeper at a hotel. She has no autonomy in her work, works long hours, and feels quite stressed by her job. Kim is a lawyer who works long hours but has control over her work and a great office environment. Ann Crouter, a researcher in this area, would say that:

Maribel's children are likely to experience less effective parenting than Kim's children.

During the _____ substage, children begin to use language more effectively and engage in pretend play.

symbolic function

Himari, age five, asked her mother, "How does the oven make the cakes pop up?" and later asked, "How does the refrigerator make ice cream?" Himari's constant stream of questions signals she is in the _____ substage.

intuitive thought

In 1965, the federal government began an effort to break the cycle of poverty and poor education for young children in the United States through:

Project Head Start.

Early Head Start was established in 1995 to serve children from _____ years of age.

birth to 3

When dropped off at her day care, Ariel promptly says to her teacher, "Grandma's cookies were good, weren't they?" Her teacher, who doesn't know Ariel's family, responded, "I'm sure they were good." Ariel then gets frustrated and says, "Grandma's cookies were really good!" The frustration Ariel feels is rooted in her:


The most common form of child maltreatment is:

child neglect.

Dante is a 10-year-old who likes to play soccer during recess. One day a friend teaches him a different set of rules about the game that Dante accepts. He now plays soccer in a new way. Dante is in which stage of moral development?

Autonomous morality

Emotional abuse is unique because:

it is frequently present when other forms of child maltreatment are identified.

Which of the following statements about higher-SES parents in the United States and most Western cultures is TRUE?

They are less likely to use physical punishment.

Isabella enjoys playing with her "doughnut" game. She practices putting the rings on a pole, organizing from largest to smallest, and then doing it the other way around. This requires a steady hand as well as matching the rings for size. Isabella is engaging in _____ play.


The social role theory suggests that:

the social hierarchy and division of labor are important causes of gender differences in power, assertiveness, and nurturing.

Alayna wasn't paying attention and backed into the refrigerator. She immediately turned around, patted the refrigerator door, and said "I'm sorry." This is an example of:


Juan and his little sister, Anne, are each given a large cookie. Their mother breaks Anne's cookie into four pieces to help her eat it more easily. Juan immediately begins to cry and says that it is not fair for his sister to get so many cookies when he only has one. Juan is showing a lack of:


Vygotsky's view of the importance of _____ on children's development fits with the current belief that it is important to evaluate the contextual factors in learning.

sociocultural influences

Nurturing is a key aspect of the _____, which emphasizes the education of the whole child and concern for his or her physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development.

child-centered kindergarten

A new study revealed that overweight five-year-olds were _____ times more likely to be obese at age 14 years of age than their five-year-old counterparts who were normal weight.


Which of the following educational strategies would Vygotsky say should be incorporated into the classroom?

Offering just enough assistance to the child to accomplish the task

Ethan, age four, reasons that every time he sees a lightning bolt in the sky, angels are turning on their flashlights. Ethan's primitive reasoning about lightning is characteristic of:

intuitive thought.

Across the last 20 years in the United States there has been a dramatic increase in the immigration of _____ families.

Latino and Asian

The best educational apps for children include all of the following characteristics except that it:

encourages quiet, personal reflection.

Poor emotion regulation, attachment problems, problems in peer relations, and other psychological problems are all associated with the consequences of:

child maltreatment.

Gender _____ involves a sense of one's own gender, whereas gender _____ are the expectations about how gender shapes the way one should think, act, and feel.

identity; roles

Who among the following is MOST likely to be rejected by peers on the basis of gender roles?

A little boy playing with a doll

Parents who encourage their children to be independent and show age-appropriate behaviors but still place limits and controls on their actions are:


Enzo used to play mostly by himself. It was a transition for him when he started preschool, but now he is good at taking turns and interacting in conversations. His _____ is increasing dramatically, as expected.

social play

In a false-belief task, children are told that Mom puts chocolate in a kitchen drawer and leaves. Dad then moves the chocolate to the refrigerator. When asked where Mom will look for the chocolate when she returns, the child who does not understand false beliefs will say:

Mom will look in the refrigerator.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a person with a BMI at the 90th percentile is:

at risk of being overweight.

The second Piagetian stage of development is the _____ stage, which lasts from approximately _____ years of age.

preoperational; two to seven

Debra is very active. She loves to tumble and show off. She also loves races and believes she can run faster than her parents. This type of activity level and confidence is most characteristic of:

three-year-olds showing off their gross motor skills.

Garrett practiced printing the alphabet before he started school. Once there, he found out the teacher wanted him to make some of the letters differently from what he had practiced. When Garrett starts to make the letter the old way, catches himself, and switches to the new way, he is demonstrating:

cognitive inhibition.

Danny has just married and is now a stepfather to a five- and seven-year-old. Unfortunately, the children are overweight. Danny has been researching how best to help his children, and found that he should do all of the following EXCEPT:

allow the children to have candy only as a reward for cleaning their room.

Which of the following was found to be the most common parental response when siblings between the ages of two and five are in a conflictual situation?

Do nothing to address the situation.

Logan is a supportive, warm, and loving parent, but he also has high expectations of his children. He encourages independent and age-appropriate behavior from his children, and truly takes pleasure in watching them mature. Baumrind would classify him as a(n):

authoritative parent.

Jerome and Hani get up early on Saturday morning and decide to make "breakfast in bed" for their mother. While reaching for the bed tray in the back of the hall cabinet, they accidentally break one of their mother's favorite porcelain dolls. Jerome knows that he's going to get into "big trouble." Hani tells him not to worry because Mom would understand that it was an accident. In what stage would Jean Piaget categorize the moral reasoning of Jerome and Hani?

Jerome—heteronomous morality; Hani—autonomous morality

Researchers have found that advances in executive function in the preschool years are linked with all of the following EXCEPT:

socioemotional development.

The theory of _____ refers to awareness of presence and distinction between one's own mental processes and the mental processes of others.


Which of the following is TRUE about Head Start programs?

They only provide for low-income families.

Regarding _____, preschool-age children increasingly remember specific, rich details about personal past events.

autobiographical memories

Children exposed to tobacco smoke in the home are more likely to develop _____ than are children in homes where no one smokes.

wheezing and asthma

Tyler is looking at a picture book when he sees his favorite animal—a tiger. His father asks, "What are you smiling at?" Tyler turns the book around so his father can see the picture. Tyler first became able to understand his father's perspective at age:

three years.

About _____ of parents who were abused themselves when they were young go on to abuse their own children.


The term _____ includes psychological abuse, verbal abuse, and mental injury.

emotional abuse

When asked to describe his parenting style, Juan stated, "In my house, my word is the law. If you break the law, then you pay the consequences. That's how you learn." Juan is probably a(n):

authoritarian parent.

Bernard just brought home his report card and told his dad that he was required to bring the card back to school tomorrow with the signature of one of his parents. The next morning, Bernard found his report card where he left it, unsigned. He signed his dad's name and put it in his backpack. Bernard's dad is most likely a(n):

neglectful parent.

Different from the statistics in the United States, many children from other countries die of:

preventable infectious diseases.

Six-year-old Shirley, a witness to a robbery, was asked to testify at the trial. The defense argued that her testimony would be invalid because:

her memories are highly susceptible to suggestion.

_____ attention is focused and extended engagement with an object, task, event, or other aspect of the environment.


In general, conservation involves the ability to understand that changes in physical arrangement or appearance:

do not change an object's basic properties.

Alan, who is 30 months old, watched his older brother search for a particular book without success. Alan went over to his brother, patted his shoulder, and said, "Feel bad?" This indicates that he:

recognizes that someone else may have different desires and emotions from his own.

Which of the following is TRUE about lower-SES parents in the United States and most Western cultures?

They are more concerned that their children conform to society's expectations.

Bit by bit, children pick up what is gender appropriate and gender inappropriate in their culture, and develop gender _____ that shape how they perceive the world and what they remember.


By age four to five, most children have developed a theory of mind and the cognitive sophistication to start describing _____ in others.

psychological traits.

Katrina becomes extremely upset when her brother tries to change the rules of their game, yelling, "You can't do that! You can't change rules!" Katrina is exhibiting which of the following types of moral reasoning?

Heteronomous morality

Most children have a sense of being female or male by about _____ years of age.


Stephen is learning to manage his frustration when he can't make something work the way he wants it to. He used to throw things and cry when frustrated, but now he's learning to ask for help. Stephen is developing:

emotion regulation.

While walking with his grandmother, five-year-old Danny suddenly exclaims, "Oh, look at that pretty bird!" There are many trees and bushes, and she isn't sure where he's pointing. Danny gets frustrated and shouts, "Out there, out there! Right there, Grandma!" His frustration is a result of his:


Piaget called the second substage in preoperational thought _____ because of the absence of the use of _____ in children in that stage.

"intuitive"; rational thinking

Michelle, age four, is in a hurry to get herself ready to go to preschool. She is talking the entire time, narrating how she is getting dressed and what she wants to take for a snack. Vygotsky would say that, by using private speech to solve her problem, Michelle is:

likely to be socially competent.

The leading cause of death in young children in the United States is:


Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky considered play to be valuable because:

it advances the child's cognitive development.

Most two to four-year-old children are watching TV approximately _____ hours per day.

2 to 4

In the _____ stage, children begin to represent the world with words, images, and drawings.


In studying children's impulsivity and ability to delay gratification that involved resisting a cookie, "cool thoughts" refer to:

thoughts about anything other than the cookie.

_____ emphasized the point that children construct knowledge through social interaction, whereas _____ emphasized the point that children use adaptation of schemes to organize knowledge.

Vygotsky; Piaget

The _____ is a philosophy of education in which children are given considerable freedom and spontaneity in choosing activities, moving between activities, and developing self-regulation.

Montessori approach

Harrison is often praised for his gender-typical behavior. His parents make statements like, "You are such a big boy when you climb the jungle gym by yourself!" Gender researchers would use this as support for what theory of gender development?

Social cognitive theory

Milan's art teacher showed the class how to take little balls of colored paper and glue them to heavy paper to make pictures. Milan is obsessed with this new technique, making pictures for everyone she knows. She is engaging in _____ play.


All of the following are reasons for avoiding spanking or similar punishments EXCEPT:

spanking provides a release for the parents and allows them to calm down.

Gerry, a four-year-old, says, "I'm a fireman putting out the fire!" as he holds his grandpa's cane like a firehose. Gerry is engaging in _____ play.


_____ refers to sounds, such as vowel and consonant sounds, whereas _____ refers to meaning, such as understanding what - does to a word.

Phonology; morphology

A national study found that _____ of children's daily caloric intake comes from restaurants.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only children and adolescents whose _____ is at or above the _____ percentile are classified as obese.

body mass index; 97th

Which of the following is a criticism related to the Montessori approach?

It neglects children's socioemotional development.

According to Baumrind, parents who are uninvolved in their child's life, showing neither responsiveness nor control, are displaying a(n) _____ parenting style.


Clara imitates her older sister by trying to wear shoes with high heels, and loves it when her sister puts makeup on her. Learning gender roles this way is consistent with the:

social cognitive theory.

What does a child get from peers that he or she typically cannot get from siblings?

An idea of how the child compares with other children the same age

Whereas the public and many professionals use the term "child abuse" to refer to both abuse and neglect, developmentalists increasingly use the broad term:

child maltreatment.

In a false-belief task, children are told that Mom puts chocolate in a kitchen drawer and leaves. Dad then moves the chocolate to the refrigerator. When asked where Mom will look for the chocolate when she returns, the child who understands false beliefs will say:

Mom will look in the kitchen drawer.

After the age of _____ years, children attend more efficiently to the dimensions of the task that are relevant.

six or seven

Consistent with Gelman's observations of Piaget's conservation tasks, researcher have found that children who engage in private speech are more _____ their task.

attentive to

The focusing of attention on one characteristic to the exclusion of all others is:


Which of the following statements regarding parental smoking is TRUE?

Children are at risk for health problems when they live in homes in which a parent smokes.

Over the past week, Walter has been trying to learn to tie his shoelaces. Initially, his mother was holding his hands and working his fingers through the process, but now that Walter's gotten better at it, she only guides him verbally. This is an example of:


In Erikson's stage of initiative versus guilt, the young child clearly has begun to develop self-recognition and an awareness of his or her unique sense of self, called:


According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial stage that characterizes early childhood is:

initiative versus guilt.

Working-class and low-income families, along with families in rural areas of many countries, are more likely to practice a(n) _____ parenting style.


Which of the following refers to activities engaged in for pleasure that include rules and often involve competition with one or more individuals?


According to Freud, it is through a child's struggle to reduce anxiety and avoid parental punishment, while maintaining parental affection and internalizing parents' standards of right and wrong, that prompts the _____ to develop.


Hugo is making the children around him laugh by making farting sounds with his hand and underarm during storytime. His teacher, Ms. Martinez, took Hugo to the front office and asked him to sit quietly until storytime was over. Ms. Martinez is using a technique called:


Research has found that children of emotion-coaching parents are better at all of the following EXCEPT:

memory functioning.

According to _____, to reduce anxiety, avoid punishment, and maintain parental affection, children identify with parents, internalizing their standards of right and wrong, and thus form _____.

Freud; the superego

Six-year-old Douglas is telling one of his mother's friends about his birthday party that occurred several weeks ago. As he describes his friends, the food, and his favorite presents, he is recalling:

autobiographical memories.

A sensitive, responsive approach for a caregiver to take regarding feeding small children includes all of these EXCEPT:

forcing children to eat particular foods.

Irene is taking a test where she hears a random list of numbers, which she is then asked to repeat in the right order. Irene's _____ memory is being tested.


Infants have the capacity for _____, but they lack the ability to discern another's inner psychological state, known as _____.

empathetic responses; perspective taking

According to Erik Erikson, children's initiative and enthusiasm will bring rewards when things work well and guilt when things do not work well; thus, _____ is also a factor in this stage.


Which of the following is NOT linked to a mother's emotion-coaching approach to helping children regulate their emotions?

More oppositional behavior

The _____ theory of gender proposes that the preschool child develop a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent, and later adopts the characteristics of the same-sex parent.


Saturday morning cartoons show an average of _____ violent actions and behaviors per hour.


Benjamin, a toddler, is likely to learn something in the zone of proximal development (ZPD) if he:

has a sibling less than 24 months older in the home.

Dorothy is enrolled in a preschool where she spends much of her time in unstructured activity. She plays with different toys she chooses, and her teacher facilitates rather than teaches. Which of the following approaches is Dorothy's preschool using?

Montessori approach

All of the following are strategies to improve young children's literacy EXCEPT:

encouraging children to be quiet and listen carefully to the story.

With regard to perception, the youngest age at which a child recognizes that another person will see what is in front of his or her own eyes instead of what is in front of the child's eyes is:

three years.

Fred and Wayne are four-year-olds and friends. When they are together, they often wrestle, run, race, push, and shove each other. Although their level of activity often aggravates their parents, we know that these activities will:

help the boys develop gross motor skills.

Based on a view from cultures around the world, which of the following statements is TRUE about parental influences on children's gender development?

Fathers show more attention to sons than to daughters.

_____ parents interact with their children in a less rejecting manner, use more scaffolding and praise, and are more nurturant than are emotion-dismissing parents.


It is estimated that approximately _____ of children born to married parents in the United States will experience their parents' divorce.


Nine-year-old Tadako's uncle has been taking pictures of her naked and selling them on the Internet. This constitutes:

sexual abuse.

When adults are working with young children, they often provide a lot of hints, assistance, instructions, and other support to help the children succeed. As the children demonstrate they can do more for themselves, the adults begin to withdraw these supports. This shows the adults' direct involvement in the children's:

zone of proximal development.

_____ attention involves action planning, allocating attention to goals, error detection and compensation, monitoring progress on tasks, and dealing with novel or difficult circumstances.


Anna, age three, walks by her grandmother's collection of glass animals and says, "Those are a 'no-no'; don't touch." It would appear that Anna is using _____ to regulate her own behavior.

private speech

Carina is a new nanny for a family with small children. She knows that all of the following are good rules for eating EXCEPT:

eating in front of the television.

A recent study found that parents reported _____ than nonparents

more satisfaction in their lives

Ursula is allowed to set her own schedules for playtime and for studying. In return, Ursula's mother insists that her daughter keep her grades up and go to bed early on most weeknights. As long as her daughter is managing her time and schedule wisely, Ursula's mother gives her daughter a great deal of independence. Ursula's mom is most likely a(n):

authoritative parent.

Lucy has strict rules for her children, and gets frustrated and angry when they aren't followed. When the children disobey she often spanks them and sends them off to their room without much explanation. Lucy is most likely a(n):

authoritarian parent.

All of the following have been linked to improved understanding of a theory of mind EXCEPT:

characteristics associated with autism.

When children judge the rightness or goodness of behavior by considering its consequences, not the intentions of the actor, they are demonstrating:

heteronomous morality.

Julie believes that Jason's accidental act of breaking 12 plates by dropping a box is worse than Peter intentionally breaking two plates when he was frustrated. Julie is demonstrating:

heteronomous morality.

Camille wants to remember the name of a toy she saw on television. As she is going to tell her mother about it she keeps repeating the long name of the toy over and over. By doing this she is keeping the information active in her:

short-term memory.

When individuals deliberately shift their attention from one item to another, they are demonstrating:

cognitive flexibility.

Suzie, age three, has to eat everything on her plate at dinner or her father punishes her by sending her to bed immediately. Suzie also has strict schedules for playing, television, and studying, and any disobedience leads to spanking and punishments. Suzie's father is most likely a(n):

authoritarian parent.

Vihaan's father noticed that his daughter used to repeat the ingredients for her favorite sandwich aloud. Now that she is older, her private speech has become _____, so that she can make the sandwich silently.

inner speech

Shelley and Nathan have a diet typical of small children in the United States, so it is likely that all the following are true EXCEPT:

corn is the vegetable they have most often.

Lauren wants to open her birthday gift before people arrive for her party, but she knows she shouldn't. Rather than stay in the room with the present, she decides to go in another room and play. Lauren is demonstrating:

cognitive flexibility.

Three-year-old Betty's favorite pastime is scribbling designs. She says the drawings represent her parents, cat, bicycle, and home. This indicates that Betty is in the _____ substage of Piaget's preoperational stage.

symbolic function

Hans feels ashamed when his parents say, "You should feel bad about scattering the pieces of your brother's puzzle on the floor!" To experience a _____ emotion like shame, Hans must be able to refer to himself as distinct from others.


"My computer doesn't like me—it keeps eating my pictures," says three-year-old Kimberly. This is an example of:


In early childhood, executive function is involved in all of the following EXCEPT:


Which of the following statements about brain development and early childhood is TRUE?

The overall size of the brain does not increase dramatically from ages three to five.

First-born and only children are alike in that both are _____ than later-born children.

more achievement oriented

Kenny is at the age where he wants to try everything, using his surplus energy to explore and play with everything in his environment. He is also anxious to explore his social world through conversation and playing games. According to Erik Erikson, Kenny is demonstrating:


Franklin is very upset because his teacher will not let him turn in an assignment late. His main argument is that he had started the project and he fully intended to finish it and turn it in. Even though he honestly forgot about the due date, his intention to turn it in is, in his view, the most important factor. He is demonstrating:

autonomous morality.

The psychoanalytic theory of gender stems from Freud's view that the preschool child develops a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent, with girls moving through the _____ while boys move through the _____.

Electra complex; Oedipus complex

Lower-SES parents:

are more directive and less conversational with their children.

Which of the following is a criticism of Vygotsky's theory?

Vygotsky overemphasized the role of language in thinking.

The term _____ includes physical abuse, child neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse.

child maltreatment.

In the development of language and thought:

external speech precedes internal speech.

Which of the following was cited by Zigler and his colleagues as evidence supporting universal preschool in the United States?

Universal preschool would bring billions of dollars of cost savings because of a diminished need for remedial and justice services.

Emotional regulation is a foundational part of developing:

social competence.

Her pediatrician has just told Sandra that her four-year-old son, Manuel, has gained six pounds in the last year. Sandra should:

be content that this is normal for Manuel's age.

Damian's parents never seem to find time or resources to take care of him; in fact, sometimes he goes home to an empty house without any idea where his parents are. He routinely tells his teachers that he hasn't eaten in the last day, and it's clear that his clothes haven't been washed in a while. This circumstance constitutes:

child neglect.

Children exposed to tobacco smoke in the home are more likely to have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

weight issues.

Juan has been able to go up stairs raising one foot at a time, but he is just managing how to come down stairs without putting two feet on each step before stepping down. His _____ motor skills are on pace for a _____.

gross; four-year-old

According to Rochel Gelman, children's use of _____ is especially important in explaining areas of improvement on conservation tasks.


The overwhelming majority of children from gay or lesbian families:

have a heterosexual orientation.

Four-year-old Harlan says, "I'm always smiling!" Researchers suggest that Harlan, like other kids his own age, have self-descriptions that are typically:

unrealistically positive.

Pointing to a tree, young Leo says, "Bird flied away." Leo's interesting but incorrect use of the - word ending shows that he is trying to learn the _____ rules of language.


Which of the following is FALSE regarding the comparison of families within various ethnic groups to non-Latino white families?

African American families have more children than Latino or non-Latino white families.

During phase one of John Bowlby's conceptualization of attachment, what is MOST likely to occur?

An infant is likely to exhibit smiling or crying in response to strangers, siblings, or parents.

In which of the following situations will nine-month-old Lucy show the LEAST stranger anxiety?

When she meets another nine-month-old baby at her home

Betty and Allen's child, Cara, is usually in a pleasant mood. She has a regular routine but can readily adapt to changes. According to Chess and Thomas, Cara would be classified as a(n):

easy child.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of crying?

Newborns do not respond to the crying of other babies.

Mary Rothbart and John Bates stress that _____ is an important dimension of temperament because it shows infants' ability (or the lack of it) to keep their arousal from getting too intense and have strategies for soothing themselves.

effortful control

Noah has noticed a difference in his two daughters in that one can calm herself and gain control over her emotions rather quickly, and the other has trouble regaining any control over intense emotions. He is noticing a difference in their:


Melissa noticed that her youngest daughter, almost two years old, has just started trying to imitate her big sister who is five years old and pretending to be a cheerleader. Her youngest daughter is showing:

imitation and reciprocal play.

Trevor has clearly bonded with his mother, and at a recent family gathering he seemed to recognize family members he often interacts with. According to Bowlby's conceptualization of attachment, Trevor is in _____.

phase two

In the Strange Situation, Quentin cries mildly when his caregiver departs; however, he is happy upon reunion, and then continues to explore once the caregiver has returned. He would be classified as:

securely attached.

In the second year of life, infants tend to "check" with their mother before they act; they look at her to see if she is happy, angry, or fearful. This is an example of:

social referencing.

The longitudinal study conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in 1991 concluded that:

children who were given high-quality child care performed better on cognitive and language tasks.

Evette's little brother has smeared pureed carrots on his face. Evette asked her mother, "Doesn't he know he looks stupid?" While Evette is capable of _____ emotions, her little brother has not yet developed this ability.


When people become parents through pregnancy, adoption, or stepparenting, they face _____ and must adapt.


Hannah knows that her infant son, William, has a difficult temperament. She is careful to take him to the grocery store in the off-hours when it's not crowded and there's less chance of a stranger trying to interact with him. In terms of temperament-sensitive parenting, Hannah is:

exposing William to social situations for observational learning.

_____ can be defined as an individual's behavioral style and characteristic way of responding emotionally.


Which of the following babies would appear disoriented in the Strange Situation conducted by Mary Ainsworth?

Clara, who is an insecure disorganized baby

_____ refers to the match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with.

Goodness of fit

The United States currently allows up to _____ weeks of _____ leave for caring for a newborn.

12; unpaid

Nakita is eight months old, and she has a tendency to cry when strangers come near her. She is displaying one of a baby's earliest emotions, _____.


Eight-month-old Michael is placed in front of a mirror with a spot of rouge on his nose. Michael will MOST likely:

crawl away from the mirror, because he does not recognize his own reflection in the mirror.

When toddlers hear their parents quarreling, they

often react with distress

According to Jerome Kagan, temperament:

is the result of inherited physiological characteristics; however, temperament can be modified to some degree by the environment.

Which of the following terms is used to describe the mutually regulated interactions between parents and infants?


One study of two- and three-year-olds revealed that an increase in the number of child-care arrangements the children experienced is linked to a(n):

increase in behavioral problems.

Higher maternal effortful control and positive emotionality has been linked to:

an increase in infant smiling and laughter.

The research on fathers as caregivers indicates that fathers:

interact with their babies in different ways than mothers do, regardless of which parent is the primary caregiver.

Infants show _____ when they are in familiar settings.

less stranger anxiety

Twenty-four-month-old Tyler is placed in front of a mirror with a spot of rouge on his nose. Tyler will MOST likely:

touch his own nose to wipe off the spot.

Temperament is directly related to all of the following EXCEPT:


Haleigh has learned that when she waves her hands and smiles to show happiness, others around her show happiness, too. This adaptive interaction demonstrates the role of emotions in:

behavioral organization.

Babies' first forms of emotional communication, particularly with parents, are:

crying and smiling.

Researchers are discovering that infants are more socially sophisticated and insightful at younger ages than scholars previously envisioned. In which aspect is this sophistication and insight reflected?

In infants' perceptions of others' actions as intentionally motivated and goal directed

While working at a day-care center, Sherry notices two children working together to pull a box of toys to the middle of the room. From her lifespan class in college Sherry knows this doesn't happen until children are around:

24 months old.

Austin is in the Strange Situation and shows strong patterns of avoidance and resistance. He also displays extreme fearfulness around the caregiver. He would be classified as:

insecure disorganized.

While it is true that most parents have rushed their two- or three-year-olds by doing something for them, according to Erikson, the real risk of developing _____ comes when children are constantly told and shown all the things they broke, messed up, or did wrong while trying to do things on their own.

shame and doubt

Tempest is in the Strange Situation and appears dazed, confused, and fearful. She would most likely be classified as:

insecure disorganized.

In their longitudinal investigation, Chess and Thomas found that _____ of the children they studied could be classified as easy.


Trystan has adjusted to the observation that his son, Tony, is a _____. Tony seldom sleeps or eats by any predictable routine, and he really dislikes any new situation.

difficult baby

In terms of infant social sophistication and insight, researchers have found that infants exhibit these characteristics:

earlier than scholars originally believed.

The Strange Situation is an observational measure of infant attachment developed by Mary Ainsworth. It requires the infant to:

move through a series of introductions, separations, and reunions with his or her caregiver and an adult stranger.

Cornell is only a few months old, but he is able to use emotions to show when he's interested in something and when he is afraid. His emotions are filling the necessary role of:


According to Erikson, establishing the lifelong expectation that the world will be a good and pleasant place starts with physical comfort and _____.

sensitive care

According to Bowlby's conceptualization of attachment, which of the following occurs during phase three?

With increased locomotor skills, babies actively seek contact with regular caregivers, such as the mother or father.

A study done in 2013 found a link between high-quality infant-toddler care and

improved memory skills in preschool.

Natalie is in the Strange Situation, and she clings anxiously to her caregiver. She does not explore the playroom. She would most likely be classified as:

securely attached.

In North America, parents tend to prefer children with a(n) _____ temperament, whereas in China, a(n) _____ temperament is more highly valued.

active; inhibited

Erik Erikson viewed the first year of life as characterized by the _____ stage of development.

trust versus mistrust

According to a 2006 study of discipline and corrective methods used by parents, the two most common methods parents use for managing and guiding 12-month-old infants' undesirable behaviors are diverting attention and:


According to John Bowlby, an infant's internal working model of attachment includes a simple mental model of the caregiver, their relationship, and:

the self as deserving of nurturant care.

A mother hands her baby a rattle, saying, "Here you are." She then gently takes the rattle away, smiling and saying, "Thank you." She does this repeatedly, letting the baby keep the rattle for several seconds each time and encouraging the baby to offer the rattle. Eventually, the baby takes the rattle, holds it for a few seconds, and then holds it out to her mother and smiles. This is an example of:


An infant's ability to crawl, walk, and eventually run is called:


In the Strange Situation, Jermaine used his mother as a "safe base" as he actively explored the playroom. Mary Ainsworth would most likely classify Jermaine as:

securely attached.

According to psychiatrists Alexander Chess and Stella Thomas, a(n) _____ child has a low activity level, is somewhat negative, and displays a low intensity of mood.


Which of the following is the BEST description of scaffolding?

Parents time interactions in such a way that the infant experiences turn-taking with the parents.

Especially in infancy, emotions play important roles in:


_____ has been the most consistent predictor of a secure attachment.

Parental sensitivity

When placed in his bed for the night, after a little crying and whimpering, a 20-month-old was overhead saying, "Go sleep, Randy. Okay." This is an example of:

emotional regulation.

Two-month-old Trey is crying loudly. It is a sudden long, initial loud cry followed by breath holding. This type of cry indicates that Trey is:

experiencing pain.

The fact that infants are captivated by the social world, are attuned to the sounds of human voices, and stare intently at the faces of their caregivers is reflective of their:

social orientation.

A criticism of _____ theory is that it ignores the diversity of socializing agents and contexts that exist in an infant's world.


A study of mother-infant dyads from age seven months to two years found that maternal sensitivity and autonomy predicted:

secure attachments.

According to a recent meta-analysis, secure attachment in infancy was linked to:

social competence with peers in childhood.

In the Strange Situation, Latoya basically ignored her mother, was not upset when she left the room, and did not seek her out when she returned. Mary Ainsworth would most likely classify Latoya as:

insecure avoidant.

The longitudinal investigation of couples from late pregnancy until three years after baby was born found that:

being parents gave them a stable identity as a parent.

Jerome Kagan and other developmentalists stress that _____ play(s) more important roles in a child's social competence than the attachment theorists, such as Bowlby and Ainsworth, are willing to acknowledge.

the child's genetic characteristics and temperament

Janice is playing with her son, Brad, by handing him a toy bear. That makes him smile and make sounds, which Janice imitates as she gently takes the toy back. They spend quite a bit of time enjoying the back-and-forth of this _____ activity.


Separation protest is characterized by:

crying when the caregiver leaves.

Fathers engage in more _____ than mothers do.

rough and tumble play

Charlotte is watching her son, Devin, get teased by his older brother. She notices that Devin is amazingly patient and seems to be distracting himself by playing with his socks. Rothbart and Bates would say Devin is high in:

effortful control.

According to Freud, infants become attached to the person or object:

that provides oral satisfaction.

Shelby has adjusted to the observation that his daughter, Drew, is a _____. Drew is much quieter than most of the other children, watches more than she plays, and doesn't show happiness as much as the others.

slow-to-warm-up baby

Caregivers of _____ babies often neglect or physically abuse them.


According to many developmental psychologists, soothing a crying infant will:

help the infant develop a secure attachment to the caregiver.

According to a 2006 study of discipline and corrective methods used by parents, which of the following methods did not increase when comparing the ways parents disciplined a one-year-old to that used on a two-year-old?

Diverting attention

_____ can include connections between a wide range of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes, and also can involve social contexts such as families, peers, schools, and culture.

Developmental cascades

In their longitudinal investigation, Chess and Thomas found that _____ of the children they studied could be classified as difficult.


Engaging in face-to-face play primarily promotes an infant's _____ development.


Shoko responds positively to being picked up by others, and when put back down freely moves away to play. She would most likely be classified as:

securely attached.

Baby Heather is absorbed in her playing when suddenly there is a loud crashing sound outside of the house. Heather immediately moves as fast as she can to her grandmother (who is her primary caregiver). According to Bowlby's conceptualization of attachment, Heather is not in:

phase one.

Erik Erikson describes the second stage of personality development as the stage of _____ versus shame and doubt.


Which statement is FALSE regarding temperament?

It is best to view temperament as one dimensional and specific.

Quimby, age 15 months, looks to her mother to see if she should be afraid of the stranger who has come to her home. Quimby relaxes when she sees her mother smiling and speaking to the stranger in a calm voice. Quimby is engaging in:

social referencing.

Which concept helps the infant to understand that other people have intentions?

Joint attention

The development of _____ helps infants interpret ambiguous situations more accurately, as when they encounter a stranger.

social referencing

In terms of managing and guiding 12-month-old infants' behavior, a 2006 study of discipline and corrective methods used by parents showed which method is MOST common for infants of this age?

Diverting attention

Caregivers of _____ babies tend to be unavailable or rejecting, unresponsive, and easily irritated.


Jerome Kagan's classification of temperament focuses on:

inhibition to the unfamiliar.

Which of the following statements regarding paternal caregiving is FALSE?

Paternal interactions usually center on child-care activities, such as feeding, changing diapers, and bathing.

In the game peek-a-boo, the mother initially covers the baby. Then she removes the cover and registers "surprise" at the infant's reappearance. This is an example of:


Which of the following statements about child care and socioeconomic status is true?

Children are more likely to experience poor-quality child care if their parents have few resources.

The most frequent expression of an infant's fear involves:

stranger anxiety.

When one-month-old Mai is sleeping, it often looks like she is smiling. This is an example of a _____ smile.


Diego is in the Strange Situation with his caregiver; he explores the room and examines the toys that have been placed in it. He uses the caregiver as a secure base from which to explore the room. He would be classified as:

securely attached.

In the Strange Situation, Cameron did not explore the playroom, clung to his mother when she was in the room, and was very upset when she left the room. When she returned, he appeared to be ambivalent—both wanting to be comforted by his mother and pushing her away when she attempted to do so. Mary Ainsworth would most likely classify Cameron as:

insecure resistant.

The view or model that emphasizes the ways development is the result of an ongoing, bidirectional interchange between heredity and the environment is the:

epigenetic view.

Lillian is in those "terrible twos" where she wants to do everything herself. She wants to put on her own clothes and shoes, decide just how her toys should be arranged, and even how to pour milk on her cereal. According to Erikson, Lillian is exploring:


What is the opinion of experts on infant socioemotional development, such as Jerome Kagan, on the infant's capacity to display emotions like guilt, pride, despair, shame, empathy, and jealousy in the first year?

The structural immaturity of the infant brain makes it unlikely that such emotions can be experienced in the first year.

When an infant puts her thumb in her mouth to help soothe herself, the infant is exhibiting:

the ability to inhibit or minimize the intensity and duration of emotional reactions.

According to critics, the Strange Situation might not be able to capture important differences among infants because:

as a measure of attachment, it may be culturally biased.

A recent study revealed that sensitive maternal responding was linked to:

infant attachment security.

Unfortunately Lincoln, now in those "terrible twos," spends most of his waking hours with a babysitter who scolds him continually. Every time he tries to feed himself or play, the babysitter takes things away, tells him he is making a mess, and calls him a bad boy. According to Erikson, if Lincoln remains in this situation for a long time he will develop:


Feelings that occur when a person is in a state or an interaction that is important to him or her, especially to his or her well-being, are known as:


Anthony is just starting to crawl and has taken to following his mother around the house. He also lifts his arms up to her when he wants to be picked up. According to Bowlby's conceptualization of attachment, which phase is Anthony currently in?

Phase three

Blanca works long hours, and when she is home she rarely holds her baby, Joey. She is often tired and tends to respond to his needs in an angry, irritable fashion. It is most likely that Joey will develop a(n) _____ with his mother.

insecure avoidant attachment

A study of four different cultures—Antiguan, Guatemalan, African Bushman, and Israeli Kibbutz—found that separation protest peaked at about age:

13 to 15 months.

Which of the following are "other-conscious" emotions?

Pride, shame, and guilt

Which of the following is TRUE of social smiling?

The external stimulus is typically a face, in the case of young infants.

According to psychiatrists Alexander Chess and Stella Thomas, a(n) _____ child reacts negatively and cries frequently, engages in irregular daily routines, and is slow to accept change.


The _____ mandated a paid 14-week maternity leave in 1992.

European Union

Which of the following statements about caregivers of resistant babies is likely to be true?

They tend to show little synchrony when interacting with the children.

In the first six months infants show the emotions of:

fear, anger, and joy.

Which of the following is a characteristic of reciprocal socialization?

It is sometimes referred to as "transactional."

According to psychiatrists Alexander Chess and Stella Thomas, a(n) _____ child is generally in a positive mood, quickly establishes regular routines in infancy, and adapts easily to new experiences.


Stephen is taking his infant son, Todd, to the clinic today. He knows this is stressful for Todd, so he:

starts to soothe Todd's emotions by gently patting his back and singing before they enter the clinic.

As parents change their emotional expressions in response to their infants, the infants also modify their emotional expressions in response. These mutually regulated responses are described as:

reciprocal or synchronous.

A recent study examined the synchronous relationship between maternal responses and infants. Mothers were separated from their baby, given a task, and as part of the study were selected to receive a positive or negative evaluation. Those with the negative evaluation, experiencing negative emotions, had infants who:

displayed similar negative emotions as evidenced by increases in heart rate.

Three-month-old Zoey looks up at her mother and smiles. Researchers call this type of smiling:

social smiling.

An inhibited temperament has been associated with all of the following EXCEPT:

low thyroxine levels.

Which of the following characterizes phase one of Bowlby's model of attachment?

Infants instinctively direct their attachment to human figures.

Parents can expect their newborn infant to sleep through the night starting at

six months.

A form of communication that is based on a system of symbols is called:


The _____ pattern of growth is the sequence in which growth starts at the center of the body and moves toward the extremities.


The cerebral cortex has two _____, each of which is further divided into four _____.

hemispheres; lobes

Kevin loves to say, "Da, da, da, da" over and over again. This is an example of what type of communication?


Research by Renée Baillargeon and her colleagues have found that infants as young as three to four months expect objects to be _____ in the sense that other objects cannot move through them, and _____ in the sense that objects continue to exist when they are hidden.

substantial; permanent

_____ occurs when information interacts with receptors such as the eyes, ears, tongue, nostrils, and skin.


Infants begin to use gestures such as showing and pointing at about:

8 to 12 months of age.

The "visual cliff" experiment was used to measure:

depth perception.

By two years of age, children have reached about _____ of their adult weight and about _____ of their adult height.

one-fifth; one-half

New evidence suggests that in addition to categorizing items on the basis of external perceptual features such as shape, color, and parts, infants may also categorize items on the basis of:


Claire had a stroke and has suffered brain damage. Unfortunately when she tries to communicate, her words do not make sense. She also seems to be confused when other people try to talk with her. Claire has damage to her:

Wernicke's area.

Trenton was playing in the sandbox. He was pouring sand from a short, fat container into a tall, skinny container. When he poured the sand into the tall, skinny container, it looked to him as if it had more sand in it. Trenton could not figure out where the extra sand came from, and how it got into his container. As Trenton continues to try to solve this puzzle, he will experience considerable movement between states of cognitive _____ and _____ to produce cognitive change and eventual understanding.

equilibrium; disequilibrium

Infants nearly triple their birth weight by the age of:

one years.

Nine-month-old Hector is pointing at his sippy cup. Which aspect of language is Hector utilizing?


Jacob believes that we directly perceive information that exists in the world around us and that perception is designed for action. He is most likely holding a(n) _____ perspective.


_____ is involved in speech production, whereas _____ is involved in language comprehension.

Broca's area; Wernicke's area

Kuhl found that baby's brains are most open to learning the consonants in their native language at_____ and vowels in their native language at _____.

nine months; six months

One of the earliest signs of brain specialization is that newborns show greater electrical brain activity in the left hemisphere when:

listening to speech sounds.

Zoe heard a child on the playground singing, "fa la fa la fa la." Later that evening while the family was eating dinner Zoe started singing, "fa la fa la fa la" just the way she heard it earlier in the day. Zoe is demonstrating:

deferred imitation.

A _____ is a layer of fat cells that encases and insulates many axons and helps electrical signals travel faster down the axon.

myelin sheath

Kenny is concerned that his baby daughter isn't sleeping through the night yet, so he asks the pediatrician about it. She says his daughter is really young to expect that, and that he shouldn't expect his daughter to sleep through the night until she is about:

six months old.

Noam Chomsky believed that at birth children have a _____, comprised of the biological mechansims needed to detect features and rules of language, including phonology, syntax, and semantics.

language acquisition device

For years, debate has focused on whether breast feeding is better for the infant than bottle feeding. The growing consensus is that:

breast feeding is better for the baby's health.

Which of the following categories is generally NOT among first words?


Javier, a one-year-old, is cognitively frustrated because he wants to communicate with the people around him, usually by looking at or pointing to what he wants, but his attempts are not working. His frustration will likely motivate him to start using words as symbols for his desires, using _____ to move to the next stage in cognitive development.


Choose the list that shows the predictors of SIDS, from the strongest to the least strong.

Prone sleeping, maternal smoking, bed sharing, not breast feeding

Fransisco has learned to wave bye-bye and does so every chance he gets. Sometimes he starts waving bye-bye before the grown-ups' conversation is finished, but everyone just laughs and waves with him. He is demonstrating that he is learning to use _____ to communicate.


Which of the following is a key criticism of Piaget's theory of sensorimotor cognitive development?

Infants are more competent than Piaget thought.

A _____ is the basic unit of sound in a language.


In the visual cliff experiment by Eleanor Gibson and Richard Walk, most 6- to 12-month-old babies encouraged to crawl onto the deep side of the visual cliff would:

not crawl onto the cliff side.

The theorists who actively promoted the ecological view of perceptual development in infancy are:

Eleanor and James Gibson.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about specialization of function in a hemisphere of the cerebral cortex?

Complex thinking in normal people is the outcome of communication between both hemispheres of the brain.

When Abraham describes to his friend what he did last summer on vacation, he is relying on his _____ memory.


Your professor says that our perception brings us into contact with the environment in order to interact with and adapt to it, such as when you turn your body to get into a car or turn your head to see where a sound is coming from. This indicates that he holds a(n) _____ view on perceptual development.


Which of the following is a requirement of joint attention?

An ability to track another's behavior

Mariah has suffered brain damage to the left frontal lobe of her brain. When she tries to speak, she struggles to produce words and is unable to say them correctly. Mariah has damage to her:

Broca's area.

One reason older children and adults have difficulty recalling events from their infant and early childhood years is that during these years the _____ of the brain are immature.

prefrontal lobes

According to your textbook, infants can discriminate among colors as early as:

4 to 8 weeks of age.

Sharon's favorite stuffed animal has been sitting by her right side for the last hour. She has picked it up and put it back in the same place several times. Her mother, trying to get Sharon to move, got her attention by placing the toy across the floor. She notices that Sharon keeps reaching on her right side, expecting the toy to be there. This is an example of a(n):

A-not-B error

_____ is a central feature of cognitive development, pertaining to all situations in which an individual retains information over time.


Which of the following statements about perception in infants is TRUE?

Newborns cannot hear soft sounds quite as well as adults can.

As he is rolling his truck up and down the sides of the couch, Nezzy points to his truck and says, "My truck." His father responds with, "What's the truck doing?" This is an example of:


The _____ view emphasizes the importance of interactions between experience and gene expression in the brain's development.


When four-year-old Melanie ties shoelaces on her own and skillfully uses a fork and spoon, she is demonstrating her:

fine motor skills.

Which sequence best describes the way neurons pass along messages?

Axon, terminal buttons, synapses, neurotransmitters, dendrites

In the first several days of life, most newborns lose _____ of their body weight before they adjust to feeding by sucking, swallowing, and digesting.

5% to 7%

The interpretation of sensory information is called:


Heather is shown a teddy bear. The teddy bear is then hidden from her. Heather searches for the teddy bear. This shows that Heather has developed a sense of:

object permanence.

In which of the following circumstances is it recommended that a mother NOT breast feed?

If the mother has active tuberculosis

The most important recent advance in measuring infant perception is:

the development of sophisticated eye-tracking equipment.

_____ are cognitive groupings of similar objects, events, people, or ideas.


The most successful instrument used to assess infant's brain activity is a(n):


Jasmine is fascinated by the jingling of a ring of keys her mother has. When her mother drops the keys on the table behind Jasmine, the infant starts to cry and moves her hands in protest. This shows that Jasmine has not developed an understanding of:

object permanence.

As an infant, Mary suffered damage to _____ of the brain, causing her to have poor comprehension. Also, her speech is fluent, but incomprehensible.

Wernicke's area

Although the age ranges vary, which of the following is an accurate list of average ages these milestones develop, with the earliest listed first, next, and last?

Prone, sit without support, stand alone easily

_____ are tiny gaps between neuron fibers.


The fiber that carries signals away from the neuron's cell body is called a(n):


Jerome weighed in at 4.5 pounds when he was born. Compared to other newborns in North America, his weight is:

less than the average.

When babies engage in physical activity or use language, some synaptic connections will be strengthened, while the unused ones are replaced by other pathways or disappear. A neuroscientist would identify this process as:


Fantz's research method—studying whether infants can distinguish one stimulus from another by measuring the length of time they attend to different stimuli—is referred to as the:

visual preference method.

Rosie took her daughter in for a checkup. The nurse said her daughter is right on schedule for a ______, because she has doubled her birth weight.


When Anna took her infant daughter, Chloe, to the clinic for a checkup, it looked like the nurse was tickling Chloe's feet. Chloe would twist her foot and fan out her toes. The nurse was checking Chloe's _______ reflex.


The fiber that carries signals toward the neuron's cell body is called a(n):


Benji starts calling his father "Dad," but he also calls all men that he sees "dad." According to Piaget, this error is due to:


Amanda is six days old. Which of the following statements about Amanda's hearing is true?

Amanda is more able to hear high-pitched sounds than low-pitched sounds.

Baby Max watches his mother jingle her keys in front of him. After several minutes, he looks away, no longer interested. This would indicate that he has habituated as he is showing a(n) _____ to a stimulus after repeated presentations of the stimulus.

decreased responsiveness

While some report difficulty going to sleep, the most common infant sleep-related problem reported by parents is:

night-time waking.

Which statement is FALSE regarding infants' sense of touch and pain?

Anesthesia is not used on infants.

Infants who spent most of their time sleeping during the night as opposed to during the day:

showed higher levels of executive function at age four.

Juno is riding a bike. This activity requires Juno to use her memories of skills and routine procedures that are performed automatically, referred to as her _____ memory.


When infants watch an object while exploring it manually and discover information about the object's texture, size, and hardness, they are exhibiting:

perceptual motor coupling.

The portion of an infant's brain that is farthest from the spinal cord that includes the cerebral cortex and several structures beneath it is the:


Amira is concerned about putting her baby on his stomach to sleep because of the risk that he might stop breathing, usually during the night, and die suddenly without an apparent cause. In other words, she is concerned about:

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Martin has learned how to make words plural. Sometimes he says things incorrectly, like "gooses" instead of "geese," but he clearly understands the language rule. Chomsky would say it is Martin's _____ that helped him accomplish that skill.

language acquisition device

Baby Jane, three days old, is shown four drawings: a bright blue square, a white oval, a yellow circle, and a drawing of a face. Consistent with Fantz's work, which drawing would she probably prefer to look at?

The face

Children who grow up in a deprived environment are likely to show:

depressed brain activity.

At birth, the newborn's brain is about _____ of its adult weight.


Of the following infants, who is MOST at risk for SIDS?

Mimi, because her mother smokes

Bella knows the names of all the states that comprise the United States. The names of the states are a part of Bella's _____ memory.


In which of the following circumstances should the mother NOT breast feed her baby?

If she has AIDS

Which statement is FALSE regarding Meltzoff's research and position on imitation?

Imitation is primarily nurture when considering the nature versus nurture question.

Child-directed speech is the:

unique way that parents (and others) talk to babies.

Rebecca says, "Milk spill." Her grandfather replies, "Yes, the milk spilled on the floor." This is an example of:


In the "sticky mittens" research project, it was found that:

the infants in the mitten group developed grasping skills earlier than average.

According to research by Hamlin on preverbal infants, a sense of morality may be present as early as

four months after birth.

Identify the correct sequence of vocalization in infants.

Crying, cooing, babbling

_____ occurs when children adjust their schemes to take new information and experiences into account.


Sensitivity to taste:

is present at birth.

The use of fetal fMRI to studying hearing in infants has revealed that response to sounds occurs at:

34 weeks of gestation.

The experience of our world as a smooth, unitary episode is made possible by:

intermodal perception.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of early neuron development?

The synaptic connections that are used become strengthened and survive, while the unused ones are replaced by other pathways or disappear.

When an infant turns his head because his cheek was stroked, this is evidence that he responds to:


Someone with a vocabulary of only 200 words can recombine the words in different ways to say thousands of different things. This aspect of language is referred to as:

infinite generativity.

Madison noticed that she is finally able to get her son, Sam, to look when she points to something and says the name or the color of the object. Based on research, it is likely that Sam is between ______.

8 and 12 months old

According to your textbook, infants' information-processing abilities:

develop more gradually and continuously than was originally believed.

Winnie is considering the use of anesthesia during the circumcision of her newborn son. She wants to know if newborns can feel pain. What would you tell her?

Yes, recent research indicates that infants can feel pain.

Michael has been keeping a journal of his infant son's development. Looking back over the entries he sees that his son could wave his arms and hands to knock things over before he could pick up a toy. Michael is noticing the _____ pattern of growth.


Which of the following statements is FALSE about shaken baby syndrome?

Mothers are the most frequent perpetrators.

Darren was in a car accident and has suffered brain damage. He can understand what people are saying to him, but he has trouble speaking words in response. Darren has damage to his:

Broca's area.

Nouns are among the easiest words for children to learn because they:

generally are perceptually accessible.

A recent study revealed that children who had done most of their sleeping at night during infancy had higher executive function at age four. Researchers hypothesized that this happened due to:

sleep's role in brain maturation and memory consolidation.

Whenever baby Beth hears a loud noise, she responds with a _____ reflex where she arches her back, throws back her head, flings out her arms and legs, and then rapidly closes her arms and legs.


Myelination for _____ pathways occurs rapidly after birth and is completed in the first six months.

visual pathways

The newborn's vision is estimated to be _____ on the Snellen eye examination chart.


In considering the big issue of whether nature or nurture plays the more important role in infant development, Elizabeth Spelke endorses a _____ approach, which states that infants are born with domain-specific innate knowledge systems.

core knowledge

Which of the following conditions is one of the highest causes of infant death in the United States with nearly 2,000 infant deaths annually attributed to it?

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

When Ernesto, after not swimming during the winter months, remembers how to swim with very specific strokes as soon as he is in the water, he is demonstrating the power of his:

implicit memory.

Renee remembers very little about the first three years of her life. Most of what she knows from that time in her life comes from pictures and videos she has seen. Psychologists find this normal and call it:

infantile amnesia.

When Alice speaks to her six-month-old niece, her voice immediately takes on a higher pitch, her speech becomes slower, and she begins using more simplistic words and phrases. This change in Alice's language behavior provides an example of:

child-directed speech.

All of the following are elements of a rich verbal environment EXCEPT:

watching television with your child.

Two-year-old Anita has learned the word "dog" to identify the family pet Rover. Now Anita says the word "dog" when she sees any animal. Anita has _____ these animals into her existing scheme.


Which of the following statements is TRUE about brain development?

Extensive brain development continues after birth, through infancy and later.

Infants can see objects before they can control their torso, and they can use their hands long before they can crawl or walk. This would indicate that they have a _____ pattern of growth.


The sensorimotor stage of development lasts from birth until about:

two years of age.

A loss or impairment of language ability caused by brain injury is called:


When Tucker first started tying his shoe he had to think about it and move slowly. Now that he is older and has practiced tying his shoe many times, he does it without any thought. His memory for this activity has moved from _____ to _____.

explicit; implicit

Jean Mandler argues that early categorizations are best described as _____ categorization. That is, the categorizations are based on similar features of objects such as size, color, and movement, as well as parts of objects, such as legs for animals.


The cephalocaudal pattern is the sequence in which the earliest growth always occurs at the:

top (the head) with physical growth and differentiation of features gradually working their way down from top to bottom.

Sarah shows her baby a colorful block several times. The baby looks carefully at the block at first, but then turns her attention to a different toy after seeing the block a few times. The baby is showing:


Which statement is FALSE regarding eye tracking?

Frantz developed this method for his "looking chambers."

According to Zamuner, Fais, and Werker, infants use _____ information, such as the co-occurrence patterns of phonemes and syllables, to begin to segment the continuous stream of speech they encounter.


Of the following babies, who are between two and four months old, who is at the HIGHEST risk of SIDS?

Chaz, who sleeps on his stomach (prone sleeping)

Kyle and Amy want their baby to walk early, so they take the baby's favorite toy and place it where the child cannot reach it from a crawling position. Kyle and Amy believe that this will motivate the baby to stand upright to retrieve the toy and will thus result in him walking sooner. Their belief is most consistent with the _____ systems view of development.


Piaget believed that children's thinking in one stage is _____ that in another stage.

qualitatively different from

The _____ view emphasizes the interaction of the plasticity of the brain, genetic inheritance, and an enriched or impoverished environment.


Carolyn Rovee-Collier's research with the infants using a ribbon and a mobile was able to show that:

infants as young as 2.5 months can remember information.

Three-year-old Jesse used to call all moving vehicles "car." He now accurately categorizes moving vehicles into trucks, cars, motorcycles, and buses. Jesse has _____ to fit new information into his existing scheme.


A recent study found that child-directed speech in a one-to-one social context at 11 to 14 months of age was linked to:

greater word production at age two.

In Piaget's theory, schemes are:

actions or mental representations that organize knowledge.

Since 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recommended that _____ to reduce the risk of SIDS.

infants be placed to sleep on their backs

Piaget's concept of grouping isolated behaviors into a higher-order system is called:


Kyoko is 13 months old and can understand about 50 words but can say only about 10 words. This demonstrates how Kyoko's _____ vocabulary is more developed than her _____ vocabulary.

receptive; spoken

Nadine's doctor is assessing her fine motor skills, thus he is going to look at her ability to:

perform finely tuned movements like using a pencil.

Jake, age 11 months, is able to pick up cereal and bits of fruit off the tray of his high chair by grasping them with his thumb and forefinger. Jake has developed the:

pincer grip.

What is the foundation needed for gross motor skills to learn to walk?

Locomotion and postural control

Griffin noticed her newborn was learning to move her arms and legs by swinging them around and slowly learning how to move them deliberately. Her daughter is developing _____ motor skills.


For cognitive change to occur, what two processes must work in concert as the child experiences considerable movement between the states of cognitive equilibrium and disequilibrium?

Assimilation and accommodation

Your ability to process language in the left hemisphere and spatial thinking in the right hemisphere is due to:


Which is a FALSE statement regarding reflexes?

Reflexes are lifelong reactions.

_____ refers to the process of encasing axons with fat cells.


Baby Luis is interacting with grandma and makes gurgling sounds in the back of his throat to express his pleasure. This demonstrates:


Jean Piaget believed that children:

actively construct their own cognitive world.

Regarding views of perceptual development in infants, the position that perception is direct and evolved over time to allow the detection of size and shape constancy, a three-dimensional world, and intermodal perception early in infancy is a _____ view.


The rapid increase in an infant's vocabulary starting at about 18 months of age is called:

the vocabulary spurt.

Ethel is 50 years old but appears much more aged in appearance. Most of Ethel's relatives don't live past the age of 60. Which of the following genes are responsible for the accelerated aging that is observed in Ethel and her family members?

Longevity genes

Recent studies have shown that individuals with a short version of a gene labeled five-HTTLPR have an elevated risk of developing depression, but only if they also lead stressful lives. This is an example of:

gene × environment (G × E) interaction.

Renee is short and has a webbed neck. While she is good in language-related classes, she struggles with math. Having determined she has a chromosomal disorder, doctors have diagnosed her with:

Turner syndrome.

Malorie was born during her mother's 32nd week of pregnancy. Malorie would be termed a _____ baby.


Who is MOST likely to develop an X-linked disease?


Charlie is a cooperative, attentive child who is a favorite at home and school and receives positive, instructive responses from adults. This is indicative of a(n):

evocative genotype-environment correlation.

_____ is caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21.

Down syndrome

Which is NOT true of the genome-wide association method?

Its success led to the start of the Human Genome Project.

Klinefelter syndrome affects:

only males.

_____ act on the nervous system to alter states of consciousness, modify perceptions, and change moods.

Psychoactive drugs

The _____ is the outer layer of cells of the blastocyst that later provides nutrition and support for the embryo.


Jessica is feeling empowered and supported in the ____ care program. She is looking forward to the approximately 50 home visits, guiding her through the prenatal period and in parenting until her child is two years of age.

Nurse Family Partnership

Stella wants to give her baby the best start during prenatal development, so she is researching the latest findings on nutrition and teratogens. She's frustrated because the findings on caffeine:

have been mixed on whether it has ill effects.

Both the amnion and the _____ develop from the fertilized egg and not the mother's body.

umbilical cord

Sylvia is almost nine months pregnant and very close to her delivery date. The doctors have found that she has an active case of genital herpes. Which of the following is the best course of action to prevent Sylvia's baby from contracting the disease?

Perform a cesarean section

Nerve cells that handle information processing at the cellular level in the brain are called:


Clark's genotype contains a dominant gene for brown eye color and a recessive gene for blue eye color. According to the dominant-recessive gene principle, which of the following phenotypes is most likely to be observed in Clark?

Brown eyes

In some cases, one gene of a pair always exerts its effects, overriding the potential influence of the other gene. This is the _____ principle.

dominant-recessive genes

Identify the age group of women who are LEAST likely to obtain prenatal care.


Angelique has a chromosomal disorder characterized by a missing X chromosome, making her XO instead of XX. Angelique's doctors have diagnosed her with:

Turner syndrome.

_____ is a popular form of childbirth in the United States that involves special breathing in the final stages and the help of a coach.

Lamaze method

The _____ view states that development is the result of an ongoing, bidirectional interchange between heredity and the environment.


_____ is the field that seeks to discover the influence of heredity and environment on individual differences in human traits and development.

Behavior genetics

During your physiology course the instructor asks, "Moving from the outer layer of embryonic cells to the inner layer, what are the layers called?" You immediately write down:

ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm.

Mary and Jim are expecting a child, and prenatal diagnostic procedures have confirmed that the fetus has _____, a neural tube disorder that causes brain and spine abnormalities. Their physician has explained that this gene-linked abnormality could be treated with corrective surgery at birth, orthopedic devices, and physical or medical therapy.

spina bifida

Mariah has given birth to a baby girl. Even one month after delivery, she is experiencing very strong feelings of sadness and anxiety. She is so morose that she is having trouble coping with daily tasks. Mariah is most likely suffering from:

postpartum depression.

Approximately what percentage of low-birth-weight infants end up enrolled in special education programs?


The rationale for waterbirth is:

the baby has been in the amniotic sac, so the water will feel familiar.

Which of the following is a threat to the infant caused by the breech position?

Respiratory problems

_____ is the way an individual's genotype is expressed in observable and measurable characteristics.


Tamera has a genetic disorder where her red blood cells take on a hook shape instead of the normal disk shape. The doctors tell Tamera's parents that she has _____.

sickle-cell anemia

Which of the following is NOT accurate regarding studies of the placental barrier?

Most bacteria can pass from mother to her developing baby.

A strategy that can help to prevent neural tube defects is for women to:

take adequate amounts of the B vitamin folic acid.

_____ genes are those that make the individual less vulnerable to certain diseases and more likely to live to an older age.


Rachel loves to read books and also encourages her daughter to read by regularly taking her to the local library so she can check out lots of books. Rachel's daughter is now an avid reader. This reflects a(n) _____ correlation.

passive genotype-environment

Which of the following is NOT true of the germinal period?

The blastocyst implants in the uterus within the first five days after conception.

The structure that contains two arteries and one vein, and connects the developing embryo to the mother's body, is called the:

umbilical cord.

Joshua, two, has been diagnosed with _____, a disorder that is found more often in the American Jewish population. Unfortunately, for most children with this abnormality death is likely by age five.

Tay-Sachs disease

The fetus that Calista is carrying has just reached the age of viability, meaning that it has a chance of surviving outside of the womb. Therefore, it can be inferred that Calista is _____ weeks pregnant.

24 to 25

Timothy is a quiet six-year-old who is usually withdrawn in class. As a result, he does not receive much attention from his peers and mostly plays by himself. According to Sandra Scarr, this is an example of a(n):

evocative genotype-environment correlation.

Which of the following is TRUE of the stages of childbirth?

The first stage is the longest of the three birth stages.

The Apgar Scale is a method used to assess the health of newborns. A score of three would indicate:

an emergency, because the baby's survival is in doubt.

Which of the following is TRUE of Down syndrome?

Its symptoms include retardation of motor and mental abilities.

Which of the following diseases is transmitted to the newborn during delivery through the birth canal?

Genital herpes

Sherry is expecting her second child. Her daughter is very curious about the developing embryo. When walking outside on a cold day, her daughter asks, "Is the baby cold too?" Sherry explains that the _____ provides temperature control for the baby.

amniotic fluid

Which of the following is TRUE of phenylketonuria?

It results from a recessive gene.

The zygote first begins rapid cell division in the _____ period of prenatal development.


Dakota was born after 40 weeks of gestation and weighed four pounds. Dakota would be considered:

low birth weight.

Shannon's son was born early and weighed 4.8 pounds. After considering her options, Shannon chooses to spend time with her son by holding him upright against her bare chest, while he is wearing only a diaper, to maximize skin-to-skin contact. She is using:

kangaroo care.

Jerrold and his wife are considering medication options for the birth of their daughter. They decide on a method used to numb a woman's body from the waist down during the birthing process. They have chosen to use:

an epidural block.

The _____ is a layer of the embryo which will become the circulatory system, bones, muscles, excretory system, and reproductive system.


Erin is 90 years old. She has relatively good health and is fully mobile. Most of Erin's blood relatives lived to a much later age than most of their same-age friends. Which of the following genes might be responsible for this?

Longevity genes

The textbook reports that new studies using the genome-wide association method have focused on all of the following EXCEPT:


Marly describes her friend, Gina, as having blonde hair, green eyes, and fair skin with freckles. Marly has described Gina's:


Wren is four weeks pregnant. Which of the following stages of prenatal development is Wren currently in?


Which of the following is TRUE regarding genes?

Genetic expression is influenced by the environment.

Paul suffers from hemophilia, so he is very concerned every time he gets a cut. His best treatment option is:

blood transfusions.

Which of the following is an example of a passive genotype-environment correlation?

Parents who have a genetic predisposition to be musically inclined encourage their children to learn how to play a musical instrument.

Carrie's parents both have brown hair. However, Carrie gets genes for blonde hair from both parents, and as a result she has blonde hair. This indicates that the gene for blonde hair is a:

recessive gene.

Brad is an athletic boy who is on every sports team in school. Stephen loves math and is part of his school's math club. These instances reflect _____ correlations that occur when children seek out environments that they find compatible and stimulating.

active (niche-picking) genotype-environment

Down syndrome has been linked to:

maternal age.

Which of the following statements about the effects of marijuana exposure on offspring is true?

Research has shown that mothers who use marijuana while pregnant risk their offspring using marijuana by age 14.

Marlena, who just found out she is pregnant, has very poor eating habits. Her total calorie intake is very low. She eats very little protein and unbalanced amounts of vitamins and minerals. If she continues her present eating habits, which of the following is MOST likely to occur?

The baby is more likely to be malformed.

Karen is preparing to give birth to her child and has requested that no drugs be administered to help relieve pain or assist in the birth. Karen wants:

natural childbirth.

Which of the following can determine the sex of a fetus at the earliest point?

Noninvasive cell-free DNA analysis in blood plasma

The food-scarce environment of our ancestors likely led to humans' propensity to gorge when food is available and to crave high-caloric foods—a trait that might lead to an epidemic of obesity when food is plentiful. This illustrates how:

evolved mechanisms are not always adaptive in contemporary society.

_____, the units of hereditary information, are short segments of DNA. They direct cells to reproduce themselves and to assemble proteins.


Which of the following maternal diseases carries the risk of delivering very large infants, weighing 10 pounds or more?

Gestational diabetes

Naveen is entering the third stage of childbirth, also known as the _____ stage.


Julianne lost her baby early in her pregnancy. Which of the following paternal factors could have possibly led to this outcome?

Her partner was a heavy smoker, even during her pregnancy.

_____ is the interaction of a specific measured variation in the DNA and a specific measured aspect of the environment.

Gene × environment (G × E) interaction

Samantha has been diagnosed with _____, which is a glandular dysfunction that interferes with mucus production.

cystic fibrosis

Which of the following statements about the activity of genes is TRUE?

Events inside of the cell can excite or inhibit genetic expression.

Approximately _____ of couples in the United States are unable to conceive a child after 12 months of regular intercourse without conception.

10% to 15%

During which period of development is the unborn baby MOST at risk of developing a structural defect due to the effects of a teratogen?

During the embryonic period

According to your text, gene-gene interactions have been documented in all of the following EXCEPT:


A teratogen is any agent that can cause:

birth defects.

Joseph was born with the potential to be quite tall; however, during his childhood his family struggled and he didn't have a nutritious diet. The result is that Joseph is not as tall as his parents. Another way of describing Joseph's situation is that his ______ was(were) not expressed in his _____.

genotype; phenotype

By the time babies are born, they have approximately _____ neurons.

100 billion

Which of the following was NOT a finding in the study of sleep deprivation and genetic expression described in the textbook?

It increased cortisol production.

Which of the following maternal diseases is likely to be transmitted to the infant through breast feeding?


The _____ provides an environment that is temperature- and humidity-controlled, as well as shockproof.

amniotic fluid

Petra is at the fourth month of her pregnancy. Her unborn child is now referred to as a(n):


Alicia is pregnant and a heavy smoker. Which of the following is her baby MORE likely to have than is the baby of a nonsmoker?

Sudden infant death syndrome

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the impact of teratogens?

Exposure to teratogens does more damage when it occurs at some points in development than at others.

_____ replaces traditional 15-minute physician visits with 90-minute peer group support settings and self-examination led by a physician or certified nurse-midwife.


Esperanza is having a prenatal test to remove a small sample of the placenta for genetic testing. Identify the test that her doctor is performing.

Chorionic villus sampling

_____ psychology emphasizes the importance of adaptation, reproduction, and "survival of the fittest" in shaping behavior.


During the process of _____, the cell's nucleus—including the chromosomes—duplicates itself and the cell divides, resulting in the formation of two cells.


In a nursing class the instructor explains the vulnerability of the organ systems during formation, such as the respiratory and circulatory systems, to environmental influences. This process of organ formation is called:


The process of _____ involves fertilizing eggs in a laboratory dish and transferring those eggs to a woman's uterus.

in vitro fertilization

Mary's mother has blonde hair and her father has brown hair. Mary has a gene for brown hair and a gene for blonde hair. She has brown hair. This indicates that the gene for brown hair is a:

dominant gene.

Which of the following is NOT a test used by physicians to determine whether a fetus is developing normally?

Bayley Scales of Infant Assessment

_____ position refers to the baby's position in the uterus that causes the buttocks to be the first part to emerge from the vagina.


Amniocentesis is typically performed between:

weeks 15 and 18 of pregnancy.

Which of the following cannot pass through the placenta?

Red blood cells

_____ selection, as described by Darwin, is the evolutionary process by which those individuals of a species that are best adapted to their environment are the ones that are most likely to survive and reproduce.


Brian is very upset because he and his girlfriend, who is only a few weeks into her pregnancy, just found out that caffeine is a(n):

psychoactive drug.

According to a recent study, high levels of depression, anxiety, and stress during pregnancy were linked to children with:


A group of tissues in which small blood vessels from the mother and offspring intertwine but do not connect is the:


_____ are the building blocks of cells as well as the regulators that direct the body's processes.


Benny has been diagnosed with a gene-linked abnormality characterized by deceleration of mental and physical development caused by an accumulation of lipids in the nervous system. He has been put on medication and a special diet, but his family has been told that he will probably not live beyond the age of five. Benny is suffering from:

Tay-Sachs disease.

Which of the following is the Apgar Scale especially good at determining?

The newborn's ability to respond to stress of delivery

The formation of a connection, especially a physical one between parents and the newborn, is called:


Glenda's doctor gives her the unfortunate news that her ultrasound is showing the possibility of some abnormalities. She wants to know more as soon as possible, so her doctor ordered a(n) _____ to get a clearer, more detail image.

fetal MRI

Which of the following is a feature of the embryonic period of prenatal development?

Formation of support systems for cells

Which maternal age group has increased risk of low birth weight, preterm delivery, and fetal death?

Age 35 years and older

Tyrell has decided that when she gives birth to her daughter at the hospital, she would like to have her daughter stay in her room most of the time. Even though she knows this _____ will not influence her daughter's emotional development, Tyrell wants her daughter close by.

rooming-in arrangement

Which of the following substances is a large molecule that would NOT be able to pass through the placental wall?


The second stage of childbirth begins with the _____ and ends with the _____.

emergence of the child's head; delivery of the child out of the mother

The nucleus of each human cell contains _____, which are threadlike structures made up of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).


Wanda's doctor says she needs a maternal blood screening to determine the risk for birth defects. The doctor recommends the ______ screen, which is the most current test available.


Gwendolyn is having a prenatal test where her doctor uses high-frequency sound waves directed into her abdomen to check on her fetus. Her doctor is checking for many things, including spina bifida. She is most likely having a(n):

ultrasound sonography.

_____ is a stage in reproduction whereby an egg and a sperm fuse to create a single cell.


After a long evening of natural childbirth, and seeing her son for the first time, Dalia is relieved to be in_____, the shortest of the three birth stages.


Dr. Pamarti is studying breast cancer by obtaining DNA samples from women who have breast cancer and those who don't, and completing genetic profiles on each group to find where the genetic differences are. This method is called:

genome-wide association.

The most common treatment for heroin addiction, methadone, is associated with:

very severe withdrawal symptoms in newborns.

What is the rationale for the practice of waterbirth?

It creates an environment similar to that inside the amniotic sac.

The _____ is a layer of the embryo, which will become the nervous system and brain, sensory receptors, and skin parts.


Sherry is expecting her second child. She bought a book to help her daughter understand how the new baby is developing in the womb. After learning some terms, Sherry asks her daughter, "Which part will develop into hair and fingernails?" The answer is the:


Recent studies suggest that depression during pregnancy, physical abuse, and a migrant status were all predictors of:

postpartum depression.

In assessing the health of newborns, the _____ identifies high-risk infants who need resuscitation.

Apgar Scale

Which of the following is TRUE about the effects of cocaine use by pregnant women?

Cocaine exposure during prenatal development is associated with reduced length and head circumference.

Which of the following is recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration?

Pregnant women should consume no caffeine or consume it only sparingly.

Neuronal _____ involves moving outward from the original location, reaching a target destination, and maturing to become part of a complex structure.


The _____ is like a bag or an envelope and contains a clear fluid in which the developing embryo floats.


What is the recommended daily dosage of folic acid for pregnant women, as issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services?

400 micrograms

When Marcus was born, his mother could hear the nurses mention an Apgar score of five. She was _____, because that score means _____.

worried; Marcus is in distress

Emma and Anna are identical twins who were adopted by different families a few weeks after birth. Although genetically identical, they grew up with different physical and psychological characteristics. For example, though both inherited a tendency to grow large, Anna was slim and athletic due to the active lifestyle practiced in her adoptive family. This variability can be explained by how:

for each genotype, a range of phenotypes can be expressed.

According to evolutionary psychology, the observed advantage in spatial skills for men over women might be the result of:

the need to track and slay one's food to survive.

The phases of the brain's development during the prenatal period include all of the following EXCEPT:

synaptic pruning.

Priscilla just found out she is pregnant and her doctor prescribed a B-complex vitamin that promotes normal prenatal development and reduces the risk of preterm deliveries. Which of the following is the vitamin that Priscilla's doctor has prescribed?

Folic acid

Rachel is in the first period of prenatal development, just following fertilization. Even though she doesn't know it, she is in the _____ period of prenatal development.


A delivery in which no drugs are given to relieve pain or assist in the birth process is called:

natural childbirth.

A _____ is a caregiver who provides continuous physical, emotional, and educational support for the mother before, during, and after childbirth.


All of the following are ways to effectively treat postpartum depression EXCEPT:

withdrawal of social support.

A "test tube baby" is associated with which process?

In vitro fertilization

Sara is so anxious to actually feel her baby moving in the womb. Her doctor tells her that usually mothers first feel the arm or leg movements of their baby around the end of the _____ month of pregnancy.


A recessive gene exerts its influence only if:

both genes in a pair are recessive.

Jason was born with _____. The doctor tells his parents that compared to his peers, he will have a round face, flattened skull, an extra fold of skin over his eyelids, a thickened tongue, short limbs, and some intellectual difficulties.

Down syndrome

Which of the following is in the correct order of the three periods in prenatal development from conception to birth?

Germinal, embryonic, fetal

According to recent studies, the number of protein-producing genes is predicted to be:

less than 20,000.

Pilar is using nonmedical techniques for pain management during labor; she has someone insert fine needles into specific locations of her body. She is most likely using:


Juan-Carlos was born full term but was underweight for his gestational age. He would be considered:

small for date.

Which of the following statements about cocaine use during pregnancy is true?

Cocaine quickly crosses the placenta to reach the fetus.

During fertilization, an egg and a sperm fuse to create a single cell called a:




A _____ is a group of people who are born at a similar point in history and share similar experiences.


Observing behavior in real-world settings and making no effort to manipulate or control the situation is called ______ observation.


Which theory BEST explains changes in cognitive development as children age?

Piaget's theory

Erik Erikson's developmental theory consists of _____ stages that last from the first year of life to _____.

eight; late adulthood

According to the APA guidelines, after the study has been completed, participants should be informed of its purpose and the methods that were used. This is known as:


Late adulthood is a time of:

life review, adjustment to new social roles, and diminishing strength and health.

The _____ involves relations between microsystems or connections between contexts.


Cohort effects are due to all of the following EXCEPT:

actual age of the individual.

Which theory stresses the importance of the environment in all facets of development?


Individuals who have the best biological, social, and psychological age are also showing:

successful aging.

McKenzie, age two, wants to do everything on her own. Her mother punishes her when she attempts to pour her own milk or tries to answer the phone. Erikson would say that McKenzie is likely to develop a sense of:

shame and doubt.

Observations, surveys, and experiments are all methods developmental researchers use to collect:


The 35-year-old grandmother, the 65-year-old father of a preschooler, the 15-year-old surgeon, and the 70-year-old student all serve to illustrate that:

old assumptions about the proper timing of life events no longer govern our lives.

Larry had a great time in school today, and when the fourth grader gets home from school he treats his sister much better than usual. This pattern is happening in the:


Development can be defined as the pattern of movement or change that:

begins at conception and continues through the human life span.

Two developmental psychologists are having a conversation. One follows a traditional approach to developmental change; the other follows the life-span approach. Which of the following issues would they most likely differ on?

Whether most developmental change occurs from birth to adolescence or throughout adulthood as well as childhood

Brittany is preoccupied with the pursuit of independence and identity and is spending more time with friends and less with family. Her thoughts are more logical, abstract, and idealistic. She is also experiencing rapid physical changes such as gains in height and weight. Which of the following periods of development is Brittany most likely in?


While ethological theory stresses _____ factors, ecological theory emphasizes _____ factors.

biological; environmental

Joey has shot up in height over the past year, has developed a deeper voice, and is starting to grow facial hair. He is preoccupied with the pursuit of independence and identity and is spending more time with friends and less with family. Which of the following periods of development is Joey in?


Keesha's father died unexpectedly in an accident when she was four years old. This incident will likely affect Keesha's development and is an example of a:

nonnormative life event.

Carol had a terrible day at work. When she gets home she realizes her frustration is spilling over to her family life, causing her daughter to cry. This pattern is happening in the:


Advancements in methods used to assess physiological measures are now allowing scientists to examine ______ in studies of biological influences on development.


_____ refers to the capacity for change.


Agatha is 83 years old. According to Baltes and his colleagues, _____ and _____ in her capacities will take center stage.

maintenance; regulation of loss

Dr. Casey wants to study the ways that levels of happiness change for college students throughout the day. Dr. Casey should avoid using:

standardized tests.

The longitudinal method of research consists of studying:

the same individuals over a long period of time.

Jonathan is almost completely dependent on his parents for his wants and needs and is only just beginning to acquire language skills and sensorimotor coordination. Which of the following development periods is Jonathan in?


_____ theories describe development as primarily unconscious and heavily colored by emotion.


Jessica, 16, is in the process of deciding what she wants to study in college. She wants to be an engineer one day and a painter the next day. Erik Erikson would say that Jessica is in the _____ stage of development.

identity versus identity confusion

The idea that no age period dominates development highlights the life-span perspective that development is:


Which of the following is NOT true of the five theoretical orientations to development?
- Each contributes an important piece in understanding development.
- Many of their ideas are contradictory rather than complementary.
- They look at development from different perspectives.
- They disagree about certain aspects of development.

Many of their ideas are contradictory rather than complementary.

Dr. Drew is a scientist interested in the effects of music on cognitive development. Which of the following describes the sequence he should go through?

Conceptualize a process or problem to be studied, collect research information (data), analyze data, and draw conclusions.

The belief that no single theory of development is adequate to explain the rich complexity of life-span development, while acknowledging that each has useful things to offer, reflects the _____ theoretical orientation


Compared with earlier decades, U.S. adults are more likely to be:


Nellie, three, bangs her head against the wall repeatedly throughout the day. How could Skinner's concept of operant conditioning be applied to address this behavior?

Reward Nellie when she does not bang her head and punish the head-banging behavior.

The elementary school years where children need to direct their energy toward mastering knowledge and intellectual skills is when Erikson's stage of _____ takes place.

industry versus inferiority

Putting together a two-word sentence and solving a crossword puzzle are examples of _____ processes that affect development.


_____ is(are) a national government's course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizens.

Social policy

According to Freud, our adult personality is determined by:

the way we resolve conflicts between sources of pleasure at each stage and the demands of reality.

Fernando believes that behavior is strongly influenced by biology, is tied to evolution, and is characterized by critical or sensitive periods. He is most likely taking a(n) _____ approach.


Caitlin, age 25, has a good job as a financial analyst but she has few friends and has had no success in dating. She admits that being close to others is a problem for her. According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, Caitlin is at a risk of reaching the state of:


The final stage of Erik Erikson's developmental theory is:

integrity versus despair.

If you subscribe to Paul Baltes's perspective of life-span development, you would view development as a process that involves growth, maintenance, and ____________.

regulation of loss

B.F. Skinner was a behaviorist; as such he would argue that the most important things that shape development are:

rewards and punishments.

Betty, 66 years old, is in great physical shape. She works out at the gym every day, and recently her doctor told her she is in exceptionally good health. Betty is young in terms of her _____ age.


The maximum life span of humans:

has not changed since the beginning of recorded history

Johnny is attempting to resolve the crisis of initiative versus guilt. According to Erik Erikson, he is most likely in:


The term "generativity" as described in Erikson's seventh stage of development primarily reflects a concern for:

helping the younger generation to develop and lead useful lives.

In the continuity-discontinuity issue in development, continuity refers to _____, whereas discontinuity implies ______.

gradual change; distinct stages

Dr. Nasrin believes that associating behavior with consequence can shape the probability of a behavior occurring. He is arguing that _____ conditioning is important for behavioral modification.


A(n) _____ is a carefully regulated procedure in which one or more factors believed to influence the behavior being studied are manipulated while all other factors are held constant.


Dr. Alondro is an information-processing psychologist, thus he is most likely to emphasize:

that individuals manipulate information, monitor it, and strategize about it.

Travis spends a great deal of time working and trying to establish his career. He is also wondering if he should move in with his girlfriend and about their long-term prospects. Travis is most likely in the _____ period of development.

early adulthood

The life expectancy in the United States is currently:

79 years.

Many individuals become wiser as they age, but their performance on tasks that require speed in processing information starts to decline. This illustrates how throughout life, some dimensions or components of a dimension expand and others shrink, or how development is:


Dr. Xong, a developmental researcher, is interested in studying the influence of video games on the moral development of children. If Dr. Xong wants to control the type of game the children are exposed to and how long the children play the game, he should use:

laboratory research.

When people are grouped based on similar occupations, educational achievements, and financial circumstances, they are being grouped by:

socioeconomic status.

Based on the fact that she is 90 years old, Katie-Lou would most likely be characterized as:


Which of the following is NOT true of Erikson's theory?

It characterizes development as a series of catastrophic crises.

Vygotsky's theory emphasizes how _____ guide(s) cognitive development.

culture and social interaction

The concept of discontinuity is characterized by:

qualitative change

In 2014, the percentage of U.S. children under 18 years of age living in families with incomes below the poverty line was:

between 20% and 30%.

Which of the following is NOT a possible drawback of laboratory research?

The laboratory is a natural setting and tends to put participants at ease.

_____ encompasses the behavior patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a particular group of people that are passed on from generation to generation.


Hidalgo, eight, is very good at addition and subtraction, but he has a hard time understanding the complex algebraic problems that his 14-year-old sister does. Hidalgo is currently in which of Piaget's stages of development?

Concrete operational

Which of the following is NOT one of the four types of age considered in a life-span perspective?

Developmental age

_____ characterizes individuals who show greater than average decline as they age through the adult years.

Pathological aging

The research method that involves an in-depth look at a single individual is a(n):

case study.

Two-year-old Julia is learning to talk, and her parents would say that her favorite word is "no." This would be considered normal for a child in Erik Erikson's life-span stage of:

autonomy versus shame and doubt.

In terms of interpreting correlational research, it is important to remember that correlation does not mean the same as:


The _____ involves the culture in which individuals live.


On your first day of class, Professor Red-Elk claims that for too long we have focused on the development of young children, especially infants. She argues that the development of adults and elderly people is just as important. This professor is articulating a(n) _____ approach.


Keith has won the lottery and now has more money than he ever dreamed of having. This incident will likely affect Keith's development and is an example of a:

nonnormative life event.

From the life-span development perspective, observations must be _____ to be effective.


The microgenetic method focuses on:

the cognitive processes involved in how children acquire knowledge.

Edwin was a neglected child in his infancy. Now, at 31 years of age, he is highly cynical about the world and feels that no one can be relied upon. Whenever he is in a relationship with a woman, he has tremendous feelings of suspicion toward his partner, and these feelings eventually lead to the breakup of the relationship. According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, this is a good indication that Edwin did not successfully resolve the _____ stage of development, which in turn is causing him to experience _____ in his current developmental stage.

trust versus mistrust; isolation

The finding that a higher level of conscientiousness was protective in older adults provides evidence that _____ age is an important developmental consideration.


Peter is a senior partner at his law firm and is an important member of his church and community. Both of his children are in college. Peter's situation is most representative of which period of development?

Middle adulthood

In an experimental study, the _____ group serves as a baseline against which the effects of the manipulated condition can be compared.


Flevy is conducting an extensive market study and has hired a big group of college students to hand out a standard set of questions to shoppers at malls and supermarkets and to seek their responses. Which of the following methods of data collection is Flevy using?


One of the differences between Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson is that:

Erikson emphasized the importance of both early and later experiences.

The theory that was created by Erik Erikson is known as a _____ theory of development.


In _____ research, the goal is to describe the strength of the relationship between two or more events or characteristics.


A coherent set of ideas that helps to explain data and make predictions is called a(n):


Which of the following is NOT true of the five theoretical orientations to development?

Many of their ideas are contradictory rather than complementary.

The finding that the hedonic aspects of life course trajectories take an upward trajectory from early adulthood through late adulthood is referred to as a(n) _____ effect.


Sarah is a wife and mother. She just received a promotion at work that requires her to travel more, and the absence from home has caused conflict with her husband. From her child's point of view, this conflict is happening in the:


The _____ issue involves the degree to which early traits and characteristics persist through life or alter life.


During adolescence, as individuals establish romantic relationships, other relationships with friends may decrease. This illustrates how throughout life, some dimensions or components of a dimension expand and others shrink, or how development is:


Gina's therapist attributes her delinquent behavior to heredity and to the gross neglect she suffered as a baby at the hands of her alcoholic mother. Gina's therapist appears to be emphasizing the _____ aspect of her development.


Two concepts that help provide a framework for describing and understanding an individual's development are:

developmental processes and periods.

The idea that no age period is more important than any other highlights the life-span perspective that development is:


_____ include biological processes such as puberty and menopause. They also include sociocultural and environmental processes such as beginning formal education and retirement.

Normative age-graded influences

Piaget's stages are age related, distinct, and represent _____ changes.


Dr. Jackson's research has found that the correlation between IQ and head circumference is +.10. From this information, we can conclude that:

there is a weak relationship between head size and IQ.

The _____ period is the time from conception to birth.


A toddler's aggressive attack on a playmate and an adolescent's joy at the senior prom are examples of _____ processes that affect development.


Mary is three years old and in preschool. Identify the development period that Mary is currently in.

Early childhood

_____ processes involve changes in the individual's relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality.


Determining _____ age involves knowing the functional capacities of a person's vital organs.


Going by current trends, 86-year-old Matilda is likely to be living:

by herself.

By using physiological measures, researchers have found that cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal gland, is linked to:

stress level.

Dr. Perkins predicts that children who spend more than two years playing a musical instrument will score higher on IQ tests than children who do not play music. This testable prediction is known as a(n):


In the nature-nurture issue, nature refers to an organism's _____; nurture refers to its _____.

biological inheritance; environmental experiences

According to recent research on age and happiness, whom would we expect to be the happiest?

Jeremiah, who is 74 years old

The _____ consists of links between a social setting in which the individual does not have an active role and the individual's immediate context.


_____ has the longest span of any period of development and the number of people in this age group has been increasing dramatically.

Late adulthood

Dr. Wilman is researching the place women occupy in families in both Japan and the United States. Dr. Wilman is conducting a(n) _____ study.


Bandura's most recent model of learning and development includes three elements: behavior, environment, and:


Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons older individuals are happier and report more satisfaction with their lives?

An increase in physical problems

Which of the following is NOT one of the questions researchers using the observation technique must answer prior to conducting their research?

Is this a nature or nurture issue?

Identify the correct sequence of the five stages of psychosexual development described in Freud's theory of development.

Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital

In Lorenz's view, imprinting needs to take place at a certain, very early time in the life of the animal, or else it will not take place. This period of time is called the:

critical period.

Danny's mother is even tempered, fair, and tactful. Seeing this, Danny, too, is growing up to be a polite, good-natured boy. This imitation or modeling of behavior mirrors the concept of _____ in Bandura's social cognitive theory.

observational learning

Changes in motor skills, nutrition, exercise, the hormonal changes of puberty, and cardiovascular decline are all examples of _____ processes that affect development.


When comparing the effects of homeschooling and traditional classrooms on students' social development, researchers are exploring:


Dr. Jacobs studies identical twins from birth to two years old to learn about similarities and differences in their development. Dr. Jacobs is interested in the development issues of:

nature and nature.

_____ is a time of establishing personal and economic independence, career development, and, for many, selecting a mate, learning to live with someone in an intimate way, starting a family, and rearing children.

Early adulthood

Behaviorism essentially holds that we can study scientifically only what can be:

directly observed and measured.

According to Urie Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory, a person's family, peers, school, and neighborhood constitute his or her:


A child who has just begun to represent the world with words, images, and drawings is in the _____ stage of cognitive development.


The ability to control certain factors when observing behavior, particularly those that determine behavior but are not the focus of the inquiry, is reflective of:

laboratory research.

A focus on the normative age-graded and normative history-graded influences highlights the characteristic in the life-span perspective that development is:


Konrad Lorenz performed research with goslings and found that many, upon hatching, identified him as their mother. He coined this form of attachment:


Dr. Hansen plans to survey her research participants every two years for as many years as she can, charting how their parenting styles changes with age. She is using a _____ technique.


When teaching his psychology class, Professor Sharma emphasizes that developmental change occurs throughout adulthood as well as childhood. Professor Sharma is taking a(n) _____ approach to developmental change.


When she was a child, Anna's home was wrecked by a tornado and her neighbor was killed. More than 30 years later, she is still terrified of storms. This is an example of how a ____ event can influence a person's development.

nonnormative life

Professor Vaugn believes that while individual theories are adequate to explain various elements of our physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development, no single theory is adequate to explain all facets of human development. Professor Vaugn believes in the ______ theoretical orientation.


Life expectancy in the United States has increased by _____ years during the twentieth century.


_____ processes refer to changes in the individual's thought, intelligence, and language.


Socioeconomic status (SES) refers to:

a person's position within society based on occupational, educational, and economic characteristics.

Which theory stresses the importance of biology and critical or sensitive periods in human development?


The finding that individuals who have better social relationships with others tend to live longer than individuals who are lonely provides evidence that _______ is an important developmental consideration.

social age



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