Reverse doubly linked list C++ recursion

Inorder successor of node in a Binary Tree
Check if a Binary Tree is a Sum Tree or not

Reversing a doubly linked list

Given a doubly linked list. Write a function that accepts a pointer to the head of the list and reverse the list.

Reverse doubly linked list C++ recursion

The structure of the node in a doubly linked list is as below:

struct Node { int data; Node* prev; // pointer to the previous node in the list Node* next; // pointer to the next node in the list };


I have earlier written post about reversing a singly linked list iteratively and recursively.

Reversing a doubly linked list is much simpler as compared to reversing a singly linked list. We just need to swap the prev & next pointers in all the nodes of the list and need to make head point to the last node of original list (which will be the first node in the reversed list).

Here is the code

void reverseDLL(Node*& head) { while(head) { // Swapping the prev & next pointer of each node Node * t = head->prev; head->prev = head->next; head->next = t; if(head->prev != NULL) head = head->prev; // Move to the next node in original list else break; // reached the end. so terminate } }

Please let me know your comments / feedback / suggestions


  1. Anonymous says:
    May 8, 2013 at 11:15 am

    thank you! it's great.

  2. Anonymous says:
    May 8, 2013 at 11:15 am

    thank you! it's great.

  3. krupa says:
    September 29, 2014 at 11:37 pm

    Its awesome! Thanks a lot

  4. Sara Mohammed says:
    July 13, 2016 at 7:35 am

    thank you it's easy way


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