Rule nghĩa là gì

Rule nghĩa là gì
Ngủ nghỉ đúng giờ đúng giấc mới tạo nên thành công được. Photo by Garrett Morrow from Pexels

"Make it a rule to (do something)" = biến nó thành quy tắc để làm gì -> nghĩa là quyết tâm làm điều mà mình cho là đúng, phù hợp.

Ví dụ
These walls should be cleaned off; and every workman and master workman should make it a rule to clean off old paper.

There's one thing I always make it a rule to do, he said, and that is to give my mind a complete rest from business while I'm going down on the boat. I like to get the fresh air all through me, soul and body."

She has made it a rule to get through one slide per minute and cover all of the topics concisely (súc tích) but clearly. She believes that her audience should be attentive (chú ý), interested, and ask good follow-up questions.

One rule should be positive with every young man: the midnight hours should be passed in sleep; and by these hours I mean eleven and twelve o'clock. If a young man makes it a rule to be asleep by eleven and up by seven, he chooses the course which hundreds of the most successful men of the day have chosen.

Thu Phương

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