Schindlers List hard to watch


One death is a tragedy, one million deaths is a statistic

This post contains no spoilers for the film.

Schindlers list is definitely one of the greatest movies of all time.

Based on a true story set during the Holocaust, the movie depicts one of the greatest horrors ever commited by humanity, while also presenting the strong will of the victims to persevere and endure the tragedy, for life for them still had meaning beyond the suffering.

Directed by Steven Spielberg, the movie recieved 7 Academy Awards, 7 BAFTAs and 3 Golden Globes. Ranked 8th on the list of the 100 best American films of all time by the American Film Institute and was praised by audiences all around the world. Its just a must-see for everybody.

Schindlers List hard to watch

The story follows Oskar Schindler, (played by none other than Liam Neeson) a German Businessman who realized he could profit from the situation Jews were facing beginning WWII, as he befriends members of the Nazi party and gains wealth and status, apparently all he ever wanted, as we see he is not an evil man, just a person with an eye for business.

During the war, more than 6 million Jews were brutally murdered, but how can we begin to grasp such a huge number? How can we engage emotionally with just a hard, cold, statistic? Spielberg did it by giving the people names, faces, and not fictional characters, these were real people with whom throughout the movie, we empathize and feel for them.

Schindlers List hard to watch

In its 3-hour run-time, the movie shows the slow but steady change of heart of our protagonist, as he becomes more selfless by the minute and becomes a symbol of hope for more than a thousand Jews who faced certain death. Spielberg masterfully uses color just in one scene, in which he illustrates how the horrors of war took away so much, even the purest and most innocent were not spared from the suffering.

The amazing soundtrack by John Williams perfectly encapsulates the feeling of loss and despair, making every scene so immersive and heart wrenching. By the end of the movie, the viewer is left both in shock and awe, with a clear message that for every evil, there will always be an even greater capacity for good.

This is a film that resonates deeply with its audience. As the years go by, the people that lived this atrocities are fading into memory, but these are the type of movies that serve not just to entretain, these are the type of movies who will make us remember, and hopefully, become not just a warning, but a message of hope.

As I said, this is a must-watch for everybody.

Liam NeesonSchindler's ListWorld War 2