Unusual persuasive speech topics

Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics (2022)

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Unusual persuasive speech topics

Coming up with an interesting topic is one of the hardest parts of the writing process, especially for persuasive speeches. Not only do you have to come up with a solid argument, but you have to present it convincingly as well.

To write an engaging speech, you must come up with a great idea that should engage, inform and persuade your audience.

If the topic is not right, you will not make a good impression no matter how good your content is. Therefore, you need to be very careful while picking a topic for a persuasive speech. Are you looking for a perfect topic to write your persuasive speech on? Then this blog is for you.

This blog provides you with more than 180 amazing persuasive speech topics for presentation.

Lets get started!


  • Best Persuasive Speech Topics for Students - 2022
  • Great Persuasive Speech Topics on Health and Fitness
  • Persuasive Speech Topics About Mental Health
  • Animal Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Music Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Sports Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Medical and Health Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Business Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Controversial Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Funny and Humorous Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Fun Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Easy and Simple Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Public Speaking Persuasive Speech Topics
  • What Makes a Good Persuasive Speech Topic?
  • How to Choose an Engaging Persuasive Speech Topic?
  • How to Create and Deliver an Effective Persuasive Speech?

Best Persuasive Speech Topics for Students - 2022

Following are some outstanding persuasive speech ideas that you can choose from.

Simple Persuasive Speech Topics for Kids

  • 10 reasons to adopt a pet
  • Driving tests should be free
  • Technology and teenagers
  • Importance of teachers in our society
  • The negative effects of video games
  • Impact of music videos on youth and children
  • Mental health should be taught in schools
  • Social media benefits and risks for youngsters
  • Do exam results really matter?
  • How to overcome shyness and social anxiety?

Easy Persuasive Speech Topics for Teens

  • How to solve challenging math problems?
  • How to write a better speech title?
  • Which sports are best to keep you healthy?
  • Do schools assign too much homework?
  • How to deal with bullies?
  • How can a teacher improve a student's presentation skills?
  • The positive effect of spending a year as an exchange student
  • Why is being popular not a good thing?
  • The problems of free time activities
  • The benefits of having a part-time job

Top Persuasive Speech Topics for Middle School

  • Reality TV shows are a waste of time
  • Ten characteristics of a true hero
  • The benefits of growing your garden
  • How can music change the way a person feels?
  • Journal writing for mental health
  • How to protect endangered animals?
  • Dangers of texting while driving
  • Dogs make better pets than cats
  • Positive effects of donating money
  • Myths about climate change and global warming

Unique Persuasive Speech Topics for High School Students

  • Loyalty in professional sports
  • Marijuana should be legalized
  • Why should assisted suicide be legalized?
  • Human cloning is unethical
  • Smoking in public should be illegal
  • Alternatives to imprisonment
  • The drinking age in the United States should be lowered
  • Why should religion not be taught in schools?
  • Colleges should be free to attend
  • Religion and science go hand in hand

Good Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students

  • Traditional schooling vs. homeschooling: which is better?
  • Why should animal hunting be banned?
  • Why do people stay in unhappy marriages?
  • Education makes life better
  • Single parents should be allowed to adopt
  • Key differences between private and public colleges
  • Why should recycling be mandatory?
  • Why should we not interfere in other countrys affairs?
  • Day school or night school: which is better?
  • The death penalty should be abolished

Creative Persuasive Speech Topics for University Students

  • Should boys and girls be taught in separate classes?
  • Why should schools include meditation?
  • The use of torture for national security
  • How to keep your community clean?
  • Lease or buy a car: what is better?
  • How does policy work in local government?
  • Students should get paid for good grades
  • Why is conflict healthy for relationships?
  • Should assault weapons be legal?
  • Should voting be made compulsory?

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Great Persuasive Speech Topics on Health and Fitness

  • Write about the advantages of blood donation
  • Discuss the consequences of smoking
  • The obesity problem cannot be solved by exercise alone
  • Write about the importance of personal growth
  • Is dieting the only way to lose weight fast?
  • Health risks associated with meat consumption
  • Acupuncture: How does it work?
  • The benefits of healthy school lunches
  • Is the fast-food industry accountable for obesity?
  • Why are more people getting cosmetic surgery?

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Persuasive Speech Topics About Mental Health

  • What is the impact of music therapy on mental health?
  • Should classes about mental health awareness be added to the curriculum?
  • How to identify a teenage personality disorder?
  • How do our differences make us beautiful and stronger?
  • What is the similarity between fear and phobia?
  • Popular myths about a childs mental health
  • What are the effects of stress on students?
  • Peer pressure and depression among students
  • Effects of physical health on mental health
  • Common factors that affect mens mental health

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Animal Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Is it ethical to test products on animals?
  • Should animals be kept in zoos?
  • Why should you not buy and wear fur clothes?
  • Animal euthanasia: is it ethical?
  • Difference between a companion pet and a service dog
  • Is it normal to be scared of animals?
  • Keeping toxic animals as pets: is it ethical?
  • The benefits of spaying domesticated cats
  • Ten ways to improve the lives of animals
  • Should animal fashion be banned?

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Music Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Are music videos appropriate for children to watch?
  • Health insurance should cover music therapy
  • Why should you learn to play the French Horn?
  • Should explicit music be edited in school dances?
  • How can good music make you healthier?
  • What is the importance of music in our society?
  • Why should music be free?
  • Difference between country and rock music
  • Students should be allowed to listen to music while studying
  • Arts and music is just as important as science and maths

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Sports Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Why do professional athletes are paid too much?
  • The importance of random drug testing in sports
  • Winning is great but giving your best is what matters
  • The many benefits of bike-sharing programs
  • Should school sports be funded?
  • Why do women athletes get lesser media coverage than men athletes?
  • The future of sports science
  • College admission for athletes.
  • Sports and gender differences.
  • The significance of sports to the youth

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Medical and Health Persuasive Speech Topics

  • History and evolution of medical instruments
  • Myths about common eating disorders
  • The consequences of brain injuries
  • The common health problems of puberty
  • Is autism a disease or a variant of the norm?
  • How to prevent Alzheimers disease and Dementia?
  • The primary role of paramedics
  • Genetic engineering and cloning
  • What are the benefits of artificial organs?
  • Factors that affect the physical and mental health of adults

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Business Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Advertising is a mind game
  • The benefits of niche marketing
  • Reasons why introverts make great leaders
  • Is it a good idea to start a business with a friend?
  • What are the pros of getting into the family business?
  • Effects of social media marketing on your business
  • Unconventional business ideas to make money
  • The importance of delegation and why it is important?
  • HR should not ask personal questions
  • How to start a business with no money?

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Controversial Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Why should professional athletes be drug tested?
  • Is democracy the best form of Government?
  • Why ban abortion?
  • Why is it important to ban automatic weapons?
  • Does religion do more harm than good?
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory?
  • Is peer pressure good or bad?
  • Hate speech should be banned
  • Is immigration helping the US?
  • Pros and cons of birth control without parental consent

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Funny and Humorous Persuasive Speech Topics

  • High-paying job or a fun job: which one to choose and why?
  • Why should you not use funny pick-up lines?
  • Women or men: who gossips more?
  • Why should you not friend your parents on Facebook?
  • Why blame the horoscope when things go wrong?
  • Is it bad to wear yoga pants every day?
  • Reasons why students do not pay attention in class
  • Dogs are smarter than cats
  • You should feel happy when your computer crashes
  • Do you love using your surname?

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Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Ghosts live under your bed.
  • We must act like a child with children.
  • Music can reduce depression.
  • Jewelry is a girls best friend.
  • Dry cakes should not be labeled as cakes
  • Allow kids to believe in fairies
  • Fairy tales exist in the real world
  • Watching comedy videos lighten your mood
  • Napping must be legalized at work
  • Cars are boys best friends.

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Easy and Simple Persuasive Speech Topics

  • You should not text while driving
  • Recycling must be made compulsory
  • People must exercise to stay healthy
  • Money can buy happiness and love
  • We should avoid the circumstances leading to world war 3
  • Students must be allowed to nap in the class
  • You must wear a car seat belt during the ride
  • Encourage your children to help in the house
  • Do not yell at your kids
  • Eat healthy food to live a longer life

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Public Speaking Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Importance of art education in public schools
  • Pros of community service in high school
  • Is higher education overrated?
  • Why should cell phones not be allowed in schools?
  • Genetically modified food is bad for our health
  • How to learn from your mistakes?
  • Best ways to make money as a college student
  • Best ways to overcome stress
  • Students should be allowed to pick their own schools
  • What is it like living with refugees from other countries?

What Makes a Good Persuasive Speech Topic?

Here are the factors to consider to ensure that you pick a good persuasive speech topic:

  • Easy: You must be familiar with the topic that you choose for writing a persuasive speech. It must interest you to help you write a compelling speech for the audience.
  • Fresh: Choose a topic that is fresh and not outdated. Think of the issues or happening that are common in this era. Topics such as related diseases, same-sex marriage, abortion, etc., are the latest for this generation. Choose something that would grab your readers attention so that they would relate to it.
  • Interesting: Choose a topic that interests your audience and grabs their attention. This will help your audience remain engaged in the content of your speech. In addition, a good topic will help persuade your audience. Choose a topic that your readers or people from the audience want to hear about.

How to Create and Deliver an Effective Persuasive Speech?

Once you have chosen a persuasive speech topic, now is the time to get started on writing the content of your speech. Below are the steps that you must consider while writing a compelling persuasive speech:

  1. Determine your thesis: Come up with a thesis statement before writing your speech. What do you want your audience to believe?
  2. Organize your main arguments: Create a rough sketch or an outline of the main points that you do not want to skip.
  3. Support your arguments with facts and examples: Write down examples and facts to help support your main arguments. This will validate the content of your persuasive speech.
  4. Add emotional connections with your audience: Develop compelling arguments to appeal to your audiences common beliefs and sense of nostalgia.
  5. Address counterarguments: Provide your audience with counterarguments. Prove with examples and facts to authenticate those counterarguments.
  6. Strong conclusion: End your persuasive speech with a strong conclusion. This is because it would be the latest part that the audience will remember.

Hopefully, the above list of persuasive speech topics will help you understand what a compelling speech topic is like. Once you have decided on the topic, the next step is to research the on the subject matter and start writing your speech.

If you have no idea what is the best topic to write your persuasive speech on, professional essay writers can help.

MyPerfectPaper.net is a professional writing service that can help you craft an interesting and engaging persuasive speech.

We will ensure that you receive a well-structured persuasive speech written by a professional writer. All you have to do is place your order with your initial requirements and get a perfect speech on time.

Hire a professional essay writer now and get your persuasive speech done the way it should be.