What is one of the major reasons that psychologists use operational definitions quizlet?

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What is one of the major reasons that psychologists use operational definitions quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

What is one of the major reasons that psychologists use operational definitions quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson

525 solutions

What is one of the major reasons that psychologists use operational definitions quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

525 solutions

What is one of the major reasons that psychologists use operational definitions quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

900 solutions

Main theme she wants to convey is that science is not as objective as we think... it is biased.

a. Historical
i. The computer revolution was instrumental in the shift in emphasis from behaviorism to cognitive psychology
ii. Many psychologists, past and present, have helped to develop the diverse field of psychology
v. Psychologists embraced the empirical approach
1. The empirical approach emphasizes direct observation and experimentation as a way of answering questions. Using this approach, psychologists focused on behaviors and experiences that could be observed directly.
vi. Behaviorism was the dominant perspective in psychology well into the middle of the 20th century.
vii. The cognitive perspective is dominant in psychology
viii. A significant factor in the rise of cognitive psychology was the computer revolution

b. Social and cultural
i. The social and cultural context influences researchers' choice of topics, society's acceptance of findings, and the locations in which research takes place.
ii. This prevailing context is sometimes referred to as the zeitgeist- the spirit of the times
iii. Research has an effect on and is affected by society
iv. The social and cultural context can influence what researches choose to study, the resources available to support their research, and society's acceptance of their findings
v. Psychologists' sensitivity to societal concerns, such as child sexual abuse is one reason why psychology has not developed strictly as a laboratory science
vi. One questions remains- as to whose culture is having and whose culture should have an influence
vii. Ethnocentric bias can occur when researchers fail to recognize when experiences and values of their own culture affect their interpretations of behavior observed in other cultures
viii. Cross cultural research helps psychologists avoid studying behavior from only the perspective of one dominant culture, and reminds us we need to be careful to use cultural lenses beyond our own when conducting research.

c. Moral context **science is biased**
i. The moral context of research demands that researches maintain the highest standards of ethical behavior,
ii. Violations of scientific integrity include: fabrication of data, plagiarism, selective reporting of research findings, failure to acknowledge individuals who made significant contributions to research, misuse of funds, and unethical treatments of humans or animals.



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Terms in this set (25)

In the 1970s, a 13-year-old girl was found locked up in a room, strapped to a potty chair. Since she had grown up in a world without human speech, researchers studied "Genie's" ability to acquire words, grammar, and pronunciation. This type of research is called _________________.

a) a case study
b) a single-blind study
c) a naturalistic observation
d) a representative sample

a) a case study

When you watch dogs play in the park or watch how your professors conduct their classes, you are engaging in a form of ________.

a) survey research
b) psychometric study
c) case study research
d) naturalistic observation

d) naturalistic observation

In order to increase typing speed Minisoft has redesigned its keyboard and provided a chime that is related to typing speed. The company wants to know if its innovations affect typing speed. Identify the independent and dependent variables in this proposed study.

a) The dependent variable is the chime; the independent variables are the chime and typing speed.
b) The dependent variable is the number of errors made; the independent variables are the chime and the speed of typing.
c) The dependent variable is speed of typing; the independent variables are the keyboard design and the chime.
d) The dependent variable is the keyboard design; the independent variables are the speed of typing and the chime

c) The dependent variable is speed of typing; the independent variables are the keyboard design and the chime.

A detailed description of a particular individual being studied or treated is called ________________.

a) a naturalistic observation
b) a single-blind study
c) a representative sample
d) a case study

d) a case study

Jane Goodall's research with chimpanzees can best be described as _________________.

a) a case study
b) naturalistic case study
c) experimentation
d) participant observation

b) naturalistic case study

The majority of psychologists work in _____________.

a) public school
b) private practice
c) government
d) colleges and universities

d) colleges and universities

In a laboratory, smokers are asked to "drive" using a computerized driving simulator equipped with a stick shift and a gas pedal. The object is to maximize the distance covered by driving as fast as possible in a winding road while avoiding rear-end collisions. Some if the participants smoke a real cigarette immediately before climbing into the driver's seat. Others smoke a fake cigarette without nicotine. You are interested in comparing how many collisions the two groups have. In this study, the cigarette without nicotine is _______________.

a) the no-control group
b) the experimental group
c) the driving stimulator
d) the control group

d) the control group

The early perspective called Gestalt psychology has evolved into the current perspective called _______________.

a) cognitive psychology
b) psychoanalysis
c) social psychology
d) behavioral psychology

a) cognitive psychology

The class is playing a game of Jeopardy! and it is your turn. "I'll take Specialties in Psychology for $300." The revealed answer is "These psychological professionals work with situations in which environmental conditions may have an impact on mental health." Just before the buzzer sounds, what will you say?"

a) "What is a neuropsychologist?"
b) "What is a psychiatric social worker?"
c) " What is a developmental psychologist?"
d) "What is a forensic psychologist?"

b) "What is a psychiatric social worker?"

Participants in research early in psychology's history might have been asked to view a chair and describe its color, shape, and texture and other aspects of their conscious experience. These individuals would have been using a method called _________.

a) psychosurgery
b) introspection
c) hypnosis
d) psychoanalysis

b) introspection

Which of the following terms does NOT belong together?

a) psychoanalysis; unconscious conflict
b) natural selection; functionalism
c) structuralism; observable behavior
d) Gestalt; whole

c) structuralism; observable behavior

What is one of the major reasons that psychologists use operational definitions?

a) to explain research results so that nonpsychologists can understand
b) to identify the extraneous variables
c) to comply with legal requirements
d) so that effects can be measured

d) so that effects can be measured

Researchers must report their results completely whenever they hypothesis was supported or not. Complete reporting is necessary for the purpose of _____________.

a) educational knowledge
b) publication
c) finding a better way to support the hypothesis
d) replication

d) replication

Which of the following statements concerning critical thinking is incorrect?

a) all evidence is not equal in quality
b) critical thinking requires an open mind
c) there are few truths that need not be tested
d) some authorities should not be questioned

d) some authorities should not be questioned

Who was an early proponent of functionalism?

a) Max Wertheimer
b) William James
c) Ivan Pavlov
d) Wilhelm Wundt

b) William James

A negative correlation means that _____________.

a) low values of one variable are associated with low values of the other
b) there is no relationship between the two variables
c) high values of one variable are associated with high values of the other
d) high values of one variable are associated with low values of the other

d) high values of one variable are associated with low values of the other

If a functionalist from the 1870s were alive today, where would we most likely find him?

a) in a sleep laboratory, trying to determine if our need for sleep is biologically based
b) in a mountain retreat, contemplating the meaning of life
c) in a laboratory, contemplating the meaning of perception
d) in a school, working to improve teaching methods

d) in a school, working to improve teaching methods

The term ______________ refers to a mental health professional who generally has at least an M.S.W. and who typically treats individuals dysfunction and family problems but may also deal with other people problems such as addiction or abuse.

a) psychiatric social worker
b) psychiatrist
c) psychoanalyst
d) educational psychologist

a) psychiatric social worker

All of the following are accurate statements regarding random assignment EXCEPT ________________.

a) it is a procedure for assigning people to experimental and control groups
b) it is a procedure that allows individual characteristics to be roughly balanced between groups
c) it is a procedure in which subjects are assigned to a positive correlation or a negative correlation condition
d) it is a procedure in which each subject has the same possibility of being assigned to a given group

c) it is a procedure in which subjects are assigned to a positive correlation or a negative correlation condition

Freud said phobias were ________ whereas Watson said phobias were ________.

a) sexual; unconscious
b) repressed conflicts; learned
c) conditioned; unconditioned
d) learned; inherited

b) repressed conflicts; learned

An operational definition is __________________.

a) the precise meaning of a term used to describe a variable, such as a type of behavior, that researchers want to measure
b) the principle that a scientific theory must make predictions that are specific enough to expose the theory to the possibility of disconfirmation
c) a statement that attempts to predict a set of phenomena and specific relationships among variables that can be empirically tested

a) the precise meaning of a term used to describe a variable, such as a type of behavior, that researchers want to measure

In the early part of the past century, psychologists who broke down thought processes into their basic elements and analyzed them were called structuralists. What term might we use to describe psychologists with similar interests today?

a) humanistic
b) Gestalt
c) cognitive
d) behavioral

c) cognitive

A psychologist is interested in finding out why identical twins have different personalities. This psychologist is most interested in the goal of ___________.

a) control
b) description
c) explanation
d) prediction

c) explanation

A person who has suffered a major stroke and is now experiencing severe personality problems because of the damage would BEST be advised to see a ______________.

a) cognitive psychologist
b) psychiatrist
c) psychiatric social worker
d) psychologist

b) psychiatrist

The editors of Scientific American are able to obtain a representative sample of their reader in order to assess their attitudes toward preservation of the rain forests in Costa Rica. When interpreting the results of the survey, the editors will be able to _________________.

a) apply the results to Costa Rica
b) apply the results to subscribers of Scientific American
c) apply the results to the entire U.S. population
d) apply the results to scientists

b) apply the results to subscribers of Scientific American

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Researchers wanted to find out if eating cookies would increase a person's ability to remember the names of U.S presidents. Thirty males and 30 females were used in the experiment. A third of these people (Group A) were given cookies while studying the names. Another third (Group B) were given nothing while studying the names. The final third (Group C) were given mint-flavored candy while studying the names. After gathering all their results, the researchers found that Group A did substantially better than Group B, but about the same as Group C. The independent variable in this study is a. the mint candy. b. the test scores. c. the cookies. d. the food treatment. e. the list of presidents.

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What is one of the major reasons that psychologists use operational definitions?

Operational variables (or operationalizing definitions) refer to how you will define and measure a specific variable as it is used in your study. This enables another psychologist to replicate your research and is essential in establishing reliability (achieving consistency in the results).

What is the most important reason to use operational definitions in research?

The need for operational definitions is fundamental when collecting all types of data. It is particularly important when a decision is being made about whether something is correct or incorrect, or when a visual check is being made where there is room for confusion.

What is the advantage of using operational definitions quizlet?

operational definitions. what is the advantage of using an operation definition? it guarantees that other researchers will know exactly how you define & measured your variable. reliability or validity of a measurement procedure is usually established. consistent positive or negative relationship.

Why is an operational definition necessary?

Your operational definitions describe the variables you will use as indicators and the procedures you will use to observe or measure them. You need an operational definition because you can't measure anything without one, no matter how good your conceptual definition might be.