What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

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What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection

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What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

Mathematics with Business Applications

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What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

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What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

Intermediate Accounting

14th EditionDonald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield

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Recommended textbook solutions

What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

Mathematics with Business Applications

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What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

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What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

Accounting: What the Numbers Mean

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What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

Intermediate Accounting

14th EditionDonald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield

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Recommended textbook solutions

What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

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What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

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What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

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What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

Intermediate Accounting

14th EditionDonald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield

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Recommended textbook solutions

What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection

1st EditionCarl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese

1,600 solutions

What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

Mathematics with Business Applications

6th EditionMcGraw-Hill Education

3,760 solutions

What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

Accounting: What the Numbers Mean

9th EditionDaniel F Viele, David H Marshall, Wayne W McManus

338 solutions

What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages quizlet?

Mathematics with Business Applications

5th EditionMcGraw-Hill Education

3,755 solutions

What is the most likely reason that public relations communications are viewed as more credible than advertising messages?

Because PR activity is earned rather than paid, it tends to carry more credibility and weight. For example, when a news story profiles a customer's successful experience with a company and its products, people tend to view this type of article as less biased (and therefore more credible) than a paid advertisement.

Why is public relations more credible?

Public relations, on the other hand, provides third-party credibility in the form of a journalist, blogger or influencer. A company or organization pitches an idea, but the story itself is told by someone else. Just as you did for the advertisement, now think of the last article you read or news story you heard.

Why is public relations considered more reliable than advertising quizlet?

The biggest difference between public relation and advertising is earned vs paid. Public relations are earned and thus, more credible to consumers. Since advertising is paid media, it is not as credible but is controllable.

Why is publicity viewed as being so much more important than advertising sales promotion or other forms of public relations?

Publicity is considered much more important than advertising, sales promotion, or other forms of public relations because of the: credibility it offers to the message.