When Developmentalists have fluid and crystallized intelligence to determine if intelligence continues to grow slow or decline with age they determined that quizlet?

Which of the following is true regarding memory loss in middle-aged people?

Middle-aged people may attribute absent-mindedness to aging, even though they have actually been absentminded most of their lives.

Middle-aged people have memory loss for different things.

All middle-aged people will experience some memory loss starting in their 40s, with memory loss stabilizing around 70.

All middle-aged people can expect to experience significant memory loss.

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When Developmentalists have fluid and crystallized intelligence to determine if intelligence continues to grow slow or decline with age they determined that quizlet?



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When developmentalists looked at the two kinds of intelligence, fluid and crystallized, to determine if intelligence continues to grow, slow, or decline with age, they determined that __________.

(A) Fluid intelligence does decline; however crystallized intelligence holds steady and can improve
(B) Crystallized intelligence does decline; however, fluid intelligence holds steady and can improve
(C) Both fluid and crystallized intelligence decline with age
(D) Both fluid and crystallized intelligences improve with age


All of the following are considered reasons why marriages unravel in Western society EXCEPT __________.

(A) People are more concerned about their own personal happiness
(B) In some cases, the financial costs of divorce are not high
(C) Women have more economic opportunities available to them, and, therefore, may be able to be more independent
(D) The benefits of marriage - economic, sexual, health, social support, and financial (such as tax advantages) - no longer exist


Using memory skills such as getting better organized, paying attention, using visualization strategies, and rehearsing information for later retrieval are all considered __________ strategies.

(A) Long-term memory
(B) Short-term memory
(C) Schema
(D) Mnemonic


Kaitlyn is a 52-year-old typist working in the same law firm as 28-year-old Padma. Both are considered excellent at their jobs, even though Kaitlyn is older and has some delay in her reaction time. What is it that permits Kaitlyn to perform her job as well as Padma?

(A) Kaitlyn is given less arduous work to complete, while Padma receives more challenging assignments
(B) Padma lacks experience and understanding of the complex material
(C) Kaitlyn has developed selective optimization and uses a dictation program to make up for her slower typing time
(D) Kaitlyn has greater verbal skills development than Padma


The loss of near vision in middle adulthood is referred to as __________.

(A) Visual acuity
(B) Presbycusis
(C) Glaucoma
(D) Presbyopia


The term "senescence" is another name for __________.

(A) Primary aging
(B) Secondary aging
(C) Outward aging
(D) Inward aging


Bruce has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and has been given six months to live. He and his family are starting to come to grips with his impending death. What developmental task is he facing?

(A) Ego intensity vs. despair
(B) Ego transcendence vs. ego preoccupation role
(C) Redefinition of self vs. preoccupation with work role
(D) Body transcendence vs. body preoccupation


The ego integrity versus despair stage of psychosocial development is characterized by a process of __________.

(A) Reexamining one's accomplishments and preparing for retirement
(B) Looking back over one's life, evaluating it, and coming to terms with it
(C) Preparing for death
(D) Making personality changes


Tonya is 67 years old and is in the hospital because she broke her hip. She will need extensive physical therapy for two months. Which of the following is the proper facility to provide care for her?

(A) Adult day care
(B) Skilled nursing facility
(C) Assisted living
(D) Extended care


Sam has been in a nursing home for one year. He has become apathetic, indifferent, and does not care about himself. From which of the following is Sam suffering?

(A) Disengagement
(B) Disenfranchisement
(C) Institutionalism
(D) Neurodementia


According to Kübler-Ross, what is the first step people pass through as they move toward death?

(A) Bargaining
(B) Depression
(C) Denial
(D) Anger


Devin is a 68-year-old man whose doctor has diagnosed him with brain cancer; he has only months to live. At first he didn't believe it, but after he got a second opinion that validated the first, he became furious with his doctors, his family, and even strangers. According to Kübler-Ross, which stage of death and dying is Devin exhibiting?

(A) The second stage
(B) The first stage
(C) The third stage
(D) The fourth stage


In the final stage of grief, people tend to __________.

(A) Avoid the reality of the situation through denial
(B) Reach the accommodation stage, in which they pick up the pieces of their lives and construct new identities
(C) For the first time, experience grief and acknowledge the reality that the separation from the dead person is permanent
(D) Cycle back to numbness if the pain is too severe


What is the most frequent cause of death during childhood?

(A) Automobile accidents, fires, and drowning
(B) Child abuse, malnutrition, and neglect
(C) Cancers such as leukemia
(D) Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)


By the end of early adulthood, the most common reason for death is __________.

(A) Suicide
(B) Disease
(C) Automobile accidents
(D) Homicide


[8.1] A decline in the ability to hear high-pitched, high-frequency sounds is known as ______________.

(A) glaucoma
(B) presbycusis
(C) osteoporosis
(D) presbyopia


[8.1] The period of time that marks a woman's transition from being able to bear children to not being able to do so is known as the ______________.

(A) midlife transition
(B) perimenopausal period
(C) female climacteric
(D) postpartum period


[8.1] Which of the following is a direct physiological consequence of stress in middle adulthood?

(A) Drug use or abuse
(B) Failure to comply with medical advice
(C) Cutting back on sleep
(D) Decreased immune system response


[8.1] Insecurity, extreme ambition, anxiety, and hostility put people at risk for heart attacks. This behavior is referred to as the ______________ behavior pattern.

(A) Type A
(B) Jekyll and Hyde
(C) Type B
(D) hypertensive stress


[8.2] According to ____________ studies that test people of different ages at the same time, older subjects scored lower than younger subjects on traditional intelligence tests.

(A) longitudinal
(B) objective
(C) cross-sectional
(D) observational


[8.2] Over the years, one of the types of intelligence that increases with age is __________ intelligence, or the accumulation of information, skills, and strategies that people have learned through experience.

(A) emotional
(B) crystallized
(C) intrapersonal
(D) naturalist


[8.2] Middle-aged individuals find it hard to pay attention to everything that is going on around them and often rely on __________, or mental shortcuts, to reduce the stress of remembering so many things.

(A) schemas
(B) theory of mind
(C) naturalistic observation
(D) memory


[8.2] __________ are formal strategies for organizing material in ways that make it more likely to be remembered.

(A) Mnemonics
(B) Schemas
(C) Perceptions
(D) Heuristic


[8.3] According to the _____________ model of personality development, individuals at different ages can experience the same emotional and personality changes because they have shared common occurrences in their lives.

(A) normative-crisis
(B) psychosexual
(C) life events
(D) self-understanding


[8.3] Couples who in middle adulthood need to take care of their aging parents and their children are often referred to by psychologists as the _____________ generation.

(A) boomer
(B) betweener
(C) sandwich
(D) boomerang


[8.3] The stage of marital aggression in which the batterer expresses remorse and apologizes for the violence is known as the _____________ stage.

(A) cycle of violence
(B) acute battering
(C) tension-building
(D) loving contrition


[8.3] Compared to younger adults, middle-aged adults who lose their jobs _____________.

(A) tend to stay unemployed longer and have fewer opportunities for gratifying work as they age
(B) tend to find jobs quickly because of their skills but find it difficult to stay employed
(C) find it difficult to get new jobs, but once employed have a stable work history
(D) are less likely to become depressed, which facilitates their search for new employment


[9.1] ________ aging involves universal and irreversible changes that, as a result of genetic programming, occur as people get older.

(A) Secondary
(B) Internal
(C) Inactive
(D) Primary


[9.1] The most common cause of blindness in people older than 60 is ________.

(A) age-related macular degeneration
(B) cataracts
(C) interlocular lens deterioration
(D) glaucoma


[9.1] Alzheimer's Disease, ________, leads to the deaths of 100,000 people every year in the United States and affects nearly half of all people older than age 85.

(A) a degenerative cell disorder
(B) a chronic hypertension condition
(C) a progressive brain disorder
(D) neurocognitive immune condition


[9.1] ________ theories of aging suggest that our DNA contains a built-in time limit for reproduction of human cells.

(A) Wear-and-tear
(B) Life expectancy
(C) Genetic programming
(D) Chemical exposure


[9.2] One problem with conducting cross-sectional research on aging and cognition is that this method does not take into consideration ____________, the influences attributable to growing up in a particular era.

(A) genetic effects
(B) environmental effects
(C) cohort effects
(D) religious effects


[9.2] The relationship between environmental factors and intellectual skills suggests that with ____________ older people can maintain their mental abilities.

(A) stimulation, practice, and motivation
(B) exercise, a kind spouse, and a flexible personality style
(C) autobiographical memory, motivation, and prescription drugs
(D) increased estrogen, exercise, and a cohort group


[9.2] When it comes to autobiographical memories, older individuals, like younger individuals, follow the ____________, in that they are more likely to remember pleasant memories.

(A) saliency principle
(B) semantic l effect
(C) Pollyanna principle
(D) positive effect


[9.2] It is likely that the gap in technology skills between younger and older adults will decrease as ____________.

(A) adults get jobs, have families, and are too busy for social media
(B) technology use continues to expand in the general society
(C) technology creates simpler machines and special apps for the elderly
(D) older adults are treated with more respect online


[9.3] According to Erikson, individuals in late adulthood engage in looking back over their lives, evaluating their experiences and coming to terms with decisions. This is also known as _____________.

(A) ego transcendence versus ego preoccupation
(B) acceptance versus disassociation
(C) generativity versus stagnation
(D) ego integrity versus despair


[9.3] Models of successful aging include _____________.

(A) compensation theory, disengagement theory, and maximization theory
(B) activity theory, continuity theory, and selective optimization
(C) capability theory, sociability theory, and with-drawal strategies
(D) social optimization, compensation theory, and life events theory


[9.3] After retiring from work, people often pass through a series of stages, including _____________.

(A) honeymoon, disenchantment, reorientation, and termination
(B) disorientation, dissatisfaction, reorientation, and acceptance
(C) increased activity, confusion, recommitment, and termination
(D) resentment, loneliness, reappraisal, and fulfillment


[9.3] The first stage of adjustment to the death of a spouse is _____________.

(A) adaptation
(B) preparation
(C) anger
(D) bargaining


[10.1] The cessation of the heartbeat and breathing is the definition of ________ death.

(A) functional
(B) biomedical
(C) brain
(D) legal


[10.1] The concept of the personal fable, which can lead to feelings of invulnerability, makes death occurring during ________ particularly surprising and shattering.

(A) childhood
(B) adolescence
(C) young adulthood
(D) middle adulthood


[10.1] ________ are people who study death and dying.

(A) Cytologists
(B) Thanatologists
(C) Neuropathologists
(D) Teratologists


[10.1] Emergency counseling provided within schools to help students deal with sudden events such as the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is known as ________.

(A) routine death education
(B) thanatology training
(C) crisis intervention education
(D) demystification training


[10.2] Kübler-Ross initially suggested that people pass through basic steps or stages as they approach death. The first stage is __________.

(A) grief
(B) acceptance
(C) anger
(D) denial


[10.2] According to Kübler-Ross, dying people who promise to give their money to charity if only they can have another few months of life are in the __________ stage of dying.

(A) anger
(B) depression
(C) denial
(D) bargaining


[10.2] In the medical community, DNR stands for __________.

(A) Do Not Renew
(B) Daily Notice of Revision
(C) Decision Not to Revive
(D) Do Not Resuscitate


[10.2] Some people designate a specific person, called a __________, to act as their representative for healthcare decisions.

(A) health associate
(B) healthcare proxy
(C) legal aide
(D) personal care attendant


[10.3] Modern American funerals are generally grandiose and expensive primarily because __________.

(A) American social norms virtually mandate that a funeral be complex and costly
(B) American survivors are usually motivated to provide the best for their loved ones
(C) the typical American funeral rite involves large numbers of mourners
(D) American survivors typically wish to display their wealth and social standing


[10.3] One of the main purposes of the funeral ritual across cultures is to __________.

(A) encourage survivors to look more favorably on the prospect of dying
(B) cheer the dying person with the prospect of a grand sendoff
(C) offer survivors an opportunity to share their grief
(D) enable the dying person to express final thoughts in writing or on tape


[10.3] In the final stage of grief, people tend to __________.

(A) pick up the pieces of their lives and construct new identities
(B) cycle back to numbness if the pain is too severe
(C) avoid the reality of the situation through denial
(D) suffer deep unhappiness and even depression


[10.3] Bereaved people who lack __________ are more likely to experience loneliness and are at greater risk for negative post-death outcomes.

(A) ambivalence
(B) rituals
(C) independence
(D) social support

What happens to fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence with aging?

Changes in Intelligence Both types of intelligence increase throughout childhood and adolescence. Crystallized intelligence continues to grow throughout adulthood. Many aspects of fluid intelligence peak in adolescence and begin to decline progressively beginning around age 30 or 40.

What is crystallized intelligence what is fluid intelligence which type of intelligence increases with age?

Crystallized intelligence is your stored knowledge, accumulated over the years. The two types work together and are equally important. They both increase through childhood. Fluid intelligence decreases with age and crystallized intelligence remains stable or continues to increase with age.

What are fluid and crystallized intelligence How do they change?

Fluid intelligence involves comprehension, reasoning and problem solving, while crystallized intelligence involves recalling stored knowledge and past experiences. Fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence rely on distinct brain systems despite their interrelationship in the performance of many tasks.

Does fluid and crystallized intelligence increase with age?

These intelligences are distinct, and crystallized intelligence increases with age, while fluid intelligence tends to decrease with age (Horn, Donaldson, & Engstrom, 1981; Salthouse, 2004).