Which model is based on the principle of mutual contribution by employer and employee?

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MCQ On Groups & Teams (Organizational Behaviour)

This section covers MCQ on groups and teams part of organizational behaviour.

A major problem with a task force type of management is ______

a. there is no logical basis for task force information

b. its status is too inflexible

c. accountability

d. lack of planning

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b. its status is too inflexible

_____________ embodies a team concept, is based on the principle of mutual contribution by employer and employees

a) Autocratic model

b) Custodial model

c) Supportive Model

d) Collegial Model

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d) Collegial Model

A manager with good ________________________ can make the work place more pleasant

a) Communication

b) knowledge

c) experience

d) Interpersonal Skills

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d) Interpersonal Skills

Groups created by managerial decision in order to accomplish stated goals of the organization are called

a. formal groups

b. informal groups

c. task groups

d. interest groups

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a. formal groups

Continued membership in a group will usually require

a. supporting the group leader

b. conforming to group norms

c. encouraging cohesiveness in the group

d. developing a status system

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b. conforming to group norms

A lack of clarity concerning what will happen is referred to as

a. temporal

b. predisposition

c. uncertainty

d. negation

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c. uncertainty

Stereotyping generally affects the ________________________

a) Organization Structure

b) Behavior

c) Interpersonal Relations

d) Communication

“Girls are not good at sports” is an example of

a) Perception

b) Halo effect

c) Stereotyping

d) Individual Personality

Next Page – MCQ On Organizational Nature, Culture, And Structure

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Organizational Behavior


Q1. Attempt any 15 (15X2=30)

1. “------------ are social inventions for accomplishing goals through group efforts”

a. Management

b. Organization

c. Leadership

d. Behavior

2. Process or administrative theory of organization is being given by

a. Elton Mayo

b. Henry Fayol

c. F.W. Taylor

d. Max Weber

3. Who proposed “bureaucratic structure” is suitable for all organization

a. Elton Mayo b. Henry Fayol c. F.W. Taylor d. Max Weber

4. The ________ leadership style is an expression of the leader’s trust in the abilities of his subordinates.

a. Participative

b. Delegative

c. Authoritarian

d. All of the above

5. Today’s organization are

a. Open system b. Closed system c. Open as well as closed d. None of these

6. A study of human behaviour in organizational settings is

a. Individual behaviour b. Group behaviour c. Organizational behaviour d. None of these       

7. S-O-B-A Model combines two models namely S-R Model and ____________Model

a. Human being

b. Reponse

c. Stimuli

d. Drive

8. The percentage of employees who work more than 50 hours per week has risen by ___________ over the past twenty years.

a. 25%

b. 40%

c. 30%

d. 37.5%

9. Communication begins with

a. encoding

b. idea origination

c. decoding

d. channel selection

10. Functional mangers are responsible

a. for a single area of activity

b. to the upper level of management and staff

c. for complex organizational sub-units

d. for obtaining copyrights and patents for newely developed processes and equipment

11. ______________________embodies a team concept , is based on the principle of mutual contribution by employer and employees

a. Autocratic model

b. Custodial model

c. supportive model

d. Collegial model

12. Studying the future and arranging the means for dealing with it is part of the process of

a. Organising

b. commanding

c. controlling

d. planning

13. The unintentional biasing of research outcomes due to the possibility that simply paying attention to the experimental subjects causes their behaviour to change is known as the

a. Mayo effect

b. Cause and effect

c. Hawthorne effect

d. Law and effect

14. Organization Behavior is

a. An interdisciplinary approach

b. A humanistic approach

c. Total system approach

d. All of these

15. ---------------- is “the reactions of individuals to new or threatening factors in their work environments”

a. Attitude

b. Stress

c. Dissonance

d. Disappointment

16. Behaviour, power, and conflict are central areas of study for _____________.

a. sociologist

b. Anthropologists

c. Social psychologists

d. Operations analysts

17. Sathish has a low absenteeism rate. He takes responsibility for his health

and has good health habits. He is likely to have a(an):

a. Internal locus of control

b. External locus of control

c. Core locus of control

d. High emotional stability level


Q2. Attempt any 10 (10X3=30)

1. Explain in brief any 3 :-

a) Rumors b) Transformational Leadership c) Quality of work life d) Delphi Technique .

2. Define Organization Behaviour?

3. Differentiate between leader and manger ?

4. Define Stress , Attitude , and Perception

5. What is meant by values ?

6. Write notes on a. Organizational culture b. Emerging trends I OB ?

7. “ Motivation is the core of management “. Write your views

8. How power and politics affect organization?

9. Explain the Factor influencing the group behaviou?

10. What is IS organizational structure?


Q3. Attempt any 2 (10X2=20)

1. Define Organizational behaviour? What are the challenges before OB?

2. What is stress Management? Which are the reasons for stress in an organization?

3.Identify the five primary conflicthandling intentions, giving the title of each and the cooperative and assertiveness dimensions of each in details ?

4. What are the causes of conflict at the workplace? How shall you manage such conflicts?

5. What do you mean by the term Transaction Analysis? Explain three types of ego states of a person?

6. What is Organization Development? Describe the steps involved in the organizational development process?

Q3. Attempt any 1 (20X1=20)


Ajay, 23 year old, fresh MBA with HR, starts his career has a junior HR executive at Raj Manufacturing House. His boss is a simple B.Com. Degree holder with 4 years of handy experience. He does not like Ajay’s joining the company and therefore tortures him by different ways. He wants Ajay to resign so he almost harasses him by playing politics in background. Ajay comes to know about this.

1. If you were a friend, what advice would you give him?

2. What do you think is the reason for the boss’ negative behavior?


Organizational learning and learning within organizations through four short film clips. The film clips discuss the need to let people make mistakes and learn from these errors and the need to have a culture that permits mistakes, especially when the organization seeks to empower employees. Employees who take necessary risks are bound to make mistakes sometimes what is important is that they do not make the same mistake again. Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge through experience which leads to an enduring change in behaviour. Ultimately, that behaviour should manifest in better organizational decision making, improved productivity, better performance etc. An organisation which encourages and facilitates the learning and development of people at all levels of the organisation, values the learning and simultaneously transforms itself, is deemed a learning organization.

1. How does the organization and its employees meet this challenge ?

2. How do employees learn by trial and error ?


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Which model embodies a team concept is based on the principle of mutual contribution by employer and employees?

____________ embodies a team concept, is based on the principle of mutual contribution by employer and employees
Custodial model
Supportive Model
Collegial Model
Answer» d. Collegial Model
[Solved] ______ embodies a team concept, is based on ... - McqMatemcqmate.com › discussion › embodies-a-team-concept-is-based-on-the-pri...null

Which model is a team concept?

The Tuckman Team Model. “Tuckman's Stages of Group Development,” proposed by psychologist Bruce Tuckman in 1965, is one of the most famous theories of team development. It describes four stages that teams may progress through: forming, storming, norming, and performing (a 5th stage was added later: adjourning).

What is collegial model?

Collegial models include all those theories that emphasize that power and decision-making should be shared among some or all members of the organization (Bush, 2003). Collegial models assume that organizations determine policies and make decisions through a process of discussion leading to consensus.

What is autocratic model?

Autocratic Model The root level of this model is power with a managerial orientation of authority. The employees in this model are oriented towards obedience and discipline. They are dependent on their boss. The employee requirement that is met is subsistence. The performance result is less.