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Which of the following describes a likely benefit to Google of its efforts in India quizlet?

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Which of the following describes a likely benefit to Google of its efforts in India quizlet?

The American Vision: Modern Times, California Edition

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Which of the following describes a likely benefit to Google of its efforts in India quizlet?

American Anthem: Modern American History

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Which of the following describes a likely benefit to Google of its efforts in India quizlet?

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I got the answers from https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=18qT5riW5sFk165bexarpjwxRfgoufwSsmNCtEDKneFQ so I have no idea if they are all correct or not.

Terms in this set (190)

"In the 1500s, Native Americans possessed a wide range of complex cultures." Each of the following gives evidence to support this statement EXCEPT:

a. the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan
b. the organization of Inca society
c. Native American's susceptibility to European diseases
d. the Mayas' agricultural system
e. the Maya calendar

c. Native American's susceptibility to European diseases

Which of the following best describes the way Europeans treated Native Americans in the 1500s and 1600s?

a. Native Americans were regarded as inferior people and were subject to Christian domination
b. Native American ways of life were respected
c. Since nothing of value could be learned or obtained from the Native Americans, the Europeans thought it was permissible to terminate them
d. Europeans cultivated good relations with Native Americans and sought to make them economic partners
e. Only the English believed that the Native Americans should be treated fairly.

a. Native Americans were regarded as inferior people and were subject to Christian domination

Which of the following was the LEAST important factor behind European exploration and settlement in the 16th century?

a. increase in scientific knowledge and technological change
b. population increase
c. development of nation-states
d. competition for trade
e. religious commitment

b. population increase

By the end of the 16th century, all of the following were generally true to Spain's colonial empire EXCEPT:

a. it was controlled by a bureaucracy in Madrid
b. the Roman Catholic Church had great influence
c. New universities were spreading education and culture
d. Families continued to emigrate from Spain
e. Great wealth was being sent back to Spain

d. Families continued to emigrate from Spain

The delay in founding English settlements in the Americas was the result of _____.

religious upheavals in England

At the beginning of the 17th century, all of the following factors served to increase the English role in America EXCEPT:

a. defeat of the Spanish Armada
b. population growth
c. royal leadership
d. development of joint-stock companies
e. emigration for religious reasons

c. royal leadership

The survival of the Jamestown colony can be most directly attributed to the _____.

development of a tobacco industry

Which of the following sources would be most useful in studying the development of democratic institutions in the early colonial period?

a. the Edict of Nantes
b. the first charter of the Virginia Company
c. Columbus's journals
d. the Treaty of Tordesillas
e. the Mayflower Compact

e. the Mayflower Compact

Which of the following statements is the most widely accepted description of Columbus' accomplishments?

a. He discovered the New World
b. He bears much of the blame for oppressing Native American peoples in North America
c. He started a permanent relationship between Europe and the Americas
d. He is responsible for most of the problems in the Americas during the colonial period
e. His heroic deeds will always be respected by fair-minded American citizens

c. He started a permanent relationship between Europe and the Americas

The issue of religion figured most prominently in the consideration of which of the following?

a. the settlement of Jamestown
b. the establishment of Puritan colonies in Massachusetts
c. France's Indian policy
d. discoveries by the Spanish conquistadores
e. Spain's support of Columbus's voyages

b. the establishment of Puritan colonies in Massachusetts

The issue of religious toleration figured prominently in the founding of colonies by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. James Ogelthorpe
b. Cecil Calvert
c. Anne Hutchinson
d. William Penn
e. Roger Williams

a. James Ogelthorpe

Which of the following accurately describes a problem faced by Virginia in the last decades of the 17th century?

a. a decline in tobacco production
b. frequent slave uprisings
c. the lowering of wages caused by an influx of immigrants
d. political control by small farmers in the House of Burgesses
e, conflict between large plantation owners and settlers on Virginia's western frontier

e, conflict between large plantation owners and settlers on Virginia's western frontier

Which of the following documents would be most useful in examining the origins of constitutional government in colonial America?

a. the sermons of Puritan ministers
b. newspaper commentary on the Halfway Covenant
c. the Fundamental orders of Connecticut
d. political tracts concerning the Dominion of New England
e. the correspondence of Sir Edmund Andros

c. the Fundamental orders of Connecticut

"Puritan intolerance of dissent led to the founding of a number of new colonies." The founding of which of the following does NOT support this statement?

a. Providence
b. Portsmouth (Rhode Island)
c. Hartford
d. New Hampshire
e. New Haven

d. New Hampshire

Roger Williams differed from other Puritan ministers in his emphasis on _____.

the individual's private religious conscience

Which of the following was NOT a factor in the formation of the New England Confederation?

a. the problem of defending against Indian attacks
b. conflicts over colonial boundaries
c. concern about runaway servants
d. neglect by the English government
e. a desire to suppress religious dissent

e. a desire to suppress religious dissent

The chief purpose of mercantilist policies was to _____.

strengthen the economy and power of the parent country

The acts of trade and navigation had all of the following consequences EXCEPT:

a. colonial manufacturing was limited
b. colonial economies were regulated from London
c. low prices were charged for English imports
d. smuggling became a common practice
e. New England shipbuilding prospered

c. low prices were charged for English imports

William Penn's "Holy Experiment" included all of the following ideas EXCEPT:

a. nonviolence
b. the Bible as religious authority for all
c. fair treatment of Native Americans
d. a refuge for Quakers
e. religious toleration

b. the Bible as religious authority for all

In the mid-18th century, all of he following were generally true about slavery in British colonies EXCEPT:

a. planters thought it provided a more dependable labor supply than other options
b. there were more slaves than indentured servants in southern colonies
c. it was strongly opposed in New England
d. slaves accounted for about half the population of Virginia
e. Colonial laws gave slavery a permanent legal status

c. it was strongly opposed in New England

The Great Awakening was a reaction to _____.

churches' earlier failure to take account of people's emotional needs

Preachers in the Great Awakening focused on the importance of _____.

a. the consequences of leading a sinful life
b. the sovereignty and power of G-d
c. repenting for one's sins in order to be saved from eternal damnation
d. looking to the Bible as the final source of authority
e. all of the above

e. all of the above

The Great Awakening had all of the following consequences EXCEPT:

a. reduced competition among Protestant sects
b. decline in the authority of Protestant ministers
c. a belief that people could make their own decisions
d. increased emotionalism in church services
e. a feeling of shared experience among colonists in different regions and of different national origins

a. reduced competition among Protestant sects

Which of the following is true of immigration to the colonies during the first half of the 18th century?

a. most immigrants settled in New England
b. most immigrants came from continental Europe
c. a sizable minority of immigrants had no freedom of choice in coming to the colonies
d. the English government tried to discourage immigration
e. most immigrants worked for low wages in cities along the eastern seaboard

b. most immigrants came from continental Europe

In the 18th century, all of the following were generally true about colonial society in America EXCEPT:

a. the English language and English traditions were dominant
b. there were few poor people and no real aristocrats
c. voters played an active role in government
d. it was impossible for individuals to better themselves economically or socially
e. a degree of religious toleration could be found in each colony

d. it was impossible for individuals to better themselves economically or socially

At his trial, John Peter Zenger won acquittal on grounds that _____.

truth could not be libel

Which of the following did the colonies lack?

a. an adequate monetary system
b. good harbors and rivers for transportation
c. the ability to import goods from England
d. an adequate supply of slave labor
e. sufficient market for colonial timber and naval stores

a. an adequate monetary system

Which of the following statements accurately describes the governments of ALL thirteen colonies in the mid 18th century?

a. the governor was appointed by the king
b. members of the governors council were elected
c. the government assisted an established church
d. one house of legislature was elected by eligible voters
e. the government had nearly dictatorial power

d. one house of legislature was elected by eligible voters

"Benjamin Franklin was the epitome of the multi-talented colonial American." Each of the following could be used to support this statement EXCEPT:

a. experiments with electricity
b. Poor Richard's Almanac
c. military leadership
d. invention of bifocal lenses
e. founding of a nonsectarian college

c. military leadership

Which of the following best represents the "new man" described by Crevecoeure?

a. an indentured servant recently arrived form France
b. a native-born Pennsylvania merchant
c. an adult slave on a South Carolina plantation
d. a German-speaking farmer on the frontier
e. A royal governor of Virginia

d. a German-speaking farmer on the frontier

Which of the following does NOT express British criticism of the colonies in 1763?

a. Samuel Adams and other colonial leaders organized opposition to British authority
b. many colonists showed disloyalty by failing to support the war effort
c. the colonial militia was badly trained
d. although the colonies benefited from the British victory, they failed to pay their fair share of war costs
e. the Virginians under George Washington disobeyed orders in attacking a French fort

e. the Virginians under George Washington disobeyed orders in attacking a French fort

"After the French and Indian War, the British government tried to make Americans pay for British protection in the colonies." Each of the following supports this statement EXCEPT the:

a. Stamp Act
b. Sugar Act
c. Quartering Act
d. Townshend Acts
e. Quebec Act

e. Quebec Act

Pontiac's Rebellion was a reaction to _____.

the westward movement of English settlers

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the Stamp Act?

a. delegates from different colonies held a protest meeting in New York
b. the sense of liberty threatened tax officials
c. colonial war debts were paid
d. colonists boycotted British goods
e. London merchants suffered from a reduction in trade

c. colonial war debts were paid

John Dickinson defended the idea of no taxation without representation by arguing that _____.

to tax people without their consent violated English law

The Townshend Acts provoked all of the following colonial reactions EXCEPT:

a. the Massachusetts Circular Letter
b. John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania
c. the Stamp Act Congress
d. Colonial boycotts of British goods
e. the Gaspee incident

c. the Stamp Act Congress

The Boston Tea Party had which of the following causes?

a. The Boston Massacre
b. Parliament's efforts to improve the profits of the British East India Company
c. Intolerable Acts
d. the arguments of the Committee of Correspondence
e. the imperial policies of Lord Grenville

b. Parliament's efforts to improve the profits of the British East India Company

Which of the following sources would be most useful in studying the philosophical foundations of the American Revolution?

a. John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania
b. Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac
c. John Locke's Two Treatises of Government
d. John Edward's Sinners in the Hands of an Angry G-d
e. the Albany Plan of Union

c. John Locke's Two Treatises of Government

Enlightenment philosophers believed in all of the following ideas EXCEPT:

a. People have the right to revolt against tyranny
b. People have rights simply because they are human
c. Sovereignty resides with the people
d. a fundamental purpose of the government is to protect people's rights
e. G-d is the primary authority for government

e. G-d is the primary authority for government

Which of the following is a correct statement about the American colonies in the 1770s before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War?

a. Except for a few radicals, Americans generally accepted the policies of George III's ministers
b. Most Americans resisted the British governments efforts to impose new taxes
c. France encouraged the British colonies to revolt
d. Colonial boycotts failed to have an effect on British policy
e. The thirteen colonies had developed a single policy for dealing with Parliament

a. Except for a few radicals, Americans generally accepted the policies of George III's ministers

Which of the following sources would be the most useful in researching a paper entitled "Arguments for Independence, 1776"?

a. John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania
b. the Olive Branch Petition
c. John Locke's Two Treatises of Government
d. Treaty of Paris (1783)
e. Thomas Paine's Common Sense

e. Thomas Paine's Common Sense

The Battle of Saratoga had all of the following consequences EXCEPT:

a. encouraged Britain to grant most of the American demands
b. persuaded the French to form an alliance with the US
c. defeated a British attempt to isolate New England from the other colonies
d. gave a boost to American morale
e. caused the British to adopt a different military strategy

a. encouraged Britain to grant most of the American demands

The First Continental Congress was a reaction to _____.

passage of the Intolerable Acts

In his pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine defended the idea of American independence on the grounds that _____.

people should not pledge allegiance to a king and a corrupt government

As a result of the Treaty of Paris, the US gained al of the following EXCEPT:

a. fishing rights off the coast of Canada
b. British recognition of US independence
c. a western boundary on the Mississippi River
d. the territory of Florida
e. a peaceful settlement of the Revolutionary War

d. the territory of Florida

Which of the following most accurately describes those Americans who fought on the British Side in the American Revolution?

a. They came from all groups and classes
b. They were a majority of the population
c. they were most numerous in New England
d. They were generally identified with the Whig party in England
e. They were motivated for a desire for financial gain

a. They came from all groups and classes

Which of the following most accurately describes the change in American public opinion between January 1774 and July 1776?

a. It changed from a desire for reconciliation to a decision for independence
b. Most people favored independence in 1774 but were willing to fight for it only after the Declaration of Independence
c. Loyalists were in the majority both 1774 and 1776
d. By the summer of 1776, only a relatively small number of Americans expressed support for the king's government
e. Military support from France encouraged American Patriots

a. It changed from a desire for reconciliation to a decision for independence

Statement: "The Articles of Confederation succeeded in guiding the US through its first decade." Each of the following actions supports this statement EXCEPT:

a. Congress regulated interstate trade
b. Congress enacted the Land Ordinance of 1785
c. Congress enacted the Northwest Ordinance
d. The US government signed a favorable treaty of peace
e. The US government conducted the war effort that resulted in American independence

a. Congress regulated interstate trade

Statement: "The new state constitutions enacted during the Revolutionary War reflect the Patriots' emphasis on individual liberty." Each of the following actions support this statement EXCEPT:

a. starting each constitution with a bill of rights
b. providing for separation of power to limit abuses
c. submitting proposed constitutions to the people for ratification
d. the absence of any provision for the abolition of slavery
e. providing for a separation of church and state

d. the absence of any provision for the abolition of slavery

Which of the following is a correct statement about the US at the end of the Revolutionary War?

a. The central government was stronger than any state government
b. Women received greater political rights
c. Aristocratic privileges were reduced or eliminated
d. Slavery was unchallenged
e. Every state adopted the idea of separation of church and state

c. Aristocratic privileges were reduced or eliminated

In the 1780s, all of the following contributed to the dissatisfaction with the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT:

a. high taxes levied by the national government
b. farmers' revolt in Massachusetts against the collection of state taxes
c. states refusing to honor the Treaty of Paris
d. worthless paper money printed by many states
e. states restricting trade with one another

a. high taxes levied by the national government

Which of the following statements accurately describes an argument of the Anti-Federalists?

a. The Constitution failed to provide for a Supreme Court
b. The Constitution lacked a Bill of Rights
c. States' rights were strong enough to limit central government
d. The president's powers were too limited
e. The small states had to be protected from the large ones

b. The Constitution lacked a Bill of Rights

"The US Constitution is a bundle of compromises." Which of the following provisions of the Constitution does NOT reflect support for this statement?

a. representation in the US House of Representatives
b. representation in the US Senate
c. counting slaves as 3/5 of a person
d. Congress' power to tax imports but not exports
e. a national court system separate from the legislature

e. a national court system separate from the legislature

In the interpretation of the Constitutional Convention, the historian Charles Beard focused on the importance of _____.

economic interests of a wealthy elite

In 1788, the Federalists promised to add a bill of rights to the constitution in order to _____.

persuade state conventions to ratify the Constitution

Alexander Hamilton's financial program consisted of all of the following EXCEPT:

a. the creation of a US bank
b. the collection of a federal excise tax on whiskey
c. payment of the state debts by the federal government
d. payment of subsidies to farmers
e. tariffs to protect infant US industries

d. payment of subsidies to farmers

Which of the following was an underlying cause of the other four?

a. the Jay Treaty
b. the French Revolution
c. the XYZ affair
d. Citizen Genet controversy
e. Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

b. the French Revolution

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions presented the argument that _____.

states could nullify acts of Congress

The decline in support for the Federalist party can be traced most directly to its handling of the issue of _____.

the Alien and Sedition Acts

Which of the following was NOT a significant consequence of the election of 1800?

a. Thomas Jefferson became president
b. The Democratic-Republicans took control of Congress
c. The Twelfth Amendment was added to the Constitution
d. The US government gave less attention to foreign affairs
e. The party in power left office peacefully

d. The US government gave less attention to foreign affairs

Which of the following leaders is INCORRECTLY paired with a notable event or deed?

a. Thomas Jefferson -- Louisiana Purchase
b. Andrew Jackson -- Battle of New Orleans
c. Tecumseh -- Battle of Tippecanoe
d. Henry Clay -- declaration of war in 1812
e. Alexander Hamilton -- Embargo Act of 1807

e. Alexander Hamilton -- Embargo Act of 1807

Thomas Jefferson's revolution of 1800 changed the Federalist policies of Washington and Adams in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

a. size of the military
b. number of federal employees
c. amount of national debt
d. foreign affairs
e. Alien and Sedition Acts

d. foreign affairs

Which of the following accurately characterizes the foreign policy goals of Jefferson and Madison before 1812?

a. strengthen the US trade relations with Britain and France
b. maintain US neutral rights without going to war
c. seek an alliance with either Britain or France
d. explore various means for acquiring Canada
e. provide aid to independence movements in Latin America

b. maintain US neutral rights without going to war

John Marshall's Supreme Court decision in the case of Marbury v. Madison established _____.

the principle of judicial review

Native Americans in the West allied themselves with the British in the War of 1812 because they _____.

wanted to stop American settlers from taking their land

Thomas Jefferson's chief reason for purchasing Louisiana was to _____.

give the US control of the Mississippi River

All of the following contributed to the US decision to go to war in 1812 EXCEPT:

a. the election of war hawks into Congress in 1810
b. a desire to acquire parts of Canada
c. British impressment of American seamen
d. efforts to protect the land of Native Americans
e. American sympathy with France against Britain

d. efforts to protect the land of Native Americans

Which of the following documents would be MOST useful for analyzing the effects of the Embargo of 1807 on the US economy?

a. Jefferson's instructions to Lewis and Clark
b. resolutions of the Hartford Convention
c. records of shipbuilding activity in a New England state from 1805 to 1810
d. financial accounts of Georgia plantations from 1805 to 1807
e. speeches of Henry Clay (1810-1812)

c. records of shipbuilding activity in a New England state from 1805 to 1810

The War of 1812 had all of the following consequences in the US EXCEPT:

a. acquisition of new land
b. Native Americans' loss of Britain as an ally
c. the demise of the Federalist party
d. an increase in US manufacturing
e. an increase in American nationalism

a. acquisition of new land

The Hartford Convention had long-term significance because it _____.

marked the end of the Federalists as a national party

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Monroe Doctrine?

a. It caused an immediate change in the US role in world affairs
b. It asserted the US right to send troops into the countries of Latin America to provide political stability
c. It declared US opposition to European intervention in the affairs of independent countries of the Western hemisphere
d. It was fully supported by the British government
e. It established the US claim to being a world power

c. It declared US opposition to European intervention in the affairs of independent countries of the Western hemisphere

Question modified due to lack of image

Slavery in the US was restricted to territory below the 36 30 line in the _____.

Missouri Compromise

Which of the following increased southern planters' reliance on slaves?

a. Missouri Compromise
b. invention of the steamboat
c. invention of the cotton gin
d. Lowell System
e. Louisiana Purchase

c. invention of the cotton gin

The Erie Canal was significant because it _____.

tied manufacturing of the East to the farming of the West

A major effect of John Marshall's Supreme Court decisions was to _____.

expand federal power and limit states' power

Henry Clay's idea of an American System included all of the following EXCEPT:

a. protective tariffs
b. internal improvements
c. state banks
d. increased trade between all sections of the country
e. federal funds for a national transportation system

c. state banks

Which of the following is a correct statement about the US at the beginning of the Era of Good Feelings?

a. Sectionalism had become a dominant force in the nation
b. There were no more divisions within the ranks of the Republican party
c. Federalists and Republicans united on an economic program of internal improvements and protective tariffs
d. Friendliness and cooperation with Britain replaced earlier policies of hostility
e. Nationalism strongly influenced American culture and politics

e. Nationalism strongly influenced American culture and politics

Which pair of issues aroused the most controversy in 1819 and 1820
a. internal improvements and Latin American independence
b. slavery in Missouri and Latin American independence
c. slavery in Missouri and a financial crisis
d. Monroe's prospects for reelection and a financial crisis
e. Monroe's prospects for reelection and the protective tariff

c. slavery in Missouri and a financial crisis

Which of the following best describes changes in the American economy in the 1820s?

a. improved transportation in the West, depressed conditions in the South
b. industrialization in the Northeast, diversified farming in the South
c. improved transportation in the West, industrialization in the North
d. cotton farming in the South, depressed conditions in the North
e. railroads in all sections providing the primary stimulus for economic growth

c. improved transportation in the West, industrialization in the North

In the first decades of the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution in the US was supported by developments in all of the following areas EXCEPT:

a. the factory system
b. transportation
c. corporations
d. mechanical inventions
e. craft unions

e. craft unions

In the 1830s and 1840s, all of the following were generally true about immigration EXCEPT:

a. Most immigrants came from the British Isles and Northern Europe
b. Improvements in ship technology made the ocean voyage relatively cheap and fast
c. The South attracted the least number of immigrants
d. An overwhelming majority of native-born Americans welcomed the immigrants as a cheap source of labor
e. Poorer immigrants lived in the cities while those with some money farmed in the West

d. An overwhelming majority of native-born Americans welcomed the immigrants as a cheap source of labor

During the 1840s, large numbers of Irish immigrated to the US mainly because of _____.

famine resulting from the failure of the potato crop

Nativist reaction to immigration resulted in _____.

the formation of the Know-Nothing party

All of the following restricted the growth of labor unions before the Civil War EXCEPT:

a. increased numbers of immigrant workers
b. economic depressions
c. opposition by factory employers
d. opposition by southern plantation owners
e. judicial decisions

d. opposition by southern plantation owners

Twenty years after the ratification of the US Constitution, Congress prohibited _____.

importation of slaves into the US

Which of the following activities was most commonly practiced by African Americans as a means of resisting slavery in the early 1800s?

a. sitdown strike
b. legal action
c. political action
d. armed revolt
e. work slowdown

e. work slowdown

Before the Civil War, which of the following groups did NOT defend slavery?

a. Methodist congregations
b. farmers
c. poor whites
d. large landowners
e. mountain people

e. mountain people

Before 1860, the change that most influenced the lives of Native Americans on the Great Plains was _____.

the introduction of the horse

Which of the following regions is INCORRECTLY paired with an economic or social characteristic?

a. Old Northwest -- agriculture
b. New England -- factory system
c. western frontier in 1850 -- tobacco farming
d. Deep South -- cotton farming
e. border states -- slavery

c. western frontier in 1850 -- tobacco farming

Which of the following is a CORRECT statement about the US in 1850?

a. The vast majority of Native Americans lived west of the Mississippi River
b. A majority of Americans lived in cities
c. All free African Americans lived in the North
d. Most industrial workers were protected by laws providing for an eight-hour day
e. The Mississippi River defined the western frontier

a. The vast majority of Native Americans lived west of the Mississippi River

Jacksonian Democrats favored all of the following EXCEPT:
a. rotation in office
b. universal suffrage for white males
c. the caucus system of nominating candidates
d. rewarding political supporters with government jobs
e. presidential electors being chosen by popular vote

c. the caucus system of nominating candidates

After the election of 1824, the president's chpice of Henry Clay as secretary of state resulted in _____.

charges of a corrupt bargain with JQ Adams

An important effect of the tariff of abominations of 1828 was _____.

South Carolina's adoption of the theory of nullification

The Revolution of 1828 revealed that political power was _____.

shifting to the western states

Which of the following documents would be most useful in evaluating President Jackson's commitment to democratic values?

a. the Specie Circular
b. veto message on the rechartering of the Second Bank of the US
c. congressional hearings on the "corrupt bargain"
d. Supreme Court cases on the Indian-removal issue
e. Calhoun's writings on nullification

b. veto message on the rechartering of the Second Bank of the US

In the 1830s, the factor that most directly promoted the development of a two-party system was _____.

changes in methods of nominating and electing the president

"The duties of all public officers are, or at least admit of being made, so plain and simple that more is lost by the long continuance of men in office than is generally gained by their experience."

This statement best reflects the views of _____. (first and last name)

Andrew Jackson

The main issue in the presidential campaign of 1832 was _____.

the recharter of the Bank of the US

President Jackson's response to Supreme Court decisions on the treaty rights of Native Americans resulted in _____.

the forced removal of Cherokees from their lands in Georgia

Supporters of the Whig party included all of the following groups EXCEPT:

a. supporters of Clay's American System
b. new immigrants, such as the Germans and the Irish
c. westerners who wanted federal funds for internal improvements
d. reformers concerned about immorality and vice
e. advocates of the national bank

b. new immigrants, such as the Germans and the Irish

The Second Great Awakening was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. efforts to counter the rationalism and disbelief of the Revolutionary era
b. opportunity for salvation offered to all
c. efforts to appeal to people's emotions
d. growing unity among Protestant churches
e. widespread belief that the second coming of Christ was near

d. growing unity among Protestant churches

Which of the following is true about American transcendentalists?

a. supported government actions and regulations as the solution to social problems
b. argued for the importance of human intuition and individualism
c. persecuted for their radical religious views
d. belonged to an experimental commune that practice plural marriage
e. played a leading role in the Second Great Awakening

b. argued for the importance of human intuition and individualism

According to the cult of domesticity, a woman's proper role was _____.

acting as the moral leader and educator of the family

The leading spokesperson for the tax-supported public school movement was _____.

Horace Mann

All of the following were true of the temperance movement EXCEPT:

a. It was largely restricted to the southern states
b. German and Irish immigrants often opposed the movement
c. By the 1850s, the movement advocated the legal prohibition of alcohol
d. The early leaders of the movement were Protestant clergymen
e. It was the most popular of the Jacksonian era reform movements

a. It was largely restricted to the southern states

Dorothea Dix was inspired to dedicate her life to a humanitarian crusade by _____.

discovery of the confinement of the mentally ill in local jails

The abolitionist movement had the effect of _____.

bringing the issue of slavery to the forefront of the reform movement

William Lloyd Garrison and the American Antislavery Society supported _____.

immediate emancipation of slaves without compensation or emigration

The Seneca Falls Convention was significant because it _____.

issued a historic declaration of women's rights

Perfectionist aspirations to create a utopian society are best reflected in _____.

the founding of New Harmony, Brook Farm, and Fourier Phalanxes

Which of the following BEST reflected the idea of Manifest destiny?

a. the signing of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty
b. Henry Clay's position on Texas in the election of 1844
c. the establishment of Texas as an independent republic
d. the campaign platform of James Polk in 1844
e. northern Whigs during the Mexican War

d. the campaign platform of James Polk in 1844

All of the following contributed to the conflict between Mexico's government and settlers in Texas in the early 1830s EXCEPT:

a. the collection of import duties
b. the support for annexation by John Tyler and James Polk
c. Mexico's decision to abolish slavery in its territory
d. Mexico's law requiring the acceptance of the Catholic faith
e. the coming to power of General Santa Anna

b. the support for annexation by John Tyler and James Polk

The main reason for the US delay in annexing Texas was the _____.

opposition in Congress to adding slave states

Which of the following was the LEAST issue in the election of 1844?

a. settlement of the Oregon border
b. acquisition of California
c. rechartering the Bank of the US
d. securing Texas' southern border on the Rio Grande
e. cession of California and New Mexico into the US

c. rechartering the Bank of the US

Which of the following was NOT a major consequence of the US war with Mexico?

a. US annexation of Texas
b. long-term Mexican resentment against the US
c. securing Texas's southern border on the Rio Grande
d. increased sectional tensions over slavery
e. cession of California and New Mexico to the US

a. US annexation of Texas

Which of the following is a correct statement about the Wilmot Proviso?

a. It forbade the introduction of slavery into territory acquired from Mexico
b. It denied President Polk additional funds to conduct the war with Mexico
c. It compromised differences between the North and the South
d. It passed both houses of Congress but was vetoed by the president
e. It was proposed by the Whigs to embarrass the Democrats

a. It forbade the introduction of slavery into territory acquired from Mexico

Which of the following is the LEAST useful in arguing that territorial expansion was motivated by a desire to spread slavery?

a. William Walker's campaign in Nicaragua
b. the Ostend Manifesto
c. the slogan "fifty-four forty or fight"
d. the annexation of Texas
e. opposition to the Wilmot Proviso

c. the slogan "fifty-four forty or fight"

During settlement of the West, all of the following were true EXCEPT:

a. the overland trails were primarily used by the very poor
b. a large percentage of the western miners were foreign-born
c. the mountain men provided much of the early information about the West
d. in the 1830s and 1840s, the US government gave squatters the right to buy federal land
e. the chief interest of most pioneering families was to engage in agriculture

a. the overland trails were primarily used by the very poor

Which of the following had the greatest impact on transportation in the 1850s?

a. canal building
b. improvements in the steamboat
c. expansion of railroads
d. the development of clipper ships
e. changes in design of the overland wagon

c. expansion of railroads

In what way did the Panic of 1857 have an effect on sectional conflict?

a. Unemployment increased in the eastern manufacturing centers
b. Prices for farm products fell, especially for Midwestern states
c. the South blamed the North for falling cotton prices
d. Southerners concluded that their economic system was far superior to the North's
e. The North gained the necessary economic advantages to defeat the South when civil war broke out

d. Southerners concluded that their economic system was far superior to the North's

Which of the following most accurately describes Stephen Douglas's idea of popular sovereignty?

a. A section of western land would be given free to anyone who would homestead it for a certain number of years
b. Only citizens of the United States would be permitted to settle territories acquired from Mexico
c. Public lands in the new territories would be open on a first-come-first served basis
d. The status of slavery in a territory would be determined by the voters in the territory
e. New territories would be closed to both slaves and free blacks

d. The status of slavery in a territory would be determined by the voters in the territory

All of the following figured prominently in debates over the Compromise of 1850 EXCEPT:

a. provision for a new Fugitive Slave Law
b. slave trade in the District of Columbia
c. admission of California into the union as a free state
d. future slavery in the Mexican Cession territories
e. extension of slavery into Kansas and Nebraska territories

e. extension of slavery into Kansas and Nebraska territories

Which of the following was a major factor in the decline of the Whig party in the 1850s?

a. death of John Calhoun
b. election of Zachary Taylor
c. Lincoln-Douglas debates
d. Know-Nothing movement
e. "bleeding Kansas"

d. Know-Nothing movement

A political effect of the fighting in Kansas in 1855 and 1856 was to _____.

further divide the Democratic party

The Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case outraged public opinion in the North chiefly because it _____.

removed restrictions against the spread of slavery into the western territories

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 increased sectional tension because it _____.

reopened the issue of slavery in an area north of the Missouri Compromise Line

The Lincoln-Douglas debates resulted in all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Lincoln's emergence as a national political figure
b. increased support for Douglas in the South
c. Douglas's reelection to the Senate
d. Douglas's attempt to reconcile popular sovereignty with the Dred Scott decision
e. increased public awareness of slavery as a moral issue

b. increased support for Douglas in the South

John Brown's primary purpose in attacking Harper's Ferry was to _____.

start a slave rebellion in Virginia

In the 1860 election, what was the position of Lincoln and the Republican party on slavery?

Slavery should not be allowed to expand into the territories.

All of the following statements about the election of 1860 are accurate EXCEPT:

a. The Republicans won control of the presidency but not Congress
b. No candidate received a majority of the popular vote
c. The popular and electoral votes were divided among four candidates
d. Lincoln won election because of the split in the Democratic party
e. A major consequence of the election was that several southern states seceded from the Union

d. Lincoln won election because of the split in the Democratic party

Northern advantages in the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT:

a. a superior navy
b. a political party system that could marshal support for the war
c. a superior railroad network
d. general agreement over war aims
e. greater capacity to produce military equipment

d. general agreement over war aims

All of the following were part of the initial Union strategy to win the Civil War EXCEPT:

a. a naval blockade of southern ports
b. control over the Mississippi River
c. the capture of Richmond
d. keeping the border states in the Union
e. emancipation of slaves in the seceded states

e. emancipation of slaves in the seceded states

The Confederate government was able to achieve which of the following goals?

a. recognition by a foreign power
b. frequent victories over Union armies
c. a stable monetary system
d. a strong central government
e. control of the southern river system

b. frequent victories over Union armies

President Lincoln was reluctant to emancipate the slaves in the first year of the Civil War because _____.

he feared that emancipation would drive the border states out of the Union

Which of the following best describes an immediate effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?

a. Slaves in the border states became free
b. Slaves in the Deep South became free
c. The abolition of slavery in the Confederate territory became one of the North's war goals
d. Lincoln's reelection was assured
e. Draft riots erupted in NYC

c. The abolition of slavery in the Confederate territory became one of the North's war goals

Lee's major reason for invading northern territory in 1863 was to _____.

win foreign recognition for the Confederacy

The economic impact of the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT:

a. an increasing number of women in the labor force
b. widespread destruction of property in the South
c. creation of a national banking system in the North
d. reduced rate of industrial production in the North
e. runaway inflation in the South

d. reduced rate of industrial production in the North

Which of the following accurately describes northern politics during the Civil War?

a. Democrats challenged Republicans for control of national and state offices
b. Republicans were united behind Lincoln's leadership
c. The suspension of habeas corpus discouraged many Democrats from voting
d. Lincoln had no trouble winning reelection in 1864
e. Copperhead candidates campaigned for equal rights for women

a. Democrats challenged Republicans for control of national and state offices

All of the following were factors in the defeat of the South in 1865 EXCEPT:

a. shortages caused by the Union's naval blockade
b. slave uprisings against southern plantations
c. Grant's war of attrition in Virginia
d. Sherman's march through Georgia
e. the Confederacy's failure to obtain foreign intervention

b. slave uprisings against southern plantations

One of the long-term political consequences of northern victory was _____.

the end of threats of nullification and secession

The purpose of Lincoln's and Johnson's plan for Reconstruction was to _____.

encourage rapid readmission of ex-Confederate states into the Union

In 1865, a number of southern states passed Black Codes in order to _____.

control movement and provide a stable workforce for the plantations

The Freedman's Bureau provided all of the following EXCEPT:

a. food, shelter, and medical aid for victims of the war
b. resettlement of some freed slaves on confiscated lands
c. protection from sharecropping agreements
d. schools to promote literacy among blacks
e. colleges for blacks

c. protection from sharecropping agreements

Which of the following was NOT provided for African Americans by congressional reconstruction?

a. guarantee of US citizenship
b. equal protection of the laws
c. distribution of confiscated Confederate farmlands
d. protection for voting rights
e. equal access for public accommodations

c. distribution of confiscated Confederate farmlands

President Johnson was impeached for _____.

removing a Radical Republican from his cabinet

An analysis of the election of 1868 best supports the conclusion that:

a. the Republicans had given up on gaining the black vote
b. the weakened Democratic party had little chance to elect a president
c. northerners overwhelmingly approved the policies of the Radical Republicans
d. voters approved the impeachment of Andrew Johnson
e. Republican victory depended on the votes of African Americans

e. Republican victory depended on the votes of African Americans

The Republican Reconstruction governments in the South accomplished all of the following EXCEPT:

a. developing state-supported public school systems for whites and blacks
b. reducing waste and corruption in local and state governments
c. founding state institutions to care for the sick and handicapped
d. building of roads, bridges, and harbors
e. adopting liberalized state constitutions

b. reducing waste and corruption in local and state governments

By the end of Reconstruction, most blacks in the South _____.

worked on farms as renters and sharecroppers

The "redeemers" in the South supported _____ and _____.

states' rights; white supremacy

Congressional Reconstruction ended in 1877 because _____.

it was part of a compromise to resolve the disputed election of 1876

Which of the following characterized agriculture in BOTH the West and the South in the period 1870-1900?

a. use of dry farming techniques
b. increased production
c. introduction of sharecropping
d. raising crops for subsistence, not commerce
e. raising prices for farm products

b. increased production

The outbreak of the Indian Wars of the 1870s was caused by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. the US government's effort to isolate Indian tribes on smaller reservations
b. the rejection of earlier treaties by young Sioux warriors
c. the rush of gold miners into Indian lands
d. perceived failure of the US government to honor past treaty commitments
e. the division of tribal lands into individual farms for tribal members

e. the division of tribal lands into individual farms for tribal members

The goals of the assimilationists were most in conflict with which of the following?

a. founders of the Carlisle School
b. proponents of farming and industrial training
c. terms of the Dawes Act of 1887
d. terms of the Indian Reorganization At of 1934
e. the granting of citizenship to Native Americans

d. terms of the Indian Reorganization At of 1934

The chief causes of farm protest in the late 19th century were _____, _____, and _____.

middlemen; trusts; railroads

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 is most closely associated with _____.

hostility to foreigners in western states

According to the Turner thesis, the frontier encouraged all of the following EXCEPT:

a. social and political democracy
b. inventive and practical approaches to problems
c. a safety valve for discontent
d. growth of class divisions
e. a wasteful attitude towards natural resources

d. growth of class divisions

After the Granger laws ran into legal problems and were overturned in the case of Wabash v. Illinois, Congress attempted to provide relief through the _____.

Interstate Commerce Act

The main result of the crop lien system in the South in the late 19th century was _____.

a cycle of debt for tenant farmers

The New South movement promoted all of the following EXCEPT:

a. tax exemptions to attract new industries
b. southern railroad systems integrated with the North
c. a more self-sufficient southern economy
d. social integration of the races
e. investment in manufacturing

d. social integration of the races

The Supreme Court upheld "separate but equal" accommodations for public transportation in the case of _____.

Plessy v. Ferguson

During the railroad expansion from 1860 to 1900, all of the following were true EXCEPT:

a. Numerous short lines were consolidated into truck lines
b. Four transcontinental lines were build with government help
c. Technical innovations made railroads the most popular form of transportation
d. No laws were passed to regulate the railroads
e. The building of railroads was used by speculators for quick profit

d. No laws were passed to regulate the railroads

In the 19th century, railroads formed pools in order to _____.

fix prices and divide business for greater profit

Which of the following was NOT considered a proper function of government in the late 19th century?

a. protection of private property with state or federal troops
b. distribution of public lands to private corporations
c. protection of American industry against foreign competition
d. use of court injunctions to stop workers' strikes
e. protection of workers from unfair labor practices

e. protection of workers from unfair labor practices

The US economy in the late 19th century was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. consolidation of businesses into trusts
b. technological innovations
c. acceptance of unions and collective bargaining
d. growing concentration of wealth
e. control of industries by bankers

c. acceptance of unions and collective bargaining

The decisions of the Supreme Court in the late 19th century most often favored _____.


Social Darwinists would most likely support which of the following?

a. enforcement of the Sherman Antitrust Act
b. relief for the unemployed
c. nonregulation of business
d. guarantee of a living wage for workers
e. subsidies for farmers

c. nonregulation of business

The concept of the gospel of wealth is reflected in all of the following statements EXCEPT:

a. Each man has a duty to become rich
b. Money should be distributed to the poor and the homeless
c. The wealthy had a responsibility to use their wealth for the good of society
d. Wealth was G-d's reward for a life of virtue and hard work
e. Philanthropy should support educational, health, and religious institutions

b. Money should be distributed to the poor and the homeless

Which of the following accurately describes a trend in American society in the 1880s and 1890s?

a. The middle class declined in numbers and influence
b. The percentage of women in the labor force decreased
c. Most married women worked to support their families
d. The workplace became more tightly organized and structured
e. The wealthy avoided signs of self-indulgence

d. The workplace became more tightly organized and structured

The most effective and enduring labor union in the post-Civil War era focused on such goals as _____ for _____.

higher wages and shorter hours; skilled workers

Which of the following was NOT true of the American labor movement in the late 19th century?

a. Labor's rights were protected by laws of Congress
b. A number of major strikes were defeated by business and government
c. Some unions tried to organize both skilled and unskilled workers
d. Middle-class Americans often concluded that unions were radical and violent
e. Immigrants were often used as strikebreakers

a. Labor's rights were protected by laws of Congress

Which of the following is a correct statement about immigration from 1890-1914?

a. The number of immigrants declined because of restrictive quota laws
b. Most of the immigrants were from southern and eastern Europe
c. Most immigrants of this period were readily accepted because of education and wealth
d. Workers from Latin American were excluded from immigrating by federal laws
e. Labor unions supported the rights of Chinese immigrants

b. Most of the immigrants were from southern and eastern Europe

Which of the following groups were NOT included among the new immigrants of the late 19th century?

a. Russian Jews escaping religious persecution
b. Italian peasants
c. Greeks, Slovaks, and Poles
d. Scandinavian farmers
e. unemployed Europeans seeking factory jobs in US cities

d. Scandinavian farmers

All of the following characterized America's large cities in the last decades of the 91th century EXCEPT:

a. outbreaks of deadly diseases such as cholera and tuberculosis
b. transportation limited to the central business district
c. crowded tenements
d. increasing segregation of social groups by income
e. poor treatment of water, sewage, and waste

b. transportation limited to the central business district

Which of the following were most likely to help immigrants adjust to city life in the late 19th century?

a. politicians from Tammany Hall
b. followers of Social Darwinists
c. members of the American Protection Association
d. lawmakers in Congress
e. employers in major industries

a. politicians from Tammany Hall

Settlement houses were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. located in poor working-class and immigrant neighborhoods
b. staffed by college-educated, middle-class men and women
c. took little interest in legislative reforms
d. taught English to immigrants
e. helped educate immigrant children

c. took little interest in legislative reforms

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the development of suburbs in the US?

a. European suburban development patterns
b. low-cost and abundant land
c. improved streetcar and railroad transportation
d. ethnic and racial prejudices
e. unhealthy living conditions in cities

a. European suburban development patterns

"This association of poverty with progress is the great enigma of our times.... So long as all the increased wealth which modern progress brings goes but to build up great fortunes...progress is not real and cannot be permanent."

The above statement was written by _____.

Henry George

Changes in the education between 1865 and 1900 included all of the following EXCEPT:

a. introduction of the elective system in some colleges
b. establishment of land grant colleges and universities
c. introduction of kindergartens
d. increased educational opportunities for women
e. increased emphasis on classical curriculum

e. increased emphasis on classical curriculum

Which of the following were BOTH examples of realism in 19th-century literature and art?

a. Jack London novel and Ashcan School
b. James Fenimore Cooper novel and Winslow Homer painting
c. Walt Whitman poem and Thomas Cole painting
d. Mark Twain novel and Grant Wood painting
e. Ralph Waldo Emerson essay and Armory Show of 1913

a. Jack London novel and Ashcan School

All of the following contributed to the growth of sports and entertainment of late-19th-century America EXCEPT:

a. Puritan ethic and Victorian values
b. improvements in transportation
c. gradual reduction of working hours
d. bachelor subculture
e. advertising in popular press

a. Puritan ethic and Victorian values

Which of the following is a correct statement about national politics in the Gilded Age?

a. Congress focused on the problems of industrialization and urbanization
b. The presidents of the era expanded executive powers
c. The two major parties avoided taking strong positions on the issues
d. Republicans held firm control of both Congress and the presidency
e. Lack of interest in national politics resulted in low voter turnout

c. The two major parties avoided taking strong positions on the issues

The issue of patronage was least involved in which of the following?

a. rivalry between the Stalwarts and Halfbreeds
b. the assassination of James A. Garfield
c. the passage of the Pendleton Act
d. the nomination of James B. Weaver as a presidential candidate
e. the control of New York politics by Roscoe Conkling

d. the nomination of James B. Weaver as a presidential candidate

The two issues that dominated national politics in the late 19th century were _____ and _____.

the money supply; the protective tariff

In the late 19th century, inflationary monetary policies did NOT appeal to _____.


The Republican billion-dollar Congress did all of the following EXCEPT:

a. increase tariff rates
b. increase pensions for Civil War veterans
c. increase coinage of silver
d. enact an antitrust law
e. enact a law regulating interstate commerce

e. enact a law regulating interstate commerce

"Transportation being a means of exchange and a public necessity, the government should operate the railroads in the interests of the people. The telegraph and telephone, like the post office system, being a necessity for the transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the interests of the people."

The passage above is most likely from which of the following?

a. the Interstate Commerce Act
b. Grover Cleveland's annual message to Congress
c. the platform of the Republican Party
d. the platform of the Populist party
e. the Sherman Antitrust Act

d. the platform of the Populist party

In the election of 1896, the major issue was _____.

the free and unlimited coinage of silver

All of the following were reasons for the decline of the Populist party EXCEPT:

a. racism in the South
b. failure of farmers and industrial workers to unite
c. adoption of the silver issue by the Democrats
d. waning popularity of Grover Cleveland
e. decline of the political power of rural America

d. waning popularity of Grover Cleveland


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The "correct" answer to this "question" is FREE SPACE.



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