Bài Tập Cuối Tuần Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Tập 1 PDF

Bài Tập Cuối Tuần Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Tập 1 PDF
Bài Tập Cuối Tuần Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Tập 1 – Đại Lợi


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Bài Tập Cuối Tuần Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Tập 1 – Đại Lợi

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  2. LỜI NÓI ĐẦU Các em học sinh thân mến! Các em đang cầm trên tay một trong những cuốn sách hay và cần thiết trong quá trình học tiếng Anh của mình. Đó là cuốn sách Bài tập cuối tuần tiếng Anh lớp 9 tập 1. Cuốn sách được ra đời với bao công sức của tác giả, giáo viên giàu kinh nghiệm giảng dạy tiếng Anh. Nội dung cuốn sách được chia theo các đơn vị bài học và bám sát chương trình học tập trên lớp của các em. Đây là một tài liệu cực kỳ hữu ích nhằm giúp các em ôn tập, củng cố và nâng cao vốn tiếng Anh của mình. Trong mỗi đơn vị bài học, chúng tôi đều trình bày đầy đủ các nội dung sau: - Phần lý thuyết: Tập trung vào trọng tâm ngữ pháp của bài học - Phần Week 1: Tập trung vào việc thực hành kiến thức ngôn ngữ của các em. Các em sẽ được rèn luyện ngữ âm, từ vựng và ngữ pháp/ mẫu câu trong phần này. - Phần Week 2: Phần này giúp rèn luyện và hoàn thiện cả 4 kỹ năng giao tiếp: Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh của các em. Kết hợp với các nội dung trong sách là đĩa CD phát âm chuẩn tiếng Anh của người bản ngữ. Chúng tôi tin rằng CD này sẽ hỗ trợ các em rất nhiều trong quá trình rèn luyện kỹ năng giao tiếp tiếng Anh của mình. Lời cuối cùng, chúng tôi mong muốn được gửi lời cảm ơn chân thành nhất tới độc giả, tới các em học sinh, các bậc phụ huynh và các quý thầy cô đã giúp đỡ chúng tôi rất nhiều trong quá trình biên soạn tài liệu quý báu này. Chúng tôi cũng mong muốn được lắng nghe những ý kiến góp ý chân thành nhất của các bậc phụ huynh và các thầy cô giáo để lần tái bản sau cuốn sách sẽ đầy đủ hơn, ý nghĩa hơn. Trân trọng! Tác giả
  3. Unit LOCAL ENVIRONMENT 1 WEEK 1 A THEORY: LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE PRONUNCIATION Liên hệ Zalo 0988 166 193 để xem tài liệu Các nguyên tắc cơ bản của việc nhấn trọng âm trong câu như sau: - Từ thuộc về mặt nội dung (content word): được nhấn trọng âm Những từ mang nghĩa Ví dụ Verb play; love, give, employ, talk, listen, etc. Noun table, book, car, music, desk, etc. Adjective small, big, hot, cold, good, interesting, clever, etc. Adverb loudly, quietly, quickly, loudly, never, etc. Auxiliary verb (negative) isn't, doesn't, don't, can't, aren't, etc. Pronoun demonstrative this, that, those, these, etc. Wh-question when, why, how, who, which, where, etc. - Từ thuộc về mặt cấu trúc (empty word): không được nhấn trọng âm Những từ đúng về mặt cấu trúc Ví dụ Subject pronoun I, you, we, they, he, she, it Preposition on, at, into, of, about, before, after, etc. Article a, an, the Connective words and, but, because, although, so, however, etc. Modal verb can, may, might, would, could, should, must, etc ‘to be’ am, is, are, was, were  GRAMMAR Định nghĩa câu phức Câu phức (complex sentence) là câu có một mệnh đề độc lập (independent clause) và một hoặc nhiều hơn một mệnh đề phụ thuộc (dependent clause) Ví dụ: She had to walk a long street before she could get to her favourite shop.
  4. Mệnh đề độc lập là (independent clause): She had to walk a long street Mệnh đề phụ thuộc là (dependent clause): before she could get to her favourite shop. Một số dạng câu phức thông dụng: Câu phức có chứa mệnh đề trạng ngữ/ phó từ (adverbial clause). - Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự tương phản bắt đầu bởi liên từ although, though, hoặc even though. Mệnh đề này thể hiện những kết quả không mong muốn. Ví dụ: Liên hệ Zalo 0988 166 193 để xem tài liệu Although she was tired, she finished knitting the scarf for her dad. Mặc dù mệt nhưng cô ây vẫn hoàn thành việc đan khăn cho bố mình. - Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ mục đích bắt đầu bằng liền từ so that hoặc in order that. Mệnh đề này thể hiện mục đích của hành động trong mệnh đề độc lập. Ví dụ: The artisan moulded the clay so that he could make a mask. Người thợ thủ công nặn đất sét để có thể tạo ra một cái mặt nạ. - Mệnh đề trạng ngữ để chỉ ra nguyên nhân của vấn đề bắt đầu bởi liên từ because; since hoặc as. Mệnh đề này trả lời cho câu hỏi “Tại sao”. Ví dụ: Because/Since the water is polluted, the fish are dead. Cá chết vì nước bị ô nhiễm. Chú ý: Câu phức có chứa dạng “mệnh đề rút gọn” (incomplete/ elliptical clauses). Ví dụ: Ví dụ 1: The coach could see the game was lost. Ví dụ 2: After studying for his test, he watched television. Trong ví dụ đầu tiên, “that” - là dấu hiệu của mệnh đề danh từ đã bị lược bỏ, mệnh đề đầy đủ là: “that the game was lost”. Trong ví dụ thứ hai chúng ta có thể hiểu ý đầy đủ là : “After he studied for his test.” Câu phức có chứa dạng mệnh đề quan hệ (relative clause) (xem thêm phần: mệnh đề quan hệ) UNIT 1: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT 7
  5. Chú ý: Đặt dấu phẩy câu trong câu phức: Câu phức phải có một mệnh đề độc lập và ít nhất một mệnh đề phụ thuộc. Mệnh đề phụ thuộc này có thể ở đầu câu, giữa câu hoặc cuối câu. Nếu mệnh đề phụ thuộc đứng đầu câu (trước mệnh đề độc lập) thì dấu phẩy được đặt giữa hai mệnh đề, nếu ngược lại thì không có dấu phẩy giữa hai mệnh đề. Ví dụ: Although the dog looked like a mongrel, It was actually a very rare and expensive dog. The dog, although it looked like a mongrel, was actually a very rare and expensive dog. The dog was actually a very rare and expensive dog although it looked like a mongrel. Các câu dù viết theo cách thức nào trong ba cách trên đều không thay đổi về mặt ý nghĩa. B PRACTICE Liên hệ Zalo 0988 166 193 để xem tài liệu Exercise 1: Listen and complete with the words you hear. Then repeat the sentences exactly. (Track 01) 1. is a in the 2. and her often to the on 3. We can of from the 4. The are in their 5. I my it’s very and Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using the given words/ phrases. team-building embroider workshop craft drumheads reminds numerous versatile stage treated cast weave surface craftsman’s frame 1. The traditional village attracts millions of foreign tourists each year. 2. People use buffalo skin to make the 3. His parents want him to take over their family’s which was set up by his grandparents. 4. I need to buy a new for the picture. Do you know any shops near here? 8 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  6. 5. We are looking for a manager with good and leadership skills. 6. It takes great skill to a statue in gold. 7. She can more than fifty bamboo baskets a day. 8. The piece of pottery must be worth a million dollars. 9. They the scarves with flowers to make them more colorful. 10. It’s hard to find a marble with such a smooth and shiny 11. handicraft products from different countries are displayed for sale at the fair. 12. That picture always me of my hometown. 13. The problem of air pollution cannot be until they work together. 14. This basket is extremely - You can use it for lots of different purposes. 15. I’m not allowed to tell you about the plan at this Exercise 3: Choose the best answer. 1. He works as a/ an in his uncle’s workshop. A. attraction B. artisan C. embroider 2. Vietnamese is now available to purchase online. A. lacquer B. lacquers C. lacquerware 3. Those handicrafts may face the challenges of losing their A. authenticity B. sculpture C. craft 4. How many of leaves does a Hue’s conical hat have? A. surface B. layers C. frames 5. I know some interesting tourist in the city that you would love to visit. A. sculptures B. attractions C. handicrafts 6. The car has been in clay. A. moulded B. woven C. embroidered 7. The scarf embroidered with gold is the most expensive one in our shop. A. frame B. layer C. thread 8. Burglars broke into the museum and stole dozens of valuable marble A. crafts B. sculptures C. workshops Liên hệ Zalo 0988 166 193 để xem tài liệu 9. Local people often sell like bracelets, scarves and hats to tourists. A. lacquerware B. artisans C. handicrafts 10. They need to find a solution to the local environment. A. preserve B. cast C. weave 11. The company is going to close one of its stores due to reduced sales. A. on B. to C. down 12. He was thinking of passing the workshop to his eldest son. A. with B. to C. down UNIT 1: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT 9
  7. 13. You had to face up the fact that she would never come back. A. to B. at C. with 14. I just wondered why she turned his offer of help. A. on B. down C. back 15. He is going to set a travel company next year. A. down B. with C. up 16. If she doesn’t turn by 6.15, they will leave the party. A. on B. up C. off 17. He wanted someone to take his role once he retired. A. over B. up C. back 18. His salary isn’t enough for his family to live A. over B. on C. up 19. Do you know what time we will set tomorrow? A. up B. on C. off 20. This craftsman is the most in the village. A. skillful B. skill C. skilled Exercise 4: Choose the options that best fit the blanks. 1. The boys are playing games, the girls are watching TV. A. so B. nor C. and 2. I tried my best in the final test, the result was not as good as I expected. A. but B. so C. for 3. He lost the key, he couldn’t get into the house. A. yet B. or C. so 4. She loves comedies, her husband is interested in action films. A. for B. yet C. or 5. You must do well in the test, you will not graduate. A. so B. or C. for 6. Pop music is so popular, the melody is simple and memorable. A. for B. so C. and 7. I should practice more for the competition, my health hasn’t been excellent recently. A. and B. so C. but 8. You can go to the movies with me, you can go to the concert alone. A. and B. or C. so Exercise 5: Fill in the blank space in each sentence with “and, but, so, or, because, therefore, however”. 1. Polly’s watch was broken she borrowed mine. 2. My family went to Africa we wanted to study the wild animals. 10 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  8. 3. Melissa tried to read the book she couldn’t understand it. 4. She isn’t English , she speaks English perfectly. 5. They went to town bought a lot of clothes. 6. The road was underwater. , the police closed it to traffic. 7. I haven’t got a car I’ve got a motorbike. 8. The air is polluted there’s too much traffic. 9. Which color do you want - red, green, yellow blue? 10. She’s working late next Friday she can’t come to the party. Exercise 6: Choose the best option to complete the sentences. 1. Pelly was tired, he went to bed. A. Because B. Because of 2. He passed the exam he had a good teacher. A. Because B. Because of 3. We stayed in the rain. A. Because B. Because of 4. He was able to go to university his aunt’s help. A. Because B. Because of 5. The price of oranges is high frost damage. A. Because B. Because of 6. I went to see the play, it had good reviews. A. Because B. Because of 7. I enjoy the course the professor is a good teacher. A. Because B. Because of 8. We all felt tired the hot weather. A. Because B. Because of 9. I left home early, I had to do several errands. A. Because B. Because of 10. their interest in comets, they decided to study astronomy. A. Because B. Because of Exercise 7: Rewrite the sentences starting with the given words. 1. He left school because his life was hard.  Because of 2. John succeeded in his exam because of his hard and methodical work.  Because 3. We didn’t want to go out because of the heavy rain.  Because UNIT 1: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT 11
  9. 4. Although he had much experience in machinery, he didn’t succeed in repairing this machine.  Despite 5. In spite of the darkness, they continued to work.  Though 6. We postponed our trip because the driving conditions were bad.  Because of 7. The water in most rivers is unsafe to drink because it is polluted.  Because of 8. We all have received the best of everything because of our generous parents.  Because Exercise 8: Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. 1. Despite her dislikes for coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm. (although)  2. Mary will take a plane, even though she dislikes flying. (in spite of)  3. In spite of Marcy’s sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile. (although)  4. We took many pictures though the sky was cloudy. (despite)  5. Despite her poor memory, the old woman told interesting stories to the children, (even though)  6. Though he has been absent frequently, he has managed to pass the test. (in spite of)  7. Nancy told me the secret despite having promised not to do so. (though)  8. We plan to buy a ticket for the drawing although we know we will not win a prize. (even though)  9. In spite of the high price, my daughters insist on going to the movies every Saturday. (even though)  10. He ate the chocolate cake even though he is on a diet. (in spite of)  Exercise 9: Use a phrase or clause of purpose to combine each pair of sentences below. 1. My father drove carefully. He didn’t want to cause accidents.  12 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  10. 2. Sue dutifully followed her parent’s advice. She didn’t want to cause trouble for her parents.  3. Mr Thompson is learning Vietnamese. He wishes to read the Tale of Kieu.  4. Please shut the door. I don’t want the dog to go out of the house.  5. The farmer built a high wall around his garden. The fruits wouldn’t be stolen.  6. The police stopped the traffic every few minutes. The pedestrians might cross the road.  7. The notices are written in several languages. Everyone may understand them.  8. I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house.  9. Dick is practising the guitar. He can play for the dance.  10. She needs a job. She wants to support her old parents.  11. He moved the front row. He could hear the speaker better.  12. She put the meat Into the oven. She wanted it to be ready for dinner.  13. The boy stood on the benches. They wanted to get a better view.  14. We lower the volume of the radio. We don’t want to bother our neighbours.  15. I will write to you. I want you to know my decision soon.  Exercise 10: Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun. 1. The man paid for the meal was a friend of Tom’s. 2. The meeting we had to attend went on for three hours. 3. My office, is on the second floor of the building, is very small. 4. Jane works for a company makes shoes. 5. The woman I was sitting next to talked all the time. 6. This school is only for children first language is not English. 7. Laura had a wooden box, she kept her photos in. 8. I don’t know the name of the woman to I spoke on the phone. 9. Towns attract tourists are usually crowded in the summer. UNIT 1: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT 13
  11. 10. Somewhere I’ve got a photo of the mountain we climbed. 11. The sun, is one of millions of stars in the universe, provides us with heat and light. 12. I thought I recognized the assistant served us. 13. Which is the European country economy is growing the fastest? 14. John, speaks French and Italian, works as a tour guide. 15. The detective lost sight of the man he was following. 16. She told me her address, I wrote down on a piece of paper. 17. Sarah, you met yesterday, works in advertising. 18. I’m afraid the numbers I chose didn’t win the prize. 19. Electronics is a subject about I know very little. 20. Mark, car had broken down, was in a very bad mood. WEEK 2 COMMUNICATION SKILLS Exercise 1: Listen and complete the text about Bat Trang Village. (Track 02) BAT TRANG VILLAGE Bat Trang traditional village of Hanoi is a tourist (1) for both domestic and foreign tourists. Stores at Bat Trang show products in different shapes and styles. Made by family companies, the price here is quite (2) A lot of people from surrounding regions and abroad come here to buy their favorite (3) products. Apart from daily items such as pots, cups, plates, stores sell a wide range of goods such as interior decorations, worship items, etc. Ceramic (4) are selected by many customers. You can buy souvenirs like necklaces, (5) , key chains, and piggy banks to present to your relatives and friends. Visiting the ceramic village, tourists are able to take part in many entertainment activities such as riding buffalo to visit the village. (6) cannot miss out making a handmade ceramic gift. You will be provided a rotating table and a tray of clay. Shopkeepers will guide you in how to create a ceramic product. Finally, you can feel free to shape your product. Shapes like cups, pots, and bowlware are easy to make. After finishing your product, it takes one hour to dry. And then, you will (7) it with available colors. The fee for making a ceramic product is VND10,000 and each take-away product is VND30,000. Near the ceramic village are many (8) You can enjoy dishes like rice cake, cassava bread, hotdog, grilled sweet potato, sugarcane juice, etc. 14 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  12. Exercise 2: Listen and answer the questions below. (Track 03) 1. What’s Doi Tam Village famous for? 2. When did the craft first appear in the village? 3. How many drum makers are there in Doi Tam Village? 4. What do the craftsmen have to do to make a drum? 5. Which countries are Doi Tam drums introduced to? Exercise 3: Give the correct form of the words in the brackets. Some people ask me if I like living in my hometown. The answer is certainly ‘yes’. The simple reason is that it has lots of (1. interest) places. If you want to widen your knowledge of the past, you can go to the museum. It’s a (2. history) building, with a big collection of valuable artefacts. There is also a craft village in my hometown. There, the (3. village) make drums. Their drums are not only famous in the (4. local) level, but also nationwide. You can visit the old workshop, where drums are still made in the traditional way. Some of them are huge! Another (5. attract) in my hometown is the local library. It’s an (6. educate) place where anyone can borrow books and take them home to read. Besides, it also has a (7. read) club. I’m one of its members, and we gather once a week to discuss what we’ve read together. My hometown is also a (8. culture) centre, with many traditional festivals and activities. I love it very much. Exercise 4: Read the passage and choose the best option to complete it. Dear Elisa, Thanks very much for your email. It was fun to read about the places you find interesting. I (1) to go to museums in my free time. There are several museums in my city, but I like the Museum of Fine Arts the most. I love art, so (2) I have free time, I go to this museum. There’s a great mix (3) art from across the eras, including some really impressive modern Vietnamese paintings. What I especially like about the museum is that (4) of its galleries have an introduction in Vietnamese, English, and French. It (5) that I can learn lots of English while enjoying the art works. Another place of interest that I love is the (6) park. It’s near my house, so I go there almost every day. Sometimes I go for a walk around the park with my mother. Sometimes I choose a beautiful place in it to sit and draw some sketches. And sometimes I just sit (7) a bench, doing nothing, just watching people passing by. It’s really relaxing. UNIT 1: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT 15
  13. I hope someday I’ll have a(n) (8) to visit your National Portrait Gallery and Hyde Park. Sincerely, Tom 1. A. d’ like B. interested in C. also D. will 2. A. because B. though C. that D. when 3. A. in B. of C. on D. with 4. A. all B. one C. none D. not 5. A. means B. shows C. proves D. tells 6. A. locality B. small C. area D. local 7. A. in B. at C. on D. with 8. A. chance B. holiday C. time D. choice Exercise 5: Read the text and do the task below. Last year I visited the Somerset Levels, a coastal plain and wetland area in Somerset, South West England. This area is home to one of Somerset’s oldest traditional crafts - willow basket making. Basket making began in the area a long time ago. At the beginning of the 19th century, more than three thousand acres of willow trees were planted commercially there because the area provided an excellent natural habitat for their cultivation. I’d seen willow baskets before I visited the Levels, but I was still amazed at the numerous products created by the basket makers there. They make lobster pots, bread trays, and even passenger baskets for hot air balloons. Although the arrival of plastics in the 1950s caused the basket making industry to decline, willow growing and basket making have continued to play a significant role in Somerset’s rural economy. Willow growers and basket makers have dealt with this challenge by finding new markets and innovative ways of using willow. They make willow charcoal for artists and bower seats for gardens. Some even weave willow coffins. Therefore, people here can still live on the craft that their great-grandparents passed down to them. a. Decide T (true)/ F (false) for each statement. 16 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  14. No Statements T F 1. Willow basket making is the oldest traditional craft in Somerset.   Willows can grow well in the area because of its favourable   2. natural conditions. The presence of plastic products did not affect the growth of the   3. basket making industry in the area in the 1950s. 4. Basket making does not play an important role in the area now.   Willow growers and basket makers have found new ways to   5. promote their industry. 6. Basket makers can live on their craft nowadays.   b. Answer the questions. 1. Where are the Somerset Levels? 2. How many acres of willows were planted commercially there at the beginning of the 19th century? 3. How did the author feel when he visited the place? 4. What are some innovative products made in the area? 5. Is basket making passed down through generations? Exercise 6: Combine the sentences using the words in brackets. 1. There are modern knitting machines. The artisans in my village like using traditional looms. (although) 2. Many children like to go to Bat Trang Ceramic village. They can make their own pottery there. (as) 3. We have to follow more than ten stages. We can make a simple conical hat. (so that) 4. Sinh paintings are special. They are burned after worship. (since) 5. We’ll have to phone you first. Then we’ll organise the trip. (before) 6. We were visiting an old building. They were going to a traditional market. (while) UNIT 1: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT 17
  15. 7. Mary often goes home as soon as the class is over. She doesn’t want her mother to wait for her. (so that) 8. Linda didn’t go to school yesterday. She was ill. (because) 9. The artisan moulded the copper to make a bronze drum. (so that) 10. I was tired after a long trip. I still went to visited Tay Ho conical hat making village right away. (although) 11. It rained heavily. We cancelled the trip to the famous Bat Trang craft village. (since) 12. I am going to the cinema with my friend this weekend to see the latest 60 Ocean Explore film. (in order that) Exercise 7: Choose the best option to complete the sentences. 1. Tom wakes his parents up playing the guitar very softly. A. because B. in spite of C. because of D. although 2. she was very hard working; she hardly earned enough to feed her family. A. In spite of B. Because C. Because of D. Although 3. I went to the club last Saturday the heavy rain. A. because of B. because C. in spite of D. though 4. Despite the fact that it rained, we enjoyed our trip. A. Because of the rain B. Though it is raining C. Despite of the heavy rain D. Though it rained 5. Although he is very old, he can walk to the station. A. In spite of his old age B. Despite his old age C. Despite the fact that he is old D. All are correct 6. The boy can’t reach the shelf he’s not tall enough. A. because B. although C. even though D. and 7. Nam failed the final exam he was lazy. A. while B. though C. because D. but 18 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  16. 8. We didn’t go for a walk it was very cold. A. though B. because C. but D. so 9. I’m learning English I want to get a better job. A. or B. because C. therefore D. but 10. Lan couldn’t pass the exam she is too lazy. A. because B. because of C. although D. in spite of 11. Many people believe him he often tells a lie. A. because B. in spite of C. although D. because of 12. her poverty, she feels happy. A. Although B. Because C. If D. In spite of 13. In spite of his hard work, he could not finish the job. A. As hard as he work B. Despite he worked hard C. Though he worked hard D. Although hard work 14. Tom went to work although he didn’t feel very well. A. that he did not feel very well B. despite of the fact not feeling well C. because he did not feel very well D. despite not feeling very well 15. I have tried hard but I can’t earn enough money. A. Although I have tried hard, but I can’t earn enough money. B. Although I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money. C. In spite of I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money. D. Despite I have tried hard, but I can’t earn enough money. 16. She couldn’t unlock it she had the wrong key. A. while B. but C. though D. because 17. We watched TV the whole evening we had nothing better to do. A. because B. though C. so D. but 18. They decided not to go out for a meal they were too tired. A. so B. because C. but D. if 19. Last night we came to the show late the traffic was terrible A. although B. despite C. and D. because 20. his broken leg, he didn’t come to class yesterday. A. Because B. Because of C. Despite D. So UNIT 1: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT 19
  17. Unit CITY LIFE 2 WEEK 1 A THEORY: LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE  PRONUNCIATION Hầu hết các đại từ nhân xưng đều có dạng phát âm nhấn mạnh và dạng yếu. Thông thường, ta dùng dạng yếu. Tuy vậy khi các đại từ này có ý nghĩa đặc biệt quan trọng hoặc bởi vì người nói muốn thể hiện sự tương phản, thì người nói sẽ sử dụng dạng nhấn mạnh. Ví dụ 1: Ví dụ 2: A: Who told lies? A. Who broke the vase? Ai đã nói dối? Ai làm vỡ chiếc bình? B. Not me. She did it. B. Not me. He did. Không phải tôi. Cô ta đã nói dối. Không phải tớ. Anh ta đã làm vỡ.  GRAMMAR I. Equal comparison of adjectives and adverbs (Dạng so sánh bằng của tính từ và trạng từ) Ta dùng “as as” khi muốn nói về hai sự vật, sự việc giống nhau a. Form (+) S1 + be/ verb + as + adj/ adv + as + S2 Ví dụ: - He sings as well as his brother. - She runs as fast as her classmate. Chú ý: Trong câu phủ định, từ as thứ nhất có thể thay bằng so. - Linda isn't so tall as her friend. - My mother can't cook so well as your mother. II. Comparative form of adjectives and adverbs (Dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ và trạng từ) a. Đối với tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn 20 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  18. Tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn là những tính từ/ trạng từ dạng ngắn (chỉ có 1 âm tiết) hoặc những từ có 2 âm tiết trở lên nhưng có tận cùng là y, er, ow, et. S1 + be/ V + adj/adv + er + than + S2 Ví dụ: - Summer is hotter than winter. - They are happier than their parents. Chú ý: Cách thêm đuôi "er" vào sau adj - Những tính từ tận cùng là “e” thì thêm “r”: larger, wider - Những tính từ tận cùng là 1 phụ âm trừ âm w, trước đó là 1 nguyên âm thì ta gấp đôi phụ âm: Ví dụ: hotter, bigger - Những tính từ tận cùng là “y” trước đó là 1 phụ âm thì chuyển “y” thành “ier”: Ví dụ: happier, noisier b. Đối vời những tính từ/ trạng từ dài Tính từ/trạng từ có từ 2 âm tiết trở lên trừ những trường hợp ở trên được coi là tình từ/trạng từ dài. S1 + be/ V + more + adj/ adv + than + S2 Ví dụ: - This house is more beautiful than that house. - Your cellphone is more expensive than my cellphone. III. Superlative of adjectives and adverbs (Dạng so sánh nhất của tính từ và trạng từ) a. So sánh hơn nhất đối với tính từ ngắn và trạng từ ngắn: S + be/ V + the + adj/ adv-est Ví dụ: It is the darkest time in my life. Đó là khoảng thời gian tăm tối nhất trong cuộc đời tôi. He runs the fastest in my class. Anh ấy chạy nhanh nhất lớp tôi. b. So sánh hơn nhất đối với tính từ dài và trạng từ dài: S + be/ V + the + most + adj/ adv Ví dụ. She is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. Cô ấy là cô gái xinh nhất mà tôi từng gặp. UNIT 6: VIETNAM: NOW AND THEN 21
  19. He drives the most carelessly among three drivers. Anh ấy lái xe ẩu nhất trong số ba người tài xế. Chú ý: a. Một số tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng có tận cùng là “y, le, ow, er” khi sử dụng ở so sánh hơn hay so sánh hơn nhất nó áp dụng cấu trúc so sánh hơn của tính từ ngắn. Tính từ So sánh hơn So sánh hơn nhất happy happier the happiest simple simpler the simplest narrow narrower the narrowest clever cleverer the cleverest Ví dụ: Now they are happier than they were before. Bây giờ họ hạnh phúc hơn trước kia. Ta thấy “happy” là một tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng khi sử dụng so sánh hơn, ta sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh hơn của tính từ ngắn. b. Một số tính từ và trạng từ bất quy tắc: Tính từ/ Trạng từ So sánh hơn So sánh hơn nhất good/ well better the best bad/ badly worse the worst many/ much more the most a little/ little less the least far farther/ further the farthest/ furthest 22 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  20. B PRACTICE Exercise 1: Complete the sentences using the given words. 1. Tourists can see a wide of hand-made things at the event. A. lot B. variety C. many 2. He was hired for the position because he is A. reliability B. reliably C. reliable 3. There are many stores in the area of the city. A. downtown B. suburb C. mountain 4. Most big companies are built and developed in areas. A. urban B. rural C. mountainous 5. He wants to buy an car because he doesn’t have much money. A. expensive B. affordable C. rich 6. The research on tourism was by scientists at the most famous national university. A. conduction B. conductive C. conducted 7. New Zealand is one of the countries of A. Oceania B. Asian C. Asian and Pacific 8. Economic this year are better than those of last year. A. indicator B. indicators C. indicative Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using the given words. overcrowding packed shelter extended atmosphere 1. Many people prefer to live in the countryside rather than in big cities because of its peaceful 2. Refugees and homeless people in the city need to be donated food to eat and a to sleep. 3. The roads are as one of the solutions to deal with traffic jams. 4. in the neighborhood is one of the causes of social evils. 5. We decided to move to another restaurant because the other restaurant was Exercise 3: Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (better/ the best). 2. Pat’s car is (faster/ fastest) than Dan’s. 3. John is (less/ the least) energetic of all the men. 4. Does Fred feel (weller/ better) today than he did yesterday? 5. My cat is the (prettier/ prettiest) of the two. 6. This vegetable soup tastes very (good/ best) 7. David is the (happier/ happiest) person that we know. UNIT 6: VIETNAM: NOW AND THEN 23
  21. 8. This summery is (the better/ the best) of the pair. 9. Jim has as (few/ fewer) opportunities to play tennis as I do. 10. The museum is (the farther/ the farthest) away of the three buildings. Exercise 4: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the words in brackets. 1. Learning to speak a language is often much (easy) than learning to write it. 2. This hotel must be (expensive) than the small one next door. 3. He is certainly (unusual) person I have ever met. 4. His latest film is (interesting) than his previous ones. 5. What is (difficult) thing you have ever done? 6. Losing your credit card is (bad) than losing your money. 7. Bringing up children is one of (hard) jobs in the world. 8. When I saw her, she looked much (thin) than I remembered her. Exercise 5. Complete the sentences below, using the suitable comparison form of the adjectives from the box. warm comfortable cheap intelligent lucky simple boring hot difficult happy 1. - This exercise is too easy. - Can’t we try a one? 2. - England is too cold in spring. - Let’s go to Spain where is 3. - She comes top in all exams. - She must be girl in the class. 4. - The temperature in July reaches forty-four degrees. - It’s month of the year. 5. - Let’s buy this video. It doesn’t cost too much. - It’s the other one. 6. - When I passed my driving test, it was the day of my life. 7. - Lying down in bed is sitting on a hard chair. 8. - I could hardly keep awake. - It was film I’ve ever seen. 9. - She’s person I know. She is always winning prizes in lotteries. 10. - I can’t do this test - can you give me a one? Exercise 6. Use comparative + and + comparative to complete the sentences below. 24 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  22. 1. The company expanded rapidly. It grew (big) all the time. 2. Cathy got (bored) in her job. In the end, she left. 3. My bag seemed to get (heavy) as I carried them. 4. As I waited for my interview, I became (nervous) 5. As the day went on, the weather got (bad) 6. Healthcare is becoming (expensive) 7. As the conversation went on, Tom became (talkative) 8. These days, (many) people are learning English. 9. The company’s share price went (high) 10. Life got (good) for boss Bob Watt as the company became (successful) 11. Life in the modern world is becoming (complex) 12. When I get excited, my heart beats (fast) 13. The little boy seemed to get (upset) 14. It’s getting (difficult) to find a job. 15. The noise got (loud) as we approached the house. Exercise 7. Complete the second sentence so that the meaning stays the same. 1. His previous CD wasn’t as popular as this one.  This CD 2. I am not as interested in football as you are.  You 3. The film was less interesting than I had expected.  The film 4. Britain isn’t as warm as Greece.  Greece 5. I have been to fewer countries than you have.  I haven’t 6. Couldn’t you find a better hotel?  Is this 7. Long is not as careful as Thang.  Thang 8. He has never behaved so violently before.  He is behaving 9. As television programs become more popular, they seem to get worse.  The more 10. Tom works better when he is happy.  The UNIT 6: VIETNAM: NOW AND THEN 25
  23. Exercise 8. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1. As she did so, her parents became A. the angriest B. the most angry C. the more angry D. angrier and angrier 2. People should eat and do to reduce the risk of heart disease. A. less fat/ more exercise B. less and less fat/ the more exercise C. the less fat/ the more exercise D. fatter/ more exercise 3. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food the food is, he likes it. A. The hotter/ the more and more B. The hotter/the more C. The more and more hot/ the more D. The hottest/ the most 4. Of course you can come to the party A. The more the merrier B. The more and the merrier C. The more and merrier D. The more and more merrier 5. I feel I did yesterday. A. much more tired than B. many more tired than C. as many tired as D. as more tired as 6. She is a spectator. A. more an athlete than B. more of an athlete than C. an athlete more than D. an athlete of more than 7. His house is mine. A. twice as big as B. as twice big as C. as two times big as D. as big as twice 8. live in Ho Chi Minh City than in the whole of the rest of the country. A. As much as people B. More people C. As many as people D. People more 9. It gets to understand what the professor has explained. A. the more difficult B. more difficult than C. difficult more and more D. more and more difficult 10. You must drive more slowly in built up areas you drive in the city, it is that you will have an accident. A. The faster and faster/ the more B. The faster/ the more probable 26 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  24. C. The more and more fast/ the more and more probable D. The more fastly/ the probable 11. The party was I had expected. A. more a hundred times funny than B. a hundred times funny more than C. a hundred times funnier than D. a hundred times more funny than 12. He finds physics other science subjects. A. far more difficult than B. many more difficult than C. too much more difficult than D. more much difficult than 13. he drank, he became. A. More/ more violent C. The more/ the more violent B. The most/ the most violent D. The less/ less violent 14. Mary was of the two sisters. A. the clever B. as clever as C. the cleverer D. the cleverest 15. French is a language to learn than English is. A. difficult B. more difficult C. most difficult D. more and more difficult 16. The cuisine of France is A. more famous than that of England B. famous than the cuisine of England C. more famous than which of England D. as famous than that of England 17. Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most. he becomes, he is. A. The more rich/ the more happy B. The richest/ the happiest C. The richer/ the happier D. Richer and richer/ happier and happier 18. The faster we finish, A. the sooner we can leave B. we can leave sooner and sooner C. the sooner can we leave D. we can leave the sooner 19. Of all athletes, Alex is A. the less qualified B. the less and less qualified C. the more and more qualified D. the least qualified 20. The climber was seventy miles in the wrong direction and got A. more panicked B. the more panicked C. more than panicked D. more and more panicked UNIT 6: VIETNAM: NOW AND THEN 27
  25. KEY UNIT 1: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT WEEK 1 LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE Exercise 1: Listen and complete with the words you hear. Then repeat the sentences exactly. (Track 01) 1. There is a big museum in the city. 2. Linda and her friends often go to the park on Sunday. 3. We can learn lots of things from the museum. 4. The local people are very skillful in their job. 5. I love my village because it’s very beautiful and quiet. Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using the given words/ phrases. 1. craft 6. cast 11. Numerous 2. drumheads 7. weave 12. reminds 3. workshop 8. craftsman’s 13. treated 4. frame 9. embroider 14. versatile 5. team-building 10. surface 15. stage Exercise 3: Choose the best answer. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A Exercise 4: Choose the options that best fit the blanks. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B Exercise 5: Fill in the blank space in each sentence with “and, but, so, or, because, therefore, however”. 1. so 2. because 3. but 4. However 5. and 28 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  26. 6. Therefore 7. but 8. and 9. or 10. so Exercise 6: Choose the best option to complete the sentences. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. B Exercise 7: Rewrite the sentences starting with the given words. 1. Because of his hard life, he left school. 2. Because John worked hard and methodically, he succeeded in his exam. 3. Because it rained heavily, we didn’t want to go out. 4. Despite having much experience in machinery, he didn’t succeed in repairing this machine. 5. Though it was dark, they continued to work. 6. Because of bad driving conditions, we postponed our trip. 7. Because of its pollution, the water in most rivers is unsafe to drink. 8. Because our parents are generous, we all have received the best of everything. Exercise 8: Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. 1. Although she dislikes coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm. 2. Mary will take a plane in spite of not liking flying. 3. Although Marcy was sad at losing the contest, she managed to smile. 4. We took many pictures despite the cloudy sky. 5. Even though her memory was poor, the old woman told interesting stories to the children. 6. In spite of having been absent frequently, he has managed to pass the test. 7. Nancy told me the secret though she had promised not to do so. 8. We plan to buy a ticket for the drawing even though we know we will not win a prize. 9. Even though the price is high, my daughters insist on going to the movies every Saturday. 10. He ate the chocolate cake in spite of being on a diet. Exercise 9: Use a phrase or clause of purpose to combine each pair of sentences below. 1. My father drove carefully so that he wouldn’t cause accidents. 2. Sue dutifully followed her parent’s advice so as not to cause the trouble for her parents. 3. Mr Thompson is learning Vietnamese in order to read the “Tale of Kieu” 4. Please shut the door so that the dog won’t go out of the house. 5. The farmer built a high wall around his garden so that the fruits wouldn’t be stolen. 6. The police stopped the traffic every few minutes so that the pedestrians might cross the road. TRANSCRIPT 29
  27. 7. The notices are written in several languages so that everyone may understand them. 8. I wish to have enough money to buy a new house. 9. Dick is practising the guitar so that he can play for the dance. 10. She needs a job to support her old parents. 11. He moved the front row so that he could hear the speaker better. 12. She put the meat into the oven in order for it to be ready for dinner. 13. The boy stood on the benches so that they could get a better view. 14. We lower the volume of the radio in order not to bother our neighbours. 15. I will write to you in order for you to know my decision soon. Exercise 10: Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun. 1. who 2. which 3. which 4. which 5. whom 6. whose 7. which 8. whom 9. which 10. which 11. which 12. who 13. whose 14. who 15. whom 16. which 17. whom 18. which 19. which 20. whose WEEK 2 COMMUNICATION SKILLS Exercise 1: Listen and complete the text about Bat Trang Village. (Track 02) 1. attraction 2. reasonable 3. ceramic 4. pictures 5. bracelets 6. Tourists 7. decorate 8. stores Exercise 2: Listen and answer the questions below. (Track 03) 1. It’s famous for its drum making techniques 2. The craft first appeared in the village sometime in the 8th or 9th century. 3. There are more than six hundred drum makers in Doi Tam Village. 4. They have to follow an eight stage process. 5. They are introduced to Laos, Cambodia, Japan, and the USA. Exercise 3: Give the correct form of the words in the brackets. 1. interesting 2. historic 3. villagers 4. local 5. attraction 6. educational 7. reading 8. cultural Exercise 4: Read the passage and choose the best option to complete it. 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A Exercise 5: Read the text and do the task below. a. Decide T (true)/ F (false) for each statement. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 30 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  28. b. Answer the questions. 1. It’s in South West England 2. There are more than three thousand acres of willows. 3. He was amazed. 4. They make willow charcoal, bower seats and willow coffins. 5. Yes, it is. Exercise 6: Combine the sentences using the words in brackets. 1. Although there are modern knitting machines, the artisans in my village like using traditional looms. 2. Many children like to go to Bat Trang Ceramic village as they can make their own pottery there. 3. We have to follow more than ten stages so that we can make a simple conical hat. 4. Sinh paintings are special since they are burned after worship. 5. We’ll have to phone you first before we organise the trip. 6. We were visiting an old building while they were going to a traditional market. 7. Mary often goes home as soon as the class is over so that her mother won’t wait for her. 8. Linda didn’t go to school yesterday because she was ill. 9. The artisan moulded the copper so that they could make a bronze drum. 10. Although I was tired after a long trip, I went to visited Tay Ho conical hat making village right away. 11. Since it rained heavily, we cancelled the trip to the famous Bat Trang craft village. 12. I am going to the cinema with my friend this weekend in order that I can see the latest 6D Ocean Explore film. Exercise 7: Choose the best option to complete the sentences. 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. B TRANSCRIPT 31
  29. UNIT 2: CITY LIFE WEEK 1 LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE Exercise 1: Complete the sentences using the given words. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using the given words. 1. atmosphere 2. shelter 3. extended 4. Overcrowding 5. packed Exercise 3: Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1. the best 2. faster 3. the least 4. better 5. prettier 6. good 7. happiest 8. the better 9. few 10. the farthest Exercise 4: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the words in brackets. 1. easier 2. more expensive 3. the most unusual 4. more interesting 5. the most difficult 6. worse 7. the hardest 8. thinner Exercise 5. Complete the sentences below, using the suitable comparison form of the adjectives from the box. 1. more difficult 6. happiest 2. warmer 7. more comfortable than 3. the most intelligent 8. the most boring 4. the hottest 9. the luckiest 5. cheaper than 10. simpler Exercise 6. Use comparative + and + comparative to complete the sentences below. 1. bigger and bigger 2. bored and bored 3. heavier and heavier 4. more and more nervous 5. worse and worse 6. more and more expensive 7. more and more talkative 8. more and more 9. higher and higher 10. better and better; more and more successful 11. more and more complex 12. faster and faster 13.more and more upset 14. more and more difficult 32 BÀI TẬP CUỐI TUẦN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – TẬP 1
  30. 15. louder and louder Exercise 7. Complete the second sentence so that the meaning stays the same. 1. This CD is more popular than the previous CD. 2. You are more interested in football than me. 3. The film was more boring than I had expected. 4. Greece is warmer than Britain. 5. I haven’t been to as many countries as you have. 6. Is this the best hotel you could find? 7. Thang is more careful than Long. 8. He is behaving more violently than before. 9. The more popular the television programs become, the worse they seem to get. 10. The happier Tom is, the better he works. Exercise 8. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. D MỤC LỤC Unit 1: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT 1 Unit 2: CITY LIFE 15 Unit 3: TEEN STRESS AND PRESSURE 26 Unit 4: LIFE IN THE PAST 39 Unit 5: WONDERS OF VIETNAM 50 Unit 6: VIETNAM: THEN AND NOW 60 TRANSCRIPT 33