Childrens librarian volunteer Listening answers

Choose the correct letter A,BorC

The woman says she is interested in

1 The librarian says that training always includes

2 All library service volunteers have to

A record their arrival and departure.

B stay within staff only sections.

3 The woman would be entitled to a contribution towards the cost of

4 One recent library project involved

A labelling historical objects.

B protecting historical photographs.

C cataloguing historical documents.

5 At present, the library is looking for people to

B tell stories to children.

C read books to the blind.

6 The woman says she is interested in a project involving

A taking library books to people in hospital.

B delivering library books to people at home.

C driving the disabled to the library.

7 The woman agrees to work for

ChooseTHREElettersA-G. WhichTHREEof the following must be provided by all volunteers?

B signed copy of commitment

C certificates to indicate qualifications

D emergency contact information

F signature of parent or guardian

Complete the sentences below.


11Canadian Clean Air Day will be held on11)__________

12Air pollution may be responsible for12)__________deaths every year inCanada.

13The sector most responsible for smog-producing pollutants is13)__________

14Scientists now know that even14)__________of pollutants can be harmful.

Complete the notes below.


respond to the 15)__________Challenge

walk, cycle or car-pool to work

17)__________your domestic equipment

emission reduction in the 18)__________region of US and Canada

move towards 19)__________ ( e.g. less sulphur in gasoline & diesel)

reduction of pollutants from 20)__________and power plants.

Complete the notes below.

WriteNO MORE THAN THREE WORDSfor each answer.

Area of country: the 21__________of Kenya

Accommodation: Marich Pass Field Studies Centre

in traditional bandas (bring mosquito 22__________ )

study areas: 23__________ , lecture room, outdoor areas

Type of environment: both 24__________and semi-arid plains

interviews (with interpreters)

25__________ (environment and culture)

morphological mapping

projects (all connected with 26 __________ issues)

Jacks group did project on: 27__________ supply and quality issues

to Sigor (a 28__________) to study distribution

to the Wei Wei valley to study agricultural production

logistics well run

gave insight into lives of others

provided input for his 30 __________

Complete the flow chart below.

WriteONE WORDfor each answer

Discussion with supermarket department manager to decide on the stores31________for the website

Decision to investigate website use as a32________way for customers to communicate problems

Design of questionnaire to identify customers experiences and33________to problems

Data collected from34________with customers in four branches of the supermarket

Choose the correct letter,A, BorC

35Which pie chart shows the percentage of respondents who experienced a problem in the supermarket?
36Which pie chart shows the reasons why customers failed to report the problem directly to supermarket staff?

37 How might the students website help the supermarket, according to the manager?

A It would support the expansion of the company.

B It would allow the identification of problem areas.

C It would make the company appear more professional.

38 The student says one problem is that some customers

A do not have computer skills.

B do not have their own computer.

C do not have access to a computer.

39 Further observation of website use is necessary because of

A the small size of the sample.

B the need to evaluate the objectives.

C the unrepresentative nature of the respondents.

40 One positive result of the website for the supermarket staff could be

A greater support from management.

B less chance of unfair complaints.

C greater cooperation between staff.


10. B, D, G in any order: