double downs là gì - Nghĩa của từ double downs

double downs có nghĩa là

to engage in risky behavior, especially when one is already in a dangerous situation. This figurative usage as appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary is a meaningful explanation of “double down” other than the ubiquitous “to double the wager in exchange for only one additional card in Blackjack gambit” in every online dictionary.


Don’t try to double down the exposures of your retirement money in aggressive investments It is the time to double down on the commitment of solar energy, rather than to scale back HP is going to double down on Palm’s webOS

double downs có nghĩa là

Originally a term used in the card game blackjack, where a player doubles their original bet in exchange for exactly one additional card; most useful when the remaining deck is offering extremely favorable odds of making a total of twenty-one. The term is increasingly used as a media euphemism when political figures tell bald-faced lies and when confronted with contradictory statements, the politician not only fails to retract their claims but instead expresses an increased certainty in their truth.


The political candidate claimed that 99% of the violent crimes committed in the United States were perpetrated by Canadians. When challenged with data indicating that in fact less that 0.1 percent of crimes are committed by Canadians, the candidate opted to double down, claiming that the data was incorrect. Further, the candidate pledged to, if elected, expel all US citizens with Canadian ancestry from the country.

double downs có nghĩa là

1. Having sex with more then one person at once, most usually a girl taking on two guys and even more specifically alternating between blowing one and the other.

2. In blackjack, to double your current bet at your turn, in return for which you get one more card and then no more. In what situations this is allowed and/or advicable varies somewhat depending on the casino, but if no card counting is done, it's usually a good move on all hands totaling 11 and some totaling 10.


Hey Sue, heard you doubled down last night.

11 to the dealers 6? Double down, no question.

double downs có nghĩa là

Oral Sex with a man that involves the full spectrum of male genitalia, including but not limited to the penis, balls, and perineum. Named for the likeness to the KFC sandwich, i.e. salty, cheese, and all meat.


Verb: Stephanie didn't just go down on him; she went double-down. Noun: Man, I could really go for a double down right about now.

double downs có nghĩa là

The act of performing oral sex to both the genitalia (m/f) and anus.


"I would totally double down on Bjork."

double downs có nghĩa là

After a hard session of pumping iron, you come home and ejaculate into a cup. You then combine protein powder with the semen in the cup to create an extra potent protein shake. This process has the added benefits of raising ones testosterone levels (by climaxing), and making you feel as though you are saving the world through recycling.


"After doing chest and tri today I only had one scoop of 24g protein powder, so I decided to double down to boost my recovery." "Dude... that's really gay..." "Nah bro, these dancing pecs get me so much pussy at the bar."

double downs có nghĩa là

A sandwich that a company markets hardcore to get people excited for, but it doesnt live up to the hype.


Dude I heard some much buildup for the double down but when I tried it was just run of the mill.

double downs có nghĩa là

A KFC sandwich which features two boneless white meat chicken filets (Original Recipe® or Grilled), two pieces of bacon, two melted slices of Monterey Jack and pepper jack cheese and Colonel's Sauce. The sandwich was originally advertised as only having 540 calories but later analysis by 3rd parties placed the calorie count closer to 1190 calories.


Did you see the line of fat people outside of KFC when the Double-Down was first served? That's gonna be the saddest gathering of KFC Regret in history!

double downs có nghĩa là

v. Upon completion of defecation, standing up and wiping, a sudden and overwhelming urge occurs, compelling the person to immediately sit down and defecate once again.


Just as Fred felt as though he had stopped shitting like a demon; he got up and wiped himself clean. Then all of a sudden a sharp pain in his lower abdomen forced him to double down on the toilet and shit once again.

double downs có nghĩa là

The "Double-Down" is a famous rap song made known by the notorious BIG D. BIG D makes his presence known in the streets of Chicago beat boxing where anyone who is important walks. When it is your first time hearing the magic of the "Double-Down", BIG D is gonna bring it to ya nice and one knows why.
The "Double-Down" has no lyrics just "da da da da Double-Down". But surprisingly, when song with different pitches, tones and beats at certain times, the "Double-Down" is very entertaining.
In the future BIG D is gonna make a tight dance to go along with the "Double-Down" and bust some more verses for his song.
The "Double-Down" is a must hear whenever you are in Chi-Town.


Yo have you guys ever heard of the "Double-Down"?

Hey Walter I just heard the "Double-Down" by BIG D!!

Pop, crack, snap and jangle! the "Double-Down" by BIG D is my favorite song!!