How do i filter special characters in excel?


You may use Advance Filter

For such sample

keep B1 empty and in B2 formula


which checks if in text are any non-ascii characters - UNICODE()>=132

After that select your entire range in column A, Data->Advanced Filter and here

You may filter in place, but better to copy filtered data into new column.

While filtering in Excel, no direct command can filter the special characters. In this particular situation, we had to apply a custom filter in different ways. In this article, we’ll cover those easy ways to filter special characters in Excel with sharp steps and clear illustrations.

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What Is Special Character?

The non-alphabetic and non-numeric characters are called the special characters. the punctuation marks and other symbols on our keyboard like ~,&,?,>,*,&,$,@ are examples of special characters. Special characters are widely used in programming languages.

Using Custom Autofilter to Filter Special Characters in Excel

First of all, get introduced to our dataset first which represents some person’s phone numbers. Take a look, there are some special characters within the numbers. Now we’ll use the Custom Autofilter command to filter for specific special characters.

How do i filter special characters in excel?

1. Applying Filter for Single Special Character

In our very first section, we’ll apply the Custom Autofilter of Excel to filter out only one kind of special character from the data.


  • First, select any cell from the dataset.
  • Click as follows: Home > Sort & Filter > Filter.

How do i filter special characters in excel?

Now see the triangular filter icon available in every header of the dataset.

  • Next, click on the filter icon of the Phone Number column.
  • Then from the drop-down menu, click as follows: Text Filters > Custom Filter.

From the image below, also see that it is only showing the whole phone numbers, there are no options with individual special characters to filter by default.

How do i filter special characters in excel?

  • After that, select contains from the top-left dropdown box.

How do i filter special characters in excel?

  • Or, you can directly click as follows: Text Filters > Contains to open the Custom Autofilter dialog box with contains command at once.

How do i filter special characters in excel?

  • Later, always insert the Tilde character (~) before the special character which you want to search for in the next text box. I filtered out for Question mark character (?).
  • Finally, just press OK.

How do i filter special characters in excel?

Now have a look, it’s now showing all the cells with the ‘?’ character.

How do i filter special characters in excel?

Read More: Apply Formula to Identify Special Characters in Excel (4 Methods)

2. Filtering for Two Special Characters in Excel

You can search for two characters at once, which means it will filter those cells which have both two characters. For we’ll just use the And operator in the Custom Autofilter dialog box.


  • First, follow the first four steps from the first section to open the Custom Autofilter dialog box.
  • After that, select the contains command in two drop-down boxes on the left side.
  • Then insert the two special characters in the two text boxes on the right side. Don’t forget to insert the Tilde character (~) before the special characters. Here, I filtered for Question mark character (?) and Asterisk (*).
  • Finally, mark the And operator and press OK.

How do i filter special characters in excel?

Now see, it’s showing the cell that contains both the special characters.

How do i filter special characters in excel?

Read More: How to Find Special Characters in Excel (3 Easy Methods)

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3. Applying Filter for Either of Two Special Characters

The Custom Autofilter has also an Or operator by using that we can filter for the cells which have at least one of two special characters.


  • Again, follow the first four steps from the first section to open the Custom Autofilter dialog box.
  • Later, again select the contains command from the left two drop-down boxes and insert the special characters in the right two text boxes. Here, I filtered for the special characters- The question mark (?) and Hyphen (-).
  • Lastly, just mark the Or operator and press OK.

How do i filter special characters in excel?

Soon, you will get the cells that have the Question mark (?) or Hyphen (-) character.

How do i filter special characters in excel?

Read More: How to Check If Cell Contains Special Character in Excel (2 Ways)


That’s all for the article. I hope the procedures described above will be good enough to filter special characters in Excel. Feel free to ask any question in the comment section and please give me feedback. Visit ExcelDemy to explore more.

  • Add a Character in Excel to Multiple Cells (5 Easy Ways)
  • How to Convert Special Characters in Excel (6 Easy Ways)
  • Add Characters in Excel Formula (4 Simple Methods)
  • How to Find Special Characters Using VBA in Excel (3 Quick Ways)

How do I filter data in Excel with special characters?

#1 Filter Data using Excel Wildcard Characters.
Select the cells that you want to filter..
Go to Data –> Sort and Filter –> Filter (Keyboard Shortcut – Control + Shift + L)..
Click on the filter icon in the header cell..
In the field (below the Text Filter option), type A*.
Click OK..

How do you check if a cell contains a special character in Excel?

The Excel ISNUMBER function returns TRUE when a cell contains a number, and FALSE if not. You can use ISNUMBER to check that a cell contains a numeric value, or that the result of another function is a number. The Excel FIND function returns the position (as a number) of one text string inside another.

How do I get rid of unwanted special characters in Excel?

Delete special characters with Ultimate Suite.
On the Ablebits Data tab, in the Text group, click Remove > Remove Characters..
On the add-in's pane, pick the source range, select Remove character sets and choose the desired option from the dropdown list (Symbols & punctuation marks in this example)..
Hit the Remove button..