How do i start python in kali linux?

Learn to run Python or python 3 on your Kali Linux operating system.

How To Install Kali Linux And Run O...

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Python is preinstalled in your Linux operating system. You can simply use Python by following the below simple steps: You should update Kali Linux to the latest version.

To start a Python command-line or terminal program, open the terminal in your kali Linux, then type in python, or python3 depending on your Python installation. Press Enter. On Linux, you can do this by running $ python3 Python 3.6.

  1. By clicking Ctrl + Alt + T on the dashboard, you can open the terminal of your Linux OS.
  2. Download the python script.
  3. Use the cd command to navigate to the location of the python script in the terminal.
  4. Type python in the terminal to execute the script.
  5. If the script is python3, use python3 in the terminal command:python3

Or alternatively:

In case you find it tedious to write Python in the terminal every time you run the script, you can follow the instructions below:

  • Prepend #! /usr/bin/python with your script.
  • Run the following command in your terminal to make the script executable: chmod +x
  • Now, ​simply type ./ to run the executable script.

Related: Learn how to install kali Linux on an android phone without rooting.

So, to give all the details of the proper steps in a limited time, let’s get started!

How to use Python in Kali Linux – Multiple Ways

There are two methods for creating a python script. 

  1. Interactive mode
  2. Scripting mode

Both are explained below.

1# Interactive Mode

One of the methods of creating a python script is the interactive mode. The steps of interactive mode are given below.

Step:1 Open your terminal by clicking on the terminal icon in the dashboard. The window will open.

How do i start python in kali linux?

Step:2 Another method includes right-clicking on the mouse and choosing the terminal option.

How do i start python in kali linux?

Step:3 One other method of opening the terminal is pressing the Alt button, Ctrl, and T key.

Step:4 Depending on the version of python you are running on your computer or rather on the Kali Linux, try ‘python’ and the version you are using. For example, ‘3’. Then this will appear as shown below.

How do i start python in kali linux?
How do i start python in kali linux?

Step:5 Then you are ready to input your Python code. Like something simple, as shown below. 

How do i start python in kali linux?

Step: 6 If you want to exit it, use the exit bracket shown below and type clear. It will open a new window.

How do i start python in kali linux?

Scripting Mode

For the scripting mode details, scroll below.

Step:1 First, let’s make a directory for scripting mode where you can store the python file or the python script. For that, follow the python code and hit enter.

How do i start python in kali linux?

Step:2 Type cd and then the folder name you just created. Then create the python script.

How do i start python in kali linux?

Step: 3 An example script is shown below. ‘py’ is used for python. Then click enter.

How do i start python in kali linux?

Step:4 To exit it, you have to press down control (Ctrl key), and C. Then type ls. There you will have your script reading.

How do i start python in kali linux?

Step:5 Depending on the input application you are running on your Kali Linux, like G edit Leafpad or simple Nano, go ahead and type mousepad Press enter.

How do i start python in kali linux?

Step:6 As you can see below, you will get your input code. Give the following code. Then press control S to save and then exit.

How do i start python in kali linux?

Step:7 Come back to the tunnel and type the given code. It will show your python script on the terminal.

How do i start python in kali linux?

Now go ahead and use whichever mode you want to apply. 

These video links will help you comprehend the steps better.

  1. How to use Python in KALI Linux 2021.1 || Scripting || in 5 mins
  2. How To Create A Python Script in Kali Linux
  3. How to Run Python 2 and Python 3 scripts in Kali Linux 2020 | Python in Kali Linux  

Concluding Thoughts

Hence, using python in Kali Linux is not as difficult as you imagine but just a piece of cake if you know the proper steps and the correct mode you require. In fact, running a python script involves just three simple steps, i.e., opening the terminal, navigating to the directory by the cd command where the file is located, and then typing the python script name and .py in the terminal to execute the script. Understanding them well will make your job a breeze. 

For any query related to the article, contact us. Moreover, give your valued feedback on the article.

How do I start Python in Linux?

Using the python Command To run Python scripts with the python command, you need to open a command-line and type in the word python , or python3 if you have both versions, followed by the path to your script, just like this: $ python3 Hello World!

Can we use Python in Kali Linux?

Kali Linux fully switched to Python 3. This means that any tool packaged by Kali that was using Python 2 has been either dropped or converted to use Python 3. Any tool converted to Python 3 contains only scripts with /usr/bin/python3 as their shebang.

How do I start Python?

The Easiest Way to Run Python.
Download Thonny IDE..
Run the installer to install Thonny on your computer..
Go to: File > New. Then save the file with .py extension. ... .
Write Python code in the file and save it. Running Python using Thonny IDE..
Then Go to Run > Run current script or simply click F5 to run it..

How do I set python3 to default in Kali Linux?

4 Answers.
Check your existing python version by running: python -V. ... .
List all the available items by running: ls /usr/bin/python..
Now, set your version priorities by issuing the following commands: ... .
You can then list the python priorities by: ... .
Finally, check your default python version to confirm by repeating the first step!.