Hướng dẫn chơi dynasty warriors 8 empires merit la gi

I am more interested in being a prefect, but have no luck so far. AI keeps appointing dumbasses that you can swipe off the floor in one or two hits, instead of famous officers.

I think this game wants me to raise banner and be a ruler myself.

The recent fun/not so fun thing for me to do is raise a banner at the capitol of a big kingdom. Your attack power apparently is reduced with low army %

-how often they are in combat, including any combat you initate. This means you can rapidly raise team levels by raiding/invading with team members, though if you do this continually you will raise levels far, *far* faster than they do.

-over time. how quickly they raise merit naturally is governed by the particular NPC's way of life, with rarer ways of life (higher tier) yielding faster progression than slower ones.

Note that you can also train them directly, for a modest fee, if you feel they are falling behind.

They can win without your help if they are directed properly, but you must survive the battle, no matter what position in the army you are, and in the case of invasions by a ruler that's not you, you must also join the battle to win. please note that in order to direct them 'properly' in this game you usally have to position yourself and then issue derpy escort, defend or advance orders to get them moving in the right corridors. compared to actually just beating up the other army its a lot of micromanaging nonsense.

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  1. Boards
  2. Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires
  3. which is the best way to level up characters?

koei_fun 8 years ago


which is the best way to level up characters?

Zilong17 8 years ago


Battles provide a nice chunk of Merit, especially if you can get all the high paying Battle Objectives, though some aren't always feasible. The strategy objectives are usually pretty easy. If you're a ruler you can dedicate training to your officers to raise the Merits as well. You can also get still more Merits from Quests and Raids.

1937-2008, 1941-2019, 1942-2020 "Life lies ahead of you like a field of snow. Be mindful how you tread it: every step will show."

koei_fun (Topic Creator)8 years ago


can i level up a character in free mode and when i star a empire mode with him will remain level up or he will start from level 1?

koei_fun (Topic Creator)8 years ago


an if i can do the opposite level a character in empire mode an when i play battles in free mode start from that level

Zilong17 8 years ago


I'm not sure how the Free Mode works in Empires, I haven't used it. It is an Empires tradition hwoever that each new "Empires game" resets your characters unless you use bonus points, however, so I would assume the answer is no.

1937-2008, 1941-2019, 1942-2020 "Life lies ahead of you like a field of snow. Be mindful how you tread it: every step will show."

megaman12321 8 years ago


You could always assume direct control and have the AI play as your main guy while you control the subordinate.

When you're weak, be stronger. It's as simple as that.

Frozen_Food 8 years ago


When playing Free Mode I think you could choose the level of both sides. Like 50 to allied, and 99 to enemies, or something like that.

*You can confirm the presence, controls and details of your Strong Attacks and EX Attacks by going to the Info Screen () and selecting "Move List" from the "Officer Info" menu.

Musou Attack 1

Attack with a finishing move unique to each officer. Performing the attack will consume 1 unit of the Musou Gauge.

*You can refill the Musou Gauge by inflicting damage on the enemy, receiving damage from the enemy, having your Health Gauge in the red, or by using items such as wine.

♦ Aerial Musou Attack

Perform a Musou Attack while in the air. You will be able to use this attack after your level increases.

♦ Musou Attack 2

Press + to utilize a special finishing maneuver. You will be able to use this attack after your level increases.

♦ True Musou Attack

If your Health Gauge is red, you can perform an even more powerful True Musou Attack.

♦ 2P True Musou Attack

Perform a combined Musou Attack together with another officer. When playing with 2 players locally or online, both players can perform the attack by standing near each other and pressing at approximately the same time.

♦ Rage / True Rage Attack

If you press while in a state of Rage, you will perform an extremely powerful True Rage Attack. You will continue to attack while you hold down . If you inflict a certain amount of damage with a Rage Attack, it will become a True Rage Attack.

Switch Attack

Switch weapons while performing a special attack. You can use these to follow up Normal Attacks and Strong Attacks.

*If you press while mounted on a horse, you will only switch weapons without attacking.

♦ Switch Counter

When fighting an enemy against whom your weapon is at a disadvantage, you can perform a Switch Counter. Watch for your opponent to use their stored attack (lights up blue) and press to switch weapons and perform a counterattack. You will be able to inflict heavy damage on opponents whose weapon has an affinity disadvantage.

Storm Rush

A Spirit Gauge will be displayed above the heads of enemies against whom your weapon is at an advantage. The Spirit Gauge is depleted as you attack the enemy, and when it is empty, you will be able to rush the enemy and attack them with a Storm Rush.

*You can choose whether you want the Storm Rush attack to trigger automatically or not by selecting "Storm Rush" under "Controls" in the "Options" menu.

Other Moves


When your Rage Gauge is full and you press , you will enter a state of Rage and be powered up for a limited time.

*Your Rage Gauge is filled by inflicting damage on the enemy and by attacking with Switch Counters.


Jump up into the air. You can also attack while jumping.

Mount/dismount horse

Mount a horse you are nearby or dismount a horse you are riding. You can also attack while mounted on a horse by pressing , or . Pressing while galloping on a horse will cause it to jump.

Block / Strafe

Protect against an enemy attack from the front. You can hold down the button to move while continuing to face forward.


Regain your balance after being knocked in the air by an enemy attack.

Call horse

Summon your horse to your side. You can also hold down the button to mount the horse.


You press to swim while in the water. You can use stairs or river banks to climb back onto land. You cannot attack or block while you are swimming. If you enter the water while mounted on a horse, you can only perform mounted attacks.


Rapidly press to gain the advantage in a weapon deadlock with an enemy officer. If victorious, you will gain an opening to attack your opponent, while you both will present an opening in the event of a tie. If you lose, you will create an opening to be attacked.


You may be stunned and unable to move after being hit by an enemy attack. You can speed up your recovery by quickly pressing one of the following buttons: / / / / .

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Game Screens

Pre-battle Screen / Info Screen

Pre-battle Screen / Info Screen

This is displayed before battles. You can also display it by pressing during battle. The paths that connect bases are known as supply routes.

Hướng dẫn chơi dynasty warriors 8 empires merit la gi

Battle Objectives Set your Battle Objectives. These objectives cannot be changed during battle. Battlefield Info Confirm information such as the victory and defeat conditions, officer locations, and more. Fortify Base Increase the level of your bases, change their type, and more. This requires resources. Stratagem Settings/ Stratagem Info Determine the stratagems that you will take into battle. Equipped stratagems cannot be changed during battle. Officer Info Change equipped weapons and items (can only be confirmed during battle), and confirm the various moves for your character. Individual Orders [During battle] Give orders to individual allied officers. System Adjust game settings, save your game data, and more. Begin Battle [Before battle] Begin the battle. Withdraw [During battle] Withdraw from the current battle. If you are on the invading side and capture the enemy's secondary camp, your raid will be successful, otherwise, you will lose the battle.

*Pressing during battle will return you to the battlefield.

♦ Battle Objectives

By selecting "Battle Objectives" on the Pre-battle Screen, you can select the objectives you wish to complete during the course of the battle. If you complete these objectives during the battle, you will receive Merits for your officer.

*You can set up to 4 battle objectives. You are free to change them as you see fit.

Battle Screen

This is the main screen for battles in the game.

Hướng dẫn chơi dynasty warriors 8 empires merit la gi

Ⅰ Player Info

Hướng dẫn chơi dynasty warriors 8 empires merit la gi

  1. Army Orders Give commands to your army. If you are not a Commander, you can put in a request for orders. You can use to switch between giving orders and selecting stratagems. Use to execute a stratagem.
  1. Current weapon The weapon on the left is the one you are currently using, while the one on the right is your reserve weapon. The color indicates its affinity (Heaven-Earth-Man). Ex: A weapon capable of using an EX Attack.
  1. Troop Strength Marker 1 troop strength marker is displayed for each 2,000 troops you take into battle. If you are defeated, 1 marker will be depleted, and you will rejoin the battle.
  1. Musou Gauge You can use a Musou Attack when at least 1 unit of the gauge is full.
  1. Stratagem Gauge This is depleted as you use stratagems. The amount used up by the gauge differs by stratagem, and the gauge will gradually refill itself over time.
  1. Health Gauge Your character's remaining health. It depletes and changes colors as you take damage: (Blue→Yellow→Red). If it is emptied, you will be forced to withdraw or the battle will end in defeat.
  1. Rage Gauge You are able to enter a state of Rage when this is full.

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Empire Mode

Empire Mode Overview

Assume the role of an officer and aim to unite the land under a single rule. You are free to take any course for your life, whether it be assisting your commander in search of a promotion, spreading rumors to work your way up the ladder at another person's expense, or not even worrying about status and simply focusing on perfecting your military might.

♦ Completing the Game & Game Over

You will finish the game when all of the land has been united, and you will be able to watch the ending movie. During the ending, you will be conferred a "Way of Life" based on your exploits. The game will end in defeat if 50 years elapse within the game or if another kingdom unites the land before you do.

Empire Mode Gameplay

The gameplay in Empire Mode rotates between the War Councils/Strategy Phase and fighting battles.

♦ War Council (once every few months)

If you are Ruler, you will be able to select your Kingdom Policy. All subordinates will base their actions on this policy. If you are not Ruler, you will receive an Invasion Policy from the Ruler of your kingdom. Depending on your position, you may be able to propose a different plan of action than that of your Ruler.

Hướng dẫn chơi dynasty warriors 8 empires merit la gi

Next, you will need to select your Strategy Objectives to complete by the next War Council meeting. You can select up to a total of three. If you can complete them before the next War Council, you will receive Merits as a bonus.

Hướng dẫn chơi dynasty warriors 8 empires merit la gi

♦ Strategy Phase (every month)

You are able to carry out various commands. The commands you can choose from will vary depending on the Fixed Strategy of the officers in your kingdom. You will carry out various actions in order to try and complete your Strategy Objectives.

Hướng dẫn chơi dynasty warriors 8 empires merit la gi

♦ Battles

Invasions or Defensive Battles can place a kingdom's very existence on the line. By winning an Invasion, a kingdom can expand the amount of territory under its control, while losing a Defensive Battle means that the kingdom will lose territory. In addition, there are other types of battles such as Event Battles or Quests, and the victory conditions will differ for each one.

An ever-changing environment

An ever-changing environment

The circumstances surrounding you can change depending on the actions you take during the Strategy Phase. Various aspects of the game can be altered, such as specific regions prospering, or your relationships with other officers changing.

♦ Sworn Siblings / Spouses / Children

By using the "Interact" command under the "Personnel" menu and other factors, you can increase your Friendship rating with other officers. When your Friendship rating reaches a certain level, you may be able to make them a sworn sibling or spouse. There are special events that can be played when you have a sworn sibling or spouse.

*You cannot choose officers you are related to as a spouse. *You cannot change the officers that have become your sworn sibling or spouse.

If you are married, you and your spouse may have a child. After a certain amount of time has passed, the child will become an adult and will join your kingdom as an officer.

♦ Positions

The things you can do in War Councils and the Strategy Phase are determined by your position. Additionally, by performing well in battle and leveling up your character, they will develop some abilities more easily than others depending on your position. Your position can also change based on the actions you take.

♦ Titles & Ways of Life

Based on the actions you take in Empire Mode, you can obtain various titles. When you clear Empire Mode, an evaluation of your way of life will be made based on the actions you took during the game. If your character appears in the game as an NPC the next time you play, he or she will act based on your choices from your previous game. (This only applies to custom officers.)


Stratagems are tactics and techniques that can have various effects on the Strategy and Battle Phases. You can learn stratagems by using the "Academy" command under "Purchase" in the Strategy Phase. You may also be taught stratagems by other officers.

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Powering-up Officers

Officer Abilities

The abilities of officers will increase along with their level, and can also be augmented by equipping weapons or items. You can obtain items by selecting "Item Shop" from the "Facilities" command during the Strategy Phase. You can confirm your current abilities by selecting "Officer Info" from the Info Screen ().

*Skills with lowered parameters due to fatigue will be displayed in red. Exhaustion will build up by participating in battles. You can recover from exhaustion by sitting out battles for a period of time, or by using commands such as "Targeted Healing" under the "Military" menu.

Level (Lv.) Your Level will increase when the Merits bar is filled. You can receive Merits by completing Strategy Objectives or Battle Objectives. As your Level increases, so will your abilities, number of Musou Gauge units, Compatibility with your weapons, and number of consecutive attacks. When you reach a certain level, you will be able to perform a second Musou Attack. Ways of Life Your current Way of Life. This will change depending on the titles you obtain. Fixed Strategy A Strategy Command that can be carried out when this officer is in the same kingdom. Health When your Health runs out, you will be forced to withdraw or the battle will end in defeat. You can increase your maximum Health by leveling up or through the use of items. Attack The higher this value is, the more damage you can inflict against the enemy. You can increase it by leveling up or through the use of items. Defense The higher this value is, the less damage you will receive from the enemy. You can increase it by leveling up or through the use of items. Leadership The higher this value is, the more troops you will be able to lead into Invasions and Defensive Battles. Speed The higher this value is, the faster you can move. Musou The number of units in your Musou Gauge. You can increase this by leveling up or through the use of items. Stratagems The number of units in your Stratagem Gauge. You can increase this by leveling up. Compatibility Your compatibility with each weapon type. This is split into four different types by technique. The longer the bar is, the more your Attack will increase, and if it reaches full, you will be able to perform a special technique. Although it increases with your level, each officer has a Compatibility limit for each weapon type. Weapons / Stratagems Your currently equipped weapons and stratagems. The top weapon is your primary weapon, while the one on the bottom is your secondary weapon. You can change these by selecting "Weapons" before battle.


You can purchase items by selecting "Item Shop" from the "Purchase" command during the Strategy Phase. Equipping items can give you various skills. You can equip up to 6 items.


You can purchase weapons by using the "Blacksmith" command in the "Purchase" menu during the Strategy Phase. Weapons can also be obtained in other ways, such as rewards for certain types of Quests, or receiving them as gifts from your superiors.

♦ Equipping Weapons

You can equip a primary weapon and a secondary weapon and you can switch between them while you fight. Weapons can be equipped by going to the Pre-battle Screen before battle and selecting the "Weapons" command under the "Weapon Info" menu.

♦ Attributes

Weapons can have attributes affixed to them (up to a total of 6). For attributes with levels, the higher the level is, the greater the effect of that attribute will be.

♦ Favorite Weapon

Each officer has a particular weapon type that they are most proficient with (favorite weapon). By equipping the officer's favorite weapon, he or she will be able to perform an EX Attack.

*You will be unable to perform an EX Attack when the favorite weapon is equipped as the secondary weapon.

♦ Special Techniques

Each weapon has a special technique associated with it. When your Compatibility with that weapon type is at max (4 bars), you will be able to perform the special technique for that weapon type. There are four types of techniques: Dash, Dive, Shadow Sprint, and Whirlwind.

*If you equip certain items, you can use special techniques even when you do not have a weapon with maximum compatibility.

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Battle Hints


There are both allied and enemy bases on the battlefield. Defeating the enemies within a base causes its Durability to decrease, and when it reaches 0, the base will be captured. Capturing a base will increase allied morale and also give you additional troops. Bases have spot turrets. The more spot turrets you have, the higher the Durability of the base. And the higher the number of troops of the army controlling the base, the more spot turrets it can have. You can also increase the number of spot turrets by using stratagems. The six types of bases are listed below. Offensive Bases, Defensive Bases and Supply Bases can provide your forces with beneficial effects if you have at least five or more of the same kind.

Standard Base A base with no special features. Offensive Base A base that increases the Attack ability of allied officers and troops. Defensive Base A base that increases the Health of allied officers and troops. Supply Base Reduces the rate of decline in allied troop numbers. Secondary Camp A special kind of base that only appears on the defending side of battles. Capture this and even if you do not achieve the victory conditions for the battle, you will earn a Successful Raid and will gain an advantage in battle for a set period of time. (You will not gain the territory, but you will not lose the battle either.) Main Camp Capture this to win the battle. However, when invading territory containing a Ruler or Prefect, the victory condition will be to defeat the Ruler or Prefect, not capture the main camp.

♦ Instant Bases

There is a stratagem that enables you to create simple bases wherever you like, such as catapults that can attack the enemy, or healing turrets that can heal nearby allies. Attacking an Instant Base will destroy it.

*A certain amount of space is required to make an Instant Base.

Troop Strength & Returning to Battle

Troop Strength & Returning to Battle

When an officer is defeated, they will be forced to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield. However, if they still have troops remaining, they will be able to return to the battle after a set period of time. Returning to the battle one time will consume one troop strength marker. Officers who are defeated when they do not have any troops remaining will be forced to retreat. Additionally, defeating an officer in areas where allied influence is extremely strong can enable you to capture officers that have troops remaining, or force them to retreat. If your playable character is defeated in an area where the enemy influence is extremely strong, you will be forced to retreat and lose the battle, even if you have troops remaining.

Battle Orders

When you are the Commander, you can give orders to your subordinate officers during battle. If you are not the Commander, then you can ask for certain actions to be performed. There are "Army Orders" and "Individual Orders" available during battle.

♦ Army Orders (Commander only)

You can give orders to your entire army by using .

Advance Order your entire army to attack nearby bases. Defend Order your entire army to defend nearby allied bases. Escort Call the nearest allied unit and have it protect you. Delegate Allow your entire army to act on their own orders.

♦ Individual Orders (Commander only)

You can also give orders to individual units. Use "Individual Orders" from the Info Screen () to select a unit and give the orders.

♦ Request Action

When near an allied officer, you can use and to suggest they carry out an action. They may refuse your request however.

Request Escort Request an escort from a nearby allied officer. Request Orders Request that a nearby allied officer give you orders.


If you fulfill certain conditions during battle, you will be able to use stratagems. First, press to switch to the Select Stratagem/Usage screen. Then press and to select a stratagem, and to use it. Using a stratagem will deplete the Stratagem Gauge. The amount used up by the gauge differs by stratagem. Once a stratagem has been used, it will take a set period of time before it can be used again. The amount of time required between usages also varies by stratagem. Some stratagems can only be used once per battle.

Hướng dẫn chơi dynasty warriors 8 empires merit la gi

♦ Large Scale Stratagems can change the course of the battle in an instant!

There are also Large Scale Stratagems that can instantly capture enemy bases, or inflict heavy damage against the enemy army. Large Scale Stratagems are highly effective, but they require a large amount of time between uses. Furthermore, in order to make the necessary preparations, a number of units will need to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield. Be sure to plan the usage of these stratagems carefully, such as times when you are certain you will not be defeated before the stratagem can be prepared. Of course, the enemy can also perform Large Scale Stratagems of their own. When the enemy begins preparing to use a Large Scale Stratagem, try to defeat the officer responsible or use a stratagem designed to lessen the impact of enemy stratagems in order to minimize the damage against your forces.

Supply Routes & Territory

Supply Routes & Territory

The paths that connect bases are known as supply routes, and the area surrounding supply routes connecting the allied main camp to each base is known as territory. When in their own territory, the abilities of allied units increase, and it is easier to capture enemy officers. Conversely, when you are in enemy territory, the enemy's abilities will be increased, and it will be easier for allied officers to be captured. In addition, the more troops you have, the more territory and allied bases you will start out with at the beginning of the battle. If the enemy captures one of your bases, the supply route between that base and your main camp will be cut off. Bases that have been cut off become isolated and their effects will be weakened.

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Other Modes

Free Mode

Play stages combined with the officers of your choosing.

♦ Playing Free Mode

  1. Select "Free Mode" from the Main Menu.
  2. Select a battle type. There are four different types to choose from: Invasions, Defensive Battles, Event Battles, and Quests.
  3. For Event Battles and Quests, you will also need to choose the scenario you wish to play.
  4. You can select things such as the difficulty level, enemy and allied levels, battlefields, the officers that appear, and more. The type of things you can adjust will differ by battle type.
  5. Select "Apply" in order to begin the battle. Help on

Edit Mode

Custom Officers

Create customized officers to appear within the game. You can replace famous or common officers in the game with your customized officers.

♦ Officer Customization Process

  1. Select a file in which to store your custom data. If you chose already created data, you will be able to edit its contents.
  2. Select a gender.
  3. Choose the different parts you wish to use.
  4. Select "Confirm" to finalize your custom data.

    ♦ Customizable Parts for Custom Banners

Name Input the name for your character. Face Select the parts and color for its face. Body Type You can adjust it with and or and . Equipment Select the equipment and color for each part. Pressing will bring up a list of the parts you can choose from. Moves Select things such as your Favorite Weapon and Musou Attacks. Voice / Abilities Choose the voice and starting abilities for your character. You can also adjust the pitch of your character's voice.

♦ File Menu

When customizing officers, you can press on the file selection screen in order to bring up the File Menu. There, you can copy and move files, or upload and download them via the network. By selecting "Register Guest Officer," you can register officers from other players that appear as a result of selecting "Accept Guest Officers". If you select "Register Officer Swap," you can replace existing officers in the game with your custom officers.

Custom Units

You can create custom units featuring up to 10 custom officers. Units you create will appear within the Empire Mode scenario, "A Gathering of Heroes."

♦ Unit Customization Process

  1. Select a file in which to store your custom data. If you chose already created data, you will be able to edit its contents.
  2. You can decide the unit's name, the custom officers that will make it up, its banner, warhorses, and soldiers.
  3. Select "Confirm" to finalize your custom data.

    Custom Banners

    Create customized banners to appear within the game.

    ♦ Banner Customization Process

    1. Select a file in which to store your custom data. If you chose already created data, you will be able to edit its contents.
    2. Choose the different parts you wish to use.
    3. Select "Confirm" to finalize your custom data.

      ♦ Customizable Parts for Custom Banners

    Border Shape Select the border shape for your banner. Border Pattern Select the border pattern for your banner. Insignia Type Choose a symbol, original image, or text for your banner. Original images will be selected from the Xbox One's internal hard drive. Insignia Select an insignia. Depending on your insignia type, the kinds of items you can select will differ. Banner Background Select the color of your banner's background.

    Custom Warhorses

    Create customized warhorses to appear within the game.

    ♦ Warhorse Customization Process

    1. Select a file in which to store your custom data. If you chose already created data, you will be able to edit its contents.
    2. Choose the different parts you wish to use.
    3. Select "Confirm" to finalize your custom data.

      ♦ Customizable Parts for Custom Banners

    Warhorse Name Choose a name for your warhorse. Hair Color / Body Type You can change the color of the horse's coat, tail and mane, and you can also adjust the size of its body and each part. Abilities Set the starting abilities for your warhorse.

    Custom Soldiers

    Create customized soldiers to appear within the game.

    ♦ Solider Customization Process

    1. Select a file in which to store your custom data. If you chose already created data, you will be able to edit its contents.
    2. Choose the different parts you wish to use.
    3. Select "Confirm" to finalize your custom data.

      ♦ Customizable Parts for Custom Banners

    Equipment You can set the model type, color for specified locations and the emblem. Body Type You can adjust the body type, such as height and the size of each limb.

    Custom Scenarios

    Freely select the officers and kingdoms that appear in your own original scenario in Empire Mode.

    ♦ Scenario Customization Process

    1. Select "Create New" from the menu and create a new scenario. You can change the settings of already created scenarios by selecting "Load Data." If you select "Upload," you can upload your custom scenario to the network. By selecting "Download," you can download custom scenarios uploaded to the network by other players.
    2. Choose the default settings for your custom scenario.
    3. Select "Edit Territory" to adjust the kingdoms, Vagabond Units and Free Officers in each territory. If you want custom officers to appear in the scenario, select "Officer Settings." You can select "Edit Title" and "Edit Description" to input a title and description for your scenario. If you select "Officer Settings," you can choose which custom officers will appear in the scenario. You can also set which officers are recommended to be available as your playable character.
    4. Select "Save" in order to save your custom scenario.

      Online Play

      Empire Mode and Free Mode can be played with two players online.

      *You can also play with two players offline.

      Playing online follows the procedure below.

      1. [Player 1] Press on the officer selection screen before battle in Empire Mode, or on the settings screen during battle in Free Mode, to switch to online mode. Next, select an officer and press "Confirm" to continue.
      2. [Player 1] Select a method to recruit a second player for your game. You can use "Recruit" to recruit from players around the world, or "Invite" to send an invitation to one of your friends. Once you have selected a recruiting method, you will proceed to the Pre-battle Screen. *You can send invitations to friends from within your friend list.
      3. [Player 1] Select "Begin Battle" once you have completed the battle preparations on the Pre-battle Screen.
      4. [Player 2] Select "Online Play" from the Main Menu and choose an officer to play as. If you have received an invitation, the match will be made automatically once the invitation has been confirmed. If you do not have an invitation, you can use "Quick Match" to quickly search for another player, or you can use "Join" to select from a list of players searching for another player to join their match. *Player 2 can only choose from custom officers as their playable character.
      5. The battle will begin once the matchmaking process is finished.

        The game will end in defeat if either Player 1 or Player 2 are unable to rejoin the battle, or if the defeat conditions for the battle are met.

        ♦ Playing offline with two players

      Playing offline with another player follows the procedure below.

      Player 2 presses on the officer selection screen before battle in Empire Mode, or on the settings screen during battle in Free Mode and then selects a playable character.

      *You cannot play with two players when only Player 1's playable character is participating in the battle.