Hướng dẫn decode hex javascript

It seems to be XOR'ed with number 5

const data = "64 67 66 61 60 63 62 6D 6C 6F 6E 69 68 6B 6A 75 74 77 76 71 70 73 72 7D 7C 7F";

console.log(data.split(" ").map(n => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n, 16) ^ 5)).join(""));

Knowing the expected result, we can compare existing number with expected to see the difference and find a pattern.

Let's compare first number 64 with letter a (61) in binary:

0x64 = 01100100
0x61 = 01100001

now the second number 67 with letter b (62):

0x67 = 01100111
0x62 = 01100010

and third number 66 with letter c (63):

0x66 = 01100110
0x63 = 01100011

If you look closely, you can see that there is a pattern, bit 0 and 2 (bits count from right side) are not matching. So, if we convert binary 00000101 into decimal we'll get number 5

const data = "64 67 66 61 60 63 62 6D 6C 6F 6E 69 68 6B 6A 75 74 77 76 71 70 73 72 7D 7C 7F";

data.split(" ").forEach((n,i) =>
  const number = parseInt(n, 16),
        numberExpected = "a".charCodeAt(0) + i,
        char = String.fromCharCode(number),
        charExpected = String.fromCharCode(numberExpected),
        xor = number ^ numberExpected,
        result = number ^ xor,
        charResult = String.fromCharCode(result);

  console.log(`${char} (${n}) | expected: ${charExpected} (${numberExpected.toString(16)}) | XOR difference: ${xor} | result: ${charResult}`);

Một giải pháp cập nhật hơn, để mã hóa:

// This is the same for all of the below, and
// you probably won't need it except for debugging
// in most cases.
function bytesToHex(bytes) {
  return Array.from(
    byte => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")

// You almost certainly want UTF-8, which is
// now natively supported:
function stringToUTF8Bytes(string) {
  return new TextEncoder().encode(string);

// But you might want UTF-16 for some reason.
// .charCodeAt(index) will return the underlying
// UTF-16 code-units (not code-points!), so you
// just need to format them in whichever endian order you want.
function stringToUTF16Bytes(string, littleEndian) {
  const bytes = new Uint8Array(string.length * 2);
  // Using DataView is the only way to get a specific
  // endianness.
  const view = new DataView(bytes.buffer);
  for (let i = 0; i != string.length; i++) {
    view.setUint16(i, string.charCodeAt(i), littleEndian);
  return bytes;

// And you might want UTF-32 in even weirder cases.
// Fortunately, iterating a string gives the code
// points, which are identical to the UTF-32 encoding,
// though you still have the endianess issue.
function stringToUTF32Bytes(string, littleEndian) {
  const codepoints = Array.from(string, c => c.codePointAt(0));
  const bytes = new Uint8Array(codepoints.length * 4);
  // Using DataView is the only way to get a specific
  // endianness.
  const view = new DataView(bytes.buffer);
  for (let i = 0; i != codepoints.length; i++) {
    view.setUint32(i, codepoints[i], littleEndian);
  return bytes;

Ví dụ:

bytesToHex(stringToUTF8Bytes("hello 漢字 👍"))
// "68656c6c6f20e6bca2e5ad9720f09f918d"
bytesToHex(stringToUTF16Bytes("hello 漢字 👍", false))
// "00680065006c006c006f00206f225b570020d83ddc4d"
bytesToHex(stringToUTF16Bytes("hello 漢字 👍", true))
// "680065006c006c006f002000226f575b20003dd84ddc"
bytesToHex(stringToUTF32Bytes("hello 漢字 👍", false))
// "00000068000000650000006c0000006c0000006f0000002000006f2200005b57000000200001f44d"
bytesToHex(stringToUTF32Bytes("hello 漢字 👍", true))
// "68000000650000006c0000006c0000006f00000020000000226f0000575b0000200000004df40100"

Để giải mã, nó thường đơn giản hơn rất nhiều, bạn chỉ cần:

function hexToBytes(hex) {
    const bytes = new Uint8Array(hex.length / 2);
    for (let i = 0; i !== bytes.length; i++) {
        bytes[i] = parseInt(hex.substr(i * 2, 2), 16);
    return bytes;

sau đó sử dụng tham số mã hóa của TextDecoder:

// UTF-8 is default
new TextDecoder().decode(hexToBytes("68656c6c6f20e6bca2e5ad9720f09f918d"));
// but you can also use:
new TextDecoder("UTF-16LE").decode(hexToBytes("680065006c006c006f002000226f575b20003dd84ddc"))
new TextDecoder("UTF-16BE").decode(hexToBytes("00680065006c006c006f00206f225b570020d83ddc4d"));
// "hello 漢字 👍"

Đây là danh sách các tên mã hóa được phép: https://www.w3.org/TR/encoding/#names-and-labels

Bạn có thể nhận thấy UTF-32 không có trong danh sách đó, đó là một điều khó khăn, vì vậy:

function bytesToStringUTF32(bytes, littleEndian) {
  const view = new DataView(bytes.buffer);
  const codepoints = new Uint32Array(view.byteLength / 4);
  for (let i = 0; i !== codepoints.length; i++) {
    codepoints[i] = view.getUint32(i * 4, littleEndian);
  return String.fromCodePoint(...codepoints);

Sau đó:

bytesToStringUTF32(hexToBytes("00000068000000650000006c0000006c0000006f0000002000006f2200005b57000000200001f44d"), false)
bytesToStringUTF32(hexToBytes("68000000650000006c0000006c0000006f00000020000000226f0000575b0000200000004df40100"), true)
// "hello 漢字 👍"

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