Is a 4 year old laptop old?

Wondering if your computer is too old for today’s world? Consider this, most computers these days only last about 4-6 years. If your computer is older than that it’s a dinosaur and probably running really slow. 

Seems pretty obvious it’s time for an update right? Some people resist updating because learning new things can sometimes be uncomfortable.  The problem is that when you wait for too long to update, you end up with a bigger learning curve when you finally do.  Computers get faster and memory gets bigger as time goes on. For example, if you still have an old Windows XP computer, you’ll find that searching the internet painfully slow even if you have a fast connection.

This is because the web pages are getting bigger, so the computer has to work harder to show you the pages. 

If your computer is less than 4-6 years old and under performing, it could be a lemon or it may just need a clean up to get it back into shape. Also, you may find that the computer you bought is less than what you really needed so you have to upgrade early.

Should I Fix It?

Do you want to fix it or is it time for a new computer? Here are some tips to help you decide.

If it’s over 5 years old, replace it. Technology ages faster now than ever so unless it’s an easy fix, you’ll probably want to put your money towards a new computer. 

Will it cost more to repair than to upgrade? Look at the numbers. Maybe you just need a clean up or new component that costs around $100. In that case, you can generally use the computer for another year or so. 

But for a pricier fix, like a hard drive or motherboard replacement, you’re looking at $300 and up to repair.  In this instance, you should just buy a new computer.

Simple Fixes You Should Probably Do

The following simple fixes can help you postpone replacement:

As mentioned above some repairs cost more in the long run than just a new computer. These include:

  • Hard drive upgrade or replacement
  • Motherboard replacement
  • Screen repair
  • Glitch troubleshooting – this can take hours of tracing the problem
  • Processor upgrade

If any of these sound familiar, it’s time to move on and move up. Still not convinced? Consider the cost of data recovery when your old machine finally goes kaput (because it will).

Getting information from an old hard drive that won’t spin anymore requires special equipment and a clean room. These services START at $500 with no guarantee of success.

And that’s before you spend anything on a new computer. To be clear, you will need a new computer at that point too; once a drive is corrupted it’s done. Trying to resurrect your old dinosaur isn’t an option. Parts for older machines are hard to find and expensive if they exist at all.

Upgrading is Easier than You Think

When your computer has reached the end of its life span, upgrading can be a daunting prospect. It’s really not that bad especially if you follow these tips.

What to Look For When Buying a New Computer

So you’re ready to take the plunge. Now what?  Here’s what you need to look for when you are buying a new computer.

PC or Mac

This is a personal preference. It’s best to go with whichever operating system you prefer or feel comfortable with. Either one will surf the internet, play games and write documents. 

If you’re used to one over the other, it’s easiest stick with what you’ve got because PC’s and Macs operate very differently.  If you try to switch from one to the other, you’re in for a big learning curve. 

I personally prefer the Windows operating system because it’s more customizable, and it’s what I have the most experience with. I use both PC and Mac depending on what I need, but prefer Windows. I can also get a better PC computer than a Mac for the same price.

What are you going to do with it?

Do you just surf the internet and play games?

If this is the case, you can look for computers on sale. Pretty much any computer you find on the market will do these things.  You’ll be looking for computers in the $300-$500 price range. There’s no need to spend more than that on such a basic machine. You can also get good deals at Costco or Sam’s and even on

Do you do more word processing and business or school related things? 

You’ll want to look for a good mid range processor and good RAM (random access memory). The processor, RAM and hard drive are what keep the computer fast. This is where you want to spend money on a computer. 

As of this writing, I would suggest at least an Intel i5 processor from the 8th generation or newer and 8GB of RAM. A larger processor or more RAM is better but remember this computer will only last about 4-6 years so don’t go crazy. 

Don’t get more than 16GB of RAM in this category because you won’t see the benefit of it. You’re looking in the $500-$1,000 price range.

Do you do graphic design? 

This is the category geared toward Macs. Macs are built for graphic design and work great at it. You can get a Windows computer that will work fine, but Macs are made for this industry. 

Your new computer will need at least an Intel i5 processor but will probably like the i7 instead. You’ll also want to have the 16GB of RAM so your software will have enough memory to run smoothly. In this category you’re looking at the $1,000-$2,500 price range.

Are you a Gamer? 

For the serious gamers out there, you’ll have to do some research or call me for help. The computer you buy will be dictated largely by the specs of the games you play. Buying less than what your preferred game requires is a waste of money.

The price range for a gaming computer is $700 and up, sometimes to $4,000 or more. It’s easy to spend thousands of dollars on a good gaming computer. Keep in mind though that you want a new computer that will run the games you want to play for the next 4-6 years, realistically closer to 4. 

Sometimes less is more. You will have to keep more up to date technology if you’re playing the latest games. If you like older games, however, you may be able to keep you existing computer for a while longer.

Where to shop

When you start looking for a computer, you’re looking for the best deals. In the Denver-Metro area, I send people to Microcenter or It’s in the DTC and has a huge selection and better prices than Best Buy. 

But if you’d prefer a closer store, Best Buy still has good deals just not a large selection. Other places to shop are, and if you are looking for Macs. If you want to build your own computer, you can look at Microcenter,, or purchasing parts from each of the manufacturers that you want to put into your computer.

Keep in mind bigger isn’t always better. Sometimes buying the ‘best,’ most expensive machine on the market is a waste of money. It’s far better to look at your individual use and buy a new computer to meet those needs, not whatever the salesman at the store is trying to sell you.

If you have questions or need help you can always contact me. I can help you find the right computer for you, transfer data and set it up seamlessly to make the entire computer buying process easier for you.

More students and parents are attending school and work from home—either part time or full time—than ever before. But due to increased demand and supply-chain issues, new laptops are in short supply. So what should you do if you need a laptop for your kid right now?

Whether you need a computer for your child to use for schoolwork and distance learning, entertainment, or a combination, you have a few options. We’ll walk you through updating an old computer that has been sitting in a closet for years, and we have advice on how to shop for a decent laptop even if you can’t find our picks in stock anywhere. We’ll go through four different scenarios—the newer the computer you’re trying to revive, the easier it will be to reuse that machine, but even eight- or nine-year-old computers can still be useful if you’re just trying to get by.

If you do have an old computer collecting dust but don’t know how old it is, do a Google search for the manufacturer name plus “serial number look up.” The manufacturer’s support site may let you enter the serial number (often in the fine print somewhere on the computer) and show you its model name and number, when it was made, and what operating system was originally installed on it.

Windows 8 and Windows 10 PCs: Reset and start fresh

Computers running Windows 8 or Windows 10—that is, most laptops sold between late 2013 and now—are fairly easy to get up and running if they have no major hardware problems. Microsoft still supports both operating systems with security updates, and apps and Web browsers like Chrome will run on either without complaint.

The best way to make a computer of this vintage feel new again is to totally reset Windows, which will wipe all files and applications from the operating system and return it to a like-new state.1 A computer that has been off the grid for even a year or two will be missing all kinds of security and application updates, and one that was used for a few years before being put away might have strange software-configuration problems that are more trouble than they’re worth to track down.

Microsoft has pages walking you through how to reset Windows 8 and Windows 10. Wait for the reset process to complete, and then install all Windows updates—this step may take two or three reboots, depending on how long your PC has been out of commission. After that, it’s safe to go online and start downloading whatever apps you need to use.

Four- or five-year old computers may be worth upgrading if they feel a bit slow but you want to keep using them. Use the Crucial System Advisor to find extra memory that’s compatible with your system; 8 GB is the amount we recommend for new computers, for most people. Our guide to SSDs has advice for replacing a slow spinning hard drive. Memory installation is one of the easier DIY computer upgrades, so if you can’t bring your computer to a professional to install the memory for you, try looking up instructions on iFixit, searching for “[model number] memory upgrade,” or following Crucial’s generalized instructions.

Older Windows 7 PCs: Install Windows 10

PCs running Windows 7 are a little harder, but not impossible, to repurpose. These PCs were typically sold between 2009 and 2012, though some older computers were eligible for a free upgrade to Windows 7 and some Windows 8 computers were sold “downgraded” to 7 because of Windows 8’s significant user interface changes.

The main issue with these computers, age aside, is that Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7 with new security updates in January 2020. Most common apps and Web browsers will still run on Windows 7, but using it can expose you to malware that newer versions of Windows aren’t susceptible to.

Although Microsoft officially recommends buying a new PC rather than trying to upgrade one running Windows 7 to Windows 10, the newer operating system will usually run reasonably well on these old computers. On the PC you’re trying to upgrade, download and run Microsoft’s Windows 10 Media Creation Tool, choose the Upgrade this PC now option, and wait for Windows 10 to download. When you reach the “Ready to install” screen at the end of the process, click Choose what to keep, and select Nothing to start with a clean slate—you don’t want a bunch of old apps and files slowing down an already older and slower computer.

Is a 4 year old laptop old?

The Windows 10 Media Creation Tool can upgrade a PC running Windows 7 without much effort.

Is a 4 year old laptop old?

Make sure to take the files you need off the computer so you can start with a clean slate. You don’t want old apps or files slowing down your computer.

After a reboot or two, the installer will ask you for a license key, which you can buy from reputable online stores for around $130. If you skip entering the product key, you’ll be able to use Windows 10 indefinitely with just a handful of minor limitations such as an inability to customize your desktop wallpaper and a watermark that never goes away—not ideal, but workable in the short term. If your PC still has the original label, entering your Windows 7 license key may also work.

The other issue you may run into with these PCs is that the hardware is more likely to have significant problems such as failing hard drives or dead batteries, and some systems might simply feel too slow for modern work, including streaming high-definition video online or opening more than a handful of browser tabs at a time. And although upgrades such as more memory or a solid-state drive might help a little, these PCs are generally too old to be worth spending much money on. Consider putting that upgrade money toward a new PC instead, if you can.

Turn an old computer into a Chromebook: CloudReady Home Edition

Not everyone wants to use Windows—Chromebooks have gained wide adoption in schools, for example, because they’re easy to use and hard to break. And the free-to-use CloudReady Home Edition can turn many old PCs and Macs into something that isn’t quite a Chromebook but comes pretty close. CloudReady may be a better fit for older, Windows 7–vintage PCs or decade-old Macs that Apple hasn’t supported in years since ChromeOS is a lighter and snappier operating system than Windows or macOS.

All you need to install CloudReady is an 8 GB USB drive; Lifehacker has good advice on how to boot your PC from that USB drive, and the CloudReady installation instructions will walk you through the rest.

Real Chromebooks have several benefits over CloudReady laptops, including better security protections for locally stored data and better hardware support (think fewer graphical glitches and more accurate and responsive touchpads). But kids who use Chromebooks at school will recognize the interface and all the apps, so they won’t need to relearn anything to get going. And the operating system is quick and simple to update—you’ll never be waiting an hour or more for a big, multi-reboot update to install.

Neverware has a compatibility list that you can check to see if your PC has been certified for use with CloudReady, but most common PC laptops and desktops should work well enough whether they’re officially supported or not.

Old Macs and iPads: Reset and install updates

Reusing old Apple hardware is a little easier than resuscitating an old PC, as long as Apple still supports your device. For Macs, hold down the Command+R keys during bootup to enter recovery mode and reinstall macOS. Recovery might automatically install the most recent version of macOS that’s compatible with your Mac, and that’s the right thing to do; with that version, you’ll get the most recent security patches available for your system, and common apps like Chrome and Microsoft Office will run properly.

For most Macs released in 2013 or later, that means macOS Big Sur, the newest version of macOS. Most Macs released in 2012 can run macOS Catalina, which was released in 2019 and should receive security updates for another 18 months or so. Macs from before 2012 can run only older, insecure versions of the operating system that are no longer being updated, and should generally not be used (though many of them can run CloudReady, just like old PCs).

To reuse an old iPad, first perform a factory reset to wipe all the old apps and data off it and give yourself a clean slate. Then, install the most recent version of iOS or iPadOS that the tablet will run. Models older than 2013’s iPad Air and iPad Mini 2 are no longer receiving updates, though, and in addition to missing security updates they may not be able to run the apps and games you want to use.

What to buy if you don’t have a spare

If you don’t have a spare computer or tablet—or if you find that the machine you set up doesn’t quite cut it—you’ll need to buy one. Most kids will do just fine with a Chromebook, a cheap Windows laptop, or an iPad with a keyboard, but we also have picks for more powerful Windows ultrabooks and MacBooks for high school and college students.

  • If you’re on a budget, these are the best cheap Windows laptops and Chromebooks we recommend after extensive research and hands-on testing.

  • If most of your time with a laptop is spent in a browser, you can get a better experience for your money with a Chromebook.

  • If you’re looking for a laptop, you probably should get an ultrabook—and we have recommendations in just about every price range.

Because many people are now working and learning from home, a lot of our picks are out of stock. We recommend checking all the major retailers as well as the manufacturer’s website, and avoiding sites with deals too good to be true, such as BuyDig. Consider certified manufacturer refurbs with good warranties, especially for MacBooks. If all our picks are out of stock everywhere, check the “Other good options” sections in our guides for some other great laptops that didn’t quite make the cut.

How to shop for a cheap laptop if our picks are out of stock

Even if you aren’t familiar with computer specifications, you can still figure out which laptop to choose by looking for a few key terms. You have four main features to decipher:

  • Processor: We recommend an eighth-, 10th-, or 11th-generation Intel Core i5 processor—such processors have model numbers that start with i5 and end with 8xxx or higher. (Core i7 processors are faster, but you’re unlikely to find these at a reasonable price.) A Core i3 is slower, but you can get away with that on a Windows laptop, and an m3 processor will suffice for a Chromebook. Avoid AMD processors such as the dual-core A9, as well as Intel Pentium or Celeron processors.
  • Storage: Choose a 128 GB or larger solid-state drive and avoid hard drives (abbreviated as “HDD” on some product pages).
  • Memory: Get at least 8 GB of memory (which can also be listed as “RAM”) for a Windows laptop, or at least 4 GB for a Chromebook. In a pinch, 4 GB will do the trick on a Windows laptop, but in that case you won’t be able to run many programs at the same time.
  • Screen: Look for a display with 1080p resolution, listed as 1920×1080 or “FHD” by many sellers. If you find a computer that hits the other requirements but has a standard HD display (1366×768), that will do for basic work or education tasks.

If possible, we recommend going to your local electronics store to spend some hands-on time with the laptop you’re considering. But if that's not an option, try to buy online from a seller with a good return policy. As soon as your laptop arrives, open the box carefully, keep all the parts and accessories, and give the computer a thorough test-drive. If you spot anything you don’t like, return it as soon as possible—some manufacturers give you only a two-week return window.


1. Make sure you’ve retrieved all the files you need from the computer first, using a cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive, or just a USB thumb drive.
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