Python function name as variable

The trick is to use globals():


will be equivalent to


found at: George Sakkis

The following is a useful application of the above questioning I needed right now (that's why I came here): apply special functions to URLs depending on their nature:

l = ['condition1', 'condition2', 'condition3']

I used to write

if 'condition1.' in href:
    return do_something_condition1()
if 'condition2.' in href:
    return do_something_condition2()
if 'condition3.' in href:
    return do_something_condition3()

and so on - my list has 19 members by now and keeps growing.

While investigating the subject and developing, the function code had been quite naturally part of the main function making it soon horrible to read, so relocating the working code into functions was a great relief already.

This clumsy code above can be substituted by:

for e in l:              # this is my condition list
    if e + '.' in href:  # this is the mechanism to choose the right function
        return globals()['do_something_' + e]()

This way the main code stays simple and legible no matter how long the list of conditions may grow.

Those functions corresponding to the condition labels have to be declared conventionally, of course, depending on the nature of the type of the URL in question:

def do_something_condition1(href):
    # special code 1
    print('========1=======' + href)

def do_something_condition2(href):
    # special code 2
    print('========2=======' + href)

def do_something_condition3(href):
    # special code 3
    print('========3=======' + href)


>>> href = ''
>>> for e in l:
...     globals()['do_something_' + e](href)

Or, to model it closer to the above scenario:

success = '________processed successfully___________ ' 

def do_something_google(href):
    # special code 1
    print('========we do google-specific stuff=======')
    return success + href 

def do_something_bing(href):
    # special code 2
    print('========we do bing-specific stuff=======')
    return success + href 

def do_something_wikipedia(href):
    # special code 3
    print('========we do wikipedia-specific stuff=======')
    return success + href 


l = ['google', 'bing', 'wikipedia']

href = ''

def test(href):
    for e in l:
        if e + '.' in href:
            return globals()['do_something_' + e](href)

>>> test(href)
========we do google-specific stuff=======
'________processed successfully___________'


Further elaboration on the problem now just amounts to augment the condition list one by one and write the corresponding functions depending on the argument. The above mechanism will pick the right one thereafter.

In Python there are three things that can be considered being name of the function:

The original name of the code block

It’s stored in the f.__code__.co_name (where f is the function object). If you use def orig_name to create function, orig_name is that name. For lambas it's .

This attribute is readonly and can’t be changed. So the only way to create function with the custom name in runtime I’m aware of is exec:

(There is also more low-level way to do this that.)

The immutability of co_name actually makes sense: with that you can be sure that the name you see in the debugger (or just stack trace) is exactly the same you see in the source code (along with the filename and line number).

The __name__ attribute of the function object

It’s also aliased to func_name.

You can modify it (orig_name.__name__ = 'updated name') and you surely do on a daily basis: @functools.wraps copies the __name__ of the decorated function to the new one.

__name__ is used by tools like pydoc, that's why you need @functools.wraps: so you don't see the technical details of every decorator in your documentation. Look at the example:

Here is the pydoc output:

decorator2(f) test1 = decorated(*args, **kwargs) test2(*args, **kwargs)

With wraps there is no sign of decorated in the documentation.

Name of the reference

One more thing that can be called function name (though it hardly is) is the name of a variable or an attribute where reference to that function is stored.

If you create function with def name, the name attribute will be added to the current scope. lambda, on the other hand, just returns a new value (which also can be assigned to attribute or variable: name = lambda: None`).

Obviously you can create more than one reference to the same function and all that references can have different names.

The only way all that three things are connected to each other is the
def foo statement that creates function object with both __name__ and __code__.co_name equal to foo and assign it to the fooattribute of the current scope. But they are not bound in any way and can be different from each other:


File "", line 13, in 
File "", line 7, in orig_name


name_in_module = updated name()
Docstring here

This article was originally posted as an answer to my own Stack Overflow question. I thank other people for comments and answers, they helped me to organize my thoughts and knowledge.

Can we use a function name as a variable name?

The best suggestion is to discontinue the use of function names as variable names completely. However, in certain applications in which this is not possible, place the relevant code in a separate script and then invoke the script from the function.

Can variable name be same as function name Python?

Bottom line: you can't have two things simultaneously with the same name, be it a function, an integer, or any other object in Python. Just use a different name.

How do you call a function variable in Python?

To use functions in Python, you write the function name (or the variable that points to the function object) followed by parentheses (to call the function). If that function accepts arguments (as most functions do), then you'll pass the arguments inside the parentheses as you call the function.

What is the __ name __ variable in Python?

The __name__ variable (two underscores before and after) is a special Python variable. It gets its value depending on how we execute the containing script. Sometimes you write a script with functions that might be useful in other scripts as well. In Python, you can import that script as a module in another script.