Record of exposure by personnel is part of radiation worker’s employment record quizlet

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Terms in this set (109)

personnel dosimeter

Provides an indication of the working habits and working conditions of diagnostic imaging personnel

radiation survey instruments

Specific gas-filled radiation detectors that detect the presence of radiation and, when properly calibrated, give a reasonably accurate measurement of the exposure and or exposure rate

personnel monitoring report

Lists the deep, eye, and shallow occupational exposures of each covered person on a monthly, year-to-date, and lifetime equivalent basis.


device used for personnel monitoring of occupational exposure that contains an Al2O3 detector

second personnel monitoring device

Worn by a pregnant radiographer to monitor the equivalent dose to the embryo-fetus

Geiger-Muller meter

Device with an audible sound system that alerts the operator to the presence of ionizing radiation.

control monitor

Serves as a basis for comparison with the remaining OSL badges after they have been returned to the monitoring company for processing

proportional counter

Generally used in a laboratory setting to detect alpha and beta radiation and small amounts of other types of low level radioactive contamination

Personnel digital ionization dosimeter

A fairly new device that provides radiation workers with an immediate measurement of radiation exposure while including features such as long-term exposure tracking

ionization chamber connected to an electrometer

Used by medical physicists to perform annual standard measurements required by state, federal, and health care accreditation organizations for radiographic and fluoroscopic devices

Glow curve

A graphic plot that demonstrates the relationship of light output, or emitted thermoluminescence intensity, to temperature variation

check source

a weak, long lived radioisotope located on one side of the external surface of a GM meter that is used to verify its consistency daily

Doppler shift

apparent change in frequency of a light wave as an observer and light source move toward or away from each other

Extremity Dosimeter

TLD ring that may be used by an imaging professional as a second monitor while performing fluoroscopic procedures that require the hands to be near the primary X-ray beam

exposure monitoring of personnel

Required whenever radiation workers are likely to risk receiving 10% or more of the annual EfD limit of 50 mSv (5 rem) in any single year as a consequence of their work-related activities

Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)

Individual who receives and reviews personnel monitoring reports in a health care facility

pocket ionization chamber (pocket dosimeter)

Resembles an ordinary fountain pen but it contains a slender cylindrical (thimble) ionization chamber that measures radiation exposure

TLD analyzer

Measures the amount of ionizing radiation to which a TLD badge has been exposed

ionization chamber-type survey meter

cutie pie


Contains LiF powder or small chips, which function as a sensing material

crystalline lattice structure

A geometric arrangement of the points in space at which the atoms, molecules, or ions of a crystal occur.

Lithium fluoride (LiF)

sensing material found in TLDs

ALARA concept

Keeping radiation exposure to personnel As Low As Reasonably Achievable

Fluoroscopy, surgery, and special procedures

Areas of diagnostic radiology that produce the highest occupational radiation exposure for diagnostic imaging personnel

Thyroid shield and a protective lead apron

During high-level radiation procedures, imaging professionals are required to wear both of there items

In keeping with the ALARA concept, most health care facilities issue dosimeter devices when personnel could receive approximately _____ of the annual occupational EfD limit (50 mSv [5000 mrem]) in any month, or approximately 0.5 mSv (50 mrem)


What different filters are incorporated into the detector packet of the OSL dosimeter?

1. Al
2. Tin
3. Copper

1,2,and 3

Diagnostic imaging personnel should wear a personal dosimeter during routine operations in an imaging facility because the device provides;

1. An indication of an individual's working habits
2. An indication of working conditions in the facility
3. A way for the employer to determine whether radiation workers are actively engaged in performing a specific number of X-ray procedures during a given period

1 and 2 only

An OSL control monitor indicates:

Whether group dosimeters were exposed in transit

Historically, which of the following personnel dosimeters allowed radiation workers to determine occupational exposure received as soon as a specific radiation procedures was completed?

Pocket ionization chamber (pocket dosimeter)

Which of following instruments should be used in a laboratory setting to detect alpha and beta radiation and small amounts of other types of low level radioactive contamination?

Proportional counter

Which of the following devices is used to measure the amount of ionizing radiation to which a TLD badge has been exposed by first hearing the crystals to free the trapped, highly energized electrons and then recording the amount of light emitted by the crystals (which is proportional to the TLD badge exposure) ?

TLD analyzer

In a health care facility, a radiographer's deep, eye, and shallow occupational exposures, as measured by an exposed monitor, may be found on the:

Personnel monitoring report

When the negatively and positively charged electrodes in the pocket ionization chamber are exposed to ionizing radiation, the mechanism does which of the following?

it discharges in direct proportion to the amount of radiation to which it has been exposed

Which of the following personnel monitoring devices resembles a flash drive in appearance?

Personnel digital ionization dosimeter

radiation survey instruments measure which of the following?
1. the total quantity of electrical charge resulting from ionization of the gas
2. the rate at which an electrical charge is produced
3. luminescence

1 and 2 only

What do ionization chamber-type survey meters, proportional counters, and GM meters have in common?

Each contains a gas filled chamber

Which of the following radiation monitors is currently the most commonly used dosimeter for monitoring occupational exposure in diagnostic imaging


Which of the following are disadvantages of using a TLD as a personnel monitoring device?

1. It can be read only once because the readout process destroys the stored information

2. It is necessary to use calibrated dosimeters with TLDs

3. The initial cost is higher than that for an OSL dosimeter service

4. Lithium fluoride is used as the sensing material in the TLD

1,2, and 3 only

before a pocket ionization chamber (pocket dosimeter) is used to record radiation exposure, the quartz fiber indicator of the transparent reading scale should indicate which of the following?

Zero (0)

The OSL dosimeter uses:

an Al2O3 detector

A pocket ionization chamber resembles:

an ordinary fountain pen

Monitoring companies send a control monitor to health care facilities along with each batch of dosimeters. The control monitor should be:

Kept in a radiation free area within the imaging facility

Dosimeter readings that exceed a trigger level set by the health care facility are investigated to:

ascertain the cause of the reading

The TLD readout process:

destroys the information stored in the TLD

an ionization chamber-type survey meter is also referred to as a:

cutie pie

The increased sensitivity of the OSL dosimeter makes it ideal for monitoring employees working in low radiation environments and for:

Monitoring of pregnant workers

The RSO in a health care facility receives and reviews personnel monitoring reports to:

assess compliance with ALARA guidelines

Wearing a personnel dosimeter in a consistent location is the responsibility of the:

individual wearing the device

On termination of employment, a radiographer must receive a copy of:

His or her occupational exposure report

personnel dosimeters protect the wearer from exposure to ionizing radiation


Wearing a personnel dosimeter in a consistent location is the responsibility of the individual wearing the device


During lengthy interventional fluoroscopic procedures (ex: cardiac catheterization), some health care facilities may prefer to have diagnostic imaging personnel wear two separate monitoring devices


Cost in not a factor for health care facilities in selecting personnel dosimeters


The personnel digital ionization dosimeter does not provide an instant readout of dose info when connected to a computer via a connector such as a USB


An ionization chamber type survey meter cannot be used to measure exposures produced by typical diagnostic procedures because the exposure times are too long to permit the meter to respond appropriately


A disadvantage of the OSL dosimeter is that occupational exposure cannot be established on the day of occurrence because the dosimeter must be shipped to the monitoring company for reading and exposure determination unless the facility has an in house reader


Pocket Ionization Chambers are not commonly used in diagnostic imaging


All radiation survey meters are equally sensitive in the detection of ionizing radiation.


The ionization chamber type meter is used for radiation protection surveys


A pocket dosimeter may be worn for up to 1 year


In health care facilities that have a well structured radiation safety programs, personnel monitoring reports are received and reviewed by the RSO


A personnel dosimeter must be able to determine and record both small and large exposure in a consistent and reliable manner


The filters in an OSL dosimeter are made of lead, potassium iodide, and zinc


Ionizing radiation causes some of the physical properties of the LiF crystals in the TLD to undergo changes


When changing employment, the radiation worker must convey the data pertinent to his or her accumulated permanent equivalent dose to the new employer so that this information can be placed on file


Although on OSL dosimeter can work for up to 10 years, it is commonly worn for 2 years


Pocket Dosimeters provide no permanent legal record of exposure


Calibration is "the adjustment of a radiation survey instrument to accurately read the radiation level from a reference source"


A TLD can be read numerous times.


Humidity, pressure, and normal temperature changes do not affect TLDs


The GM detector is likely to saturate or jam when placed in a pulsed very high intensity radiation area, thereby giving a false reading


Health care facilities must maintain a record of exposure recorded by personnel dosimeters as part of each radiation worker's employment record


Area monitoring can be accomplished through the use of radiation survey instruments.


In an OSL dosimeter each filter blocks a portion of the radiation sensitive aluminum oxide and causes a different degree of attenuation for an radiation striking the dosimeter, depending on its energy


When a protective apron is worn and the personnel dosimeter is located at collar level, it provides a reading of approximate equivalent dose to the _____ gland and _____ of the occupationally exposed person

Thyroid; eyes

Radiation survey instruments for area monitoring should be calibrated _____ to meet state and federal requirements.


Personnel dosimeters include: _____ _____ luminescence dosimeters, pocket _____ chambers, ____ dosimeters, and personnel digital ionization dosimeters.

Optically stimulated; ionization; thermoluminescent

B/c many employees in a health care facility may be required to wear radiation monitors, they should be reasonably _____ to purchase and maintain


An OSL dosimeter is ____ durable, and easy to carry


The control monitor should be kept in a ____ area in an imaging facility


When changing employment, the radiation worker must convey those data pertinent to accumulated permanent _____ dose to the new employer.


Dosimeter readings that exceed a _____ level set be the health care facility are investigated to ascertain the cause of the reading.


Before use each pocket dosimeter must be _____ to a predetermined voltage so that the quartz fiber indicator shows a _____ reading.

Charged; zero

___ ___ use ionization chambers connected to ____ to perform the annual standard measurements required by state, federal, and health care accreditation organizations for radiographic and fluoroscopic devices

Medical physicists; electrometers

radiation survey instruments are not all equally ____ in detecting ionizing radiation


Because the GM meter allows for rapid monitoring, it can be used to locate a ___ radioactive source or low-level radioactive contamination


Ionization chambers can be used to measure the ____ ____ from both radiographic and fluoroscopic equipment

radiation output

Personnel monitoring ensures that ____ radiation exposure levels are kept well below the annual EfD limit


The OSL dosimeter is "read out" by using ___ ___ at selected frequencies

Laser light

pregnant diagnostic imaging personnel should be issued a ____ monitoring device to record the radiation dose to the abdomen during ____

Second; gestation

Monitoring reports list the ___ eye, and ___ occupational exposure of each person wearing the device in the facility as measured by the exposed monitor

deep and shallow

After a reading has been obtained, TLD crystals can be ___, thus making the device somewhat ____

reused / cost-effective

_____ monitors indicate whether group dosimeters were exposed in transit to or from a health care facility.


The front of the white paper packet of the OSL dosimeter may be color coded to facilitate correct ___ and ___ of the dosimeter on the body of occupationally exposed personnel

Usage and placement

A record of radiation exposure should be part of the ___ record of all radiation workers


A TLD is not effective as a monitoring device if it is not _____.


ionizing radiation causes the LiF crystals in the TLD to undergo changes in some of their ____ properties


The OSL dosimeter provides an accurate reading as low as 10 uSv (1 mrem) for X-rays and gamma ray photons with energies ranging from ___ keV to greater than ___ Mev

5; 40

All components of an OSL dosimeter are sealed inside a tamperproof ___ blister packet


How do personnel dosimeters determine occupation exposure?

By detecting and measuring the quantity of ionizing radiation to which the dosimeter has been exposed overtime.

A cutie pie can measure x-radiation and gamma radiation, and If equipped with a suitable window, what other type of radiation can this instrument measure?

Beta radiation

Some means of monitoring personnel exposure must be employed to ensure that occupational radiation exposure levels are kept well below the annual _____ dose limit.


How can the working habits and working conditions of diagnostic imaging personnel be assessed over a designated period?

Through the use of personal dosimeter

To meet state and federal regulations, _____ from personnel monitoring programs must be recorded accurately and maintained for review.


LiF functions as the sensing material in which of the following devices?


Which of the following devices are used for personal monitoring?

1. OSL dosimeter
2. TLD
3. Ionization chamber type survey meter (cutie pie)
4. Personnel digital ionization dosimeter

1,2, and 4 only

In diagnostic imaging, the increased sensitivity of the OSL dosimeter makes it ideal for monitoring employees working in low radiation environments and for ___ workers


Although an OSL dosimeter can be worn for up to 1 year, it commonly is worn for _____ to _____ months.


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