What is the time complexity of string concatenation javascript?

I am learning algorithms. And I didn't find any articles about how to calculate Time Complexity of string concatenation in JavaScript.

function concatString(str1, str2) {
  // return str1 + str2;
  // return str1.concat(str2)

We can concat strings using operator '+' or using built-in method String.prototype.concat

Which method is better? What is the Time Complexity of both methods?

  • javascript
  • string
  • time-complexity
  • string-concatenation

asked Sep 4, 2021 at 17:12

What is the time complexity of string concatenation javascript?


  • If you don't have an actual performance issue that you've determined involves string concatenation efficiency, then worrying about it is a waste of time.

    Sep 4, 2021 at 17:21

  • I am learning algorithms. And I didn't find any articles about how to calculate Time Complexity of string concatenation in JavaScript. That is why my function is such simple.

    Sep 4, 2021 at 17:26

  • @Pointy I'm going to disagree with you there - we should be encouraging mental curiosity, not punishing people for asking questions-we-feel-people-shouldnt-ask.

    Sep 4, 2021 at 17:34


I was going through this piece of code from an algorithms books and something doesn't look clear

What is the time complexity of string concatenation javascript?

Please ignore the spelling errors,

How does 0(x + 2x + nx) reduce to o(xn^2) ?

My analogy, assuming x is a constant 1 and n is 2 (x + 2x) == 3 assuming x is a constant 1

From the book (x2^2) == 4 assuming x is a constant 1

Am i right ?

asked Feb 26, 2020 at 7:34

What is the time complexity of string concatenation javascript?




How does O(x + 2x + nx) reduce to O(xn^2) ?

O(x + 2x + nx) will be reduced to o(xn). But as your text says O(x + 2x + ... + nx) will be reduced to o(xn^2). (So if you have n = 5 for example you have the time complexity O(1x + 2x + 3x + 4x + 5x) which is equal to O(15x).) The time complexity of 1 + 2 + ... + n is O(n^2) (since 1 + 2 + ... + n = (n^2+n)/2, see my comment below). But in your case every addend in the sum must be multiplied with x, so you have O(x*n^2) as final result.

answered Feb 26, 2020 at 8:38

What is the time complexity of string concatenation javascript?


2161 silver badge3 bronze badges




The author did not say


He said

$$x+2x+\cdots+nx=\frac{n(n+1)}2x$$ so that


If you don't know the meaning of the asymptotic notation $O$, read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_O_notation.

Notice that $1+2=\dfrac{2\cdot(2+1)}2$ is quite right.

answered Aug 14 at 19:12

Yves DaoustYves Daoust

5,23512 silver badges30 bronze badges



Here, Big $ O $ notation refers to the asymptotic upper bound to the running time as a function of input length. A formal definition and reference can be found here. As $ n^2 $ is a satisfactory upper bound to the function $ \frac{n(n+1)}{2} $ , the running time which comes out as $ \frac{n(n+1)}{2} $ can be expressed as $ O(n^2) $

answered Feb 26, 2020 at 8:59

What is the time complexity of string concatenation javascript?


4993 silver badges10 bronze badges



We can't say what the time complexity is, because it depends on the implementation. There is no good reason why making a copy of a string with n characters should take O(n), and not O(1). Actually, implementors of standard libraries and languages will work hard to make sure the time is O(1).

I would be reasonably sure that equivalent code in Swift would run in O (xn). At least if we replace "sentence = sentence + w" with "sentence.append(w)", and a clever compiler can do that.

answered Jul 25, 2020 at 12:27


25.9k30 silver badges40 bronze badges


Is string concatenation slow?

Each time strcat calls, the loop will run from start to finish; the longer the string, the longer the loop runs. Until the string is extensive, the string addition takes place very heavy and slow.

Is concatenation faster than join?

Doing N concatenations requires creating N new strings in the process. join() , on the other hand, only has to create a single string (the final result) and thus works much faster.

What is JavaScript string concatenation?

In JavaScript, concat() is a string method that is used to concatenate strings together. The concat() method appends one or more string values to the calling string and then returns the concatenated result as a new string.

What is the best way to concatenate strings in JavaScript?

The best and fastest way to concatenate strings in JavaScript is to use the + operator. You can also use the concat() method.