Where are Sager laptops made?

Just gonna say I have a G73 from about...2 years ago now? The thing feels premium, not like 10 grand premium but its certainly better than some plastic ones I've used. The cooling is amazing, under full load playing the latest games I can actually hear myself talking. The fans are never supersonic and doesn't bother my ears at all.

The design of the chassis is what caught my attention. Then it was the cooling, which is still awesome after 2 years of my abuse lugging it around everywhere. When it comes time for me to purchase a replacement for whatever reason, I'll be going straight for another G7x series.

I love it that much. I've looked into Sager and the other stuff. Cooling on them still bugs me, they're much more traditional and my experience with powerful laptops is that they tend to get very hot at certain spots unless the cooling is amazing. My old Asus N80vn had a vent on the right hand corner, every time my hand went near the keys around there like backspace I can feel the heat...that is something I've never experienced on my G73, even in hot summer days with no AC in the room.

Plus which guy doesn't want a laptop in the shape of a stealth fighter?!?